Top of the big era

Chapter 1250 Open source code library

In the early years, Thai Chinese businessmen had a decisive influence in the domestic market. The most famous one was "Chia Tai Variety Show" sponsored by Chia Tai Group, which grew up with a generation.

Then it didn't work.

Ten years ago, the Thai economy was easily destroyed by the Wall Street tycoon George Soros. Coupled with the rapid development of the domestic economy in recent years, the gap has been further widened.

Now, several major Thai Chinese giants, including Red Bull Group, TCC Group, Yanbin Group, Chia Tai Group, and more than a dozen companies, all add up to a market value of 50 billion U.S. dollars, which even Ziwei Star can’t match.

In this situation, the subject and the object have changed positions. It is the Thai Chinese businessmen who are begging the big domestic businessmen to cooperate.

There is no need for Manchester United.

Zhou Buqi has already prepared the funds, and is waiting to pay for the goods and deliver the goods. There is no need for outsiders to come in to share a piece of the pie. His business map does not require the help of Thai Chinese businessmen.

After returning home, go back to the company first.

Talk to He Yang, Shen Xiangyang, Guo Pengfei, Wang Xiaochuan, Meng Houkun and others to understand the situation. During this period of time, he has been busy abroad and has completely delegated authority to Ziweixing. How is the company's operation?

Facts have proved that Boss Zhou's management of Ziweixing is very effective. Without him, the company can still develop normally in an orderly manner, and the performance of various departments is also growing as expected.

The financial tsunami did not affect the business expansion of Ziweixing Group at all.

Rainbow Helo and Baidu Helo have been launched successively, and the market response has been relatively positive. The YY version of Helo will also be launched at the end of this month or early next month, which is likely to be a product that will explode the market.

Even during the month when Zhou Buqi was away, Zhang Yiming drastically reorganized Ziwei Star's business department structure, adding a public affairs and corporate service department...

After some understanding, almost everyone spoke highly of Zhang Yiming, the acting president.

This is not surprising.

He has a very good personality, and the most stern words he said to his subordinates were probably "you should go back and think about this matter carefully", which could not be more tactful.

In short, don't go abroad for a month every week, and short the domestic business. Zhang Yiming withstood the pressure and supported the domestic business. Not only did it stand up, but it also sorted out the cohesion of the team and expanded the business to a certain extent. Around this cloud computing project, a new business was launched that caught the eyes of all executives.

With this resume, the acting president can officially become the president.

"I want to promote Zhang Yiming to vice chairman, do you have any objections?"

Sitting opposite Zhou Buqi in the office was Guo Pengfei.

Guo Pengfei was stunned for a moment, "Me? What can I say? He's not the president. It's not strange to be the vice chairman."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "I don't worry about others, I'm just afraid that you have other ideas. You two were Ziweixing double stars at the beginning. One founded and the other founded Xiaonei. Even the shares are the same. Now both of you are M9 Yes, you are only M7, which is lower than the newly recruited land vehicles."

Guo Pengfei had a black line on his forehead, "You underestimate me, don't you?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I'm giving you a vaccination."

"He has a high level, a good personality, is good at uniting colleagues, and understands business... By the way, do you know the new business he launched around Xiaonei? It's amazing!"

"Xiaonei? Isn't it related to cloud computing?"

"Well, it's all related, and it's also related to Ziweixing Engineering Institute. It's an integrated business. The starting point is mainly related to the school intranet."

Zhou Buqi was at a loss, "What exactly do you do?"

Guo Pengfei said: "It hasn't been named yet, and it's still under design. It's just... When I was in charge of the school intranet, didn't I build a campus incubation base? I just funded college students across the country and asked them to do projects. It could be Websites can also be software. Some functions have already been used by us, such as Meitu Xiuxiu and UC Beauty, and many photo editing ideas come out of this incubation base.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "As long as it works."

Guo Pengfei said: "This incubation base has been in operation for almost three years. There are more than 2,400 projects, which are highly repetitive and cause huge waste."

"Indeed, the basic knowledge is actually the same, and technological progress must be inseparable from open thinking."

Zhou Buqi thinks so.

This time he went abroad, especially to Silicon Valley to meet Musk, and he has a deeper understanding of this.

That's how SpaceX got started.

Musk wants to make rockets, and his technology is not made from scratch. Many basic technologies of aerospace engineering are similar all over the world, such as the technical logic of long-range missiles.

However, aerospace engineering and long-range missiles are all national strategies, and the whole world is highly confidential.

NASA in the United States has taken a new route. They have freely shared some basic aerospace technologies with private aerospace companies, including SpaceX. Only some high-tech and top-secret technologies cannot be shared.

These basic technologies are not difficult. If Musk is asked to do it, he can recruit a group of people and spend tens of millions of dollars to research it from scratch.

But this wastes a lot of manpower and material resources to do repetitive things.

For the United States and the entire aerospace industry, there is no impetus.

NASA did not cherish itself. They directly transferred all basic materials, documents, technologies, and experimental data to private aerospace companies for free, not only SpaceX, but also private aerospace forces such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Blue Origin.

It is precisely because of this openness that they successfully "hatched" Musk. With these basic technologies, coupled with Musk's genius vision and further technological exploration, finally achieved the aerospace feat that SpaceX later shocked the world.

If it weren't for the help of NASA, Musk might have spent half his life studying the basic technologies of aerospace engineering that have long been mature and perfect.

Only when the basic technology is understood can we use this as a foundation to make further Mars plans in the second half of life.

By then, he was old.

Restricted by his physiology, the older he gets, the older his thinking becomes. He has already passed the peak and most creative period, and his dream of spaceflight may be broken.

In this regard, the country still has a long way to go.

Not to mention the absolute secrecy of aerospace technology, Bajixing's drone business has to start from scratch. Even Internet technology is blocking each other, for fear of being robbed of my job by my peers.

From a higher level, this will inevitably make several small organizations under the large group repeat many of the same things, resulting in a huge waste of scientific research funds.

Other industries are not powerless, but in the Internet industry, he has been advocating the concepts of openness, sharing, fairness, and mutual benefit.

Obviously, Zhang Yiming understood Boss Zhou's thinking very well.

Guo Pengfei went on to say: "This project, first of all, is an open source code library. The projects funded by college students from the Xiaonei Network Incubation Base, whether it is a website, a small program, or a software or an algorithm, all these codes must be open source and placed on our website. It is free for other developers to use. For example, if all the code of a music website is open-sourced, if other people want to build a music website, they don’t need to program from scratch. It can greatly save unnecessary development waste.”

Zhou Buqi praised: "This idea is very good! Many computer beginners may not be able to make a complete website. If there is open source code, it is equivalent to having an additional instructor. There are many similar open source code libraries abroad. ?”

Guo Pengfei shook his head and said, "Many of them are paid. Developers share their codes for free, but websites charge for it to make money. It is not open enough to serve its own developers. In April this year, a website called GitHub was launched, which is completely open and free, and it became popular immediately. In just half a year, there are more than 100,000 open source projects on it.”

"100,000 open source projects?"

Zhou Buqi was taken aback.

Such a large scale means that for ordinary computer science college students, almost all the project codes they need in the learning process can be found on it.

This is a great project!

Guo Pengfei said helplessly: "This is just a small website. It seems that I only took the angel wheel, and then I ran out of money. This is an American website, the server is in the United States, and the scale is very small. I have logged in several times and used it in China. It’s too inconvenient. Also, it’s prone to problems.”

"Something went wrong?" Zhou Buqi frowned, "What do you mean?"

Guo Pengfei said: "Because not only the codes of open source projects can be uploaded here, but also some books, materials and even videos can be uploaded. Many things...are sensitive and cannot be disseminated in China. Now this website lacks popularity in China, and you can still log in. etc. It may become unusable when it becomes famous in the future. So Zhang Yiming said that he will build such a platform for sharing open source codes in China to promote the common progress of the industry.”

Zhou Buqi snorted, "Isn't that easy? Just buy it!"

"Buy it?"

Guo Pengfei was shocked.

Zhou Buqi said: "You are right. To be an enterprise must conform to the general environment. The Internet should be divided into two worlds, domestic and foreign. For this kind of sharing-oriented foreign website, sharers will inevitably upload some content that does not comply with domestic regulations. , isolation is certain. Since isolation is necessary, it is better to take the initiative to separate. Just like Weibo, foreign countries do YikYak, domestic microblogs, take the initiative to disassemble, and Chinese people and foreigners need to be treated differently. I am very optimistic about the concept of GitHub. Buy it. How attractive are 100,000 open source projects?"

Guo Pengfei said: "Yes, it is very attractive! Recently, the technical committee has held more than a dozen meetings, and more than 300 projects have been picked up from above. There are many high-quality algorithms among them, which have solved many problems for us. Fewer problems."

"Do domestic colleagues know?"

"Small companies may not know it well... just like 51, they probably won't be able to use it. This is an English website, and they must first be proficient in English."

"Then buy it and create a domestic version of GitHub." Zhou Buqi has been abroad for a month, and his eyes are wide open. He doesn't need to think too much about such small projects, as long as it fits the strategy. Oh, "By the way, you said it has something to do with cloud computing? Does it have something to do with Ziweixing Engineering Institute?"

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