Top of the big era

Chapter 1137 Great Evil

Many times, you have to believe in fate.

Zhou Buqi asked Liang Jing to help with a calculation, which showed that it was a big murderer, and he really got into trouble. But he just took it as a joke and didn't care. I specially bought a flower basket to celebrate the opening of Aunt Xue's new beauty salon.

Aunt Xue has no relatives, because she was pregnant with Xue Baoshan early and disregarded her family's opposition, so she cut off contact with her family. Now, her relatives are Xue Baoshan and Zhou Buqi.

Her career has improved, and Zhou has to show up for both emotion and reason.

Then something went wrong and was photographed by a passerby.

In fact, there was nothing special about it, except that Zhou Buqi handed over the flower basket, and Aunt Xue took it with a smile on her face, looking proud.

This is the disadvantage of Zhou Buqi's acceptance of media reports.

The latest edition of "Southern People" has been released, and the cover character is Zhou Buqi, wearing a black suit and white shirt, with Erlang's legs crossed chicly.

The photographer's shooting angle is very good. He chose the angle of view from bottom to top, which made his whole person very grand, with a feeling of a ruler.

The interview about Zhou Buqi is the most important article in this issue.

In the article, titles such as "The Richest Man", "College Entrepreneur", and "The World's Richest Young Man Under 23" were even used to gain attention.

There are also a few photos, a group photo of Zhou Buqi and Zhang Chaoyang, with the headline "Handover between the old and new generations of Internet entrepreneurs".

In the photo, Lao Zhang is the background board. After simple coloring and cropping of the photo, Zhou Buqi's personal image is set off even more.

"Southern People" has a very high sales volume and is regarded as one of the best-selling magazines in China. It is deeply loved by white-collar workers and intellectuals.

In this way, Zhou Buqi is relatively well-known in the middle and upper class of society.

Naturally attracted the attention and pursuit of countless people.

If you meet by chance on the roadside, you may be captured casually.

Many mobile phones now have a camera function.

In this regard, Zhou Buqi has already paid attention to it. There are only two male bodyguards without a secretary. At the door of the beauty salon, he just sent a flower basket to Aunt Xue. He was welcomed into the beauty salon without saying a word. up.

But even so, the photos were also circulated on the Internet.

In fact, this is nothing.

It's not a shameful photo either. Now that Zhou Buqi has been interviewed by the media, he is ready to spread his personal photos freely on the Internet.

However, the Internet is a grocery market. There are high-end lobsters and abalones, popular carp hairy crabs, and rotten fish and shrimps thrown into the trash can.

In order to vent their dissatisfaction in real life, some people willfully spread rumors, smear, and attack social celebrities on the Internet.

The next day when Zhou Buqi went to the company, Ning Yaxian told him about it.

Zhou Buqi didn't pay much attention, picked up the phone on the desk, and called He Yang, "Old He, I went to a relative's beauty salon yesterday to deliver flower baskets, and someone photographed it and posted it on the Internet, do you know?"

"Well, I'm working on it."


"I don't think it's necessary to delete posts on the whole network. Just communicate with some major traffic websites and ask them to delete those malicious posts. You have already entered the public, and this kind of thing will only increase. .”


Zhou Buqi expressed his understanding and didn't care too much.

With Ziweixing's current status in the industry, colleagues in the industry must give face. Moreover, Ziweixing's request is not to completely delete the photos, but to delete those malicious and unfriendly remarks, which is also reasonable.

It is also a relatively common consensus in the industry that even Penguin, the biggest competitor, will actively help.

Everyone is the same, if you protect Zhou Buqi, you are protecting yourself.

I thought it was just a trivial matter, but at 10 o'clock in the morning, Zhou Buqi attended a financial meeting, and when he returned to the office, he saw Ning Yaxian's stern expression.

"What's wrong?"

"Someone is disobedient!"


"Someone not only didn't control the comments, but deliberately fanned the flames, trying to take advantage of this wave of popularity to slander you." Ning Yaxian gritted her teeth, looking extremely indignant.

Zhou Buqi was shocked, "No way? Who is it?"

Ning Yaxian said: "It's a news network called doN."

Zhou Buqi frowned.

Niche website, never heard of it!

This kind of small website, dare to mess with Ziweixing? As long as there is a real reason, Ziweixing's request to delete the post is a violation of the user's right of expression.

But Ziweixing just asked to delete malicious speeches and rumor-making comments, which is only right and proper. If you follow the law, you can sue for defamation. Even if the Internet does not have a real-name system, users cannot be sued, but platforms can be sued.

Ning Yaxian said: "This company was acquired by Thousand Oaks Group a few years ago, and the founder is Liu Ren."

"Liu Ren?"

Zhou Buqi was taken aback for a moment, feeling that the name sounded familiar.

Ning Yaxian said: "He is a well-known media person in the technology circle and has been active for many years. doN News is a niche website in the public eye, but it is well-known and influential in the technology circle."

Zhou Buqi suddenly remembered.

Liang Jing is also a well-known media person in the technology circle. When I talked to her yesterday, she seemed to have mentioned this person as her good friend.

However, the nature of this matter clearly exceeds the scope of friendship.

It is simply unrealistic to want Liang Jing to settle things through personal relationships. If personal friendship is useful, this doN news network would not dare to do this at all, there must be huge interests in it.

Let He Yang come over!

Zhou Buqi was very upset. He sat in front of the computer and logged in to this website. As expected, he saw a row of hot news highlighted in red and bold. It was very sensational. I like older women", "People are not flirtatious, and the woman who reveals the founder of Ziweixing" "The golden house hidden in the beauty salon"...

There are thousands of comments on the news.

He Yang is an executive, and he has a lot of things under his hands. He really didn't pay attention to it, and he was still at a loss when he came here. When I came to the computer and saw these news and comments, my mind buzzed.

"What website is this?"

He Yang's voice changed, his eyes were red, and he was furious, apparently he didn't realize that this kind of thing would happen again.

"Don't worry."

Zhou Buqi is very calm. After all, he is a man of two lifetimes. The current little trouble is nothing compared to the public relations crisis in the future.

The current network management is still relatively loose, allowing different voices to appear, and everyone is allowed to discuss online. The more the truth is debated, the clearer it becomes, and the lies become darker and darker. As long as it is false, it is difficult to form a climate. When discussion is no longer allowed and only one voice is allowed to spread, that is the real dilemma, and there is no room for speech even if you want to explain it.

Ning Yaxian said angrily: "Our competition with Thousand Oaks was several years ago, and now Xiaonei has dominated the college student market, and they still use this..."

"Don't slander others, it's not Thousand Oaks." Zhou Buqi waved his hand and analyzed calmly, "Although we have had unfriendly experiences with Thousand Oaks, Mr. Chen is not so nasty. He is also the big boss , he understands the truth of the rabbit dead dog cooking. It should be the doN news network's own assertion. Look at these news..."

Zhou Buqi opened several webpages in succession.


Ning Yaxian really noticed something keenly.

This kind of news website mainly relies on advertising to make money. There are usually a certain number of advertisements, and then they are arranged on each web page in pieces.

Usually, an advertisement cannot be placed on all webpages within a short period of time, and the effect will be greatly reduced, so cross-delivery is required.

But on these webpages, there are all the same advertisements - "Golden Mountain Antivirus" is free!

Ning Yaxian opened her eyes wide, unbelievable, "Is this a relationship with capital? Jinshan?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said, "Impossible, it has nothing to do with Jinshan. In order to promote their anti-virus software, Jinshan just puts advertisements on such technology websites."

He Yang nodded and agreed: "Well, Jinshan has an excellent reputation, and we are all friends in the industry. They just want to advertise. This must be the proposition of this website."

Zhou Buqi smiled plainly, "Now it's an economic crisis, and the number of advertisements has dropped sharply. Moreover, in order to maintain profitability, advertisers on the supply side are all investing in concentrated advertising, and they all invest in big companies such as Ziweixing, Netease, Sohu, and Penguin. This kind of small website must be suffering serious losses. Finally, "Golden Mountain Anti-Virus" is free, and it advertises in a large area. It is hard to get such an advertisement sheet. Of course, it must be operated well and earn more .”

"Well, that's the reason! Leverage your popularity to attract more traffic and charge more advertising fees."

He Yang thought so, and was amazed in his heart, Boss Zhou was still able to think about things so calmly and objectively at such a time, he was indeed a person who did great things.

Zhou Buqi said: "So, it's very simple to solve this matter. It's nothing more than money. Give this website some money to make up for their loss in advertising costs, and they will definitely delete the post and criticize it."

He Yang raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, "You want to pay for it?"

Zhou Buqi said coldly: "Of course not! I'm used to them this time, and I don't know how many people will come to touch porcelain next time! Now is the golden age of the Olympics and all nations come to congratulate. This is the best time! These mice cannot be tolerated." Take to the streets!"

"How to do it?"

"Contact this doN news network first to see their attitude."

In this regard, Zhou Buqi has far more insights than his contemporaries.

Sure enough, after only half an hour, He Yang responded with a calm tone: "You are right, they said they are willing to take down those rumors, but they need a public relations fee of 100,000 yuan."

"Who said that?"

"Liu Ren, the founder and president of this website."



"Okay, give me the money."

The corners of Zhou Buqi's mouth twitched slightly, feeling quite happy.

It really is the wild period of the Internet, many routines are immature, and everyone is still very stupid and naive. This time, there must be a wave of ruthlessness, killing chickens to make an example of others.

This person is a friend of Lao Zhou, and if he messed with Lao Zhou like this, the red-clothed cannon was fired by him and got in. Coincidentally, Liang Jing made a fortune teller for Liu at that time, and it seemed to be a big ominous one. In this life, it was Xiao Zhou who took the lead.

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