Top of the big era

Chapter 2148 The most cutting-edge game

Son Zhengyi has two guests.

Two white-haired old men.

He looks to be in his seventies or eighties.

One seemed to be in good spirits. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a white shirt underneath, and his hair was slicked back. He looked very stylish.

Of course Zhou Buqi didn't know him.

Ren Yuxin could tell at a glance and quickly reminded him that this old man was 72 years old this year and was still leading and managing the founder and CEO of Capcom Game Company, Kenzo Tsujimoto.

Zhou Buqi was somewhat disapproving.

Depend on!

A gray-haired old antique!

No wonder Capcom's strategic decision-making is so rigid. It is estimated that other game companies are in a similar situation. It is not surprising that the old man is in charge and cannot keep up with the times.

These gaming giants in Japan are not just as simple as failing to keep up with the mobile gaming era.

They haven't even kept up with the PC era. They focus more on developing home games and handheld games, and are very restrained in PC game development.

For example, Capcom's famous "Monster Hunter" does not have a computer version. Many people have to use an emulator and a virtual machine on their computer to simulate the operating environment of a handheld game console in order to play "Monster Hunter" on the computer.

As for the other old man, I don’t know who he is.

He also has white hair, but his energy is not very good. He is thin and tall, with a skinny face and sunken eyes. He wears glasses, has a stooped figure and a slight tremor in his steps.

As if recovering from a serious illness.

Son Zhengyi did not introduce what this person did, but only said that his name was "Mitsui-kun." From this surname, you can tell that this person has an unusual background.

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously.

The Mitsui Foundation has long been a thing of the past, just like Rockefeller in the United States and Rothschild in Europe. In addition to gossip tabloids and novels that continue to tell their past legends, it is difficult to enter the front-line business in today's world. In sight.

What Zhou Buqi was more interested in was the old guy named Tsujimoto Kenzo, who spoke clearly and spoke fluent English. He also said that he only started learning English when he was 45 years old. At that time, Capcom's games were sold to Europe and the United States, and English became a necessary level.

In the 1980s, Japanese companies began to develop internationally, and a large number of successful entrepreneurs were learning English from scratch.

When Zhou Buqi met Wanda’s President Wang in Los Angeles, he smiled and suggested to him that since Wanda wanted to promote its international strategy, it would be best to learn English.

Boss Wang was shocked after hearing this.

He's almost 60 years old, and he still doesn't know how to speak English?

Moreover, he was born in the military and had a strong national complex. He boldly stated that all foreign executives should learn Chinese instead of asking domestic executives to learn English.

From this incident alone, Zhou Buqi felt that even if Boss Wang did not expose some of the company's hidden shareholder information to foreign media and encounter a business crisis in the future, it would be difficult for Wanda's overseas strategy to succeed. The chauvinism is too strong, it is "me first" rather than "talent first".

When they met Tsujimoto Kenzo, the two parties were not in a hurry to discuss Capcom first, but rather talked about the current status of the game industry in a friendly manner.

Of course Zhou Buqi couldn't tell the truth, he just said that the industry was at a low point and everyone was miserable. The company's mission is to create value for shareholders. Now that the stock prices of game companies have been depressed for a long time, they have failed to fulfill their responsibilities to shareholders.

During this critical period, we should still stick together for warmth.

Integrate high-quality resources to cope with this industry downturn that will last for who knows how many years.

Kenzo Tsujimoto has a very good posture when sitting, and he seems to be "sitting upright". He still maintains this posture even at his age, which shows that this person has high self-requirements.

Then, it came to mobile games.

"Mr. Zhou, Changyou is making mobile games?"

"Yes, we just spent nearly US$800 million to acquire a mobile game company in Cyprus."

"Talking Cat."

Tsujimoto Kenzo nodded, obviously he had also heard the shocking news.

A mobile game company that has just been established for three years is worth US$800 million... Capcom, which was founded 44 years ago, has a current market value of only US$800 million.

Zhou Buqi actually did it on purpose.

Go and stimulate this old man.

Unexpectedly, this old guy refused to give in. Kenzo Tsujimoto shook his head and said calmly: "Around 2010, mobile games also became popular in Japan... Well, not the traditional mobile games, I am talking about smartphone games. "

The 3G era has been around for many years in Japan, and mobile phones are also very advanced, so the mobile game industry has long existed. Capcom and Konami have mobile game departments.

However, those are all mobile games for feature phones, and they are mobile button games.

Although the performance of today's smart phones is not very good, it is much better than the feature phones of the past, especially the emergence of touch screens, which can open up a new operating perspective for mobile games.

Kenzo Tsujimoto continued: "After mobile games became popular, many game companies improved their performance by developing and producing games of this type. At Capcom, someone also suggested to me that I could try to make mobile games, and was I refused."

Zhou Buqi looked at his meticulous and serious look and suddenly wanted to laugh.

Obviously you are old and confused, your vision is backward, and you still act like you young people know nothing and have no experience. A big company should still have elders to guide young people in doing things.

Tsujimoto Ken spoke eloquently, calmly and somewhat instructively, and said slowly: "This type of game collects too much money from players when the probability of obtaining paid items is opaque. This method will only destroy the game." market. Therefore, Capcom did not focus on the development of such games, but instead focused on developing cutting-edge games."

Zhou Buqi looked at him intently and realized that he was not joking.

I was confused for a moment.

Is this guy really an entrepreneur?

He has a strong sense of responsibility and is very sentimental. When he speaks out, he can resonate with most people.

However, this is too idealistic.

Not even the most basic economic common sense.

Yes, there are indeed many tricks in those krypton gold mobile games. Merchants are very profitable, players are heartbroken, and it will destroy the game to a certain extent. But the question is, if Capcom doesn’t do it, will the market be bad?

Bad money drives out good money!

If Capcom doesn't do it, others will.

In the end, other small companies with little sense of responsibility developed rapidly, but Capcom failed because of its own sense of responsibility.

From a long-term perspective, companies that continue to produce high-quality products will have stronger vitality.

But there is a premise.

You have to produce a product.

Others are producing mobile games, but Capcom feels that these mobile games are inferior products, so they will not enter the mobile game market... This is obviously a confusing logic.

Capcom should produce a few high-quality conscientious mobile games and suppress the inferior mobile games that destroy the market. This is a more responsible manifestation and can better protect the game market, rather than doing nothing. Keep the ground clear.

Of course, a more critical point is that Capcom's performance has declined for several consecutive years, its stock price has continued to decline, and the company's market value is only US$800 million.

The company is in such an embarrassing situation, is it still holding on to the sense of morality in its heart?

Isn't the greatest significance of company management to create wealth for shareholders? Wouldn't it create more jobs? Doesn't it provide more tax revenue?

Zhou Buqi looked at Mr. Tsujimoto Kenzo, who was sitting opposite the sofa. His expression, his movements...

I understood it in a flash.

This is Kong Yiji’s gown!

Regardless of whether Capcom's market value is US$800 million or US$8 billion, there will be no change in Mr. Tsujimoto Kenzo's personal life.

He is already a successful and well-known entrepreneur.

He is a legend in the gaming industry.

And at an age like his, he no longer cares much about the pursuit of external things, but cares more about his reputation during his lifetime. His success over the past few decades has created a huge personal and moral reputation for him, and his face has become his gown.

There are some things that others can do but he cannot.

Such as layoffs.

For example, ending the cooperation with old relationships over the past few decades and looking for lower-cost and more efficient channel providers.

This is normal for new companies or young entrepreneurs.

But not with these old men.

They have been successful all their lives and have enjoyed fame and praise all their lives. They cannot accept being reviled by their employees or humiliated by their past partners when they grow old.

You can only hold on like Kong Yiji, wearing a long gown no matter what, maintaining your dignity as a scholar.

Zhou Buqi was silent and thoughtful.

It really should be taken as a warning.

Try to live as authentically as possible. All public displays, all flowers and applause will be a kind of self-restraint cage.

Being low-key is the best way to live.

When Ren Yuxin saw that the big boss was silent, he took the initiative to ask with a smile, "Mr. Tsujimoto, what are the cutting-edge games you are talking about?"

Kenzo Tsujimoto smiled and seemed to appreciate the young man's humility. He pointed out to the younger generation: "Computer games will be a new direction in gaming, and we must focus on the layout. Capcom has increased investment in this field, and in the next few years it will be Focus on the development."

Ren Yuxin was stunned for a moment, thinking he heard wrongly, "Computer game?"

Tsujimoto Kenzo said with a smile: "Yes, a computer game. "Resident Evil 6" has basically been developed and will soon enter the testing phase. It is expected to be sold globally in October this year. Next, there will be a new generation "Dead Rising" and "Street Fighter" will focus on developing computer versions. Next, Capcom will focus on transforming to computer games."

Ren Yuxin was stunned.

I don't know what to say anymore.

This Kenzo Tsujimoto, the most cutting-edge gaming direction in his eyes is actually computer games!

Just like a joke.

At present, the most cutting-edge direction of the global game industry is of course mobile games, followed by social games, and then computer software games.

That kind of computer games have been collectively referred to as traditional games in the industry.

EA is unrivaled in the field of computer games, but has been ridiculed for several years and criticized for being behind the times...

This Tsujimoto Kenzo is so good, it’s really an afterthought. It seems that he finally realized when computer software games were already on the edge of the times. He felt that the prospects of computer games were very good, and Capcom should focus on developing computer games in the future...


How confusing!

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