Top of the big era

Chapter 1163 I really look down on people

Money is not a problem, Zhou Tuhao is very rich now, and expressed his willingness to lend 500 million US dollars to Jieyu Media's US branch in his own name to settle the matter.

Xu Baihui lowered her voice and whispered, "Boss Zhou, Baoshan said that you went to the New York financial market to do big things and make a lot of money?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at her, "What do you think?"

Xu Baihui pursed her lips, "I must have earned it, you are so good."

"It's good to know."

"How much did you earn?"



"It's enough anyway."

Xu Baihui curled her lips and said, "Then you just lent me 500 million US dollars? Fox's case, at least 150 million US dollars? Plus Marvel's super big contract, 500 million US dollars is not enough?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Money begets money, 13 movies, at least it will take 6-7 years to finish filming. After such a long time, you have already earned the follow-up funds. This is a long-term meal ticket."

Xu Baihui hesitated for a moment, and said hesitantly: "Since it is a long-term meal ticket, why is it only 6-7 years?"


"If Marvel's comic movie is successful, it is guaranteed to make a lot of money. Just like "Iron Man", which has a global box office of 600 million U.S. dollars, Marvel can get at least 200 million U.S. dollars in box office. Through the box office It can pay back. It takes 2-3 years to operate other channels, and it can make a net profit of at least 500 million U.S. dollars.”

"Yes, Marvel will not lack money in the future."

This is also something that Zhou Buqi admired Jobs very much. When Disney launched the acquisition of Marvel, it was the intermission period after the financial tsunami and before the release of "Iron Man 2". Marvel was struggling on the line of life and death, which was an excellent bargain hunting point in time.

Disney acquired Pixar Studios for US$7.4 billion; Disney acquired Lucas Studios for US$4 billion; Disney acquired Marvel Studios, which has thousands of IPs, for US$4.2 billion.

If the acquisition is initiated after the release of "Iron Man 2", the acquisition price will definitely be higher than that of Pixar.

However, the situation has changed now.

Boss Zhou entered the venue early and signed a platter investment contract with Marvel, which can be regarded as a share of the pie.

Xu Baihui tentatively said: "Marvel is not short of money, after this platter contract is over, will it be difficult for them to renew the contract?"

Zhou Buqi let out a "huh".


The combination of "Disney + Marvel" makes it impossible for Marvel's superhero movies to fail. Since there is no risk, there is no need for outsiders to participate in dividends.

Xu Baihui curled her lips and said, "What kind of long-term meal ticket is this? Since you are so rich, you should start with equity. With shares and becoming a director, that is the real long-term meal ticket. Marvel's foreign debt now exceeds 400 million US dollars. How difficult it is to operate. You pay for financing, and they will definitely agree.”

Zhou Buqi blinked.

Well, financing Marvel is a good choice!

Compared with the time when Disney acquired Marvel next year, now is a good time to buy the bottom, because "Hulk" is still in global release, the box office is not as good as expected, and the market is full of negative voices.

It is impossible to acquire wholly-owned funds, but the success of financing is very high.

"Financing in such a traditional industry will be very complicated, not as simple as financing a new start-up company in Silicon Valley."

"Didn't we find the Goldman Sachs team and ask them to help! Their vice presidents are here, so let's talk about platter investment, overkill!"

"Well, you can consider it."

Zhou Buqi agreed with this suggestion, and went back to have a good chat with the people from Goldman Sachs to assess the complexity of the transaction.

In the evening, there was a grand party.

The host of the party was David Lind, the big boss of Universal Pictures, and all the big and famous figures in Hollywood were present at the meeting. Except for some Sony, Warner, Paramount, Legendary Pictures and other company executives, the stars attending the meeting are almost all acquaintances, Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, George Clooney, Meryl Stella Tripp, Angelina Jolie and others.

Among them is a little beauty, Amanda Seyfried, who was seriously introduced to Zhou Buqi by Mr. David Lind, saying that she is the supporting actress of the movie "Mamma Mia" which is currently showing. Came here with Meryl Streep...

Zhou kept calm.

Beauty trap?


Too underestimated someone Zhou.

As a result, this night, Zhou Buqi was entangled, and Amanda was inseparable from him, and there were some physical collisions and frictions from time to time... This European and American figure is really explosive!

Not only the blond Yanma, but also the executives of the major film companies were enthusiastic, and they were all looking forward to cooperating with Zhou Tuhao.

Now, the news has been released.

Zhou Tuhao will randomly select 8 films from Relativity Media at a price of 200 million US dollars to complete the deal.

Don't think about it, he must be picking a commercial blockbuster.

Commercial blockbusters often mean the global market.

These days, the box office share of domestic imported products is 13%. If it is a co-production, you can get 43% of the share. The gap is particularly large.

At present, the standards for domestic co-productions are still very low, and there will be stricter requirements for co-productions only after the signing of the "Memorandum of Understanding between China and the United States" in 2012. Now as long as there is a certain percentage of Chinese investment and a few small supporting roles, it can meet the requirements of co-productions.

Another point.

The operating mode of Theory of Relativity is very advanced, and it is easier to get money from Wall Street. Therefore, the theory of relativity has great confidence, and there are many requirements for platter investment.

In addition to the profit sharing according to the copyright ratio, each film that Relativity Media participates in will also give them a "commission", which is a production fee of 1 million US dollars and a 2% gross profit dividend. With this clause alone, Relativity Media can earn tens of millions of dollars in revenue every year.

If you cooperate with Jieyu Media, there will be no such bullying terms.

With such a dual background, Hollywood giants are looking forward to cooperating with Jieyu Media.

Relativity Media has great influence, and its partners include Universal, Sony Columbia, and more than 60 films from Warner, Lions Gate, Summit Entertainment and other companies.

Zhou Tuhao only picked 8 movies, which 8 movies should he choose?

This is very selective.

The purpose of tonight's party is to establish friendship and try to get Zhou Tuhao to choose his own movie project.

Zhou Tuhao was a little dizzy.

Everyone is trying their best to recommend their own products, including famous works, such as Universal's "Fast and Furious". Coincidentally, Universal is also working hard to develop this series into the domestic market. It is much better to cooperate with Jieyu Media than Relativity Media...

After finally getting rid of the follower Amanda, Zhou Buqi found an excuse to go to the bathroom.

This is a private villa.

Everyone socializes on the first floor, and goes to the second floor to communicate alone. The second floor is the guest room, and the third floor is the master room, which is inconvenient.

Zhou Buqi went up to the second floor, and then faintly heard some strange movements.


Zhou Buqi's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, when passing by the door of a certain bedroom, the voice became clear. The mixed sound of men and women could be called the collision of soul and flesh.

Zhou Buqi shook his head again and again, very contemptuous.



The miasma!

Looking at the door, the door was tightly closed, which is a pity.

"Mr. Zhou?"


Zhou Buqi was taken aback, and quickly avoided the door. Looking back, she was a thin and tall girl. This fair really amazing, like a work of art with a knife and an axe. As if carved out, all the facial lines are so smooth, without any extra decoration.

It is simply the ultimate in contour beauty.

A little familiar.

What's her name?

"Mr. Zhou, I'm Kristen, Kristen Stewart, an actress."

"Oh, hello." Zhou Buqi remembered faintly, and smiled, "Miss Stuart, what's the matter?"

"When you are choosing a film, can you choose my film?"


"The film I starred in, "Twilight", the box office of the first part is very good. The sequel will be released next year, and the post-production will be done soon. But we have a big difference of opinion with Relativity Media. Well... this It's a small company called Summit Entertainment, and Relativity Media wants to manipulate us."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

"The Twilight Saga" is a big hit movie series, it has made so much money, Relativity Media has such a big influence, and Summit Entertainment is a small independent film company, so it is bound to be oppressed. This is the norm in Hollywood, and independent studios have a hard time surviving.

At this time, the tone of voice in the room raised a bit. It is estimated that the eating and drinking men and women in the room are too anxious, they can't wait to go to bed, so they practice at the door.

Kristen Stewart bit her lip, "Mr. Zhou, let's talk in the house."

Zhou Buqi didn't think much, and went with her.

As a result, as soon as she entered the room, she locked the door behind her, squatted half-kneeled at his feet, reached out and grabbed his belt, her blue eyes flashed with a seductive style, she raised her head to look at him, the corners of her mouth slightly hold in mouth.

"Miss Stewart, what do you mean?"

""Twilight" is very important to me, Mr. Zhou, I am willing to serve you..."

"Ma'am, you are mistaken."

Zhou Buqi was sweating profusely, quickly took two steps back, and stretched out his hand to pull her up again.

This American girl is really bold and unrestrained.

Didn't you say go into the house and talk about things? Why did you go down the third road?

What a worry!

Those Hollywood elites downstairs regard themselves as stupid local tyrants from Asia who can be coaxed at will. Now here comes another beautiful actress who thought her private life was as chaotic as theirs!

What a contempt!


When a man goes out, he has to protect himself.

Although the female star is good, she can't be greedy. It's better than anything else to have a good sleep with her little secretary in her arms. Caring and gentle, but also safe and reliable.

The next morning, several groups of people came.

This was what Zhou Buqi requested last night. He asked all parties to send over the scripts, and he would read them one by one and select 8 film projects from them.

The most concerned, of course, is Warner.

This is the biggest giant in Hollywood right now.

After searching for a long time, there was no script sent by Warner.

Xu Baihui made a phone call and communicated for a while, but she was very helpless, "Warner will not participate!"

"What's wrong?"

"Warner has found a new investor. It seems to be an Australian rich man named James Parker. He is willing to invest 450 million US dollars to participate in Warner's next 75 films. Together with Legendary Pictures, Warner's crisis has passed. "

"Damn!" Zhou Buqi was a little annoyed, "It's a good thing I talked so much with people from Warner yesterday! With this time, I might as well find a female celebrity to study the physiological structure of European and American women in the bedroom!"

Xu Baihui said contemptuously, "I'll tell Baoshan later!"

Zhou Buqi laughed, "Just kidding, you don't know my self-control. It's better without Warner, and our workload will be smaller."

Without Warner, the main thing is to watch Universal.

Mainly looking for big productions with an investment of more than 100 million US dollars, the first choice is "Fast and Furious". Fortunately, there are two, one is "Fast and Furious 4" and the other is "Fast and Furious 5".

Then there are "Robin Hood" with an investment of 200 million U.S. dollars, "Public Enemy" and "Meet Your Father-in-Law 3" with an investment of 100 million U.S. dollars... The selection is very simple. Any movie that is not impressive to Zhou Buqi is not a good movie.

However, "Meet Your Father-in-Law 3" can participate.

It's a comedy that fits with the current economic situation. Moreover, this is the third sequel, and a fixed audience has been formed, so it is difficult to lose money.

"By the way, pick this one, cartoon."

Xu Baihui listed a script alone.

Because they are all in English, Zhou Buqi didn’t know what movie it was for a while, “Animation? The investment is only 69 million U.S. dollars? Let’s pay 200 million U.S. dollars to buy the rights to a platter of 8 movies. The price is fixed, of course, the more expensive it is.” The more cost-effective it is."

Xu Baihui said: "Didn't you say that strategy is more important."

Zhou Buqi glanced at her, "You want to make cartoons?"

Xu Baihui nodded lightly, "The level of domestic animation is too low. Apart from creativity, it is the process and production process. So many animation industrial parks have been created in China, and they have all become real estate projects. They can't do it, we have to rely on us." .”

Zhou Buqi gave a thumbs up and praised: "Well, this idea is good."

Xu Baihui said: "There are many aspiring animators in China, but they have no money, no experience, and insufficient skills. I have done research in this industry. This time I can participate in a few animations. Let's send a team Come and study."

"You're right."

Zhou Buqi supported her idea, and after a brief look at the outline of the script, he immediately became happy. This is "Despicable Me", Universal's classic animation series, you can have it.

Next up is Sony Columbia.

After watching it, I was immediately numb.

There are a total of three films with an investment of more than 100 million US dollars, none of which are familiar. This company is dying, and it can only save its life by remaking "Spider-Man" non-stop.

Not as good as an independent film company.

For example, Summit Entertainment is very good, "Twilight Saga 2", "Twilight Saga 3" and "Twilight Saga 4", the total investment is estimated to be 300 million US dollars... very cost-effective.

There is also Lionsgate, the famous "The Expendables".

"Fast and Furious 4", "Fast and Furious 5", "Meet the Father-in-Law 3", "Despicable Me", "Twilight 2", "Twilight 3", "Twilight 4" and "The Expendables".

8 films, live together!

They are all series of popcorn movies. This kind of movie has the most global market. The plot is simple, the audience is wide, and the politics is correct, which can be accepted by the whole world.

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