Top of the big era

Chapter 1312 Movie Website

Back to the hotel, around eight o'clock in the evening.

Zhou Buqi felt that it was still early and the company's senior executives had not yet gotten off work, so he held a video conference and invited Zhang Yiming, He Yang, Meng Houkun, and Guo Dan to participate.

Mainly talking about the macro-policy issues of enclosing land and building buildings, using investment to stimulate the local economy, and participating in the 4 trillion plan.

There is no other way. The state distributes money to outsiders as if it has a quota. It doesn't matter if the money collected is less.

Since you want to build a building, let’s build it!

Ziweixing is currently mainly distributed in four cities in China, Capital, Pengcheng, Magic City and Spring City. UC’s headquarters is in Yangcheng, and there is a branch in Hangzhou.

The coverage is indeed a bit small.

Especially for cloud computing business, we must cast a wide net. According to estimates given by the technical committee, Ziwei Cloud will have at least 5-8 national-level super data centers in the domestic market, and about 20 regional data centers to distribute small clouds in various places. The number of data centers should reach 200.

Every data center means a branch office.

Don’t consider anything too far ahead.

First of all, we must lay out several important cities in the country, such as Capital, Magic City, Jinmen, Pengcheng, Yangcheng, Hangzhou, Yucheng, Jinling, Jiangcheng, Chang'an, Binhai, Spring City, Star City, Daocheng, Shangdu, Fengtian, etc. land.

Such a large-scale land enclosure and building plan may be difficult to complete in a short period of time. The land can be approved first to help local officials complete the investment task. Building a building can be planned and implemented slowly, and the layout can be completed within 3-5 years.

Guo Dan, who was in charge of this stall, had his head buzzing.

She resigned from the system.

It was quite comfortable at first. The salary was high, the treatment was good, the working environment was relaxed, and there were not so many intrigues and complications. Unexpectedly, this workload is huge enough.

Currently, Ziweixing's ongoing real estate projects include the Capital Headquarters, Pengcheng Headquarters, Capital Cloud Data Center, Pengcheng Cloud Data Center, Spring City Branch Customer Service Building, and Spring City Cloud Data Center, a total of 6 major projects!

This is good, now the heavier tasks have been put down.

During the video conference, Zhou Buqi also said: "Guo Dan, you will come over tomorrow. Today I have agreed with the leaders here in Hangzhou that I will participate in the construction of their high-tech development zone...Alibaba, Hengsheng Electronics Their new headquarters are there, so we will go there and build a Ziweixing Hangyan Building. On the one hand, it will deepen cooperation with Alibaba, and on the other hand, it will also help promote the development of the subsequent e-commerce and cloud computing business."

He Yang said: "I met with the president of Hundsun Electronics today."

"Is there a problem?"

"It's nothing more than cooperation. They are engaged in IT finance. They want to cooperate with Toutiao and Weibo, and they also have some needs in software development and network security. There is no way, and it will be difficult for them."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "It's quite difficult with Ali here."

Hangzhou is not a science and technology center. Twenty years ago, there was a saying that "beautiful West Lake, shabby Hangzhou". The reason why this city has occupied a place in the country in the Internet field is mainly due to its reliance on Alibaba.

The top students from Zhejiang University are selected first by Alibaba, and only those who are left behind by Alibaba can go to other companies. There was no other way, so Hundsun Electronics had no choice but to open a branch in the capital, trying to find talents to do some technical development in the capital. You can only find other people's unwanted ones.

What Hundsun Electronics does is to complete financial transactions such as securities, futures, and funds through software. This requires very high security levels and must be ensured to be foolproof.

That is to say, current stock investors and citizens have not yet woken up. They are still doing transactions through banks, paying extremely high handling fees, and enjoying the services of bank "financial management experts". When I understand it later and learn to trade through online platforms, the amount of data to be processed will be even greater.

Ziweixing Engineering Institute will provide high-end technology outsourcing services, which can help.

After the meeting, Zhou Buqi checked the time and went for a run on the treadmill. Sun Wanran ran over and said with a smile: "There is good news just now!"



"Stop talking nonsense. I just finished a meeting with Zhang Yiming and He Yang, and they told me some good news."

"It's from abroad!"

Sun Wanran pinched her waist and wrinkled her nose.

Zhou Buqi controlled his breathing and jogged, and said casually: "What's going on abroad?"

Sun Wanran said quickly: "Don't you want to buy a batch of movie-related websites? We have already negotiated with two companies. It's just a bit expensive. It seems that the price is close to 50 million US dollars."

"What website is it? It's so expensive?"

"One is Rotten Tomatoes and the other is Flixster."

"Oh, that's not surprising."

The film industry is just a little better than the football industry, and the entire model is also very traditional. For example, Rotten Tomatoes and Flixster, one is a movie review website and the other is a movie social networking website, both are profitable!

Together, these two websites are an enhanced version of Douban, but Douban's profitability is still far away.

And because it is profitable, it can be sold at a good price.

Sun Wanran then elaborated again.

When IGN Entertainment acquired Rotten Tomatoes in 2004, it spent US$10 million. In 2005, News Corporation spent $650 million to acquire IGN Entertainment. Now, News Corp. is losing money and wants to sell off some poorly managed and underperforming Internet businesses. Rotten Tomatoes is the worst one.

Priced at $14 million.

In addition, the Flixster website also has a movie review function. Because it undertakes the online ticket sales business, it can take commissions from it, so its performance is very good.

Last year, Hollywood tycoon Barry Diller's IAC Group wanted to acquire Flixster, and the other party's offer was US$100 million!

It was already agreed upon and the contract was to be signed.

But before signing, Barry Diller felt that the price was too expensive and not a good deal. He felt that it should not exceed US$50 million and wanted to lower the price on the spot. This is what Hollywood is best at, bullying new or foreign actors through this trick. Flixster's team felt insulted and broke off negotiations.

Unexpectedly, it has only been a year and it cannot even be sold for US$50 million.

What Ziweixing promised was US$5 million in cash, plus US$30 million worth of stocks.

Sun Wanran said enthusiastically: "The largest movie database in the world is now IMDB. If Rotten Tomatoes and Flixster are integrated, it will have more than 250,000 movie information, 1.8 billion user comments, 300,000 professional film reviews, and With more than 20,000 trailers and video content, it can challenge IMDB’s number one position in the industry.”

"How do you know so clearly?"

"The information has been sent and I read it. It is also said that after the two websites are successfully integrated, it is expected to have more than 30 million users per month. If our YikYak promotion is launched, it will be even more."

"Don't be so excited."

"Why? How great is this! Didn't you say you want to build a film ecosystem through the Internet?"

"Forget it, let's stop running. Let's take a shower and try another way of exercising." Zhou Buqi turned off the treadmill and pulled her to the bathroom.

Sun Wanran gave him a big eye roll, with a bit of reserve on her pretty face, and whispered: "The United States is still waiting. Will this deal be approved?"

“How can we approve such a large amount of money just by saying it is approved?”

Zhou Buqi was also a little helpless.

This is a question of trust.

If Zhang Yiming and Guo Pengfei had to approve a project worth US$50 million, that would be absolutely fine. As long as the decision-making committee approves it, they can spend the money however they like and let it go.

But land vehicles are different.

He cannot have this privilege.

Sun Wanran blinked, as if he had figured out something, and asked curiously: "Don't you trust Lu Qi? He... I think he is quite trustworthy."

Zhou Buqi said: "I also believe that his hands and feet are clean, but we can't give him any illusion. We approved such a large sum of money without even looking at it. It's too indulgent. It's not a good thing for him or the company."

"What should we do?"

"Go ahead and make arrangements. We will go to Pengcheng tomorrow afternoon. We will resolve the palace fight between Zhen Yu and Pei Yao."


Sun Wanran was a little stunned, shook off his hand, and wanted to go back and call to make arrangements.

Zhou Buqi hugged her over and said angrily: "What are you in a hurry for? You can't tell which thing is more important? You can't tell the priority! Exercising more is good for your physical and mental health!"

Sun Wanran blushed, "I'm going to be bullied to death by you today."

Zhou Bu said in embarrassment: "What should we do? How about... I think the waitresses in this hotel are quite beautiful. Go and ask and spend some money to invite them over."

"Phew!" Sun Wanran smiled and pushed him, "Aren't you disgusted? Even the waiter wants it, your taste is really bad."

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "This is called equality for everyone. You must not discriminate based on your position."

The next day, Zhou Buqi and Guo Dan called on the reluctant Lao Ma to talk to local officials and discussed the issue of investing in building buildings in the high-tech development zone.

This development zone is Hangzhou's largest investment project in recent years, with a financial allocation of more than 150 billion. Among them, 10 billion yuan will be allowed to be used as financial subsidies to attract investment.

In other words, if Ziweixing invests here, it does not need to spend a penny at all. It can get the project started with subsidies and loans. Then just create jobs and tax revenue for the local area.

Planting sycamore trees can attract golden phoenixes.

Zhou Buqi has a particularly good impression of the leading cadres in the Yangtze River Delta. It's not that they dare to provide subsidies to enterprises, but that these coastal leading cadres are sufficiently open-minded.

Be courageous, dare to take responsibility, and be able to do things.

If it's in his hometown in the Northeast... It's painful to talk about it. For example, through Taizun Real Estate, the father-in-law of the Shi family, he wants to build a film and television base project in his hometown in the Northeast.


Yesterday Zhou Buqi talked about this matter with Shi's father-in-law. The old father-in-law was very angry and wanted to give up the project.

Look at the leading cadres in Hangzhou again. This gesture... is really touching.

The leader said that if Ziweixing participates in the investment in the high-tech development zone, it can receive financial subsidies of 50 million to 200 million yuan based on its investment scale and the number of jobs created in the future.

This attitude and intensity in attracting investment are very responsible and courageous. In this environment, can the Internet industry in Hangzhou fail to develop?

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