Top of the big era

Chapter 1820 Bubble Value (Part 1)

Chapter 1820 Bubble Value (Part 1)

Regarding the competition, gear effect and flywheel effect brought about by the upgrade and revision of the preferred channels, Zhou Buqi actually does not need to explain specifically. His subordinates have already given a very comprehensive and detailed plan.

In the past few years, Zhou Buqi has led Ziweixing to play with this model many times. Even Ziweixing International, which operates overseas businesses, is now an advocate of this concept. In fact, it is ecological mutual assistance and coordinated development.

This has become a replicable formula-like business idea.

However, this time Zhou Buqi put aside the family matter of his old father-in-law's divorce and returned to the capital from Shanghai specifically to deal with the matter, which was mainly due to the business in Zhongtai.

This is a larger business strategy of a macro nature.

This is a very original idea of ​​Zhou Buqi. Not to mention domestic Internet peers, even the technology giants in Silicon Valley lack attention to this general direction.

Coupled with a little foresight and judgment, it is enough for Zhou Buqi to plan in advance, layout in advance, and start in advance!

However, this is something new.

Zhou Buqi only had a rough idea and couldn't even organize it in a basic description language. If he wanted to achieve an internal theory with complete logic, it still had to be done by professionals.

After returning to Beijing, Zhou Buqi participated in the "Preferred Channel Reorganization" project meeting and did not give many opinions. He just asked to put it on hold for the time being and not to rush into action.

Then, he found several core executives such as Zhang Yiming, He Yang, Guo Pengfei, Ji Zian, Wang Xiaochuan, Nie Caijun, and Meng Houkun, as well as theoretical expert Professor Han Leshui.

In the small conference room, Zhou Buqi got straight to the point, "In the meeting on the preferred channel project just now, there was another topic of China-Taiwan business that was not discussed. Before talking about China-Taiwan business, I have new business ideas that I want to talk about."

Among these people, Meng Houkun was the most talkative and active, jokingly asking: "Is it entrepreneurial and innovative?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, business innovation."

Meng Houkun was slightly startled. He just wanted to make a joke to liven up the atmosphere of the meeting, but he didn't expect Boss Zhou to be serious about it. "Is it really innovative?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, it's an original idea. If it works well, it is likely to become Ziweixing's most profitable business direction in the next few years."

Zhang Yiming was a little surprised, "Is it related to China and Taiwan?"

Zhou Buqi said "Yeah", "It has something to do with it."

So decisive, so resolute.

Everyone looked serious. Even Meng Houkun opened his notebook and picked up a signature pen to make some notes.

Similar things are not unfamiliar to everyone, not once or twice.

Boss Zhou often put forward some original ideas in the past to lead the development of Ziweixing. Some ideas succeeded, and some ideas failed.

But as long as it succeeds, it can often become Ziweixing's core competitiveness.

For example, the product positioning of and the operational ideas of on-campus group buying, such as the personalized recommendations of and Today’s Head Picture, including mobile product WeChat, and the planning of cloud computing.

Boss Zhou didn’t come from a major, he didn’t even go to college, he didn’t understand technology or business theory, and he often just had an imperfect, unsound and ambiguous business idea.

This is normal. Language is inherently a scarce, inefficient, and ambiguous way of expression in human communication.

For smart people, the expressions of the mouth often cannot keep up with the reactions of the brain.

Boss Zhou is no exception. He can have a very good thinking structure, but if he wants to express this thinking structure completely and systematically, it is difficult to do so even if he has received professional language expression training.

Especially original ideas and projects.

When talking about it, it is often inconsistent, inconsistent, unclear, disorganized, incomprehensible, and bloated... Many successful business ideas are developed after years and decades of testing, summarizing, analyzing, and sorting out. of.

It is almost impossible for Boss Zhou to express everything completely in a meeting of dozens of minutes.

Fortunately, there are many smart people here.

Boss Zhou doesn’t need to worry too much about the details. He only needs to state the general idea, and then everyone can brainstorm along this idea and build this big framework.

Then everyone brainstorms and works together to improve the details and check for omissions.

Finally, Professor Han Leshui organized it into conceptual ideas and promoted them within the company, and a set of enterprise-level strategic thinking was formed.

Fortunately, this time Zhou Buqi thought about it for several days, and his thinking became clearer. He could come to the conclusion first: "We must seize the bubble value of the new era!"


Meng Houkun raised his head and glanced at him. He felt that his tone was a bit loud, but he closed his mouth tightly without disturbing him, and wrote the seven words "Bubble Value of the Era" in his notebook.

Zhou Buqi spoke in a relaxed tone and said with a smile: "I'm not sure about the specific theory, but I can give you an example, Yahoo back then. 10 years ago, Yahoo was the most popular Internet company in the world, with a market value of more than 100 billion. The U.S. dollar was about to surpass Microsoft. But it soon declined, and the gap with Microsoft became wider and wider. Meng Houkun, tell me, what is the reason?"

This is not a difficult problem. Let alone people in the industry, laymen also know it. Meng Houkun said carelessly: "It's a bubble crisis."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Yahoo was greatly affected by the bubble crisis, and Microsoft was also greatly affected. But looking back, Microsoft was far less affected than Yahoo. Why?"

Meng Houkun is not involved in the specific business management of Ziweixing, but after all, he is also an executive of Ziweixing. He has never eaten pork and has seen pigs run away. "Microsoft is diversified in the field of technology, and the Internet business only accounts for a small part. Yahoo It’s just a website with more bubbles.”

"Good answer." Zhou Buqi nodded, "However, this is too general and not detailed enough. Bubbles cannot be made out of nothing, but you must first have a little bubble water, and then blow bubbles into the bubble water, constantly Blow, and the bigger you blow. However, there is an upper limit for blowing bubbles. Generally speaking, the more bubble water there is, the bigger the bubbles will be."

Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Wang Xiaochuan and others raised their heads and looked at him. This kind of metaphor is not vivid or even accurate at all, and it is really impossible to record it.

The main thing is to understand the spirit of Boss Zhou and his thoughts and intentions.

There is no way, Zhou Buqi is just like Alibaba's boss Ma, neither is an engineer, nor is he professional enough. Many times they think about it, but they really don’t know how to explain it in accurate terms, so they can only use metaphors from common things in life.

Many times, metaphors are not accurate enough.

It doesn't matter, it's an internal meeting anyway, as long as others understand what he mainly means. More details and accurate descriptions will be done by more professional people.

Zhou Buqi continued: "Yahoo back then was just a portal. It was the most popular website in the world, had the highest traffic, and had the biggest bubble in the industry. So, the bubble water that blew up Yahoo's bubble was What? Pengfei, what do you think?"

Guo Pengfei understood what he meant and said concisely, "Page advertisement."

"Yes, on-page advertising!" Zhou Buqi gave a thumbs up, "It is the 1.0 version of Internet advertising. No matter how backward Yahoo's on-page advertising model was, one thing is certain, on-page advertising was Yahoo's business model back then. , and it’s also the only way to make money.”


Guo Pengfei seconded him.

He has to take the lead in this kind of thing.

People like Wang Xiaochuan, Han Leshui, and Liang Rubo have not had much contact with Boss Zhou, so they may not be able to understand what he means. Therefore, direct descendants like Guo Pengfei, Meng Houkun, and Ji Zian are needed to act as "explainers" to help others understand.

Zhou Buqi said: "Then here comes the key point. What kind of customers would go to Yahoo to advertise on Yahoo back then? In other words, what kind of group were Yahoo's page advertising customers back then?"

Guo Pengfei took the initiative to answer, "First of all, exclude physical commercial entities. Although the Internet was very popular more than ten years ago, it was too controversial and was not recognized by traditional industries. General Motors, Coca-Cola, Nike and Adidas all prefer to play on TV. Advertising, not the Internet.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, for this matter, I called Yang Zhiyuan last night and asked about Yahoo back then. My judgment is consistent. Yahoo back then, 95% of page ads They are all from other Internet companies."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yiming's eyes suddenly lit up.

He had the highest position and had the most information. Based on some of Ziweixing's recent business trends, he vaguely guessed what Boss Zhou meant.

"It is not difficult to understand that 95% of Internet companies advertise on Yahoo, because Yahoo was the most popular website at the time with the highest traffic. Advertising on Yahoo can also bring traffic to their websites. But..." Zhou Buqi paused for a moment and looked around, "I was talking to Yang Zhiyuan on the phone. Because so many years had passed, he had forgotten a lot of data. But there was one data that impressed him deeply. At that time, there was an e-commerce store selling second-hand cars. Business website... Of course, this website went bankrupt many years ago. Lao Yang told me that Yahoo got an astonishing order from this used car website at that time, with a total amount of 10 million US dollars. The requirement was that Yahoo would bring it to them With 20,000 new users, we were very anxious and the sooner the better. At that time, Yahoo set up an emergency project team and spent two weeks completing the order and fully received the US$10 million in advertising fees."


Everyone took a deep breath.


20,000 new users, total value $10 million?

In other words, the customer acquisition cost for a single user is as high as $500?

Depend on!

This is too evil!

It is completely beyond normal business understanding and has completely distorted the market.

You know, some time ago, in the cooperation between on-campus group buying and, there was a shadow of Ziweixing Central Office. Users can quickly register for through accounts on Helo,, and, which is equivalent to bringing a person to Suning. New users.

For every new user it brings, Suning has to pay Ziweixing 3 Huaxia coins.

This is a full 1500 times difference!

What’s more, what happened with Yahoo happened more than ten years ago, and it’s already 2010.

How big of a bubble was there in the Internet market back then?

So scary!

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