Top of the big era

Chapter 1096 Zhou Buqi's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

In the evening, Grand Hyatt Tokyo.

presidential suite.

This is the most expensive room Zhou Buqi has ever lived in in Asia, 1 million yen a night. Other presidential suites are spacious and atmospheric, giving people a feeling of comfort. It's different here, it's tight, but it's very delicately designed, very Japanese culture. Many of the decorations are not dared to be touched, and they are probably antiques.

Zhou Buqi sat on the kang.

Well, maybe it is more appropriate to call it tatami or floor. In front of you is a large square table of pure wood color carved with exquisite patterns.

He is logging into a website on a laptop.

YikYak,, and Nicocico, which has just completed a revision.

In terms of design style, it is still not the same as the website style of China and the United States.

There is a very tight feeling.

Just like this presidential suite, it is exquisite, compact, and not grand at all.

It seems that "repression" has become something deeply rooted in Japanese culture.

For example, the two wooden chairs next to them are about 30 centimeters high. Zhou Buqi tried it out, and found it inexplicable. Isn't this just a small bench, the shape of sitting on it... It's like squatting, but it's designed like a boss chair with a big backrest.

At this moment, Wen Zhixia walked over quietly with bare feet in pajamas, sat down beside him, and leaned gently on his shoulder.


"Well, I slept too much on the plane, and I just coaxed her to sleep."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Zhou Buqi turned his head and kissed her on the cheek.

Wen Zhixia glanced at him charmingly, and sighed softly, "I'm in a bad mood."

Zhou Buqi was surprised, "What's the matter?"

Wen Zhixia complained: "It's not what you guys said on the plane, I feel so stressed."

Zhou Buqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What pressure do you have? You are not from the technology industry. You have switched from Shengshi Bicycle to teaching and training a long time ago."

"I have family and country feelings, can't I?"


Wen Zhi Xia Bai glanced at him, and sighed softly, "I feel sorry for you, and I feel that what you have to do is very difficult. But the common people don't know, you may be scolded if you don't do well. I used to be, there are always experts When it comes to operating systems and chips, I thought it would be easy. I didn’t expect it to be more difficult than manned spaceflight.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and held her in his arms, "It's up to people to do it, someone has to do it, right? Besides, I like to do it too."

"Huh?" Wen Zhixia's eyebrows moved slightly, "You like it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Different people have different pursuit levels. When you reach a certain level, low-level pursuits will not bring you happiness. You need to have a higher need to satisfy yourself. When I first started my business, making money was the greatest pleasure. Now it’s different, making money can no longer bring me much enjoyment.”

Wen Zhixia looked annoyed and rolled his eyes.

Zhou Buqi thought she didn't believe it, "Really, I didn't lie to you. I just want to do something real now to make my life more meaningful. I don't seek fame or profit, I just want peace of mind. Alas, your level is too low, I guess I can’t understand it. I don’t blame you, many business leaders I know only stay at the level of need to make money. This is normal, and I am not normal.”

Wen Zhixia said angrily: "Come on, you think I don't know about Marlowe's theory of needs?"


"The hierarchy of needs is a total of five levels, from low to high are physiological needs, safety needs, emotional needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs."

Zhou Buqi nodded again and again, "Yes, you are right, I am now at the level of self-realization. I don't care about low-level needs anymore."

Wen Zhixia gritted his teeth and said, "If you have a woman on your left and a woman on your right, it can't be at the level of emotional needs, right? Baoshan, Linlin and the others may be at this level. The others can only be the lowest level of physical needs. level."

"Ahem, not contradictory."

"Didn't you say you don't care about the level of low-level needs?"

"This..." Zhou Buqi reacted quickly, and immediately thought of the reason, "I'm different from others. Other rich people have many women around them. That's the real level of physiological needs, which is very low. I don't Again, I'm on the level of self-actualization in that regard."

"What's the reason?"

"Three generations of my family are single-passed! I have to realize the continuation of the family blood. Isn't this self-realization? I'm not doing it for some physical... Alas, can I do it?"

Wen Zhixia was angry, annoyed and funny, and reached out to pinch him.

I thought he was ridiculous.

Zhou Buqi glared and said: "Well, you Wen Zhixia, dare to fight with your husband? Lie on the table and watch how I beat you! If you don't beat me for three days, you will go to the house to expose the tiles!"

Knowing that he was deliberately messing around and changing the subject, Wen Zhixia snorted softly and asked, "Are you going to the negotiation tomorrow?"

Zhou Buqi heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "Well, I'm going. Not only is it a matter of mobile phone orders, but also to cooperate with the two major operators in Internet business, and bundle YikYak and UC browser. Well, plus You should also have UC Beauty and UC Mobile Assistant.”

Wen Zhixia raised his head to look at him, "If the negotiation is successful, will the Internet business in Japan be stable?"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Almost! Carriers are still powerful, and buying mobile phones here is usually free, so you can't get around the carrier."


"Well, the mobile phone is free, but it needs to be bundled with a 3-year or 5-year package. The phone bill is used instead of the mobile phone. The three major operators in Japan are more monopolized than those in China, and many competition methods are impossible in China."

"Really?" Wen Zhixia was curious, "Tell me."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "The more you know, the more painful you will be, and the less you know, the more peaceful the years will be. Are you sure you want to know more? So much talk on the plane has already made you feel bad. "

Wen Zhixia said lightly: "My level of needs is not low, okay? I like to jump out of my comfort zone, otherwise I wouldn't be able to follow you, and I will tolerate you like this, one on the left and one on the right."

Zhou Buqi rubbed his nose and quickly changed the subject.

This is Mr. Wen.

I'm going to marry her, and I'm still so jealous.

"The mobile phones of the operators are all specially customized, and Japan is even more special, even the card slot must be locked. Like in China, China Mobile's mobile phone can be used with a China Unicom card. This is not the case in Japan. The mobile phone bought in Softbank , you can only use Softbank’s card, not other operators’ cards.”

"This is too much a violation of consumer rights."

"But you can make money. And this is a developed country with high spending power. Generally, you get a mobile phone for free and sign a 3-year contract with the operator. After 3 years, you can throw away the old mobile phone and replace it with a new one. , it’s free anyway.”

Wen Zhixia couldn't help but laugh, "What's free? Isn't it included in the phone bill? Take consumers for fools. Listen to what you said, domestic operators are pretty good."

Zhou Buqi stretched his waist, "Anyway, it's good for us. Looking at the situation, the Apple store will not be able to open for a few years, and the iPhone can only be sold through Softbank. With this pressure, the other two major operators must Hug our thighs tightly."

Wen Zhixia asked: "What about Nokia? What about Motorola? I checked this afternoon, and it seems that Nokia is going to launch a touch-screen phone with no buttons in October."

"Really? Resistive screen?"

"I don't know."

"It should be a resistive screen. The original iPhone had so many problems, and they laughed at how bad the capacitive screen was every day. Their material selection must be a resistive screen."

This is the advantage of Zhou Buqi.

With the advent of the iPhone, touch-screen phones became popular. However, there are many debates between capacitive screens and resistive screens. The capacitive screen of the original iPhone had too many problems.

Traditional mobile phone manufacturers choose resistive screens, and they also need a stylus.

Zhou Buqi firmly stood on the side of the iPhone and told Zhou Shaoning to overcome difficulties, even if there were many problems after the mobile phone was produced, he had to make a capacitive screen.

Only capacitive screens can better advance to multi-touch.

Moreover, the capacitive screen is more convenient to operate. Just touch it lightly, and the resistive screen needs to have pressing force to transmit the signal. Resistive screens also need to be constantly calibrated, and capacitive screens are completely unnecessary.

With the popularity of the second-generation iPhone, it is estimated that next year, all flagship phones will be replaced with capacitive screens.

In the current mobile phone market, its own Aster mobile phone can compete with the iPhone.


The next day, Zhou Buqi, Zhou Shaoning, Tang Binchen and others met with people from NTT_DoCoMo, the largest operator in Japan.

Tang Binchen was quite touched.

I think Boss Zhou is really amazing!

In the past few months, he has visited many times to get in touch with NTT and reach some cooperation, so that UC Browser and YikYak can be bundled into their services.

But people don't pay attention at all, and it's useless to be recommended.

After visiting the door several times, I only saw a small class leader, not even the vice president.

This time is different.

It was the president who came forward in person, and brought seven or eight core executives with him, who bowed and bowed as soon as they met, very polite. Moreover, when Tang Binchen said that he had been rejected three times in the past, the seven or eight executives present, all gray-haired old men, stood up collectively and bowed to apologize.

That attitude is truly humble.

Relying on a mobile phone, he easily grasped the other party.


No way, with the emergence of the iPhone, Japan's mobile Internet pattern will be completely rewritten. In the past, it was a closed mobile Internet with the i-Mode model driven by NTT.

Softbank, a catfish, did not follow the rules and sold the country for profit. It introduced the iPhone, which directly destroyed the past market order.

In fact, this is not NTT's fault.

The market first in any industry is often the same. Be conservative, keep your first position, and innovate with restraint. Seeing the second and third innovations, the effect is good, and then imitate and follow up immediately, and continue to maintain our number one position.

In the current Japanese operator market, Softbank has innovated and introduced the iPhone.

As the market leader, NTT can only follow up.

If the follow-up path fails, it doesn’t matter, you can go back and continue to develop the i-Mode mode, which is still the first in the market. If the follow-up path is successful, it will not allow Softbank to overtake, and it can still be the number one in the market.

There is only one target that can be chosen, and that is the first Android phone jointly launched by Google and Ziweixing Electronics - Aster Ziyuan mobile phone.

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