Top of the big era

Chapter 1204 Genius Equals Crazy

There are two founders of Netflix, Reed Hastings and Mark Randolph. When starting a business, Reid contributed US$1.9 million, held 70% of the shares, and served as the chairman and CEO; Mark contributed US$100,000, held 30% of the shares, and served as an assistant.

With the expansion of the team and the entry of capital, the shares of the two continued to shrink.

By the time it went public, Reed Hastings' stake had shrunk from 70 percent to 14 percent. Mark Randolph has completely emptied his stock and has left Netflix.

Listing means freedom of wealth.

Freedom of wealth cannot depend on holding stocks. Stocks are only paper value and have no practical significance. You have to keep cashing out... Netflix has been listed for six years, and Reed Hastings has had three large-scale cashing outs before and after. And several small-scale cash-outs, now there are only 3.3 million shares left in personal holdings.

Accounting for 5.3% of the total share capital. (After 10 years, personal shareholding has been reduced to 1%)

There is no way, not everyone is weekly, and can make money in various directions and through different channels. For such businessmen, the biggest source of wealth is cash out.

Here comes a very critical issue - control.

Reed Hastings must have strong enough control over the board of directors, and all major shareholders of Netflix must pass his approval.

Whoever dares to come secretly will turn his back on him.

For example, in 2012, Netflix's video website business was booming, and then it was targeted by Wall Street hungry wolf Carl Icahn.

This dude is notorious.

What he is best at is playing hostile takeovers. Through various methods, he secretly buys shares in private, and when the board of directors does not react, he suddenly makes an appearance.

Then he appointed himself chairman of the board and reshuffled the company's management. Then there is a series of capital operations such as business reorganization, split, and sale.

The life and death of the company and long-term planning are not important, he always has to make a lot of money and leave the game in style.

At that time, Carl Icahn just bypassed Netflix's board of directors and quietly got 10% of the shares in private. Reed Hastings immediately played a tough game, saying that he would use the "poison pill plan" and asked Carl Icahn to stop immediately.

Carl Icahn had no choice but to withdraw in despair.

Zhou Buqi has not reached that point yet.

He just bought some shares from the secondary market, holding about 4.8% of the shares, which has not yet reached the warning line of mandatory disclosure. Negotiations with those organizations are still in progress.

Everything is up for discussion.

Netflix started out as a DVD rental business. Back then, you had to rent DVDs to watch movies and TV series. Netflix is ​​an online disc rental platform, users can place an order online, and then watch the disc by mail.

This is actually a physical business using the Internet platform.

Not really an internet company.

Therefore, when it went public, it did not use AB shares, which are very popular among Internet companies. Reed Hastings holds 5.3% of the shares, and only has 5.3% of the voting rights.

So the management team added together is only about 24%.

This requires some ingenious means of controlling the board.

Just like Sohu's Zhang, American investors look down on him, think he is not doing his job properly, and tried to collude with him several times. Although Lao Zhang does not hold many shares, he has strong means and firmly controls the board of directors; like Wang Shi of Vanke, he does not own any shares, and even travels abroad all the year round. force.

To Reed Hastings, it didn't matter who the major shareholder was. It is important that large shareholders who own a lot of stock support themselves on the board.

This is exactly where Zhou Buqi feels most at ease.

He's not a Wall Street wolf like Carl Icahn.

He left without thinking of making a fortune.

I also didn't want to get rid of the existing management team and go it alone.

The video website industry is hell-level difficulty, especially for professional content such as movies and TV series, which are all based on Hollywood. Hollywood is the biggest content provider.

If Zhou Buqi were to confiscate Netflix and let him do it himself, he really didn't think he could survive in this sea of ​​red. Be sure to firmly support the existing board and management.

This support is exactly what the management needs most.

Netflix is ​​now the largest shareholder, with a shareholding of about 8.5%. With this wave of operations every week, the shareholding may exceed 20% in a single jump, becoming the undisputed largest shareholder.

If you want to do this, you must get the absolute support of the management team.

The two sides can be said to get what they need.

Zhou Buqi released the news two hours in advance, saying that he would go to Netflix and talk to Mr. Hastings. Reed Hastings had been tipped off and was worried.

After only a few minutes of communication after the meeting, the misunderstanding was resolved.

Zhou Buqi told him that he was the founder of Ziweixing Group; he was an early investor in YouTube; It turns out that this Los Angeles website is unreliable at all, and the cooperation with Hollywood is not far away.

In the video website industry, film and television content is only the foundation of video websites, and they still have to rely on technology companies in Silicon Valley to play well.


For dinner, go to Musk's house.

After a long time of contact, Zhou Buqi's favor for this kid can only come from faith.

Many people say that there is a thin line between a genius and a madman.

Not really.

A genius is equal to a lunatic, both are perverted.

I used to deal with Bill Gates, and this feeling was not serious. At that time, Zhou Buqi went to Bill Gates' home as a guest, and out of politeness, he wanted to say a few words to his wife Linda.

As a result, every time Linda spoke, Bill Gates would interrupt her roughly, and then follow her topic better and richer. No way, he was too smart, and what he said was always deeper, wiser, and more to the point than Linda.

But, you have to give your wife room to speak, right? You have to give her normal social freedom, right?

Don't let me say a word?

If a wife says a word to another man, is it equivalent to losing her virginity?

Musk is even more exaggerated here.

He now has 5 children, well, all boys. In the future, if you have a child with another woman, the child will also be a boy.

It's not luck, it's prejudice.

All children are born by test-tube babies, and they are all boys prepared at the embryonic stage.

The current 5 children were all born through test-tube babies in the early stage, and it took 4 years before and after. Well, once twins, once triplets.

It's like using women as reproductive tools.

No way, this is probably a genius.

Similarly, there is Larry Page of Google. This buddy said that he will not donate his money after his death. There is no point in donating money to those idiots. Musk can make the most of his wealth. And Jobs and Larry Ellison...

After staying in Silicon Valley for a long time, Zhou Buqi felt that he could go crazy.

Fortunately, the aesthetics of Zhou Buqi and Musk are still in line.

His ex-wife is beautiful.

The current fiancée is even more beautiful!

An 18th-line Hollywood actress named Talulah Riley, who looks... Zhou Buqi has traveled to Hollywood many times, and has seen many big stars.

But I have to say that Musk's fiancée is the most beautiful Western woman he has ever seen!

A brief introduction, saying that they met at a party last year. In August of this year, Musk divorced, and in September, the two got engaged.

After hearing this, Zhou Buqi wanted to curse again.

Depend on!


Musk didn't care about these, he just felt that this kind of stunning fiancee gave him a good face, and asked without hesitation: "Where did you go this afternoon?"

Zhou Buqi didn't hide anything, "Netflix."

"The company that rents DVDs?"


"About what?"

"I want to buy some Netflix shares from some institutions. The amount...may be relatively large. I am worried that the management has misunderstood and explained to them in the past."

Musk snorted, "There is nothing to explain."

Zhou Buqi couldn't understand his way of thinking, and didn't know what he meant, so he smiled and said, "It's right to explain it. They can't let them think I'm a hostile takeover."

Musk raised his eyebrows slightly, "You gave up power?"


"How did you let it go?"

"Like Tesla, I may keep a yes vote, but not a no vote."

Musk was very unhappy, got angry, and said angrily: "It's just a broken company that rents discs. What can we give up? Whoever has the strength will have the right to speak. This is fair!"

Zhou Buqi's thoughts were beating fast, analyzing the motivation of this Asperger's mania patient.

Maybe feel humiliated?

Well, nine times out of ten it is!

Zhou Buqi is very supportive of Tesla and Musk, so in the financing agreement, there are subsidiary voting rights clauses. In Tesla's board of directors, Zhou Buqi has two directors. When the board of directors voted, Zhou Buqi would support Musk's motion. Even if you disagree with his motion, you will not vote against it, but abstain.

In this way, Musk's control over Tesla has greatly increased.

Negotiations with Netflix went smoothly in the afternoon, and Zhou Buqi also offered similar terms. No matter how many Netflix shares he holds, he only needs two directors. On a strategic and operational level, Reed Hastings will only vote in favor and abstain from voting on any proposal proposed by Reed Hastings, and will never vote against it.

In this way, the concerns of Netflix management disappeared.

If there is a choice, Netflix's board of directors and management will firmly stand on Zhou Buqi's side, hoping that Zhou Buqi will be the major shareholder instead of Wall Street's capital.

Now that Zhou Buqi has offered Netflix the same voting rights agreement as Tesla, Musk believes that he has been belittled and has fallen to the same level as Netflix.


It's a pain in the ass to communicate.

Well, let's talk more with his fiancée. These coquettish eyes, this enchanting face, these sexy lips, this delicate and fair skin like milk...

Oh, it's so beautiful!

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