Top of the big era

Chapter 2036 Madman

Zhou Buqi and Chen Dong sat together, drank a cup of coffee, said a few words, and then went off to do their own things.

Chen Dong took his Jingtao team to inspect eBay's headquarters; Zhou Buqi went to inspect the local football business, especially the project progress of the new stadium.

The inspection took more than an hour.

Then, Zhou Buqi will mysteriously go to a biopharmaceutical laboratory at Stanford, which is said to be researching an elixir that can rejuvenate people after taking it.

This matter has not spread to the outside world.

However, it has been a consensus among the wealthy circles in the United States for many years. Many elderly wealthy people are trying every means to find ways to extend their lifespan and regain their youth.

It just so happens that the United States is the largest country in conspiracy theories. For this reason, the public has produced a lot of shocking and absurd news, which has spread all over the world.

For example, the "blood transfusion theory" says that some old and wealthy people go to the hospital for blood transfusions every week to replace their body's blood with the blood of young people in their twenties; for example, the "heart transfusion theory" says that some old and wealthy men In order to live forever, I have had my heart replaced several times.

Not to mention these ridiculous arguments, but in the past few years since Zhou Buqi came to the United States to do business, especially when he was in charge of Pluto Capital and had a large number of wealthy clients, he would have discovered that immortality is a very urgent market demand.

In the past few years, the technical level was not enough and I really couldn't keep up.

Things have been different these past few years.

The global technology industry is booming, and mankind has entered a new era of technology. Not only the technology in the IT field has advanced by leaps and bounds, but also in fields such as biological genes.

The latest news obtained by Zhou Buqi is that Murdoch, the boss of News Corporation, has invested US$500 million in the biological field of "suppressing aging" and "restoring cell vitality" this year.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

This is Silicon Valley.

It is a gathering place for lunatics from all over the world.

Although Silicon Valley is a world dominated by young people, Silicon Valley has never lacked lunatics. This is the most shocking place in the world to find the secret to "immortality".

Because there are so many geniuses here, and geniuses are proud of their talents, there is no need to "follow the doctor's orders".

Many geniuses study pharmacology on their own, and then come up with a way to live forever. Many of them design diets from the perspective of health preservation, improve living conditions, exercise and fitness, etc.

This is all normal.

Rupert Murdoch, Li Chaoren and other older generation rich people basically came here this way.

This is the most rational and most consistent way to extend life in the spirit of contemporary science.

But Silicon Valley has never been a rational place.

The pioneering nature of Silicon Valley is often due to the denial of the current mainstream understanding of the world... Many people feel that the old-fashioned way of maintaining health and extending life is not effective. If you live in your eighties or nineties, you will be dead, which is different from ordinary people. Everyone is pretty much the same.

Many crazy people in Silicon Valley are very courageous and do their own research and experiments. There are many such people, and some people can take hundreds of various pills every day. These people are generally young, usually company executives or entrepreneurs in their thirties or forties, and full of adventurous spirit.

Zhou Buqi has heard of this kind of thing a lot. There is a vice president of Ziweixing International who privately recommended it to Boss Zhou, saying that taking several medicines in combination can give the body an unexpected effect. Inspiration surges like a fountain, energy surges like a cow, and it feels like I'm 20 years old again.

Zhou Buqi doesn't want to listen to these lunatics.

However, this time I went to Silicon Valley to talk about Twitter with Larry Page. After the negotiation was completed, Larry Page mentioned this and talked about the topics of "longevity" and "immortality."

Because time was limited, the two did not talk much.

But Zhou Buqi can feel that this guy is very interested in this direction... He is now the CEO of Google and has monopoly power. It just so happens that Google has countless money, countless talents, and the best brand appeal. If Google's resources are used to do this secretly, the success rate will be greatly improved.

Of course Zhou Buqi is also very interested in this matter. He has already asked Senior Sister Zhen Yu to pay attention to this field.

The first feedback that Senior Sister Zhen Yu provided was the biology laboratory at Stanford.

Drive to Stanford.

Hearing that the next research topic was "immortality", Guan Nanqing, who was sitting in the car, was shocked and opened her beautiful eyes to the maximum, "Long...immortality? Boss, is this true?"

Zhou Buqi looked at her with a smile, "What do you think?"

"I have no idea."

Guan Nanqing was completely confused.

If she had talked about the topic of immortality in the past, she would have thought it was impossible and an imagination in martial arts novels and science fiction novels.

But with the big boss, she has completely given up on the knowledge she had for the past 20 years of her life. It is like a frog at the bottom of a well jumping out of the well and gaining a new understanding of the world.

Zhou Buqi said bluntly: "It's fake, it's all common sense. Even if there really is immortality, it won't be what it is now. It's all a scam."


Guan Nanqing breathed a sigh of relief.

There were still a hundred and a thousand doubts in her heart, but she didn't dare to ask any of them. She just wanted to stay with the big boss and see the world and broaden her horizons.

Zhou Buqi turned to look at Ning Lu on the left and asked, "Is Steve Jobs still a resident at Stanford Medical School?"

"It should be..." Ning Lu couldn't be sure and looked at him, "Should I ask?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Ask, it just so happens that we are going over this time. If it is convenient, let's go over and see him. Alas, what a pity, a generation of geniuses, their time is running out."

How did Guan Nanqing know such a thing? She said in shock: "Jobs... Is Jobs going to die?"

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "Isn't he suffering from cancer? The media has reported it, but you didn't know?"

Guan Nanqing asked: "Can't such a rich man overcome cancer?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Jobs is disobedient. Not only does he disobey the doctor's advice, he also resists everywhere."

"Ah?" Guan Nanqing said it was difficult to understand, "Why? Don't you want to live?"

Zhou Buqi exclaimed: "So, this is the tragedy of Silicon Valley geniuses. They are all self-righteous and think they know everything and can do everything. Professional matters still have to be obeyed by professionals, especially in the field of life and health. You have to listen to the doctor. Steve Jobs was a lunatic. He thought he knew more than the doctor."

Guan Nanqing found it difficult to accept this, and said regretfully: "You can't joke with your own life!"

Zhou Buqi glanced at her and said calmly: "Do you know what entrepreneurship is? This is the western United States, this is San Francisco, where countless people risked their lives to dig for gold. Silicon Valley entrepreneurship is actually about this spirit. Continuation is a process of making fun of life. Following the doctor's advice is equivalent to taking the MBA route. The more popular you are, the harder it is to stand out. Great successes all come from gambles with little hope of success."

Guan Nanqing bit her lip lightly, glanced at the big boss, and whispered: "Starting a business is not the same as treating cancer. If the treatment fails... you will die."

"Do you know Musk?"

"The one who makes the rocket?"

"Yes," Zhou Buqi nodded, "He told me that after many failures, his Rockets have received criticism and ridicule from all over the world, including many of his An idol that I admire. He said that he would invest all his wealth in making the Rockets. If it still failed, he would choose to die with the Rockets."

Guan Nanqing was shocked by the big boss's extensive connections, but was also cautious, "Isn't it a bit exaggerated? He succeeded, of course it can be said."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but laugh. He felt that this girl's character was so calm and she felt a bit like Sister Bao. He said, "Yes, it may be an exaggeration. However, there are too many entrepreneurs. Failure in starting a business is equal to death. Success is also Xiao He's failure. Xiao He , it’s so accurate for Steve Jobs.”


Guan Nanqing blinked her eyes. She talked more to the boss and became bolder. Mainly because she felt that the boss was really approachable and had no airs at all.

Zhou Buqi said: "Jobs used to be a little gangster. He did everything from smoking, drinking, prostitution and gambling. He didn't even recognize his daughter after he gave birth to a daughter. He was a complete scum. Later, he went to India and was mentally liberated and reborn. Come on. After the cancer, he may have... found the feeling he had before, thinking that he could be reborn for the second time by relying on ancient Indian things."

"That's it..." Guan Nanqing sighed softly, "What a pity."

Zhou Buqi said: "Wang Fang also wanted to find inspiration from India to save Changyou, but I stopped him."

Guan Nanqing was slightly startled, "Who is Wang Fang?"

When we arrived at Stanford Medical School, Senior Sister Zhen Yu was already waiting there.

First go to the cafe outside and sit down for a brief chat.

Guan Nanqing was sitting at the table next door, a little dazed.

Compared with the major events that Boss Zhou mentioned that affected all mankind, his warm embrace with the beautiful and temperamental Mr. Zhen was nothing.

Compared with life and death, what are the little things between men and women?

Many of the lunatics in Silicon Valley who want to change the world are not even afraid of death, so what else should they be afraid of?

The big boss should be this kind of person, right?

At this moment, Guan Nanqing felt that her horizons had been further opened, and her spiritual realm and cognitive level had also improved.

Zhen Yu is not crazy at all. She dragged Zhou Buqi here mainly because she wanted to say one thing, so that he should not blindly spend money to invest. In the field of "immortality", there are too many scammers and those who are deceived. They are all world-class rich people.

It doesn't really matter if you were defrauded of money.

The rich are not short of money either.

Mainly, it will become a laughing stock in the rich circle, which will be very embarrassing.

Zhen Yu said: "A few years ago, a Harvard professor found a substance called resveratrol in red wine, which was proven to extend life and caused a sensation. Later, this project was commercialized, but during the 2008 economic crisis At that time, it encountered financial difficulties. Then the international pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline took action and spent US$720 million to buy the studio even though its own cash flow was also very difficult."

Zhou Buqi thought for a moment, "It seems that someone recommended it to me. I wanted to find some health-preserving medicines for my grandpa."

"Did you use it?"


"Fortunately, it's useless." Zhen Yu pursed her lips and smiled. "Last year, this project was stopped. After further scientific research, it was found that resveratrol has no immortality effect at all. This year, GlaxoSmithKline The project was completely terminated, and a total investment of nearly US$1 billion was wasted.”

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