Top of the big era

Chapter 2266 Three Steps to Transform Yahoo

On June 6, 2012, the big news that was so noisy in the market finally came to light.

Ziweixing International’s acquisition of Yahoo was officially announced.

The turnover reached US$23.5 billion.

Among them, Ziweixing International paid a total of 122 million shares with a total value of US$11.5 billion, and another US$12 billion in cash.

Yahoo's stock has been frozen.

The delisting process has officially entered.

There is no doubt that this will be the biggest news in the technology circle recently and even this year, even more sensational than the listing of Facebook. As a rising star, Ziweixing International has completed the acquisition of the established Internet giant Yahoo, which is really exciting.

Even major media are making horizontal comparisons between MSI and Microsoft.

A few years ago, Microsoft failed to acquire Yahoo.

A few years later, Zhou Buqi, the newly crowned richest man in the world, made a move, and Bu Mingze became a blockbuster. He took down the industry giant Yahoo with one move.

This news detonated major media outlets around the world.

At this time, Zhou Buqi was hiding in a deep mountain forest, wearing a bamboo hat and braving the scorching sun and mosquitoes while visiting Mr. Chu's orchard base.

It's a pity that the fruit is not yet ripe.

After hearing Sun Wanran's report, Zhou Buqi felt a little regretful. He thought he could spare time to play for a few more days, but now he may not have time and he has to go to the United States to take charge.

Ziweixing International is going to hold a shareholders' meeting to make this matter clear, and at the same time appoint Yang Zhiyuan as a new director.

However, Zhou Buqi was not in a hurry.

Let Sun Wanran make arrangements and set the time for 5 days later.

This time I came here for some business reasons. has opened up a fresh food sector. This time, I can help attract a big customer like Chu Cheng. At the same time, we will make good use of Weibo’s marketing position to build Chucheng’s market brand.

But more important is the emotional factor.

Zhou Buqi, Wang Shi, Liu Qiangdong, Zhang Chaoyang, Ma Pingshan, etc. came here this time. They all do different businesses. Mr. Chu was still the helmsman of a state-owned enterprise when he worked at Hongta Group.

However, everyone is essentially the same.

All are entrepreneurs.

Much the same.

People can not escape from doing wrong?

No matter if you are an entrepreneur, you will definitely make mistakes, and it is abnormal not to make mistakes.

There is no doubt that Mr. Chu made a mistake back then, and according to the law back then, he was even worthy of being shot. Later, the entire business community petitioned for mercy, and the death penalty was exempted and the sentence was commuted to life.

What cannot be ignored is that he has created hundreds of billions in profits and taxes for the country, and his annual salary is only more than 40,000 yuan. When he was approaching retirement, he carefully operated through small overseas treasury and embezzled US$1.7 million from the company...

What is this little money?

Because of this incident, the salary of state-owned enterprise leaders has been put on the agenda, and market-based salary increases and rewards for state-owned enterprise leaders have begun.

Even entrepreneurs in state-owned enterprises have such a difficult time, let alone entrepreneurs in private enterprises.

The most important thing for coming here this time is to express an attitude.

Release a signal.

Others don't care, we care.

Just like after Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, he read "Mencius" and became furious. He said that if Mencius lived in the Ming Dynasty, he should be the first to be taken out and beheaded. Then Confucianism was further castrated, banning such things as "If the king treats his ministers like his hands and feet, then his ministers will regard him as his heart and soul; if the king regards his ministers as dogs and horses, then his ministers will regard him as a fellow countryman; if a king regards his ministers as earth and mustard, Then I will regard you as a bandit." Something like that.

Zhou Buqi's father-in-law of the Shi family runs Tai Zun Real Estate. Last month, he told him something, saying that Hong Kong government real estate tycoon Li Chaoren had a large real estate project for sale...

The price is a good deal!

Do you want to take the next step?

The price is not low and may exceed 5 billion yuan.

Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet.

There were many things that Zhou Buqi didn't realize or feel at all in his previous life, and he just spent the years laughing and joking quietly. In this life, with his different status, he really realized it.

However, Wang Shi and Zhang Chaoyang are the kind of entrepreneurs who are idle and uncomplicated, and they really come here to enjoy the mountains and rivers. Everyone is traveling together, and in the next two days we will go to Erhai Lake and Banna according to the planned plan.

Then Zhou Buqi returned to Beijing.

The first thing was to meet with Zheng Xiaoli and confirm that she would serve as Yahoo's senior vice president, in charge of Yahoo's mobile business.

Zhou Buqi briefly discussed some business matters with her, "Yahoo in the United States does not have as good background resources as Toutiao does in China. There is a campus network in China, backed by tens of millions of college students."

Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "There are also college students in the United States."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's different. Many articles on Toutiao today are all carved from the same mold. If they are published domestically, they will cause huge copyright disputes if they are published abroad, and they may lead to lawsuits. "

Zheng Xiaoli nodded lightly, "I have also communicated with Thompson in the past few days, and he said that he will fully support me. After passing, I will mainly do three things first."

Zhou Buqi sat opposite her and raised his hand, "Let's talk about it."

Zheng Xiaoli said: "First, Yahoo wants to be a media platform. Since it is a platform, it must follow the 'self-operated + third-party' model you have formulated. After all, you just said that the success of Toutiao has certain special national conditions. To reform Yahoo, we cannot copy Toutiao’s platform model, but should follow the general logic of the platform economy.”

Zhou Buqi was very satisfied.

Or maybe they were promoted very quickly. In less than 4 years after joining the company, they had already become an M6-level executive in Ziweixing.

Let’s look at the old subordinate Yan Hongzhe we met in Pengcheng last time. He was still a veteran of the early school network. He had great resource advantages and connections. After all these years, he is still lingering in the same place.

You can see it in your attitude.

Ms. Zheng Xiaoli truly believes in Boss Zhou’s judgment and theory, and will unswervingly implement his strategic line and business theory.

As an Internet practitioner, what qualifications do you have to question Zhou Buqi?

You still need to be a little self-aware as a human being.

Just be obedient and do things.

That Yan Hongzhe was a bit overestimating his capabilities, seemed to be a bit independent thinker, did not superstitiously believe in the authority of Boss Zhou, and had his own judgment on some things... This became a fatal factor for him to stay where he was.

It's not like he can't challenge Boss Zhou's authority. He's not a sage, and he will definitely make mistakes.

The key is to challenge him, you have to get close.

It must at least reach the level of Zhang Yiming, He Yang, Guo Pengfei, and Meng Houkun. At this level, let alone questioning Zhou Buqi, it would be okay to quarrel with him in person. Even many of Zhou Buqi's decisions have been criticized by Zhang Yiming and Guo Pengfei. I pushed it back directly.

Just like fighting on the battlefield.

The deputy army commander can question the army commander, and the deputy division commander can question the division commander. For a small platoon leader to come up and point fingers at the army commander... It would be good if you are not charged with disturbing the morale of the army and shot.

Grassroots leaders must implement it honestly.

Zheng Xiaoli is already a senior executive, but she is a loyal supporter of Boss Zhou. She said slowly: "You said that in the 'self-operation + third-party' platform model, self-operation should be the core. So. In transforming Yahoo, I will not reduce the weight of Yahoo’s past portal business. On the contrary, we should pay more attention to it.”

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but want to applaud her, "This is a good entry point!"

Zheng Xiaoli smiled and said, "Boss He reminded me. I think this idea is really good."

"It's quite good." Zhou Buqi nodded, "After you go there, you will inevitably be vigilant and wary of Yahoo's original forces. Once you don't handle it well, it will be difficult to carry out the next work. Pay attention to 'self-operation', and It can reassure them. Show them that you are not stealing their jobs in the past, but that you have reused them in the past.”

Zheng Xiaoli smiled and said: "Yes, that's what I think. I even thought about launching two apps on the mobile side, one is the Yahoo App and the other is the Yahoo News App. The former is the media platform we want to focus on building. It is the American version of Toutiao. The latter is a pure media. It transfers Yahoo’s portal business from PC to mobile and is Yahoo’s self-operated news.”

These are all specific policy details.

Zhou Buqi would not be able to participate more.

He couldn't tell what was the right thing to do, and his foresight didn't cover this at all.

Since Zheng Xiaoli has been appointed, her opinion will of course be the main one.

Zhou Buqi said: "In Europe and the United States, Yahoo has been the largest professional media on the Internet over the past few years, with powerful and rich self-operated news sources. This foundation is quite solid."

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Well, even if Yahoo is not very good now, no online platform can compare with Yahoo in the field of professional media. In the platform theory of 'self-operated + third party', self-operated is the most difficult. Fortunately, Yahoo has left a very good financial foundation and its self-operated system is very strong. It only needs to make slight adjustments. The business that really needs to be expanded is the 'third party'."

"Well, how do you want to deal with the third party?"

"This is the third point I want to make. Only purchase cheap news and save costs wherever you can."


“Authoritative media such as the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and CNN all have their own apps, and most of their content is exclusive. If you want to list it on the Yahoo platform, the price is too high. However, news is expensive, but old news is very cheap." Zheng Xiaoli was not greedy for credit, and said honestly, "This was not my idea, it was Liang Rubo who told me."

Zhou Buqi laughed dumbly.

This idea was actually told to Liang Rubo by him.

Zheng Xiaoli didn't know the inside story, and continued: "News is very timely, but a lot of high-quality content on the Wall Street Journal, NBC, and CNN can completely penetrate time. Even old news is still valuable. Especially For some mid- to low-end users, who are not very sensitive to time, the appeal of old news is not bad at all. By purchasing old news from these well-known big media at low prices, you can bring enough high-quality content to the Yahoo media platform .The next step is to purchase some less high-quality news from many tabloids at a low price.”

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