Top of the big era

Chapter 1347 Small Treasury

Jiang Nanchun's brother-in-law is called Chen Wenhao. He is quite handsome and speaks fluent English. The only drawback is that he studied abroad in Leeds and watched Leeds United games for several years, and Leeds United and Manchester United are super rivals.

Fortunately, he is not British and does not have such a profound hostile relationship.

After handing San Dezi to him, Zhou Buqi returned to Beijing.

First, I went to Asda to meet with Zhou Shaoning and talked about Google’s strategic financing in detail. No problem, this must be done, and it must be deeply tied to Google.

According to Zhou Shaoning, the market sales of Aster1 will reach at least 5 million units. Although it is far inferior to the iPhone, it is amazing enough.

When the new Aster2 comes online, the product will become more stable, the technology will become more mature, and smartphones will become more popular, annual sales may exceed 10 million.

Therefore, for the mobile phone business, the biggest risk in the future is patents.

Zhou Buqi had previously asked them to apply for some patents in advance, such as some product names, trademarks for the iPad purchased from China, and some design patents.

But these are too simple.

If you really want to fight with Apple, you may not be able to compete with him.

Apple is too important and indispensable to the development of the domestic mobile phone industry chain. When the US authorities block Aster due to patent lawsuits, just like BlackBerry and HTC, will the country retaliate by blocking the iPhone? I'm afraid it's difficult.

Blacksmith need its own hardware.

Aisda is just a mobile phone company that has only been established for two years. It has no technical reserves at all. In the patent lawsuit with Apple, it can gain some advantages in the marginal patents, but the core patents are still very difficult.

It's like building a car.

People here in China are constantly applying for patents. For example, the length of the glass is increased by 1 cm, 2 cm, and 3 cm, and the width is increased by 1 cm, 2 cm, and 3 cm... It has the most patented technologies in the world and is known as the world's number one. In fact, it is It's purely to deceive leaders and laymen.

People apply for three or four patents. The number is very small, but it is the real core. If they get the patents for bearings and engines, everything will be stopped if their neck is stuck.

Smartphones were invented by Apple and there is no way around it.

Still have to rely on Google.

Motorola invented the mobile phone and holds the most core patents. After a few years, Motorola couldn't play anymore and was acquired by Google. These core patents became Google's.

In fact, the best plan is for Asda to acquire Motorola.

But this is impossible.

Motorola holds the core technology and cannot sell it to foreign companies. Even if you want to buy it, you can only buy a brand and operation team like Lenovo that has stripped away its core technology, which is meaningless.

Asida can only reach a strategic cooperation with Google, hold on to Google's lap, borrow the patents in Motorola's hands, and add some fingerprint unlocking, face recognition, notch screen, and full screen that it has created in a small way. Design plans and other patents can compete with Apple.

Samsung can survive patent lawsuits because it has mastered these two aspects.

First, Samsung is an early mobile phone manufacturer, and like Motorola, it holds many mobile phone patents; second, Samsung is more innovative in the smartphone era, and Apple is often imitating Samsung.

As soon as both sides are equal, they will settle down and no one will sue the other.

In the afternoon, I am going to Lenovo to talk to Mr. Yang Yuanqing about supercomputers. If Lenovo's HPC can be commercialized and mass-produced cost-effectively, buy Lenovo's HPC. If not, then you can only go abroad to buy HP or Dell.

I also took time out to play a football match at Beijing Institute of Technology at noon.

After becoming famous, playing football is no longer fun.


Zhou Buqi only played for half the game, then got in the car and left, taking the new secretary Ning Lu to have lunch.

Ning Lu didn't understand, "Boss, why are you sighing? You performed very well and scored 3 goals."

Zhou Buqi said: "I'm unhappy just because I scored three goals."

"Why? Isn't football just about shooting and scoring goals?"

"That's superficial."

"Boss, please teach me."

Ning Lu had a slight smile on her lips, and she liked to act coquettishly more than other female secretaries.

Zhou Buqi is like a teacher, "Playing football is just like falling in love with you girls. Of course the ultimate pursuit is to score goals, but there is only the result without the process, and it is meaningless. The passion of football comes from physical confrontation." Look at their boys, no one dares to do something bad to me, and their defense is lax. Without confrontation, it would be boring."

Ning Lu's face turned red, "Boss, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

Zhou Buqi said solemnly: "In order to pursue the result of scoring, there must be a process of dribbling, ball control, and physical confrontation. Step by step, you can approach the penalty area, then take a shot and score happily." Just like Sun Wanran, I dribbled all the way for a long time before I scored."

Ning Lu's face turned red, her ears and neck were all red, and she said angrily: "Boss, you are killing me."

Having said that, she also heard the other party's hint.

This means not rushing to score, but dribbling and controlling the ball slowly first, and entering the penalty area through physical confrontation. Then, her body snuggled up to him softly, and her hands held his arms into a soft embrace.

Xin said: "Whether you want to control the ball or fight physically, it's up to you!"

Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide and looked like a gentleman, "What do you want to do? Hit someone with the ball? This is a foul! Be careful, I will show you a red card and send you off!"

"People are ignoring you."

"Forget it, I'll give you a yellow card this time. If you accumulate two yellows, it will become a red card. I won't do it next time!"


"I'm on the ball-controlling side and you're on the defensive side. Don't get it wrong."

"what the hell!"

Ning Lu continued to act coquettishly and was almost furious. She didn't know much about football, so she was confused by all these things. I felt that the boss was really confused. He played wild football with those rough guys for half the game and stopped playing in the second half. Is he going to his side to show off his skills?

No, I have to ask Sun Wanran and Feng Muer for some experience later, and see how they played this football match with their boss. It feels like the boss is like the national football team and his skills are not very good.

After lunch, go back to the company.

It was a formal business communication at Lenovo, so it was not easy to bring such a beautiful little girl. Ning Yaxian had not returned from raising her baby in Shanghai, so she simply stopped bringing her female assistant and asked Meng Houkun to go with her.

When they returned to the company, they found that Sun Wanran and Feng Muer were bored in the general affairs room, sitting in front of the computer with a sad expression.

"What are you two doing?"


Feng Muer felt guilty and sneaky.

Sun Wanran was also embarrassed.

Zhou Buqi asked tentatively: "Are you two watching a short movie? I won't interrupt you. You two will study slowly. I will accompany you two to do the actual test later."

Sun Wanran said angrily: "Just talking nonsense, it's... my website is down."

"Your website?"


"What website?"

Zhou Buqi was a little baffled.

Feng Muer whispered: "Wan Wan is so smart. He taught himself computer and built a website by himself."

Zhou Buqi was very surprised and looked Sun Wanran up and down, "You? Are you teaching yourself computers?"

Sun Wanran blushed and said, "We are an Internet company. How can I not understand anything about it?"

Zhou Buqi was very happy and praised: "Not bad, very motivated."

"Actually, it's very simple to build a personal website. There are templates online and you just need to set up a server. But..." Sun Wanran said dejectedly, "But I'm in trouble and I can't solve it."

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "What's the problem? Let me take a look!"

Sun Wanran glanced at him, "You?"

Zhou Buqi felt that he could already do it and was very confident. "How difficult can it be to build a small personal website? Tell me, what problems did you encounter?"

Sun Wanran said: "It's just that the server crashed. I have reset it several times. Every time I reset it, it lasted for a few days, and then it crashed again not long after."

"What server?"

Zhou Buqi searched around the general affairs room and didn't see any server chassis.

Sun Wanran pointed to her office computer host, "That's it."


Zhou Buqi was speechless.

Well, after he, the boss, delegated power to Zhang Yiming, the workload of the General Affairs Office was greatly reduced. Otherwise, Sun Wanran would not have been able to create a small website with Feng Muer.

Feng Muer whispered: "I asked someone from the company specifically, and they said that it is a personal website, so there is no need for a dedicated server, just a computer host."

Zhou Buqi said: "That was when the traffic was low, um... what kind of website is this, and which direction is it?"

Sun Wanran said: "Novel website."

"Pirated novel?"


"Depend on!"

Zhou Buqi was amused by her. Ziweixing's Toutiao Literature was the largest literary platform in the country, but this girl ended up piracy of her own novel website.

It's safe!

Ziweixing's legal department can't sue Director Sun of the general affairs office.

Sun Wanran also blushed, "This is not a piracy website, it is a resource aggregation website. It integrates many novel resources together, and then users can go to those websites to read."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "That's right. If you were to run a pirated website, you wouldn't be that good. Okay, I get it. The traffic must be too high and the server is bursting."

"But sometimes it's okay, and sometimes it suddenly doesn't work."

"Maybe he was attacked."


Sun Wanran covered his mouth in surprise.

Zhou Buqi said: "Find a technician and check the logs. It's a trivial matter."

Sun Wanran looked embarrassed, "How do we find this? Let the technicians come to the general affairs office? Let them know that the chairman's secretary is stealing the company's interests and building a pirated website?"

Zhou Buqi was angry and funny, no wonder these two girls were so helpless, "Forget it, I'll ask Guo Pengfei to come over."

Sun Wanran looked embarrassed, "Is this okay?"

Guo Pengfei is the president of the online media business group, and the literary business is a department under this business group. If you invited him over, wouldn't he take the initiative to deliver it to your door?

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "You still know you are guilty?"

Sun Wanran said: "I just practice and play with it."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and didn't care much about it, "Whatever, you can do whatever you want, pirated literature, pirated games, pirated movies, pirated comics, you can't stop this kind of thing. If the state doesn't take action, It will never be solved. The market for pirated novels is so huge. Rather than leaving it to pirates, why don’t you guys set up a website and take in the profits?"

Ning Lu stood by, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Don't let the rich water flow to outsiders' fields."

"Yes." Zhou Buqi nodded, "Ask Guo Pengfei to come over, build the website better, and move a server over. Once you make money, it will be your little treasury."

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