Top of the big era

Chapter 1544 Everyone doesn’t stop.

As early as the beginning of the business, Zhou Buqi's Internet positioning for Ziweixing was neither e-commerce nor gaming, so there was only one option left - social networking.

Therefore, at the very beginning, Ziweixing’s ultimate challenge was QQ, and the method he chose was a social product based on smartphones in the early days of the mobile Internet explosion.

Whether it is called "WeChat", "Fetion", "Quixin", "Haoxin" or "Tianxin", the most important thing is to sort out the relationship between the product logic and the user group.

The way mobile social apps spread must be viral and fission-like, which means that the first wave of user base accumulation is particularly important.

This first wave of user groups must have extensive social communication and influence, and must have sufficient product loyalty and recognition.

Ziweixing has been working for so many years and has accumulated enough.

The campus network brings together college students across the country. Friends Network brings together white-collar workers, civil servants and other middle- and high-income groups across the country.

Even Helo was an unexpected success and was able to compete with QQ on the computer side.

The user groups of QQ are mostly young teenagers and some low-end young working groups in society. They did not go to college after graduating from high school. After entering the society, they will still use QQ mainly.

This is the disadvantage that QQ has based on user groups in the smartphone era under the squeeze of Helo.

Nowadays, smartphones are very expensive, and QQ’s user groups generally have insufficient spending power; now, smartphones are unstable and cumbersome to operate, and QQ’s user groups may not necessarily have a good understanding of new products.

In comparison, Ziweixing has a huge advantage.

Whether it is the school network, friends network or Helo, they have captured all the groups with the strongest learning ability, the strongest adaptability and the strongest spending power in society.

The situation is different for Penguin. Even if they discover it in time, catch up in time, and quickly launch a mobile social product, it will be useless, and it will be difficult to defeat MiLiao as easily as in the previous life.

Because the social landscape of the domestic Internet industry has changed, QQ’s user base has been severely compressed.

Ziweixing launched WeChat, and you can use the school network, friend network, and Helo to attract traffic. It is like running water, flowing naturally.

If Penguin wants to launch Q-letter, it will be difficult to use QQ to attract traffic. These are two different user groups. Qxin needs to dig its own well to attract running water, and it is difficult to attract QQ users to Qxin. Users of computer QQ can at most be directed to mobile QQ. These are two completely different product logics.

This matter is settled!

Zhou Buqi is very confident, and Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei and others are also full of fighting spirit.

MSI has even completed its layout in the smartphone industry. WeChat can be directly pre-installed in Aster phones. If WeChat cannot do this, it would be unreasonable.

Meng Houkun is not a product maker, and his understanding of products is relatively shallow. He can only think about it from the perspective of an ordinary user, and asked: "By the way, do you want Helo to be renamed?"

"Change your name?"

"Helo in China is a software for computers, while Helo abroad is a software for mobile phones. This is too confusing."

"What's the mess?" Zhou Buqi disagreed, "The foreign domain name is, which is the English official website. The domestic domain name is, which is the Chinese official website. In fact, they are two products. WeChat and the foreign Helo are one and the same. The products can be properly interoperated and are all social products based on mobile phones.”

Meng Houkun had a headache, "It's a mess."

Zhang Yiming said with a smile: "Actually, it's not confusing, because you have a God's perspective and feel that there is Helo in China and Helo abroad. It's not the same product, so it's easy to tell them apart. Ordinary users have a wall to isolate them, so they won't have any trouble." . Domestic users only have the difference between Helo on the computer and WeChat on the mobile phone. Foreign users do not have the computer product, only Helo on the mobile phone. This is actually an advantage. Having the same name at home and abroad will increase the national pride of domestic users. ."

"He doesn't understand, so there's no need to explain so much." Guo Pengfei scorned Meng Houkun, "The question now is...well, since WeChat is going to be launched, what about other products? Will mobile apps be launched?"

"It should!" Zhou Buqi nodded, "But don't rush, take your time first, pick a few easier projects to launch, such as browsers, account books, notebooks, encyclopedias of embarrassing things, and mobile assistants. It's complicated. Don’t rush into the project now.”

Guo Pengfei understood what he meant and smiled: "Yes, use the best mobile development talents on the WeChat team. Several other projects will be simply operated first. As more experience is accumulated, the mobile talents will gradually After cultivating it, we can slowly launch more complex apps.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Okay, that's it! This is the most important thing for Ziweixing in the product line. We must gradually and comprehensively tilt towards the mobile terminal. The ultimate goal is to allin the mobile terminal, changing the position of host and guest."

Changing the subject and guest is a very bold judgment. Guo Pengfei asked worriedly: "Is it true? The number of computer users is still growing, and it is still far from saturation."

Zhou Buqi said: "Computers are too expensive."

"Is it expensive?" Guo Pengfei didn't understand, "Is it similar to a smartphone?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Computers are not a necessity. There are 1.3 billion people in the country, and there are no more than 200 million people who cannot live and work without computers every day. Mobile phones are different. With the improvement of consumption levels, mobile phones are an important part of life and work. Smartphones are quite expensive now. In a few years, the industrial chain will be improved, performance will improve, and the price will drop. A smartphone that costs a few hundred yuan will be affordable to people across the country."

This is also the reason why computer manufacturers such as HP, Lenovo, Dell, and Asus have gradually fallen out of mainstream attention.

In the past, if you wanted to access the Internet, you had to buy a computer. Computers were the center of the industry.

I won’t need it anymore. Computers are expensive and unportable, and their convenience is far inferior to smartphones. After the advent of smart phones, the business of Internet cafes is not as prosperous as before.

Mobile phone manufacturers will replace computer manufacturers and become the industry leader in hardware manufacturing.

Zhang Yiming nodded and slowly concluded: "Yes, Internet access depends on hardware equipment. The application scenarios of smartphones are far greater than those of computers. The future trend of hardware equipment determines the future strategic focus of Ziweixing. It’s mobile.”

Ziweixing is developing very well in the domestic market, and Zhou Buqi does not need to be involved at the execution level.

After finishing this matter, I put on my heavy coat and planned to go out to play with Yang Mi, Jiang Bingjie, and Li Xinwan. Well, there is also Dilireya.

It is already December, and in one month, the university will enter the winter vacation.

My sister Zhou Nan has already said that the weather in the capital is really too cold. When I go abroad for the holidays, I want to go to the tropics!

I also need to take Dilireya with me.

This seems to be the mentality of a child, still thinking about things like traveling, eating, drinking and having fun.

Unlike the other girls who have followed Zhou Buqi for several years, they are really pursuing tangible benefits. After Huayi went public, its stock price hit a record on the first day, but then fell back.

But even so, the stocks held by Yang Mi, Jiang Bingjie and Li Xinwan each are worth more than 15 million yuan. This was an astronomical figure for them in the past.

For example, when Jiang Bingjie filmed "A Dream of Red Mansions", her scenes were filmed for a total of 41 episodes, and her total salary was only 200,000 yuan, or 5,000 yuan per episode. When she was still in school, she thought it was a huge sum of money.

After working with my father who was a fundraiser for several years, looking back, I realized that the money was really shabby, and it was easier to make money while lying down.

Now, Jieyu Media has also launched its listing plan.

The three of them had received the original stock dividends from Huayi's listing, and of course they couldn't wait to get some Jieyu Media shares. For this matter, we still have to ask the sponsor’s father.

When they heard that Zhou Buqi had returned to China, the three of them gathered in the capital early to get ready.

Zhou Buqi was getting dressed and was about to leave the company. He happened to meet Fu Sheng, the president of the software business group that he focused on training, in the elevator. He asked casually: "How is your work lately? Is it stressful?"


Fu Sheng's response was very direct and surprising.

Zhou Buqi was a little amused, "Which aspect? Is it business pressure or company order pressure?"

Fu Sheng was transferred from a technical position to a product position and then to a management position. His technical level is very high, and he also has the low emotional intelligence of a technical person. He may not be able to handle the complex relationship between power in the workplace when he is in a high position.

"It's external pressure."


Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment.

The main products of Ziweixing's software division are Weidian Browser, Weidian Antivirus, Weidian Security Guard, and Weidian Input Method. These four softwares have almost no rivals in the industry.

Fu Sheng said: "Baidu has also entered the market."

Zhou Buqi didn't understand the matter and asked, "Why did Baidu enter the market?"

Fu Shengdao: "Google China has been laying off employees on a large scale, and they are about to withdraw from the domestic market. After squeezing out Google, Baidu is now turning around to fight us."

"Isn't it?"

Zhou Buqi didn't believe it.

Fu Sheng said solemnly: "It's true. Baidu has been actively poaching people from security manufacturers recently, and has clearly added security protection positions during school recruitment. If nothing else, Baidu will launch Baidu Antivirus, or Baidu Browser, and Baidu Security Guard. Well, Baidu Input Method was launched half a year ago."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Hey, none of these people are stopping!"

Fu Sheng said easily: "But I am very confident in our products. Even if Baidu enters the market, it will not be a rival. E-commerce has failed, social networking has failed, and this time they want to enter the security field, but they cannot do it." "

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Don't be impulsive when fighting, and don't be overly aggressive when making moves. As you said, Baidu's products are not relevant, so don't take it too seriously. You can kill one thousand enemies, but you can't lose seven hundred to yourself." ."

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