Top of the big era

Chapter 2309 Root of the disease

Whether they are users from China, Japan, Korea, Americans, or Europeans, they are all human beings and have universal human characteristics.

They all like pornography, gambling, and drugs.

They all like to immerse themselves in their comfort zone.

They all have a sense of vanity, they all like to show off, they all like to be praised and encouraged by others, and they all like to be in contact with people, articles, films, works of art, etc. that have the same cognitive level as themselves.

The best Internet products essentially revolve around these human things.

Within this broad framework, countries have different customs and cultural backgrounds, which require distinctions in product design.

For example, Helo is actually divided into three major versions.

One is the domestic version, which is called "WeChat" in Chinese; the other is the Japanese version, which is called Helo.JP; and the other is the global version, which is the regular version of Helo.

The domestic version is a different policy factor, which needs to be differentiated between the inside and outside of the wall.

The Japanese version has different cultural factors. The normal Helo is equipped with Circle friends, which is an acquaintance social product. In the Japanese version of Helo, YikYak is imported, which is a social product for strangers.

Therefore, Zhou Buqi selected a mobile Internet expert like Zheng Xiaoli from China to transform Yahoo. In fact, there are still great risks.

Everything else is easy to talk about, but I'm afraid her ideas don't quite fit in with those in Europe and America. There is no problem in the general direction, but there will be discrepancies in the details.

However, Xu Liangjie is different.

Although he was born and raised in China, he has lived in the United States longer than in China, so he can solve this problem very effectively.

When he was working at Ziweixing in China, he once competed with Zhang Yiming for the position of president, and he definitely had a boss-level vision and vision.

Xu Liangjie said: "I have done a comprehensive analysis of Yahoo and have basically come up with an overall and precise reform idea. If Yahoo wants to recover, it really should do this."

"Oh?" Zhou Buqi was dubious about his words. When he was in China, he found that this man's speech was sometimes unreliable, "What should I do?"

Xu Liangjie said with a smile: "You have arranged everything, mobile Internet."

Zhou Buqi laughed dumbly.

However, Xu Liangjie did not mean to joke at all, and said seriously: "Yahoo's product features are destined to lose ground in the field of PC Internet. It was okay in the first few years, but the Internet technology was still relatively poor and the business model was not rich enough. Yahoo is The world's first commercial Internet company will definitely be favored by the entire industry. Later, it stopped working and two new models emerged."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Which two?"

"One is Google, and the other... well, it's you."


Zhou Buqi thought he was joking and laughed.

Xu Liangjie's expression was a little weird, and he twitched his lips, "I'm not kidding. Yahoo's last peak was in 2004-05, and then it stopped. Because during that time, Google went public, and you came out of nowhere."

Zhou Buqi felt a little baffled, "What is this all about?"

Xu Liangjie smiled and said: "Listen to my reason. Back then, Yahoo was the darling of Internet advertising and the pearl in this industry. However, Google came out and changed the way Internet advertising is played."

After saying this, Zhou Buqi knew what it meant, "Well, Internet advertising has changed from page advertising in the 1.0 era to search advertising in the 2.0 era."

In the early years, this had been discussed many times within Ziweixing.

In fact, there is no need to elaborate.

But Zheng Xiaoli joined the job relatively late, and knew that Boss Zhou was actually a "layman", so she carefully explained, "The most important thing about search advertising 2.0 is that search advertising can be targeted based on the search keywords." Once the ads are accurately placed, the conversion rate can be greatly improved. As a result, merchants no longer favor Yahoo so much and all place their ads on Google. This is the beginning of Yahoo's decline."

Of course Zhou Buqi is not such an amateur.

Quite the opposite.

This set of Internet advertising theories was proposed by him within Ziweixing back then, and became a bible that generally guided Ziweixing in the entrepreneurial stage.

At this point, Zhou Buqi understood what Xu Liangjie meant, and took a deep breath, "Search advertising is the 2.0 era, and there will be the 3.0 era next!"

Xu Liangjie said: "Yes, you founded Friends Network in Ziweixing to reshape the way of information dissemination through information flow recommendation. Later, Toutiao took this model to the extreme. The 3.0 version of the Internet advertising model It appeared. But Yahoo has always been able to remain in the 1.0 mode. As you said, this is a different dimension. Over the years, Yahoo has always been in the earliest primary dimension of the Internet form, and it is destined to be in the market. lose competitiveness.”


Zhou Buqi nodded.

There weren't many surprises.

There have been many discussions like this as early as when Ziweixing founded and Toutiao. That was several years ago.

Now, Xu Liangjie is bringing up old things again.

Based on Ziweixing’s domestic experience a few years ago, we want to analyze Yahoo and its causes.

It’s not out of date yet!

Yahoo's 1.0 version of Internet advertising is all about advertising at will, targeting all users. Most advertising users are not interested, which means that the conversion rate of advertising is extremely low.

Version 2.0 of search advertising can analyze user needs based on search keywords, and can deliver ads more accurately.

This conversion rate is greatly improved.

In this way, the platform can charge higher advertising fees; merchants will also prefer this advertising model with a high conversion rate.

The 3.0 version of advertising... As far as the current world is concerned, it is really promoted by Zhou Buqi and applied on a large scale in the market, which is personalized advertising.

Through the analysis of the user's personal information and daily Internet habits, hobbies, education, aesthetics, points of interest and other data, a summary is given according to a certain algorithm, and then a portrait of the user is given.

In this way, the algorithm may know the user better than the user himself.

The ads placed will further increase the conversion rate.

For two years, Friends Network has been Ziweixing's most profitable business, relying on the income from personalized advertising to support the entire Ziweixing Group.

Later, Ziweixing launched Toutiao, which was even more invincible. Relying on personalized news recommendations and personalized advertising, Toutiao quickly surpassed the traditional major portals in terms of market share and advertising revenue. One ride to the extreme.

This is true at home, and it is the same abroad.

Google is playing with version 2.0 of search advertising, while Facebook, which has had long-term cooperation with Ziweixing for many years, is playing with version 3.0 of personalized advertising!

Yahoo's loss in the European and American markets is actually due to its two major competitors, one is Google and the other is Facebook.

In other words, one is Google and the other is Zhou Buqi.

It’s not an exaggeration!

This is somewhat embarrassing.

The problems Zhou Buqi is facing now with Yahoo were actually caused by him himself. But this is not a bad thing. If Yahoo had not encountered such a predicament, Ziweixing International would not have been able to acquire the former 100-billion-dollar giant for a mere US$20 billion.

Zheng Xiaoli had only been employed for a short period of time and had not had much contact with the big boss. Seeing that he stopped talking, she thought he was fainting because he did not understand, so she cautiously tried to explain to him.

Xu Liangjie couldn't help laughing and interrupted her, "Okay, you don't need to explain. Is there anyone in the world who understands Internet advertising better than him?"


Zheng Xiaoli was slightly startled, feeling that Boss Xu's words were a bit exaggerated.

Within Ziweixing, there were three bosses in the early days.

One is the big boss, that is, Zhou Buqi.

The second one is Boss He, He Yang.

The third one is this boss Xu, Xu Liangjie.

Even Zhang Yiming and Guo Pengfei didn't get the title of "boss".

Mainly because He Yang and Xu Liangjie both came from Fortune 500 companies. He gave up his senior position in a technology giant and gave up his high salary to join a start-up company with an uncertain future like Ziweixing, so he received special respect. Moreover, they are also relatively old, and they all act as senior mentors in the company.

Xu Liangjie said with a smile: "It seems that you lack some understanding of our big boss?"

Zheng Xiaoli was a little embarrassed.

Zhou Buqi said nonchalantly: "What's the use of knowing me? We don't rely on flattery to get to the top. We focus on business. This is the last word."

"It's just to spread common sense." Xu Liangjie shook his head and looked at Zheng Xiaoli, "Do you know who came up with the theories of 1.0 page advertising, 2.0 search advertising, and 3.0 personalized advertising that you keep talking about?"


Zheng Xiaoli heard what he meant immediately, opened her mouth wide, and looked at Boss Zhou in disbelief.

This theory, at least in the domestic Internet industry, has been regarded as a golden rule.

It’s actually a Big Boss original?

Xu Liangjie said with a smile: "Even Facebook's Zuckerberg learned from our big boss. Or how can Ziweixing hold so many shares in Facebook? It's all in exchange for intellectual property rights."

Zheng Xiaoli stood in awe.

Take a deep breath.

The eyes he looked at the big boss became more and more bright and full of admiration.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand. He really lacked interest in British food. He felt that McDonald's was not so delicious after coming to the UK. He put down the chicken drumstick in his hand and said: "Okay, let's talk about business, not to analyze the root cause of Yahoo!" ?"

Xu Liangjie said: "This is the root of the disease!"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "That's it? No more digging?"

"If you dig deeper, you will find the most important core secret." Xu Liangjie smiled and lowered his voice, "In the final analysis, Yahoo is all anonymous users. The application of mobile Internet is the only way to transform Yahoo and deal with the plight of anonymous users. choose!"

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