Top of the big era

Chapter 1500 Liberal arts are too subjective

Back in Los Angeles, it was already dark.

Zhou Buqi walked around several rooms. Several children were already asleep, so he went over and kissed each of the babies on their cheeks.

This kiss was so good that it directly woke up my 2-month-old daughter Ning Ning.

Ning Yaxian quickly held her daughter in her arms, pulled off the sling, held her daughter in her arms and breastfed her, and said angrily: "She is so old and still so frizzy."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "This little girl is quite delicate. She is a daughter after all. I just went to kiss that stinky little egg. After kissing her several times, everything was fine. She slept like a little pig."

Ning Yaxian rolled her eyes at him and said, "Don't kiss the baby indiscriminately, or you may infect the baby with bacteria."

"I'll go!" Zhou Buqi thought she was a little crazy, "I can't even kiss my own daughter, so who should I kiss?"

Ning Yaxian said jokingly: "Where are those little stars?"

"That's different. A biological daughter is for kissing, and a goddaughter is for..." Zhou Buqi looked suspiciously, looking her up and down, "Yaxian, are you itchy? Do you want to be beaten?"

Ning Yaxian pursed her lips and said, "I didn't say I wouldn't let you kiss me. You should take a shower first. The bacteria from the outside are brought back. Children have weak resistance and are prone to getting sick."

"Okay, take a shower."

Zhou Buqi thought she was right, so he turned around and went directly to her bathroom. When he came back after putting on clean pajamas, he found that the baby had fallen asleep in his mother's fragrant arms.

Zhou Buqi was afraid of waking up the baby, so he said in a very small voice: "Can you sleep with me tonight? Ask Yameng to come over."

Ning Yaxian shook her head gently, "I want to sleep with my baby in my arms."

"Put it in the crib."

"No, the baby is too small. You have to sleep with her in your arms. She feels safe. It's written in the parenting book. Xiao Meng can't do it either. Let's wait a few months until the baby gets older."

"Being a mother is hard work."

Zhou Buqi sighed with emotion, sat over and kissed her forehead a few times.

Ning Yaxian smiled gently, turned her head and kissed him, and joked: "Yameng and I are losing weight. We won't let you touch us until we get back in shape."

Zhou Buqi touched her waist and belly a few times, "Isn't it a good recovery? Her thighs...well, her thighs are indeed rounder than before pregnancy."

Ning Yaxian was embarrassed and said, "Okay, the baby woke up again soon, so go to work quickly."

This is normal.

Night in the United States is daytime in China. Every night, Zhou Buqi has to stay in the study for an hour or two, replying to some emails, making a few phone calls, and dealing with work matters.

The key thing to deal with today must be the new personnel management concept.

It is necessary to create a new proposition of "managing the company with the thinking of managing products".

Traditional human resources businesses are all liberal arts in nature, which has led to HR jobs in the industry becoming almost exclusively jobs for women.

This makes sense.

When doing personnel work, the most important thing is to be able to communicate. Human resources work is like a gas station, where employees must be refueled at all times; it is also a maintenance factory, where employees must be constantly activated and ignited.

This requires that HR's work must be delicate and patient enough. Women's unique warmth, tenderness and beauty are often easier to resolve the icebergs among employees and reunite scattered teams.

This is true.

But now there is a problem. When the train of the mobile Internet era is approaching, Ziweixing will face large-scale recruitment expansion in both domestic and overseas business.

Especially Europe.

Almost every country has a branch, and the total number of employees in Ziweixing Europe alone will exceed 5,000 in the next two years.

Not to mention the annual salary and welfare expenses of 5,000 US dollars for these 5,000 people, corporate training for so many employees is a huge problem!

In the traditional personnel industry, after new employees join the company, HR must provide certain training to the employees, explain the corporate culture and performance system, and help the team establish a good collaborative relationship.

Small companies can adopt the traditional model.

What about big companies?

Especially for large multinational companies, do they go abroad for training?

Companies like Microsoft and Google are easier to handle. They develop bit by bit, conquering new markets city by city. Ziweixing’s domestic business can also adopt the traditional model, but what about Ziweixing International?

Time waits not for us!

The new era of mobile Internet has arrived, and Ziweixing International is the first to enter the market. They want to enter the market early and seize the territory early.

This is the fundamental reason why Ziweixing International dares to challenge Silicon Valley giants.

Enter the venue early and seize the track in advance!

By the time the Silicon Valley giants react, Ziweixing International has become a giant in the mobile Internet field. Therefore, Ziweixing International cannot wait and slowly advance country by country like Microsoft and Google did in the past when they opened up the European market.

This is too slow!

If you want to seize territory faster, you must quickly form a group of capable and unified land-grabbing teams.

The traditional liberal arts personnel model may no longer work.

You have to use scientific thinking.

There is a more important point, which is the regional distinction!

Different countries have different cultures. In company management, different systems and internal cultures must be formulated to adapt to local employees and stimulate their combat effectiveness...

This is too much trouble!

Just like Lu Qi's management of Ziweixing International, due to a moment of inattention, two management voices emerged internally, one was a relaxed culture, and the other was a strong culture, which often led to internal conflicts and even workplace struggles.

There has to be a unified tone.

A new concept that can transcend the cultural barriers between different countries!

Is this possible?

There is.

Whether it is a Japanese company, an American company, or a British company, they must have desks and computers, and they must have cars and airplanes for travel...

Cultures are different, but tools are common.

Microsoft office is used all over the world, and Oracle's database is used in office. Tools can break down the ideological barriers between different countries!

Just inside Ziweixing, there is a management office tool-Weishu.

This is the enterprise version of Helo, and the core tool is document office. It was first called "Dida" and later changed its name to "Weishu", but the English name still retained the name "Tita".

In the study room, Zhou Buqi used Ziweixing's internal product Weishu, then picked up paper and pen, wrote and drew, and made some simple outlines of ideas.

This matter is very important. After sorting out your thoughts, I need to go back to my country and discuss it seriously with my friends.

"Dang Dang Dang."


The person who opened the door was Xue Baoshan, carrying a fruit plate and walking lightly into the study. She must have just taken a shower, her hair is slightly wet, her delicate face is as white as milk, her lips are red and her teeth are white, and she is covered in water.

Zhou Buqi waved to her, "It's so late and you haven't slept yet?"

Xue Baoshan pursed her lips and smiled without saying a word.

Zhou Buqi understood, "You go back to your room and wait, I'll be there right away."

Xue Baoshan's face turned red, "Who else do you want?"

"Sister Zhen Yu, how are you doing?"

"She is inconvenient today and has already rested."

"Then let's have a good time, okay?"

If it were anyone else, Zhou Buqi would have made strong arrangements, but he was particularly fond of Sister Bao and relied on her in everything.

Xue Baoshan said "Hmm" softly, and her eyes fell on the manuscript paper on his desk. The scribblings were messy, a bit like a mind map, "What is this? Are you designing a new product?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, a new product! I am the No. 1 product manager of Ziweixing!"

Xue Baoshan smiled and said: "What product is it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "For the new personnel concept, I plan to promote a concept of managing the company with product thinking. To tilt the human resources department towards science."

"Product thinking? Scientific?" Xue Baoshan was curious, "What does it mean?"

Sister Bao is no stranger to the work of human resources.

She was the chief personnel officer of the Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance back then. When she first started the Yuanwei milk tea shop, she was in charge of personnel matters.

Zhou Buqi said: "You are a liberal arts student. The human resources philosophy of liberal arts is very subjective. This should be the same as Jieyu Media. The traditional performance appraisal model is no longer in use. It has to be investigated and synthesized by HR. Evaluate."

"Yeah, I know."

Of course Xue Baoshan understands that Jieyu Media invests in movies, TV series, reality shows and variety shows. Such products rarely use data to quantify performance, but more comprehensive evaluations by HR.

In the previous performance appraisal of Yuanwei Milk Tea Shop, the sales target was 1 million, the sales at the end of the year was 800,000, and the performance score was 80 points. This is the traditional model.

But this is too simple.

The external environment is highly variable, and it is increasingly difficult for companies to predict the direction of future business changes, and it is increasingly difficult to set a "correct" goal. It is easy for performance goals to decouple and deviate from actual business, and other problems.

Just setting a goal and checking the completion status at the end of the year is not scientific enough.

In order to deal with this problem, many modern companies, including Ziweixing, are using a new and more extensive performance management method, that is, by collecting all-round information about employees, such as work output summary, goal completion status, collaboration Colleagues' evaluations, etc., and then HR makes a comprehensive judgment on talents, which more truly reflects the value contribution of employees' actual output to the organization.

But here comes a new problem.

How can we make the assessment results more accurate?

You need to get more information.

For example, for an employee, one colleague evaluates him as 10 points, while other colleagues only evaluate him as 1 point. If HR only investigates the employee who was rated 10 points, there will be a big error in the performance rating given.

So investigate as much as you can.

But a new problem came again.

How much HR work does it take to survey so many people?

The most important point is that it’s fine at home, but what about abroad?

When evaluating the performance of a Spanish employee working in Madrid, is it necessary to send HR from home? Or sent from the United States? Or recruiting new HR in Madrid?

If an HR recruiter in Madrid conducts a performance evaluation on an employee in Madrid...are the evaluation results highly credible? Could it be that the people of Madrid are taking special care of the people of Madrid, deliberately defrauding the management of money, and uniting to collectively give high ratings?

This model is too subjective.

There must be a standardized, objective method of remote review!

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