Top of the big era

Chapter 1802 Ownership

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi sounded familiar, "Didn't Wang Haiyang say that he had carried out some reforms in the human resources business? Some of them are similar to yours, right?"

Meng Houkun said: "Yes, it is quite similar. The one Wang Haiyang worked on is the 'Trinity', which was passed from abroad, HRBP, HRSSC and HRS."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Are you the only one who understands English?"

Meng Houkun said angrily: "These are very professional divisions in the field of human resources. Even if you tell me, you won't understand."

"You tell me!"

"HRBP is the human resources business partner, HRSSC is the human resources sharing center, and HRS is the human resources expert."

"Oh yes, I've heard of it."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

He specializes in technology. As Ziweixing grows bigger and bigger, there are already too many things he doesn’t understand about company affairs. If he doesn’t stay hungry for a long time and keep learning, he may soon fall behind and become a layman. .

Just like Boss Zhang of, it was because he knew nothing about the technical field that his subordinates teamed up with IBM to set up a big trap.

In this regard, it is difficult for Zhou Buqi to be deceived. Although he is not a technical person, he has always been pursuing technology and has been trying hard to learn and understand it.

Although the specific operations are not possible, the theoretical frameworks of several major technical fields are still known, which counts as a certain foundation.

It seems that when you have time, you should read more internal business materials of Ziweixing, learn more, and master more. You don't need to be too sophisticated. At least you have enough understanding in the fields of finance, personnel, market, technology, key projects, etc.

Fortunately, there are a few direct descendants around who can be completely trusted. They can look at these things happening in Ziwei Star from the same standpoint and perspective.

Guo Pengfei smiled and said, "Why don't you ask Wang Haiyang to come over?"

"Don't scream, I quarrel with him every day!" Meng Houkun rejected the proposal. "This person seems to be taking too much power. I think it's okay. Let's replace him with someone else to lead the human resources work."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi believed in Meng Houkun's judgment, "Really or not? He is very capable!"

Meng Houkun said: "Well, his ability is very strong. No one denies this. It's just... it's a bit exaggerated. He is the chief human resources officer. It's as if the entire human resources system of Ziweixing belongs to him. It's oily. If you don’t get in, the water won’t splash out. I have also communicated with Boss He and classmate Yi Ming that this person’s layout is not good.”


"Well, according to He Yang, this person can lead a team of 5,000 people to win the war. If he leads a team of 10,000 people, it may fall apart. It is expected that after a new batch of fresh graduates join the workforce next summer, Ziweixing will The number of domestic employees exceeds 5,000.”

"You all have the same opinion." Zhou Buqi looked at Guo Pengfei, "What about you? What do you think?"

Guo Pengfei shook his head, "I don't have much contact with Wang Haiyang. I just work on my business. I don't have an in-depth understanding of human resources. I feel that we cooperate well."

Meng Houkun said: "Let's talk about this for another time. Listen to me first and you will understand. Wang Haiyang's 'Trinity' is HRBP, HRSSC and HRS. HRS is a human resources expert and mainly solves employee compensation and benefits, organizational performance , employee relations and organizational relations, it is composed of experts in this field, who will give targeted professional suggestions and design effective solutions; HRSSC is a shared service center that provides services in recruitment, salary and benefits, travel expense reimbursement, In terms of salary payment, file management and other routine work, we provide enterprises with a full range of unified services. This is no problem, what I want to say is HRBP."

Zhou Buqi probably knows some about the business structure of human resources, "HRBP is to assist the business, right?"

Meng Houkun said: "Yes, it is assistance. It helps business units better maintain employee relationships, assists business managers to better use human resource management systems and tools to manage employees, and can also use the professionalism of HRs to discover problems in business units. Various problems. This is an upgrade to the traditional HR business. The effect is very good, but it is not enough. The entire 'Trinity' structure lacks the construction of employee psychology and values."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

Meng Houkun said: "This is a system introduced from the United States, but large companies in the United States all have psychiatrists. Americans have a tradition of seeing psychiatrists, which can solve this problem to a certain extent. If it does not work in China, the first thing is The number of domestic psychologists is too small. Secondly, even if there are, employees do not have the habit of seeing a psychologist. Thirdly, psychologists have a passive effect. If you want to better psychologically build employees, you need to build a proactive system. system."

Zhou Buqi was very touched by this point. “The American system cannot be copied mechanically into the country. It should be appropriately changed according to the national conditions.”

Meng Houkun clenched his fist and said, "Yes! That's what it means! I have communicated with Wang Haiyang many times, but he does not have the courage to adjust the system at all. He only said that Americans have gained very mature experience in the 'Trinity'. I think He is just too rigid and can only follow the script and lacks flexibility. The most advocating system in the United States is the system of professional managers, which is difficult to solve the fundamental contradiction between short-term performance and long-term value. We must prevent the decline of ownership spirit."

This sentence was greatly recognized by Zhou Buqi.

As Ziweixing becomes larger and larger, this matter must be carefully considered. Many problems did not appear in the early stages, but as the company grew larger, they became apparent.

In fact, it has something to do with the "ownership" spirit.

In the early days, almost all employees were the "owners" of the company, holding a large number of company stocks in their hands. To this day, the stocks held by those early employees are worth hundreds of millions or tens of millions.

With such a huge amount of wealth on Ziweixing, they and the company have a community of interests. The better the company, the higher the value of their stocks will be.

However, things are different for newcomers.

They have no assets on Ziweixing, and even if they have options, the number is very limited. Old employees work more for the purpose of increasing the value of the stocks they own, which is the spirit of ownership; new employees work to earn wages and save options, which is the mentality of wage earners.

This is where the problem arises.

The new workers who come in, in order to earn wages and save options, are all linked to their performance. The better the performance, the higher the income; if the performance is poor, the income will be bad.

This will inevitably lead to a phenomenon where newly hired business managers begin to adopt a short-term approach, as long as quarterly and annual goals are achieved. They ignore the company's longer-term value pursuit, and even the company's brand image and values.

Similar things abound in American companies.

There are many in China, such as Baidu.

After Baidu went public, the requirements have become higher and the ambitions have become greater. The ability level of many old employees cannot keep up, including the group of founders back then.

Then, for the development of the company, Boss Li learned from the practices of Americans and fired all those people.

At first glance this seems right and is for the good of the company.

But a deeper problem arises.

These veterans are the ones who truly have the spirit of ownership and are really working for the good of Baidu. After removing them all, the only owner left in the company is Boss Li.

He can firmly hold the power of the company, but his helpers are gone. The newly promoted group of young people are all "wage earners". They are all pursuing performance standards and short-term interests... Even as long as the performance standards are met, nothing else matters! As for what will happen to Baidu in the future, this is a matter for business owners to worry about, not for employees.

When something happened to Baidu later, Boss Li suddenly realized it and quickly invited back the veterans who had been eliminated to save the day. However, the new forces have become so entrenched that they are too big to lose. There is really nothing they can do except keep fighting among themselves.

After such analysis, Zhou Buqi finally understood Meng Houkun's true intention.

Not to mention, it’s very thoughtful and well-structured!

For Ziweixing, this is a very critical period of transformation!

It is the transformation from PC Internet to mobile Internet!

Purple Star International, which operates overseas, has even set the strategic requirement of "mobile first! cloud first!" This has not yet been achieved in China because Purple Star also has a huge PC Internet business in China.

However, the transformation from PC to mobile is inevitable.

This means that many old employees who were good at PC Internet in the past may not adapt to the mobile Internet era and are optimized according to organizational procedures.

Those old employees have grown up with Ziweixing slowly from childhood and worked hard. Their careers are almost tied to Ziweixing, and they still have a large number of stocks in their hands... They all There is a strong sense of ownership.

If these people are laid off, it will be a very important asset loss for Ziweixing and even shake its foundation.

This is probably the fundamental conflict that broke out between Meng Houkun and Wang Haiyang.

Wang Haiyang wants to firmly follow the organizational procedures of the human resources department... This is of course a good thing. He is also very capable. At least at this stage, he can make every business department satisfied with his work.

However, from a longer-term perspective, Wang Haiyang's style of strictly following organizational procedures is somewhat rigid and will seriously damage the company's long-term value.

Some people really can't be cut easily.

Guo Pengfei also understood, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "It is true that the existing HR system is conducive to short-term performance growth and seems too mercenary. We also need a new system to ensure that Ziweixing core values ​​and long-term value demands.”

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