Top of the big era

Chapter 1133 Down to earth

Zhou Buqi has returned to Beijing.

Zhang Yiming, Xu Liangjie, Fu Hongliang and others were called to hold a small meeting to convey the results of the southward work.

At first, they were a little surprised.

Isn't Boss Zhou going south this time to solve the matter of the Ziweixing International Building of the Shanghai Branch? If you want to communicate this kind of thing, you can just send it to the document directly. As for calling everyone here?

Isn't this a waste of everyone's time?

No matter how bad it is, you should discuss it with He Yang, he is in charge of this stall.

When Zhou Buqi said Rainbow Helo, everyone's complexion changed slightly and they became astonished.

"Rainbow Helo joined?" Fu Hongliang couldn't sit still with excitement, "How did it go so smoothly?"

Zhang Yiming couldn't believe it either, and asked suspiciously, "You took the initiative to talk to them?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hands and explained with a smile: "Shi Yuzhu helped to connect the line. 51 has been in a lot of trouble recently. Rainbow Helo is a life-saving product. As I said earlier, they are more anxious than us."

Zhang Yiming said: "Even if this is the case, it will not be easy to negotiate. Especially now that the plan to transform Helo is still in the internal demonstration stage. It is really surprising to let Rainbow Helo join in the background of confidentiality and no equity relationship."

Zhou Buqi said sternly: "Yes, it was not easy. In order to facilitate this transaction, I also sacrificed a lot."

"How many?"

"A few hundred million."


Everyone was shocked.

It took several hundred million to promote Rainbow Helo to join the plan to change Helo? That's a big loss! Boss Zhou, what do you think?

Zhou Buqi felt that his outspokenness had to be corrected, so he coughed lightly, "The hundreds of millions I'm talking about are not money."

Xu Liangjie reacted quickly, and said with a smile: "You mean the exhausted effort, the burned brain cells?"

Zhou Buqi laughed, "Yes! Old Xu, you still understand me!"

Xu Liangjie didn't compliment him either, and said plainly: "You are the big boss, so you should work harder. If you don't work hard and set an example, who among these people will work hard for you?"

Obviously, his business management ideas are completely different from He Yang's.

Zhou Buqi has summed up his historical experience——

Xu Liangjie is the thinking of a military commander, who pursues the idea of ​​taking the lead and sharing the joys and sorrows. He mounts his horse and raises a knife to kill the enemy chieftain, which can calm the army's morale;

In the early days of starting a business, Zhou Buqi was a military commander. He deployed himself and commanded several key battles in which he won more with less and achieved great success. Now it is transforming towards the direction of civil servant commander.

Zhou Buqi was too lazy to discuss with these technicians about the idea of ​​enterprise management, and continued to talk about Rainbow Helo, "They have promised to pay a fee to obtain the permission to modify Helo. How much will you charge? discuss."

Zhang Yiming asked, "How is their cash flow?"

Zhou Buqi thought for a while, and said slowly: "I remember that in April, the giant wanted to invest 51, and the price at that time was that the giant invested 55 million U.S. dollars, accounting for 25% of the shares. The giant is a strategic investment, and the price is relatively suppressed. From this point of view, the market valuation of 51 is around 300 million U.S. dollars. This round of financing, I guess, is about the same.”

Zhang Yiming nodded, "Now is the first step of the Helo plan. I don't think the charges should be too high. But when designing the product, long-term benefits must be considered. It is easy to reduce the price and difficult to increase the price. Now that the price is low, the future plan If it is done, if you want to push the price up, it will attract complaints from developers.”

"Do you have any idea?"

"Da Liang just discussed with me yesterday. We think that Helo should have a relatively uniform set of standards in terms of charging mode, which can be used as a reference with the standard of Helo's quick login service."

After Zhang Yiming finished speaking, Fu Hongliang followed, and then said: "The charging standard setting of the magic reform Helo may attract a lot of criticism. This is a new thing. If a new charging standard is adopted, it will not be easy. Persuade 51. How about connecting with the Helo quick login service.”

"Oh?" Zhou Buqi was very interested, "More details?"

Fu Hongliang said: "Helo's fast login service mainly has two standards. If it is a website or general software login, it charges 1-2 cents each time. If it is a quick login for games or web games, the fee will be even higher. Some, between 5 points and 1 hair. The magic modification Helo can be characterized as a general software login.”

"Charge per use?"

"Yes, according to my statistics, the current Rainbow Helo has about 1.05 million DAUs per day, and about 1.4-1.5 million logins. If it is a one-cent fee, it will cost about 15,000 per day."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "It's a little less."

Zhang Yiming said with a smile: "It's quite a lot. Now it's only 1 million DAU. But 51's DAU can reach 13 million. If Rainbow Helo's DAU is 10 million, we will have an income of at least 100,000 a day."

100,000 per day, less than 40 million a year.

Not too much either.

Moreover, Rainbow Helo may not have a chance to reach 10 million daily users. 51 Space is already a product that is behind the times. Even if you have money and traffic, the product will be in vain. Judging from the reckless style of the 51 group, lack of delicate product design and solutions to user pain points, I am afraid that they will die within two years.

Rainbow Helo can only be an experiment, and the hope of a successful sample of Magic Helo is still to be placed on YY.

Zhang Yiming went on to say: "Don't forget, the main purpose of Rainbow Helo is to establish a flow reservoir for 51 Space, and to link 51 Space and Rainbow Helo. That is to say, through Rainbow Helo, you can directly log in to 51 Space, which is equivalent to One quick login service. You can also charge another 1 cent.”

Zhou Buqi's reaction was relatively flat, but he didn't object, "Well, if you think it's okay, then try it."

This idea of ​​charging uniformly for Helo and quick login service looks good, but it is limited by the times and only suitable for the PC Internet era.

In the era of mobile Internet, Helo only charges 1 cent per login, which is a bit low, and the price needs to be raised. The quick login fee of 1 cent each time is a bit high, and the fee needs to be reduced.

More importantly, the counting mode of this kind of login times has also changed... When you log in on the PC side, every time the computer is turned off, it can be counted as the end of the login. The mobile phone is different. The mobile phone is often not turned off, and many commonly used apps are always hung in the background. Log in once and use it for seven days? This is too bad.

However, Zhou Buqi is far away from the product now, and he is not sure that his thinking is correct. Let Zhang Yiming lead the team to do it.


In the afternoon, accompanied by Shen Xiangyang, Xu Liangjie, Wang Xiaochuan, Zhou Feng, Zhou Shaoning, Li Yinan and others, Zhou Buqi went to Tsinghua University and met with several principals.

The main topic is the direction of microelectronics research.

Several academicians in this field attended the meeting, and they talked about the status quo of the domestic semiconductor field.

Very sad.

It is said that the military technology team of the national team joined forces with Fudan a few years ago to develop our country's own 486 chip. A scientific research team of hundreds of people was organized, but it has not been developed for several years, and the final results are not satisfactory, so we can only continue to purchase from abroad.

You know, the 486 chip was the chip technology in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and it was Intel's chip that ruled the world for PCs. Technology giants such as Founder, Lenovo, and Tsinghua Unigroup all thought about tackling difficulties, but they either ended before they started, or they gave up halfway, and all failed. Then the military team came on and lost too.

Then, there were Ark chips and Hanxin-1, which were popular a few years ago, and they both caused big scandals and squandered the country's funds.

Academician Li from the Institute of Microelectronics made a suggestion, saying that to make chips right now, don't be so ambitious, don't think about avoiding European and American technological achievements and patents and start from scratch from the direction of instruction set and architecture.

It is still necessary to improve and develop the scientific and technological achievements of foreign chip companies. Don't shout some unrealistic slogans, start from the industry in a down-to-earth manner, and study ARM thoroughly first.

First figure it out based on ARM, and then look for opportunities to get rid of ARM.

Zhou Buqi immediately resonated, this is the right way.

Huawei's Kirin chip uses the ARM architecture.

In fact, it is not just Huawei. The high-end general-purpose chips for future mobile phones will all be built on the foundation of ARM.

The four major high-end chip giants, Apple, Qualcomm, Samsung, and Huawei, all use the ARM architecture.

The ARM architecture is the core components of a set of chips designed by ARM based on the ARM instruction set developed by itself - CPU and GPU.

This is the most difficult part of chip design. ARM company packs it directly, and other companies can use it directly.

Other companies spend money to buy licenses, and can directly use the developed CPU and GPU to carry out some other peripheral designs and develop their own products.

There is a downside here.

The ARM instruction set is open source and free. To use the ARM architecture, you have to pay, which is very expensive.

Qualcomm prides itself on being very strong, and believes that it has the strength to get rid of the ARM architecture and study its own architecture based on the instruction set. After organizing a technical team and working hard for more than two years, it was actually researched. However, the result was not satisfactory. The performance of chips equipped with their own architecture is far inferior to that of ARM architecture chips, so they gave up.

But Apple succeeded.

Apple's A-series bionic chips use its own architecture, and its performance far exceeds the original ARM architecture. It probably means that ARM developed a set of languages, and then Apple used the ARM language to argue with ARM and defeated ARM.

That's one of the reasons why the iPhone's profit margins are so high.

Other people's chips are more expensive. Apple's self-developed chips do not need to pay licensing fees, and the cost is lower. The chip is often the most expensive component in a mobile phone.

Even if Apple's technical level is so high, it can't develop its own instruction language. It needs to use ARM's instruction set...

In this regard, Ziweixing can't be too ambitious, and must take every step steadily.

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