Top of the big era

Chapter 1276 Ziweixing is the professional

"Internet + football" is a big concept, and it is by no means a groundless rumor made by Zhou Buqi.

The current live broadcast of the event is mainly through TV stations.

But television is a sunset industry.

Streaming media relying on the Internet is the future, not only streaming media for film and television, but also streaming media for event broadcasts. When watching football games in the future, only the elderly will watch TV, while young people will gradually choose to use computers, tablets, and mobile phones to watch the games.

The future Disney will be a super giant in the media industry, with a scale similar to that of Netflix and a market value of 200 billion US dollars.

What does Disney rely on?

Pixar? Marvel? Star Wars? Disney Princess? Or Disneyland? Or is it ABC Television Network, one of the three major television networks in the United States?

All of this adds up to a market cap of $100 billion.

Another 100 billion US dollars, relying on its sports channel ESPN. The most promising business under ESPN is ESPN's online business, which is the broadcast of sports events on streaming media, and the most important thing is the broadcast of football events.

Still, the concept is too big.

It is so big that even if Ziweixing Group's overseas business develops, it cannot be easily touched, and the difficulty of operation is even more difficult than that of Netflix.

The problem lies with the group of vested interests in European football, who are simply occupying the latrine and not shitting.

When distributing copyrights of Hollywood movies, in order to protect their own rights and interests, the peripheral copyrights will be cut into very fine pieces, including DVD copyrights, audio-visual copyrights, one-round broadcast rights, second-round broadcast rights, rebroadcast rights, and on-demand rights. Film and television collection rights, as well as free broadcast rights and paid broadcast rights for online streaming media.

Netflix is ​​now buying a 5-year period of paid broadcasting rights for online streaming media. It expired in 5 years, and the market situation changed suddenly, which forced Netflix to launch "House of Cards" and embarked on the route of self-produced dramas.

From Silicon Valley's point of view, Hollywood is a bunch of business-incompetent fools who can be bullied at will. Together, Hollywood can't beat Netflix.

You can look at football from the perspective of Hollywood. The football circle is a bunch of idiots who don't understand.

How important are football broadcasting rights?

But FIFA, UEFA, including the Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, and Bundesliga, basically have a set of models, such as DVD copyright, audio-visual copyright, one-round broadcast right, second-round broadcast right, streaming media copyright... In the eyes of footballers, these copyrights are all the same, they are all called competition copyrights, and they are packaged and sold directly!

And it takes many years to sign a contract.

It is simple and trouble-free, and it is also a stable income with zero risk.

Therefore, it is more difficult to do film and television streaming media than to do live streaming of football matches, because the copyright of the latter is too concentrated.

A Hollywood movie can appear on various platforms, and the choice lies with the user. Users can buy DVDs, or watch TV stations or Netflix. This is a soft competition, whoever is stronger will win, and the loser will be convinced.

The football copyright is different, the whole package is the exclusive copyright. For example, if the North American copyright is sold to ESPN, all other TV stations will not be able to watch football matches, which is equivalent to being monopolized by ESPN.

ESPN doesn't care about the promotion of football in the United States at all, they just want to make money and only want to charge high fees. For many important games, it costs dozens or even hundreds of dollars to order one game.

Isn't this drinking poison to quench thirst? How many people can afford it?

The United States is the world's largest sports country, and its annual sports output is more than that of other countries in the world combined. But for so many years, football, the world's number one sport, has been unable to advance to the US market.

This is not nonsense, I definitely can't push it in!

No foundation, no audience, no user habits, who do you harvest?

According to Internet thinking, it must be free first, and then harvest!

If those who are in power in football can transfer the copyright to the major TV stations in the United States for free, and let them broadcast it freely on the TV stations... In a few years, a large number of football fans can be cultivated in the United States.

After the fan base has expanded and the habit of watching football games has been cultivated, then fees will be charged... Are you afraid that the football industry will not make a lot of money in the United States?

It is a pity that the power structure of world football is dominated by football practitioners, and their business operation capabilities are several grades worse than Hollywood.

Blatter, as the president of FIFA, was able to arrange the World Cup in Qatar privately for millions of dollars in bribes... If hundreds of millions of dollars can be forgiven, it is really poor to take risks for just a few million dollars I haven't seen money in my life, which shows how low-level this group of football players is.

In the eyes of Zhou Buqi, football is just like many state-owned enterprises in China. There are countless gold and silver hidden in it waiting to be discovered. However, those in power don't understand at all, and they can't dig it out. Outsiders want to go in and help dig, but they are not allowed. Those with vested interests do not want to take any risks, but just want to live in peace and security for a lifetime or a few lifetimes.

He wants to promote the reform of the entire big industry, but he has no power.

We can only base ourselves on Manchester United and make small troubles.

The football market is huge, even if it is a small business, it also contains huge business opportunities.

Manchester United's official website gave him a chance.

Just like the domestic Internet products, they should be done quietly at the beginning, and gradually scale up by taking advantage of their ignorance. When they realized it, it turned out that a group of ordinary people with mud legs were using the Internet to rob their ancestors, but the market has matured. The most is to mobilize public opinion to scold this group of mud legs, trying to limit it is no longer possible.

When in the United States, Zhou Buqi used Silicon Valley thinking to despise Hollywood. In England, he is using Hollywood thinking to despise the football industry.

There is no way, the resistance to reform is too great, and he can't push it with his energy. G14 was initiated by Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, owner of AC Milan, and media tycoon. He wants to use his political influence, media influence and football influence to promote reforms. After decades of pushing, they couldn't push it. In the end, they could only sell the club, feeling disheartened.

The big concept of "Internet + football" is impossible to play, but it may not be impossible to play with the small concept of "Internet + football".

Seeing San Dezi's bewildered look, Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Forget it, you don't understand. Well, there are quite a lot of elements on this official website. You can check the detailed information of the team, and you can have Fans leave messages, and there are official news feeds."

"You can also book tickets online."


Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up.

Booking tickets online is not an easy job. When Xiaonei made online train ticket booking function, Guo Pengfei spent a full week with 5 engineers to make it.

The IT technology of the British is not bad.

San Dezi pointed and pointed, and found the ticket booking window for Boss Zhou.

The so-called booking window is the same as the current domestic train ticket booking, it is booking rather than buying tickets, and it is the online version of telephone booking. After booking the ticket, you have to go to pick up the ticket offline.

Zhou Buqi asked casually, "Did the official website go down in the Champions League final last season?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

San Dezi was surprised.

Zhou Buqi was speechless, "Too many fans came to the official website to book tickets, which caused the website to be paralyzed, right?"

San Dezi admired it very much. He didn’t know that this was common sense on the Internet. He just thought that the other party was an Internet tycoon. It was really amazing. “Yes, the reason given by the service provider was like this, and it was paralyzed for 24 hours. Later, they paid us compensation. £250,000."

Zhou Buqi then asked: "What about the day before yesterday and yesterday? During the double red meeting, did the website go wrong?"

"Probably not..." San Dezi was not very clear, "I'll ask the information department."

He used the phone on his desk to talk to his subordinates about the situation.

In just one minute, San Dezi was convinced, "Boss, you are too good! You are indeed an Internet expert, and everything is beyond your expectations."

Zhou Buqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "How is it?"

San Dezi said: "They said that the official website had been down several times, but it was restored in a few minutes, and it did not cause much impact. It is just that two fans encountered some troubles when ordering discounted jerseys. Our The staff have already contacted them and will sell the jersey at a 50% discount."

Zhou Buqi twitched his lips, "Who will run our official website?"

"It was David Gill, a local Internet company, but..." San Dezi glanced at him, hesitantly.

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "Say it straight!"

San Dezi coughed and said, "I heard... Well, this is just what I heard, I have no evidence, and I haven't investigated it. The Internet company that operates the official website for us is the younger brother of Mrs. David Gill. "


Zhou Buqi frowned.

San Dezi hurriedly said: "I heard from the people in the information department that there was a serious problem with the official website of the Champions League final last season, and they kept complaining, so I only heard about it."

Zhou Buqi had already developed the ability to hold sand in his eyes, so he didn't pay much attention to it. After entering this industry, he has long been familiar with the weirdness, bastard, stupidity and incompetence of the football industry.

The only difference between foreign football and domestic football is that foreign football is played better, and other aspects are the same shit.

In other words, Ferguson had conflicts with the former boss of Manchester United, and then the Glazer family was introduced to replace the former boss.

What is the contradiction?

One reason is that the former boss accused Ferguson of appointing his son as an agent when operating player transfer transactions, and paid his son a large commission...

Zhou Buqi said: "You find someone to investigate and see if the rumors are true."

San Dezi was very excited, "Investigate David Gill?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "Don't be so happy, Manchester United can't do without him. Make sure he doesn't hold back our reform."

San Dezi smiled and said, "That's pretty good, yes! That's how it should be!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Go and investigate first, quietly, don't let him find out. Once you get the evidence, save it first, and use it at a critical moment."

"Okay." San Dezi nodded, "However, even if this matter is true, it may not be too serious. They operate a local official website, and the annual service fee is only 1.2 million pounds, which is already considered low in the Premier League. Yes, Arsenal and Chelsea’s official website service fee is more than 2 million pounds.”

"That's not how the account is calculated." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Forget it, you don't understand the Internet, investigate this matter clearly, and see how much the Premier League team's network service fees are, I have a big plan. "

Make an official website?

play the internet?

Ziweixing is the professional.

Writing about Manchester United, this is just a microcosm. Ziwei Xing has become big in China, and I can't write any more. Some time ago, it was always blocked and deleted. Foreign countries can write freely, and write about Ziweixing's domestic business on "football" and "Manchester United".

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