Top of the big era

Chapter 1210 World-Class Financial Investor

The Nasdaq opens at 10:30 a.m. during U.S. winter time.

It's still early.

Zhou Buqi was a little lazy, and when he got up in the morning, he hugged Feng Muer affectionately.

Sun Guanran took a newspaper and rushed in angrily, "Don't get bored, get up quickly, don't you have breakfast? Don't do business?"

"What's the rush?" Zhou Buqi didn't care, lifted the quilt around his waist, winked and smiled, "Get in?"

Sun Guanran gave him a hard look, "Hurry up! Get up! You're already on the newspaper! Front page!"

"What newspaper?"

"The Wall Street Journal!"

"Ah?" At this moment, the casual smile on Zhou Buqi's face subsided, and he was very surprised, "What? Which newspaper?"

Sun Guanran threw the newspaper in his hand on the quilt, and said, "Look for yourself! It's the Wall Street Journal!"

This is a serious financial newspaper, and it reports on world-class events.

Zhou Buqi was a little hard to understand.

I just made public the information about buying Netflix stock, which is not a big news in the financial circle, right? Even if Netflix's stock price continues to rise due to continuous buying in the short term, this is just a small company with $1.3 billion.

Worthy of a Wall Street Journal write-up?

Zhou Buqi took the newspaper and read it, it was in English. The headlines focus on the Fed's policy trends, and it is likely that quantitative easing will begin next month.

This is a signal that as long as there is quantitative easing, the stock market may recover.

Looking further down, there are policy recommendations from the European Central Bank, as well as the economic trend forecasts of several economists. In the right column in the middle of the front page, there is a striking headline "Who Makes the Money?" "?

This is an article by an investigative reporter, mainly to follow up and investigate where tens of trillions of dollars of wealth have evaporated under this year's global stock market crash.

Then, the top ten possible individual beneficiaries are listed!

Those on the list are all involved in capital operations, they are all operating some kind of fund, and they have made breakthroughs in which fields... They are all strangers, and no one is familiar with them.

Number one is a guy playing oil futures who made $11.7 billion this year!

The second to fifth are all the manipulators of the short market in the housing market, and they have all made billions of dollars. The sixth place points to the futures of commodities, and then the housing market...

The tenth place is Zhou Buqi, the spoiler and beneficiary of the short housing market.

Made $2.1 billion!

"$2.1 billion?"

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but want to laugh. It seems that the investigative reporter's level is not very good. This is a mistake in the investigation. In that wave of operations, I made more than 3 billion US dollars.


Might be a statistical problem.

Of the $3 billion capital operation income, part comes from the stock market, part comes from the futures market, and $2 billion comes from the housing market...that's about it.

In the text introduction, it is explained that Mr. Zhou Buqi is a rich man from China. He is only 22 years old this year. According to the statistics of this year’s Forbes Rich List, his personal wealth has reached 8.3 billion US dollars, making him the richest man under the age of 30 in the world. one of. He runs an Internet technology giant Ziweixing Group under his banner. I didn't expect that besides being a first-class enterprise, he also has such a deep understanding of the financial market...

"Depend on!"

Zhou Buqi was very dissatisfied.

Sun Guanran sat by the bed, "It's all right now, I can't keep a low profile if I want to."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Others have such a small amount of coverage, but I have a long list of articles, and my personal information will be stripped away."

"Because you are a foreigner."


Zhou Buqi frowned, and quickly lowered his head to look.

Then, it's numb.

It really is!

First place, American;

Second place, American;

Third place, American;


Eighth place, American;

Ninth place, American.

Only the tenth place Zhou Buqi is a financial investor from other countries. No wonder it takes more words to report, which is so strange!

The United States is a financial empire. The top financiers in the world are all Americans and come from Wall Street. Many markets focus on tracking because they are afraid of the horrific methods of American financiers.

Regardless of the emergence of a financial bubble or the bursting of a financial bubble, in the previous big bull and bear markets, as long as the financial market was unprecedentedly hot, the Americans who made the most money must be the big capitalists on Wall Street.

This time, too, Americans earn the most.

Unexpectedly, a stranger appeared - Zhou Buqi!

That's amazing.

Zhou Buqi was not in the mood to be gentle on the bed anymore, and got up to take a bath.

This is just great!

I can't even keep a low profile.


This manuscript may be aimed at myself. Having made so much money in the US financial market, Mr. Zhou, what are your plans? The unemployment rate in the United States is nearly 8%, and the economy is in depression!

Have to find a few experts to ask, in the end what should be done.

While taking a shower, Feng Muer came over with her mobile phone, "Call, Chen Ran."


"Mr. Zhou, is the report in the Wall Street Journal true?"


"If it's fake, you can sue them."

"How to sue?" Zhou Buqi was annoyed and funny, "Sue them for distorting the report and greatly reducing the money I earned?"


Chen Ran was stunned for a moment.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Now he's famous."

Chen Ran looked very excited, and said happily: "Mr. Zhou, this is a good thing! In the past, your reputation was only valid in Silicon Valley, and you may also be famous in Hollywood. With the publication of the "Wall Street Journal", you are also famous in Wall Street Already! He is the top financial investor of this era!"

Zhou Buqi said: "This kind of heavyweight media is still on the front page, and any news is not put on it casually. If there is no other deep meaning in it, I don't believe it."

Chen Ran doesn't think so, or she hasn't reached this level yet, she only considers things within her own cognition, and said with a smile: "This is America, it's not that complicated. Anyway, it's good for us, you're famous Before we set up a private equity fund, the biggest difficulty was that we didn’t have enough reputation, and it might be difficult to attract powerful investors. Well now, with the endorsement from The Wall Street Journal, you are the most famous person in the world besides Americans. Top financial investment experts."

Zhou Buqi said disdainfully: "Can the Americans compare with me? The first nine are all speculators who took advantage of the financial crisis to make a fortune. Are they comparable to me?"

Chen Ran said: "That's right! This is a good thing! In this financial tsunami, in order to ensure that their own interests are not damaged, American capitalists are trying to harvest wealth from all over the world. I heard that several state-owned enterprises in China have been harvested Hundreds of billions. Wall Street has a bad reputation.”


Zhou Buqi really knew about this, and the whole country has been scolded recently. Goldman Sachs has made several rounds, robbing giant state-owned enterprises such as ICBC and CITIC, and losing hundreds of billions of state-owned assets. People all over the country are criticizing Goldman Sachs and imperialism for their undying desire to perish.

Not really.

There are financial controls in the country, and there is a huge and mature economic system. Even if it is harvested, the degree of loss is very limited. The big Wall Street capital led by Goldman Sachs is not aimed at the country, but at the whole world.

Even in the United States, it was harvested by Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan in August.

Worst of all are countries in the Middle East.

The local tyrants in the Middle East are very rich, and they have accumulated amazing wealth by selling oil.

But oil will be sold out one day.

Therefore, rich countries in the Middle East have established their own sovereign funds one after another, putting their eggs in different baskets and investing in various industries. Plan for the future.

But the princes in the Middle East don't know how to invest, so they can only hand over the money to Wall Street for operation.

This wave of financial tsunami can be regarded as being tricked by the Yankees.

That's why I had Chen Ran's friend, who took the lead in finding excellent investment targets everywhere, so as to build connections and find partners for local tyrants in the Middle East. They have seen the essence of Wall Street clearly and are unwilling to cooperate with the Yankees any more.

Such as Softbank.

Previously, SoftBank’s largest investors were chaebols from the United States and Japan, but it will be different in the future. The local tyrants in the Middle East will become SoftBank’s largest investors. There is no way, Americans are unreliable, so they can only invest in Asians. He even played in person and went to Europe to invest in football.

Chen Ran said with a smile: "The reputation of Wall Street is bad, which is a good thing. In the past two months, at least 300 billion US dollars of overseas funds have withdrawn from Wall Street, looking for investment targets all over the world. You are famous in the investment circle Now, setting up a private equity fund with a wave of arms, isn't it just echoing those idle funds?"

Zhou Buqi let Feng Muer dry himself, wrapped himself in a towel, and went straight to the restaurant.

In the dining room, Sun Guanran had already prepared a simple breakfast.

"Miss Chen Ran, don't worry. The matter of private equity funds is very big, and I have to consult with various parties. Especially this "Wall Street Journal" article, it is not that simple. Nine Americans are listed, and the remaining one is me. , This is hitting me on purpose."

"What's the point? This is a country ruled by law."

Chen Ran didn't care.

The levels are different, and Zhou Buqi has nothing to say to her. I think it's better to ask a few capable people from Goldman Sachs to find out the context.

Zhou Buqi said: "Is the market opening soon? You should control the Netflix matter first. As soon as this report comes out, the whole world will know that I am rich. If I want to buy Netflix stock, I have to follow suit. ? Grasp the stock price. Tomorrow's over-the-counter trading price is 25 US dollars, so don't make too much difference."

Chen Ran said confidently, "No problem!"

Netflix's stock price should be well controlled and not too low. If it is too low, you have to buy the stock and raise the stock price to meet the unification of the on-market price and the off-market price. It can't be too high either. When the on-market price reaches US$30 or US$40, the OTC trading institutions may be dissatisfied and disagree with the transaction price of US$25. If the stock price is too high, Chen Ran will sell the stock and suppress the stock price.

It's her specialty and she's confident.

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