Top of the big era

Chapter 1147 Academic Exchange with Laomei

There is a fourth point, academic exchanges.

No matter what field of scientific research, it requires continuous communication between scientists. Only through communication, can there be a collision of ideas, a spark of inspiration, and a technological breakthrough.

However, there is a serious shortage of people in the field of integrated circuits in China, and the only remaining experts are third-rate internationally. When third-rate talents and third-rate talents are together, it is difficult to collide with first-rate inspiration.

Occasionally, one or two top-notch talents will appear so lonely, unable to find other people to communicate with, and can only think and fight alone.

This is the most serious and unsolvable problem in the domestic high-end scientific research field.

If you are in Princeton or MIT, you can find someone to chat about academic topics at any afternoon tea, and it is very likely that the person sitting opposite you will be the winner of the Nobel Prize, the Philippine Prize, or the Turing Prize.

Communication is two-way.

It is difficult for two undergraduates to discuss together, and it is difficult to generate inspiration. But if he is a Nobel laureate, he is likely to find bright spots from an undergraduate. And undergraduates can also open up a new world of cognition through instructing.

This is a question of knowledge structure and thinking level.

There is no such academic environment in any domestic university.

In order to solve this problem, the country and some key universities have been promoting plans to send talents abroad. Send out outstanding talents and let them go to foreign institutions of higher learning to continue their studies and study.

There are not only exchange programs for college students while they are in school, but also free government-sponsored overseas study programs for graduates. Even many lecturers, professors, and doctoral supervisors often get a few months of temporary academic exchange opportunities abroad.

In this direction, Tsinghua University and Peking University are at the forefront in China.

Other schools also have this kind of overseas academic exchange program, but this kind of academic exchange is equal, and you can go to what kind of school at what level. Students from Tsinghua University and Peking University can be sent to the Ivy League in the United States. Universities like Jilin University and Beike University can only be sent to some schools in Ireland and New Zealand.

After going to the American Ivy League, the academic atmosphere is good and the living conditions are good, so many people stayed. I went to some small countries such as Ireland and New Zealand, and found that the scientific research environment is not as good as that in China, and the return rate will be very high.

In a word, peer-to-peer transactions.

Universities at the level of Harvard and Princeton far surpass Tsinghua University and Peking University in terms of academic level. Why should people from Tsinghua University and Peking University be allowed to come to study and have academic exchanges?

With the strength of Ivy League, I really disdain to send students and teachers to Tsinghua University and Peking University for academic exchanges.

The reason it is allowed is the transaction.

Exchange talents for academics.

The Ivy League colleges and universities are very confident. They believe that after the academic exchange talents come to their schools, they will be infected by the environment here, and they are willing to stay and make contributions to them.

In other words, the Ivy League universities have a group of top talents from China. And the country has also learned some leading knowledge through academic exchanges, so that the rest of the talents who are willing to return to the country can bring it back.

Both sides take what they need.

If the country introduces various policies to call back all the talents who have gone out, it will be difficult for the United States to obtain talents from home, and the balance of transactions will be broken, which will easily lead to problems. At that time, the United States will inevitably severely restrict the opportunities for domestic college students to study and exchange abroad, and they can only work behind closed doors.

In addition, there can be intergovernmental cooperation to promote academic exchanges. Businesses can also play a role by giving money.

Ivy League schools are all private schools, and their annual income mainly comes from social donations.

In other words, whoever has money is the master!

If you have money, you can go to major foreign universities to study.

All kinds of second generations in the country, except Li Guoqing's son who is a genius and actually passed the exam, everyone else spent money on it. Find all kinds of reasons to send money. After giving the money, you can get a good background, and then meet world celebrities, and suddenly become a son or a lady.

It’s okay to mix diplomas with money, and of course it’s also okay to give money to buy opportunities for academic exchanges.

This is an important source of income for the Ivy.

There are also many domestic technology companies and well-known entrepreneurs donating to Ivy League universities. On the one hand, they send their own scientific research teams to study there, and on the other hand, domestic university alma maters have such needs. The alma mater is not qualified to send students to the Ivy League to study, so they can only ask famous alumni for help and ask them to donate money to buy opportunities.

Tsinghua University has a lot of assignments, but Tsinghua University is too big and has too many majors. There may be only 5-8 places allocated to Ziweixing-Tsinghua Integrated Circuit Research Center every year.

This obviously cannot meet the needs of such high-end technological research.

If Tsinghua is not strong enough, it can only be Ziwei Star.

In this regard, Zhou Buqi is more cautious.

On the one hand, there is a lack of money now.

People who donate money to the Ivy League don't like it at all, and the minimum is 100 million U.S. dollars. Projects for sensitive academic exchanges such as integrated circuits receive donations of US$300 million to US$500 million every year.

Ziweixing can't afford this money now.

Even if he could give it, Zhou Buqi would still be a little reluctant. He has the foresight and cares about his personal reputation especially. The current domestic public opinion is good, but it may not be so in a few years. Ordinary people can't understand the generous donations to foreign universities, and they might become traitors.

He doesn't want to spend money to get scolded.

"There is no rush for academic exchanges. If you can fight for it, fight for young people and young professors. That is Tsinghua University's quota. If you can get the best one, let them do it according to the favor. no way."

"We can also work hard."

"How hard?"

Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth.

Liang Jing said with bright eyes: "I heard from someone that day that you have a lot of face in Silicon Valley, and you have a good relationship with many big technology companies. Bill Gates, Larry Page , Zuckerberg are all your friends..."

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "You mean to take the corporate route?"

Liang Jing said: "That's right, academic exchange doesn't have to go to a university, it can also go to a company. Those Silicon Valley giants have their own research centers..."

Zhou Buqi was silent for a long time, then sighed, "Difficult!"


"Going to a university is for academic exchanges. Politics cannot hinder academics. This reason is high-sounding. Going to an enterprise is pure technical exchange, and the restrictions in the United States are very serious."

"That's it..."

Liang Jing was a little disappointed.

Zhou Buqi said: "If it is Internet technology, for example, those from the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University want to study in companies in Silicon Valley, we can arrange that. Internet technology is not very blocked, and we seem to have some people there to communicate with now. ? Yaxian?"

Ning Yaxian stood far away, heard this, came over, said with a smile: "Well, there are three waves of people, more than 40 in total, in Google, Microsoft and Facebook."

Zhou is not surprised, "And Microsoft?"

Ning Yaxian said: "Well, it was arranged by Shen Xiangyang, and they will only leave in June."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "It seems that we have a good relationship with Microsoft."

Ning Yaxian rolled her eyes at him, "Isn't he interested in Twitter's shares?"

"Oh, it seems to be the case." Zhou Buqi nodded, and then looked at Liang Jing, "Integrated circuits and the Internet are two fields. For enterprise-level communication, the Internet is okay, but chips are not possible. Well, What Ziweixing wants to do here is AI chips, and we can do more technical exchanges in the direction of AI with Silicon Valley."

Ning Yaxian pursed her lips and said with a smile: "The team sent by Shen Xiangyang is artificial intelligence."

"Oh good job! Haha!"

Zhou Buqi was very happy.

Speaking of domestic entrepreneurs, there are only two people who have such influence in Silicon Valley, one is Lao Ma and the other is myself. But Ali is a technological desert, and it is enough to cooperate with the domestic branch of the Silicon Valley giant.

In comparison, his weight is still heavier.

The success of investing in well-known big projects such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Admob, etc. has given Boss Zhou a firm place in Silicon Valley's reputation.

The recent Aster mobile phone has caused a sensation in Europe and the United States, and it is going to challenge Apple.

Liang Jing had a flash of inspiration, and came up with a good idea, "How about we exchange places with Tsinghua University?"

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi glanced at her, "What do you mean?"

Liang Jingdao: "Tsinghua has too many talents, not enough places, and too few students sent out. Many of them go abroad at their own expense after graduation. If they go abroad at their own expense, the chances of returning to China are greatly reduced. If they are government-sponsored, most of them will Come back. Ivy League universities have limited places, but we have such a good relationship with Silicon Valley giants, we can send some top students from the computer department to study at Microsoft or Google."

Zhou Buqi thought for a while, "Well, you can have this idea."

It is difficult for students to get access to core projects when they go to Silicon Valley to study, but even so, they can learn more than in books. Moreover, it is Silicon Valley, it is a pure English office environment, and it is a completely strange world.

In that environment, people can quickly become independent, open their horizons, gain insights, and grow faster.

Whether it is the Internet or chips, English is a must-have language. If you don't know English, you can't become the top expert in this industry.

From the perspective of cultivating talents, this model is feasible.

At least try it.

They will be sent out in July for a half-year internship, and they will return to China for the Chinese New Year in January; they will be sent out in March, and they will return to China in September to start a new semester. It's only a semester delayed. For talents of this level, they can make up for it by just flipping through the books. The little things in the classroom are of no practical value.

Liang Jingdao: "We can help Tsinghua University send a few undergraduates or masters students to communicate with large companies in Silicon Valley every year, and the cost will be borne by Ziweixing. The request is to let Tsinghua take the place of the integrated circuit major to exchange with us. Anyway, the talents cultivated are all They are students of Tsinghua University, they are not at a loss."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, this plan is feasible, and we can arrange it later. Many people go abroad for academic exchanges, and they go abroad for vacation at public expense, causing a huge waste of resources and shameful academic corruption. If Let us participate in the selection, and we can select those high-quality, young, self-motivated and marketable people."

This program is great.

If it really works, then Ziweixing has established friendship with top talents in Tsinghua University's computer and integrated circuit majors in advance.

After graduating and growing up, will joining Ziwei Star be far behind?

It doesn't matter even if you go to the United States and don't come back, Ziweixing can open a branch there.

I remember that when I was an undergraduate student, our college had 2 assignment places each year, and they went to universities in Ireland or New Zealand. The level of those two people is really high. At that time, we were doing homework projects, a team of 5 people, and it took 2 weeks to do it well. Once I was in a group with one of them, and he finished it all in 2 hours in one afternoon, and the remaining 4 of us spent the rest of the time watching his code and learning every day.

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