Top of the big era

Chapter 1316 Former college classmates

After the meeting ended, Zhou Buqi and Guo Pengfei whispered something and walked out of the meeting room.

Then I heard someone shouting noisily: "Xing Ming! Xing Ming!"

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but look back.

This name is very familiar!

In my previous life, my college classmate also had this name, and I had a "violent" experience with him. They both fell in love with a girl, and then they had a fight in private.

Ziweixing now has many employees, and there are also many people with the same name.

For example, Wang Jian, there are 6 people with this name in the company.

However, the name "Xing Ming" is not very popular, and the probability of having the same name is not too high. Zhou Buqi looked back, and sure enough he saw a chubby young man running over, panting, "Come on, come on!"

Depend on!

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but be stunned.

What a coincidence!

it's him!

They were college classmates and love rivals in their previous life. They even fought in private. Their relationship was very bad and everyone looked down on the other. At that time, Zhou Buqi was the richest person in the department and very wealthy; Xing Ming was the best student in the department and very talented. Because a girl is very unpleasant to everyone.

Even after he was reborn, many years later, Zhou Buqi could still remember the grievances he had at that time, because when the two of them fought, the fight was so fierce that both sides' nostrils were bleeding.

However, at Zhou Buqi's current level, it was impossible for him to lower his body and argue with him. He waved, "Xing Ming? Come here for a moment."


Xing Ming is chubby and a little weak.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Do you know me?"

A smile appeared on Xing Ming's face, "I know, you are the boss."

"What kind of work are you doing in such a hurry?"

"There is a contract. I have to sort it out quickly and send it downstairs, waiting for the signing."

"What contract?"

Xing Ming replied: "Advertising contract."

Zhou Buqi suddenly asked, "Are you from the marketing department?"

Xing Ming said: "Yes, the marketing department's page advertising group."


Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth.

Page ad group, this guy is really unlucky. The scale of page advertising will need to be reduced, and advertising sales positions will also need to be cut. If not, there will be layoffs.

"Boss, I'm still waiting to deliver the contract. Look..." Xing Ming had big beads of sweat on his forehead and was a little anxious.

Zhou Buqi didn't care much, he just signed a contract, so what if he wasted time? It's nothing more than the superior leaders bullying the lower-level employees, making them busy and asking: "How long have you been in the company?"

Xing Ming said: "It's been half a year, I'm a fresh graduate."

Zhou Buqi asked again: "Do you have a partner?"

"Well, I..." Xing Ming actually blushed.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "As a grown man, why are you nervous? If you have it, you have it, if you don't have it, you don't have it."

Xing Ming scratched his head, ""

Zhou Buqi was very experienced and could tell immediately, "Is there a girl you have a crush on?"

Xing Ming smiled awkwardly, admitting it.

Zhou Buqi calmly encouraged him, "Well, work hard."

"Well, I know, thank you boss."

Xing Ming's eyes were red, as if he was touched by such a good boss who cared about his employees, and he bowed again.

Zhou Buqi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, let's go to work."

After being patted a few times by the boss, Xing Ming felt that the more than 160 kilograms of flesh on his body were lightening up. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the boss is really considerate, so nice!

Back in the office, Zhou Buqi ordered a cup of tea and couldn't help but fall into memories.

In this life, he succeeded too quickly.

In just a few years, he became a successful and famous entrepreneur. As the level rises, the distance from ordinary people becomes further and further away. Not to mention that I didn’t have any interactions with my classmates when I was studying at Jilin University in my previous life, and I also don’t have much contact with my classmates who were studying at Beike University in this life.

Unexpectedly, Xing Ming actually joined Ziweixing.

The few words he just said also revealed his details. He doesn't have a partner, but he has a crush. If nothing else, this crush should be Bai Yun, his second girlfriend in college in his previous life.

When he was studying at Jilin University in his previous life, Zhou Buqi had a total of three girlfriends. The first girlfriend was Cai Bingbing, a classmate in the same department. After dating for more than half a year, Zhou Buqi felt that she was a bit worshipper of money, so they broke up with her. Then, I met Bai Yun from the Literature Department, a pink and tender Sichuan girl with extremely white skin and big eyes that seemed to be able to talk. She was very interesting when she spoke the Sichuan dialect.

At that time, Zhou Buqi and Xing Ming both fell in love with her and pursued her together.

Whether she is a talented man and a beautiful woman, or whether she is a rich man and a beautiful woman, has become a point of interest for the students. However, regardless of talent or wealth, you have to be able to coax girls, and Zhou Buqi is obviously better at it.

Later, Bai Yun and Zhou Buqi got together.

Unexpectedly, Xing Ming still kept thinking about her. Even though they were already dating each other, he would still greet Bai Yun from time to time, like a real licker.

Zhou Buqi had no choice but to make an appointment with him to settle him down.

Later, Zhou Buqi collapsed.

We are all college students, we are all adults, and falling in love together... many things will fall into place, and when it is time to open a room, we will open a room. Unexpectedly, Bai Yun was an exception. From their sophomore year to their junior year, they were together for a year and a half. The most Zhou Buqi could do was give her a hug, let alone get a room together, and they wouldn't even let her kiss her.

Zhou Buqi couldn't bear it anymore and broke up with her. After the breakup, Xing Ming rushed forward like a deadbeat, wanting to take out his heart and soul and send it over.

But Bai Yun didn't like him at all.

And listening to Xing Ming's tone just now, it seems that he has not succeeded yet and is still in a state of licking the dog.

"Hey! Hey!"

"Ah? What's wrong?"

"What are you thinking about?" Sun Wanran blinked his big eyes, looking suspicious.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "It's hard to look back on the past."

Sun Wanran pursed her lips and said with a smile: "What bad memories do you have? Peeking into the diary of a female classmate?"

"Okay, let's get down to business."

"The flight is arranged for 11 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Where are Teacher Han and Teacher Chen?"

"It's also tomorrow. Tomorrow, the plane will fly to Spring City first, and then pick up Teacher Han and Teacher Chen to the capital. Then we will go to Tokyo together. I called Teacher Han, and she said to be prepared."

"Okay." Zhou Buqi's thoughts have not yet recovered from his college classmates in his previous life. "By the way, go and arrange something for me. There is a person named Xing Ming in the marketing department's page advertising team. If there are to be layoffs, try your best to Don’t cut him.”

Sun Wanran curled her lips, "That fat guy just now? I didn't realize how good he was."

"I didn't say I wanted to train him. I was just doing a favor."

Zhou Buqi was very emotional.

The people and things in the previous life are almost never encountered in this life, and the level is different.

It is a pity that many people and many things have been missed.

Now he is surrounded by "good people", and everyone will revolve around him. With him as the center, it is difficult to have any friction with others, let alone a love rival.

Just as Zhou Buqi expected.

After entering December, U.S. stocks began to rebound, especially Nasdaq. In just half a month, the increase reached 15%, and for some companies, the increase even exceeded 25%.

For example, Google's stock price fell to $249 at its lowest point last month. Today's closing price is $322, an increase of 29%!

Such rapid growth in the short term must be due to the continuous entry of large funds into the market.

China has launched a 4 trillion bailout plan, and the rest of the world is similar in that they are all releasing funds to bail out the market. Many policies are similar. In addition to reducing fees and taxes, they also provide subsidies to enterprises.

Zhou Buqi is not too embarrassed to take domestic subsidies, but it is a bit eye-catching for a technology company to seize the land.

But it’s different abroad. If you don’t get it, you won’t get it for free!

He was going to Japan tomorrow. Zhou Buqi had a phone call with Tang Binchen in the evening. He told him first, and then heard the good news from the other party.

"There is a notice today, let's go get the subsidy!"

"how much?"

"It's based on the percentage of investment. I don't know the details. The calculation is very complicated. But the tax officials have already done the calculation and made a long list. It seems that they will subsidize us more than 2.9 billion yen."

"2.9 billion yen..."

Zhou Buqi is relatively clear about foreign exchange concepts such as Hong Kong dollars, U.S. dollars, pounds, and euros, but he is a little unclear about converting to Japanese yen. How much is 2.9 billion yen?

Tang Binchen quickly said: "Nearly 30 million US dollars!"

Zhou Buqi wasn't too happy either, "That's not much, isn't it? In the past year, Ziweixing has invested nearly 1 billion US dollars in Japan."

Tang Binchen said: "It's not like you spent all your $1 billion on me. There are also Jingtao and Jieyu Media. They also invested in Ameba and acquired Niconico."

Zhou Buqi was a little disdainful, "Anyway, the subsidy is not as large as in China. I just finished the negotiation in Hangzhou. The company is building a Ziweixing Hangyan Building there. The land and construction cost are budgeted to be 200 million. The financial subsidy is 80 million yuan. The rest can be directly approved for loans. Isn’t this stronger than Japan?”

Tang Binchen explained: "The policies here are complicated, and I can't figure out a lot of details. This 2.9 billion yen is a pure subsidy, which seems to be called a science and technology development subsidy fund. There are other subsidy categories, including suburban areas. It seems that the cloud data center can also get land subsidies. And the logistics industry is subsidized on a per-capita basis. I heard Chen Dong say it yesterday, but it was an exaggeration."

"Subsidy per head of hair?"

"The economic crisis has had a great impact on the express delivery industry, and couriers are middle- and low-income groups, so stabilizing employment is very important. In order to prevent express companies from laying off employees, the government provides subsidies on a per-capita basis. Each courier seems to be worth 1 million Yen, well, that’s $10,000.”

Zhou Buqi was very interested, "How many couriers are there in Jingtao?"

"Seven to eight hundred."

"That's not much."

"This is the first phase of the subsidy, and I'm not stupid. What if the front-end companies end the subsidies and the back-end companies lay off employees?" Tang Binchen was a little funny, "So let's do it in installments. According to Chen Dong, it should be done in half a year. You can still get a sum.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't take advantage of me, bastard. Take this opportunity to recruit more couriers and start up the express delivery business."

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