Top of the big era

Chapter 1752 Netflix takes the blame

This is a bit unexpected for Zhou Buqi. He didn't expect Apple to move so quickly.

I thought it would be delayed until October 11th, after Microsoft released its own Windows phone, which is comparable to the iPhone, before taking action.

On second thought, it's normal.

Jobs' health was in terrible shape.

Pancreatic cancer is the most ferocious cancer. If an ordinary person gets pancreatic cancer, they can live for more than half a year. Even if Steve Jobs is the world's richest man and can enjoy the best medical treatment in the world, it may be difficult for him to persist for too long. He was already too weak and haggard, and it would have been nice to live another year.

Time is not on Jobs' side.

When Zhou Buqi went to the hospital to visit Steve Jobs, he himself said that all his hard work in this life was only one thing, and that was Apple.

Before he died, he wanted to do as much as possible for Apple.

His life is coming to an end, but he wants to keep his most outstanding product in his life, the iPhone!

Mainly two things.

1. Withstand the impact of Google;

Second, withstand the impact of Microsoft.

The plan to counter Google has been finalized, and the next step is to fight a patent lawsuit with Samsung at any cost. In this kind of patent lawsuit between giants, not to mention the losers, even the winners have to peel off a layer of skin.

But this is a strategy, related to the sphere of influence of the iOS system and Android system, it must be promoted.

Now that Asda is acting as an internal response, Apple's chances of winning are even greater.

As for Microsoft, this is the trickiest thing.

Microsoft is a giant, with much higher technological content than Apple, and its various patent portfolios can crush Apple. The smartphone system developed by Microsoft cannot be copied from iOS like Android, and there must be obvious differences in functions and usage.

It's impossible to hit Microsoft with a patent stick.

Steve Jobs wasn't actually afraid of Microsoft, but he was afraid of cancer. If he stays healthy, he doesn't care about Google, Samsung, Asda, or Microsoft. With his pride and self-confidence, he won't look down on all these companies together, and will only leave a "junk" ” comment.

But not anymore.

He doesn't have long to live.

At the last moment of his life, he had to make decisions about his posthumous affairs and ensure that Apple would remain invincible after his death.

At this time, Aisda took the initiative to seek cooperation, and he relented and was moved.

Now in the global smartphone market, there are two trump cards, iPhone and Aster. If these two companies join forces, there is a great possibility of resisting the offensive of subsequent entrants!

Zhou Buqi's number one rival is Samsung, and Jobs's number one rival is Microsoft.

Different paths lead to the same destination.

Promoting cooperation between Asda and Apple will be beneficial to both parties.

Zhou Buqi received a call from Zhou Shaoning and was very happy, "Okay! When will the negotiation take place?"

"Tomorrow at 9:30 am."

"It's quite urgent."

“It’s not just urgent, it’s also important.”


"The meeting will take place at Stanford Hospital."

Zhou Shaoning couldn't help but feel a little more serious in his words.

Jobs, who is currently undergoing treatment at the Stanford Cancer Center, wanted to personally participate in the negotiations.

Zhou Buqi was silent for a moment and said slowly: "Okay, I will go there tomorrow."

Here, Zhou Buqi talked to Kurian and Alex Jones successively, and Lu Qi also took the initiative to report on his work. In addition to the financial and personnel aspects, the main focus is Helo business development.

There is good news.

Helo has more than 45 million overseas users and more than 40 million daily active users. This means that as long as Helo is installed on a smartphone, there is no possibility of "zombie users" and users are actively using this product.

Looking around the world, Ziweixing International is the world's largest mobile Internet company!

In addition, Lu Qi also complained to Kurian, "His style is too strong and he is not good at uniting partners."

"Huh? What's going on?"

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows. He knew that the trivial matters were not worthy of Lu Qi's special report. They must be more important matters.

Lu Qi coughed lightly, "The current cloud computing technology is not mature enough. Amazon Cloud has experienced two major failures this year, which has attracted doubts in the industry and turbulence in the stock price."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Kurian told me that this is the biggest advantage of Ziwei Cloud compared to Amazon Cloud."

"What advantage?" Lu Qi shook his head repeatedly.

"Isn't it?"

Zhou Buqi is a little confused.

Lu Qi said: "It is an advantage, but it only treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. In terms of stability, Ziwei Cloud is indeed better than Amazon Cloud. However, providing cloud services for video streaming requires extremely powerful technology."

"Video streaming media?" Zhou Buqi seemed to understand what he was saying, "Naifei? Are you saying that there was a breakdown in the cooperation between Netflix and Zi Weiyun?"

Lu Ji said: "This is normal. The amount of data in streaming media is too large, much larger than that of e-commerce platforms. Failures are inevitable. Last month, a failure occurred in the cloud data center in Texas, causing Netflix’s 1.8 million paid subscribers were unable to watch videos online for more than an hour.”

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Is there such a thing?"

Lu Qi said: "The Netflix side is very unhappy. Kurian's attitude is very strong and he suppressed it. The two sides have not yet resolved it. If it weren't for you being the big boss of Zi Weiyun, Netflix would have made a public statement long ago. ”

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "I knew I couldn't believe everything this Indian said!"

This Kurian is indeed a typical Indian, reporting good news but not bad news...that's all. He also likes to exaggerate, be mysterious, and brag in all kinds of ways.

For such a big matter, I don't want to resolve it amicably, I want to suppress it forcefully... It's right to suppress it, but you also have to find some methods.

After suppressing the matter, Zi Weiyun feels comfortable here. What should Netflix do?

As time goes by, won’t there be cracks in the cooperative relationship between Zi Weiyun and Netflix? Once a major conflict breaks out between the two parties, won't Zhou Buqi himself have to bear the responsibility in the end?

This Kurian is a bit irresponsible.

For this one incident alone, Zhou Buqi and Kurian were sentenced to death. No matter how much he contributes to the Ziweiyun project in the future, he will never become the CEO or president of Ziweixing International.

There is no problem with his ability, but the thinking of a professional manager is too obvious.

He only thinks about his own performance, but does not weigh the pros and cons from the perspective of boss Zhou. In the final analysis, he is a foreigner, not a close confidant. From this point of view, Indians are not even as good as Americans and British.

For example, Sandoku, the vice chairman of Manchester United's board of directors, although he is British, has gradually become Zhou Buqi's confidant. It's not because San Dezi will recommend women to Zhou Buqi, but because San Dezi has a clearer positioning of himself. He does not rely on his personal ability to achieve his status this year. He relies on the opportunities given by boss Zhou.

Taking the interests of the big boss as one's own interests is the way a confidant should think.

Seeing that the big boss was a little unhappy, Lu Qi quickly explained, "This is a problem of personality and habits, and has nothing to do with ability or character. Kurian's character is impeccable, and everyone in the company respects him. His ability is even more important No problem, in the B-side field... it is a bit exaggerated to say that he is the number one in the world, but the top three in the world is still guaranteed."

"I know," Zhou Buqi nodded, "This person is still unreliable. He talks like a horse... Anyway, you usually keep an eye on me. If there are some things that you can't handle, just tell me."

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Okay."

After Lu Qi left the office, Zhou Buqi instinctively wanted to call Kurian over and criticize him. But this is a bit too obvious. At first glance, it seems that Lu Qi is making a snitch, which will affect the relationship between Lu Qi and Kurian's colleagues.

At Kurian's level, there should be as little criticism as possible.

These are extremely smart people, and there are some things that don’t need to be said.

Non-critical hints are sometimes more effective than direct criticism.

Zhou Buqi asked Ning Yaxian to rearrange his schedule. He was going to Netflix for research in the afternoon. During Netflix's investigation, I "happened" to know about the conflict between Netflix and Zi Weiyun, and then solved it smoothly.

This can not only avoid conflicts between Lu Qi and Kurian, but also give Kurian some hints and warnings.

The itinerary is arranged, Zhou Buqi will go to Netflix in the afternoon.

Netflix is ​​now very strong. At the capital level, the market value has exceeded 6 billion US dollars. At the strategic level, the cooperation between Netflix and Ziweixing Global has been fully launched, and more and more Ziweixing Global content has appeared on Netflix. ; On the business level, filming of "House of Cards" has started.

Zhou Buqi's main focus is on the strategic level.

That is cloud computing.

The cooperation between Netflix and Ziweixing Global has a platform that connects both parties, which is Ziwei Cloud. It is Ziweixing Global that transmits the data content to Ziweiyun, and then Netflix uses Ziweiyun’s services to launch streaming media content to users.

In this process, the stability of Ziweiyun is very important.

This year, Amazon Cloud has experienced two relatively major technical failures, which have been greatly questioned by the industry. The biggest source of failures is Amazon's e-commerce business.

E-commerce and cloud computing are both owned by Amazon, with a left-hand and right-hand relationship.

In contrast, Amazon now cares more about its e-commerce business.

Therefore, whenever Amazon's e-commerce platform fails, Amazon's official announcement will shift the responsibility to Amazon Cloud to protect the brand and reputation of the e-commerce business.

The current cloud computing business is still very immature, and Ziweiyun will certainly encounter many technical failures.

Especially cloud services for video streaming.

The greater the amount of data transmitted, the greater the probability of failure.

Zhou Buqi attaches great importance to cloud computing. He does not want Ziweiyun to suffer the same negative reputation as Amazon Cloud.

Ziweiyun has a good reputation and a strong brand. When the market makes a choice, it will give priority to Ziweiyun instead of Amazon Cloud.

However, Ziweiyun's failure is inevitable, especially when the amount of data transmitted in the streaming service is so large. If something goes wrong, if Zi Weiyun doesn't take responsibility, who will take responsibility? Then it can only be Netflix.

This is why Boss Zhou wants to make a personal trip to Netflix today.

The big picture here needs to be explained clearly.

When I went to Netflix to meet Hargentins, Zhou Buqi was unambiguous and went directly to his office and got straight to the point: "Kurian told me that there were some minor problems in the cooperation between Netflix and Ziweiyun last month. "

Hargentins complained immediately, "It's not a small problem, it's that all 1.8 million paying users in Texas have experienced a 75-minute delay in information streaming."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "How can it be that exaggerated? There are 1.8 million paying users in Texas. How many users would happen to use Netflix during the 75-minute outage period?"

Hargentins was speechless, "This is not a small problem. Netflix is ​​user-centered."

Zhou Buqi said: "Of course we must put users at the core. This is the basic philosophy of Internet companies. If a malfunction occurs, we must recognize it. If the user's interests are damaged, we must make compensation. This is normal."

"Compensation?" Hargentings said bitterly and helplessly, "How can we simply compensate for the problem? Since it is user-centered, we must solve the problem from the root to prevent users from encountering similar failures in the future. This will Seriously affecting Netflix’s brand image.”

This sentence is very true.

But, how to solve it from the root?

The cloud computing industry is still in its early development stage, and various technologies are not mature enough. It cannot be solved by just thinking, but it requires the accumulation of time and experience.

It would even take several more failures on Netflix's part for Zi Weiyun to truly discover the problem and solve the matter.

Zhou Buqi glanced at him with a dull expression, "I heard Kurian said that it took a lot of effort for him to convince you?"

Hargentins is a little embarrassed, "Netflix has to explain to users that if an accident occurs and then downplay it as if it never happened, it will affect Netflix's brand image."

Zhou Buqi said firmly: "Of course I have to explain, but it cannot damage Ziweiyun's brand image. No negative news about Ziweiyun can appear in the public statement!"

"Then how do you explain it?"

"This is the fault of Netflix's technical team and has nothing to do with Zi Weiyun."


Hargentins had a complicated expression and remained silent.

That is to say, Boss Zhou has brought too many benefits to Netflix in the past two years, and also pushed over the copyright resources of Ziweixing Global. Otherwise, if any other investor made such a request, he would definitely start a fight.

How can this be the case?

What a bully!

It was clearly Zi Weiyun's fault, why should Netflix be held responsible? Ziweiyun’s brand and reputation have been preserved, but Netflix’s reputation has deteriorated.

However, he also participated in the overall planning meeting for the "Ziwei Galaxy" held by Boss Zhou in Shanghai.

From an overall perspective, it is indeed better to have Netflix take the blame.

It's hard to let Zi Weiyun take the blame. The loss is too great.

Letting Netflix take the blame...of course there will be an impact, but it's not that big and it's within controllable range.

Looking at "Ziwei Galaxy" as a whole, Netflix still suffers less losses from taking the blame.

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