Top of the big era

Chapter 2262 Resource Allocation

"Avengers" is so popular that it has taken the world by storm. This is especially true in China. Less than a month after its release, it has already set a domestic box office record.

The film market has completely recovered, and the signals are obvious.

However, some people just can't see it.

He even made some sarcastic remarks about Wanda's acquisition of AMC theaters.

Jieyu Media has cooperated with Pengcheng TV Station to produce a parkour-type program, which is a program in which beautiful women wear cool clothes to pass the level, but if they fail, they will fall into the water.

This is already the fourth season.

The ratings of this program are far lower than those of Jieyu Media's "Run, Brother", "The Voice", "If You Are the One", "Job Master", "I Am a Singer" and other programs that are popular across the country, but it is already relatively popular among local stations. Excellent program.

Changyou happens to be paying attention to parkour mobile games and has just acquired the parkour mobile game "Temple Run" for US$4.5 million. Zhou Buqi believes that this will be an important branch of sports games and needs to be studied in depth.

I followed Xu Baihui to Pengcheng TV Station.

I plan to understand the production concept of this parkour variety show, and maybe it can provide some ideas for the production of cool running games.

It turned out to be a great time. The leader of the station invited Boss Zhou to dinner no matter what, and even specially invited several beautiful hostesses who were the mainstays of the station to accompany him.

That’s all.

The Taiwan leader may feel that his level is not good enough and he might make a fool of himself when communicating with Boss Zhou, so he specially brought in a financial expert.

This made Zhou Buji feel confused.

This expert came up and talked about mergers and acquisitions in a way that pointed out the situation, and also used Wanda's acquisition of AMC theaters as an entry point——

"Domestic companies always show aggressive financial styles during the acquisition process. This is common. Wanda's acquisition of AMC Cinemas is the most typical example. AMC Cinemas' profitability is not strong, and it lost nearly US$100 million last year. .Wanda has adopted almost 100% highly leveraged acquisitions. Once the expected synergies are not achieved after the acquisition, it will inevitably affect Wanda's other operating businesses."

"There are many reasons why Chinese companies favor aggressive financial styles."

"Historically speaking, in the past 20 years, thanks to the rapid and violent growth of the domestic economy, highly leveraged and financially aggressive companies, if they can accurately seize market opportunities, can often make extraordinary returns and achieve leap-forward success. develop."

"Some real estate companies almost always succeeded through extremely radical financial means in the early stages of development, and quickly became bigger and stronger. This kind of success has unknowingly paralyzed the risk nerves of some entrepreneurs, making them obsessed with speed, efficiency and savings. development model. After tasting the sweetness, some entrepreneurs are full of confidence, and from time to time they want to show their ambition to overcome the odds and conquer the mountains and rivers."

"Alas! As everyone knows, the success of radical financial methods stems from the previous macroeconomic environment at home and abroad, as well as the development space of the industry. At present, the world economic cycle is changing, and external conditions have already changed drastically. The so-called times have changed, how can we Are you still indulging in the patterns of the past? This is too dangerous!"

The expert is indeed an expert. He talks clearly and clearly, but the key words are very formal.

This is not over yet, a long speech continues.

"The generalization of this aggressive financial style also has some cultural roots."

"For a long time, we have advocated that winners are kings and losers are bandits. In many value evaluation systems, heroes are judged based on data.

"In this atmosphere, in order to pursue beautiful figures, entrepreneurs always have the urge to quickly expand the scale of their enterprises. For example, 'become a Fortune 500 company in five years', or 'use three to five years to build 100 assets Over the years, Chinese people have seen slogans like "Enterprises with Billions of Billions" too much. The former is often painted on the high walls of enterprises.

"Under the guidance of these slogans and value evaluation standards, companies are inevitably driven by short-term interests, and extreme means prevail in order to achieve their goals quickly."

"Companies in our country usually have a short history. Most companies lack corporate governance structures and internal control mechanisms, lack scientific decision-making procedures, and have no quantitative decision-making capabilities. Their ability to judge, manage and avoid risks is very weak. Especially among private enterprises, it is prevalent Paternalistic style. When internal controls fail, it is not surprising that radical and even aggressive financial styles are common.”

“Indeed, if the right time and place are met, radical financial measures will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort, but when the macroeconomic or market prospects are faced with many uncertainties, there will be greater risks.”

“The U.S. economic recovery is sluggish, Europe is in deep quagmire due to the sovereign debt crisis, and the global economy and financial markets are facing too many uncertainties at present and in the future... The risk of adopting highly leveraged and radical financial measures at this stage is too great. …”

Zhou Buqi had to admit that what the other party said was quite good.

At least it's good in theory.

It feels like I came prepared.

I don’t know if the other party wants to recommend himself as his economic consultant, or if he wants to leave a good impression on Boss Zhou on behalf of Taili, or if he is being instructed by someone to give a hint.

In short, the topic finally fell on the rumors of Ziweixing International's acquisition of Yahoo.

The other party is not optimistic.

Think the risk is too great.

Yahoo's profitability is getting worse and worse, and the economic environment in Europe and the United States is not very good. To acquire Yahoo at this stage... is really not a good business!

Zhou Buqi didn't bother to get to the bottom of it, but he heard it in his left ear and had trouble in his right ear.

When it comes to socializing, if one of the ten sentences you say is true, then you can be considered an honest person. Boss Zhou is such a down-to-earth person, and Che Zilun has a lot to say.

After the entertainment was over, Zhou Buqi rejected the offer of several beautiful hosts to send him home, and quickly pulled Xu Baihui away.

As soon as they got in the car, Zhou Buqi, who was "drunk", sobered up a little and said speechlessly: "Don't drag me to participate in such entertainment in the future. What's going on!"

Xu Baihui was also a little irritated, "I have had dinner with Zhang Tai a few times. He is very nice and interesting to talk to. Who knows what kind of expert was brought in today? Those beautiful female hosts didn't talk much anymore." , the atmosphere is not right.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "But this can also reflect the attitude of some people. They seem to be only interested in GDP and not GNP."

GNP is Gross National Product.

For example, Jieyu Media's U.S. business, because this part of the output value is created in the United States, will not be calculated in the domestic GDP. But this part of the output value ultimately belongs to Jieyu Media. From a national perspective, it is GNP.

Now the domestic GDP has surpassed Japan, but the GNP is still far behind Japan. The main reason is that there are too few multinational companies in the country.

Some people in the country seem to be very reluctant to see that using domestic money to invest overseas will lead to the suspicion of a loss of national capital.

Xu Baihui snorted: "I think they are just jealous. The neighbors next door are prosperous, and the neighbors will not be happy for them. They will only make sarcastic remarks behind their backs to envy and hate them."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "You can't say that. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of resource allocation. This thing is not very fair in the first place. There is only so much foreign exchange, who will it be given to and who will not be given? The common people only have a quota of 50,000 US dollars a year."

Xu Baihui said with a smile: "That is Wanda you are talking about, Ziweixing International does not need it."

Guan Nanqing was a little bit annoyed, "What do you think is going on, boss? With milk tea, you can take her with you wherever you go and ignore us. It's so unfair."

Mai Feixue's reaction was very calm and she said casually: "What's this? I haven't got it yet. Once it's in your mouth, you should treat everyone equally."

"It makes sense." Guan Nanqing blinked and smiled, and suddenly heard the sound of the electronic lock opening, "Oh, it seems the boss is back."

Zhou Buqi first sent Xu Baihui to the hotel, and then followed Sun Wanran and Zhang Zetian back home.

When socializing, Zhang Zetian was very restrained and hardly spoke.

When I returned home, I felt much freer. The main reason was that I got to know everyone better and dared to speak, so I proactively asked: "Mr. Zhou, I read in a book that resources will always fall into the hands of those who use them best. Is that true?" Really?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Absolutely, that's how it is in the market. If there's an invisible big hand behind the scenes, like monopolistic industries like oil and gas, it's hard to say. But generally speaking, it's true."

Zhang Zetian said softly: "If that's the case, doesn't it mean that the rich are getting richer? An outstanding person like you can always make the best use of all the resources in his hands. In the end, won't all the wealth be gathered together? Is it in your hands? You seem to be very good at everything you do, including the Internet, milk tea, real estate, mobile phones, and even movies and reality shows. Is this fair to those who are not so good? Just because you are good enough , can you possess so many social resources?”

As soon as these words came out, Sun Wanran was slightly startled.

Mai Feixue and Guan Nanqing were also stunned, thinking that this girl was really bold in what she said.

"Well, that's very well said." Zhou Buqi nodded, very happy, and his impression of this girl immediately improved a lot, "Some people, even if you give them resources, it will be difficult for them. Bringing out the value of resources will cause huge waste. Through unfair resource allocation, allocating resources to those who can best maximize the value of resources and maximizing social efficiency are the key to domestic economic development in recent years. The main reason for the rapid development. In this process, those who are less able to utilize resources will be socially marginalized, and social hierarchy will be revealed."

"That's it..."

Zhang Zetian felt that such an answer was a bit vague.

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