Top of the big era

Chapter 2009 Black and white have one mouth

The decision has been made, inform Kurian.

Let him start immediately.

Next, teams at home and abroad will be integrated together and listen to his orders. They will fully promote the iteration, improvement, and growth of Ziwei Cloud Database, and strive to be the first commercial cloud database in the world before Amazon Cloud Database. native database.

It's not over yet.

The most critical thing is how to heal the psychological trauma of the domestic team, reduce their sense of loss, and make them willing to actively cooperate with Kurian's work.

Zhou Buqi proposed a three-step approach: move it for benefit, understand it with emotion, and make a wish.

If you use it for profit, you will get a salary increase.

Everyone in Ni Qiang's database team will receive a 25% salary increase due to work adjustments to encourage them to work with Kurian;

Xiao Zhiyiqing just needs Zhou Buqi and many nuclear executives to come forward.

After the decision-making committee, Zhou Buqi, together with Zhang Yiming, He Yang, Guo Pengfei, Wang Xiaochuan, Cheng Binghao, Ji Zian, Liang Rubo, Nie Caijun, Pei Yao, Meng Houkun, Wang Jian and other group executives, took the initiative to visit Ziwei Cloud Building, meet the 122-person technical team led by Dr. Ni Qiang.

Be reasonable and present the facts so that they can feel the company's sincerity and apology.

The company made such a decision not because it ignored them. On the contrary, it is Ziweixing's consistent tradition to value technical talents.

This decision was made entirely out of practical considerations.

The situation now is urgent.

Ziwei Cloud and Amazon Cloud are at a tense juncture in the battle to be the leader in cloud-native databases.

However, Zi Weiyun encountered some troubles.

Ziweixing is not yet on the market.

In terms of financial strength and scale, it is inferior to Amazon. If Curry is allowed to freely recruit engineers in the database field in Silicon Valley, it will cost at least US$1 billion in the next two years.

This is too huge an expense.

It's really a bit unbearable.

Zi Weiyun's investment was already large enough, and even Kurian was embarrassed to open his mouth to expand his recruitment.

In this difficult period, if domestic teams can step in as backup, they can be of great help to Kurian.

After a few years, Ziweixing International will be listed on the market. Ziweiyun's overseas business will be prosperous and wealthy, and turning losses into profits will be able to create billions of dollars in profits every year. By then, Kurian will no longer be able to If he needs domestic help, he can build a real direct R\u0026D team in the international market.

This gets to the point.

On behalf of his team, Dr. Ni Qiang asked: "When Kurian's team no longer needs domestic team assistance, what will we do?"

This is actually a double act.

Because Dr. Ni Qiang was invited to attend the decision-making committee just now, and he knew what was going on. This inquiry is actually a method of stabilizing the morale of the military through internal and external cooperation.

The last resort: make a wish.

Zhou Buqi said loudly: "Continue to do what we should do! I believe that many people here have participated in the development of Feitian Database. Back then, when Dr. Yang Zhenkun was working on Feitian Database, he proposed to develop a This belief must continue to be a top-notch product.”

Zhang Yiming smiled and explained, "I have also heard these days that there are many speculations within us that we will abandon the domestic version of the database and instead support Kurian. The reason has been mentioned just now, so I won't go into details. . However, one rumor is wrong. The decision-makers have never thought of giving up the domestic version of the database!"

"do not give up?"

As soon as these words came out, there was somewhat of a commotion.

If you give up, it means failure; if you don't give up, it means you still have hope.

Zhang Yiming continued: "This version of the domestic database will be temporarily sealed. It is estimated that the time will not be too long, 2-3 years at most. Our team will be seconded to Kurian. In this process, we will Learn, grow, gain experience.”

Dr. Wang Jian is the chief CTO and the founder of Ziweiyun, so he is very authoritative. He added: "We all know that there is a big gap between us and overseas R\u0026D teams in these underlying technologies. Domestic databases It’s sad that talent in this field is withering. Working with Kurian is a rare opportunity for us to learn from the West.”

Then, he spoke in detail about the current status of the domestic database industry.

Zhou Buqi didn't know much about it before, and after hearing it, he sighed.

Domestic universities train at least 100,000 database talents every year.

However, most of them are application-level talents.

What they learned was how to use the database, not how to develop the database. These are two completely different directions.

Just like a car.

The car company has manufactured cars, but no one knows how to drive. What should we do?

At this time, a large number of drivers were trained in universities. After they graduated and entered the workplace, they appeared as drivers in major companies.

There is no use having a car without a driver.

Therefore, being a driver has become a highly respected and prestigious profession, and is considered a talent in the automotive field.

Most of the database talents in the country are actually drivers.

There have been many sensational phenomena.

For example, if a company wants to use a certain database, it must first install it. At this time, you need to find database installation talents to help, just like installing a water heater.

However, installing a water heater is a physical job, so how much does it cost?

Installing database software is a mental job. A one-time fee of 150,000 is considered a small amount. For a larger scale, it may be 500,000 or 700,000.

After the database is installed, how to use the database?

This is another difficult question.

Therefore, companies have to spend a lot of money to hire some database operation and maintenance talents to let them use these database products.

Other questions will follow.

The data in the database is very important and needs to be backed up frequently. Once a server or database failure occurs, data recovery is required at this time.

This is another technical direction. General database operation and maintenance talents do not know how to recover data at all.

At this time, you need to find database data recovery experts from the market to help. The one-time fee is at least 2 million, and 5 million or 6 million is also common.

Installation talents, operation and maintenance talents, data recovery talents... are actually application talents. They all learn to use the database after others have developed it.

In fact, they are all car drivers.

99% of the talents in the domestic database industry are like this.

But, are drivers also considered talents?

The real database talents should be those who develop the database! Just like cars, people who can produce and manufacture cars are called car talents, and people who can drive are called drivers.

This is very sad.

Domestic universities have trained too many "drivers" but lack such real database talents. Only a few universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University offer in-depth courses on the underlying development of databases.

And what is the career direction for these real talents who understand the underlying database technology after graduation?

Be the bottom layer?

No chance, there is no self-developed database that can be put on the table in China.

Then there are only two ways to choose, either transform into applications and help others install, maintain, and restore databases like others; or go abroad and work in big companies that really have databases, such as Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, Sun, and Google. , engaged in underlying development work.

In other words, you can either work as a driver at home or build cars abroad.

People like Ni Qiang came back from the United States because they wanted to return to China to "build cars" and develop their own databases. Only by developing a domestic database can college students with underlying database technology obtain employment opportunities at home, and they will not have to go abroad like the older generation.

This is a very desirable ideal.

Once Ziweixing gives up, what is the meaning of their return to China?

Fortunately, Dr. Wang Jian made it very clear.

Just stranded, not given up.

It's very difficult to build a car.

China lacks experience in this area, so it’s best not to rush into building cars yet. Go to the West to learn scriptures first. And the target of this learning experience is Kurian. What a rare learning opportunity this is?

It takes two or three years to learn.

By then, Ziweixing International will be listed, Ziweiyun will also create a lot of profits in overseas markets, and Ziweiyun's commercial native database will also be online...

At this time, Kurian does not need the help of domestic reinforcements.

It just so happens that after two or three years of study, Ni Qiang's team has accumulated enough experience and has grown significantly in the technical field, so it can restart the road of car manufacturing.

As soon as these words were said, many people were stunned on the spot.

I go? !

A leader is indeed a leader, and his level is high. He can turn his hands into clouds and rain. Good or bad things all depend on your words. Shelving the domestic version of the database and letting the domestic team do miscellaneous tasks for Kurian... turned out to be a good thing?

At this time, Cheng Binghao, a veteran technology leader, spoke calmly: "Technology cannot fool people. To do technology, you must be humble and self-aware. Our team has huge technical differences with Kurian's team." There is a gap. Dr. Ni Qiang, Dr. Zheng Mengxiao, and Dr. Li Gaoming all returned from studying in the United States, and they have the most say. Cloud database is a big project, and they alone cannot accomplish such a large project by relying on experts who have returned from studying in the United States. In the final analysis , we still have to rely on a large number of local scientific research talents. However, we all have to ask ourselves, including me... Do we really understand the world's most cutting-edge technological ideas? Do we understand the technological trends in Silicon Valley? We passed twenty years ago Can we really develop a cloud database that is at the forefront of the times with the programming knowledge learned from textbooks? Keep a calm mind and learn first. In the process of human growth, the least time-consuming choice is to learn."

Ni Qiang said, "Our team all needs to learn from overseas teams. It can also be seen from the product that the version of the database developed by Kurian's team is much better than the one we developed. This This is an opportunity to seek the true scriptures, and no matter the ninety-nine or eighty-one difficulties can stop our faith!"

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