The goal website has never even received financing, and now it is supported by a web game called "Championship Football Manager". Its life is so tight that it can't even afford the copyright of the Premier League video highlights.

With Daikin mainly entering the market for acquisitions, the three founders couldn't wait for it.

The asking price was 8 million pounds, and San Dezi countered with 3 million pounds; the return price was 7 million pounds, and San Dezi insisted on 3 million pounds;

After several rounds of negotiations, Zhou Buqi remained silent.

However, he felt that San Dezi was a bit aggressive and used the Wall Street trick. Traditional industries can hold back an inch and pursue the maximization of benefits. But the Internet industry is different, people's hearts are the most important.

Therefore, in commercial mergers and acquisitions, such a situation often occurs. After the acquisition of a company in a traditional industry is successful, the original management has left one after another. Mergers and acquisitions of Internet companies need to maintain the stability of the original team, and don't let the other party feel that their interests have been seriously damaged and withdraw.

For example, News Corporation's acquisition of Rotten Tomatoes still follows the traditional industry thinking. The result was that after the acquisition was successful, all the founding teams of Rotten Tomatoes left, some joined Alipay, and some joined WeChat. (Rotten Tomatoes was made by a Chinese team)

Zhou Buqi is the big boss, he doesn't need to be on the front line, his job is mainly three-

First, find money.

Second, find someone.

Third, set a strategy.

Don't worry about money, he has already found enough funds for Ziweixing. Now he has just entered the football field to do Internet business, and he is short of people.

The three founders of the goal website are very good.

They have the dedication of the entrepreneurial team!

They have no money. In order to operate such a website, they make money through web games to maintain the development of the website. This is almost the same as back then. did not raise funds in the early days, but relied on many marginal businesses to make money, including the dining table advertising project, and also started group buying within the school.

If it is a team without entrepreneurial spirit, it will have been transformed long ago in this situation.

Web games are very profitable? Then it would be good to specialize in web games, why bother and spend money to build a football information platform?

From this perspective, the three founders, Michael Simpson, Jonathan Gember, and Scott Rothrock, all have the attributes of delayed gratification necessary to achieve great things.

Zhou Buqi decisively stopped San Dezi's dominance, and with a smile on his face, he said that Ziweixing Group could invest 6 million pounds in cash to buy this company. In addition, they will be promised a valuable option based on business development in the future.

However, the three founders are ambiguous about what Boss Zhou wants to do.

Even though San Dezi received a lot of advice, he was at a loss.

Zhou Buqi didn't rush to explain.

He also only has a general direction now, and the specific details still need to be decided as he advances, and they will discuss it after Lu Qi and Chen Tong arrive.

Zhou Buqi first asked about the copyright of the video collection mentioned last time.

Jonathan, who is in charge of marketing and business operations, said: "The copyright of the Premier League is divided according to the region, and the copyright of the UK is packaged and sold to the BBC. The BBC is just a TV station. They can't do much. Many tasks have to be outsourced, such as video highlights. It has to be outsourced to Perform."

Zhou Buqi said: "Tell me about this Perform in detail."

Jonathan said: "This is a company established last year. Its main business is to make highlights. Not only the Premier League, but also tennis, billiards, F1 racing and so on."

"Oh, forget it."

"However, this company has developed rapidly and has become the largest producer of highlights for BBC events. Recently, the two parties also intend to deepen cooperation. They want to cooperate next season and help the BBC to cooperate in the field of online live broadcast."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi became very interested, "Internet broadcast?"

"Yes, isn't it popular to watch videos on the Internet now, such as Hulu, Netflix, YouTube..." Jonathan paused, a little embarrassed. The other party is an Internet boss, how can I do science popularization for him?

Zhou Buqi smiled, "I am one of the founders of YouTube, and now I am the largest shareholder of Netflix. It doesn't matter, you continue to say, I am very interested in this online live broadcast of the BBC."

The other two founders laughed heartlessly at Jonathan's show off.

Jonathan looked awkward, very embarrassed, "ESPN has opened the function of live sports events in the United States and Asia, but the development of BBC is not smooth, due to technical reasons."


Zhou Buqi is an expert, so it's not difficult for him.

Viewers watching videos through the Internet is actually a process in which terminals continuously receive data through broadband, and then analyze and decompose the data into pictures and sounds.

If it's Netflix or YouTube, it's relatively simple. Transmit and receive at the same time, and then use the browser or client to deconstruct the data and play it out.

There is a technical obstacle to the live broadcast of the event, that is, the data transmission must be fast! Data deconstruction is also fast! Moreover, watching a small online video, it doesn't matter if the definition is poor, watching the broadcast of the game, it must be a high-definition video.

If it takes too long and the delay is too long, it is not called a live broadcast, but a recorded broadcast.

Goal’s chief technology officer, Scott Rossrock, explained this, “Sports events are broadcast globally. In the past, TV stations had to cooperate with operators to broadcast them on TV stations through the transmission of satellite signals. However, there are technical risks in this method. Once the weather is bad, the airflow changes or the local magnetic field changes, it may affect the electromagnetic wave transmission of the satellite signal, which will lead to the interruption of the live broadcast of the event or the signal instability.”

Zhou Buqi was very happy, "Can webcasting solve the problem?"

Scott Rossrock explained: "Yes, it can be solved. This is an OTT. Network signals are transmitted through optical fibers, using electrical signals, and using light as the information carrier for transmission. The frequency of lasers is much higher than that of radio. Compared with satellite signals, the propagation speed of this mode signal is faster and more stable."

Zhou Buqi didn't quite understand this, "So, if webcasting develops, the delay will be lower than live TV broadcasting in the future?"

"Theoretically so."

"Well, just like Netflix and YouTube, the broadcast of sports events will also be the world of streaming media in the future."

"But TV stations can't do it, it has to be operated by Internet companies."

After such an explanation from Scott Rothrock, many doubts were resolved.

In the past, the live broadcast of TV games required the help of telecom operators, and through the operators' equipment, the signal data was transmitted from the stadium to satellites, and then transmitted to local TV stations through satellites, and then rebroadcasted.

For webcasting, you need to cooperate with Internet companies, and skip broadband operators, which is equivalent to an OTT.

San Dezi didn't quite understand, and asked, "OTT? What is this?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "A basketball term refers to an overhead pass. When cross-border is used in the Internet field, it means to surpass the operator and save costs."

"Cross the operator, are they very dissatisfied?"


Zhou Buqi nodded.

By skipping the operator, it is equivalent to canceling the middleman and completing the point-to-point transaction, which can greatly save social resources. However, the middlemen of private enterprises can cross over, and the middlemen of state-owned enterprises are very powerful. Once they cross over, it will be more troublesome. The most typical example is Alipay.

Jonathan said: "Current operators are relatively highly integrated, and they all operate TV and the Internet at the same time. TV stations also have TV broadcasting business, and they don't want to quarrel with operators. By outsourcing the live broadcasting business, they don't have to bear the responsibility of operators." pressure."

Zhou Buqi was a little funny.

The TV industry has been making a lot of money for decades, and it is similar to the football industry, and they don't want to take any risks. Isn't it just OTT, what are you afraid of? Really short-sighted.

By outsourcing the operation of webcasting to Internet companies, TV stations do not need to bear the pressure of operators, but in the same way, the fate is also handed over to Internet companies.

For example, the exclusive copyright of the Premier League in the hands of the BBC is a rare resource and has an absolute right to speak. Once the Internet company is allowed to provide a complete webcast solution, it is equivalent to an equal dialogue between the two parties, and the opportunity to use copyright to seize the market will be lost.

Internet companies have mature webcasting solutions, and have relevant experience and connections with TV stations all year round, so they can easily transform into a streaming media company for live sports events.

For example, Perform, after it develops in the future, will decisively make DAZN, a global sports event streaming platform. In the past years of cooperation with the TV station, they have figured out the copyright operation mode of the entire competition. As long as they buy the copyright, everything is handy.

Obviously, the opponent invaded its own territory, but the BBC was unable to follow up quickly, so it could only bite the bullet and continue to cooperate with the opponent, becoming the meat of the opponent.

Not in this life, because Zhou Buqi took a fancy to this Perform company and planned to buy it to become part of his own digital football industry empire.

Because the business model of the football industry is very backward, it is a traditional industry in the traditional industry, so it is easy to be bullish.

One is for fans, two is for copyright dealers, three is for media, four is for gambling, five is for broadcasters, six is ​​for competition parties, seven is for industry associations, eight is for football clubs, nine is for sponsors, ten is for agents, and eleven is for eating Players, Twelve eat coaches...

The most important of these is the collection and analysis of various data, which is omni-channel coverage. There must be both toC business and toB business.

Ziweixing will become the world's largest football community and football big data solution provider, providing professional services such as real-time scores, live matches, schedules and results, real-time indexes, data databases, etc., for guessing, media, data analysis , live broadcast practitioners and other industries to provide complete solutions.

The United States has conflicts with football, and Europe has conflicts with the Internet. The Internet giant Ziweixing Group from China can act as a lubricant and become an inescapable middleman that no one can bypass OTT!

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