Top of the big era

Chapter 2386 Conservatism

The Korean girl group f(x) is here, some young and beautiful girls.

This is not the first time they have dealt with Boss Zhou.

It's familiar.

The private island at home is still under intensive renovation and construction, and the total investment has been increased from 50 million euros to 80 million euros.

Looking at this efficiency, it won't be completed until next year.

Maybe we will have to invest more.

Zhou Buqi rented a private island in the South China Sea of ​​Spain, with a total cost of 450,000 euros, for vacation and recreation in the past few days.

He didn't know the specific process and had no time to care.

One time while swimming, Sun Wanran suddenly mentioned the cost and said that Yang Mi paid for the rental of this island.

Zhou Buqi was quite surprised, "Why is it her turn?"

Sun Wanran said with a smile: "This is the place she recommended. She and her sisters had stayed here before and she was very satisfied. I heard that you were going to vacation here, so I recommended it and paid the fee by the way. If you pay, you are honoring the father who is the sponsor."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "If you're interested, send her a text message for me to say thank you."

At this time, the two of them were sitting on the deck chairs by the swimming pool, hiding under the umbrella.

Sun Wanran came over and glanced at the Korean girls who were happily splashing and swimming in the swimming pool. "It's very pretty. You really don't want to touch it?"

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "It's enough to look at it and enjoy it. It's good to dance and sing."

Sun Wanran winked and said, "How about putting on some music, calling them up, and giving you a good girl group dance in their swimsuits?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Okay, the slipper shop is better."

Sun Wanran rolled her eyes at him, "The tile floor is so slippery, how can you wear slippers? A barefoot venue is just fine."

"I'll go!" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Do you understand?"

Sun Wanran snorted, "It's just your tricks, don't you understand after thinking about it? It's just a matter of men and women, what's the big deal."

Zhou Buqi laughed, "Just kidding, that's a bit disrespectful. It's not like you don't know that I'm a feminist."

Sun Wanran said: "Tomorrow is Zheng Xiujing's birthday. How to arrange it? After your birthday, you will go to the United States?"

"Well..." Zhou Buqi was a little embarrassed, "After all, it's an adult ceremony. Isn't it a bit too much to just slap someone on the butt and leave after doing something?"

Sun Wanran couldn't help laughing, "Well, I believe you are a feminist."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "It's easier to be a scumbag, but it's a pity that I'm not."

Sun Wanran had already made arrangements, "The day after tomorrow, there will be a Champions League match at the Bernabeu. Real Madrid will play Dortmund at home. How about you take the girls to the Bernabeu?"

"That's fine."

Zhou Buqi thinks this suggestion is acceptable.

The Santiago Bernabeu Stadium is not only a stadium, but also a tourist attraction in Spain. It should be a must-visit place when traveling in Spain. South Korea's football culture is also very strong. Girls from the women's team can go to the Bernabeu to take some photos, which can also increase their influence.

Sun Wanran complained: "When the time comes, you have a good talk with Florentino! The progress of the project on our private island is too slow, and the project contractor is his construction company. Let him urge him to improve efficiency and polish the work. Ji Chi Di may need to invest more.”

Zhou Buqi follows the good and follows the flow.

The past few days have been very relaxing, accompanied by beautiful people and picturesque scenery.

Sometimes I walk on the beach on the island, sometimes I take a yacht out to sea, sometimes I go to a nearby island... Then, I finally wait for the day of Zheng Xiujing's birthday.

The birthday party was held on a yacht, with cake, candles blown out and red wine drank.

It wasn't dark yet, and the girls gathered around Zheng Xiujing and went to the bedroom.

"Mr. Zhou, we're going first, hurry up!"

The captain of f(x) is Song Qianqian, who is one of our own, so he is very enthusiastic and proactive in arranging the whole process.

Zhou Buqi had something to do, so he waved his hand and said, "Well, you go ahead! Let her take a bath and wait for me. I'll be there in a moment!"

Changyou's co-CEO Don Mattrick responded to Adobe's incident, "I don't think we need to rush."

This attitude is obviously different from Lu Qi.

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't they charge for Flash?"

Mattrick said: "There is a charge. Our 17173 game website... has many Flash games on it, and some games require licensing fees. But the amount is very small and can be ignored."

"Is this just the beginning?"

Zhou Buqi felt that he was a bit understatement.

Mattrick said easily: "Of course, this must be just the beginning. As long as Adobe puts this charging model into operation, the coverage will definitely become wider and wider. But the road is too difficult to walk, I don't think They can do it.”


"Adobi has launched a platform called Air platform, which has been launched for several years. It is a cross-system application platform that provides support for all products in the Flash camp."

"A cross-system platform?"

Zhou Buqi laughed dumbly.

He has never heard of the Air platform, which shows that it is not doing well.

In the past few years, cross-system platforms have been a big trend.

The so-called cross-system platform is a virtual machine-based product that emerged in response to the many different operating systems in the market.

Such as Netflix.

In addition to building a web version, Netflix also needs to build a client.

It's very troublesome to be a client.

Different systems require the development of different client versions, such as Windows version, macOS version, iOS version, Android version, Symbian version, as well as different TV versions, handheld versions, etc.

For so many operating systems, it will be a huge burden to develop and maintain clients for so many operating systems. Many small companies simply do not have the ability to operate so many versions at the same time.

So there is a trend and an exploration in the technology industry.

Can all operating systems be unified?

The solution is a large platform across operating systems.

Whoever can develop such a platform will be able to command the world.

Software giant Adobe also rushed in ambitiously, relying on its Flash technology to build an Adobe Air platform centered around Flash technology.

Developers only need to develop a version of the application on the Air platform, and then use the Air platform to connect to major operating systems such as Windows version, macOS version, iOS version, Android version, Symbian version, etc.

This is too friendly for developers.

Including Google spending 10 billion US dollars to develop Google Chrome, this is the same idea. This is not charity. The most fundamental purpose is actually to build such a cross-system application platform around Google Chrome and rely on the increasingly mature HTML5 technology.

In the field of mobile Internet, surrounding the choice of HTML5 browser applications and independent apps, the reason why many people in the industry still firmly believe that HTML5 browser applications represent the future is based on cross-system thinking.

Such as Netflix.

If Netflix develops a Netflix plug-in for Google Chrome, it can take over all operating systems.

On the Windows side, users can use Netflix’s services through the Netflix plug-in in the Google Chrome store; on the iOS side, users can also use Netflix’s services through the Netflix plug-in in the Google Chrome store; on Symbian On the system, users can also watch Netflix’s homemade dramas through the Netflix plug-in in Google Chrome; on Apple TV, users can also use Netflix’s streaming services through the Netflix plug-in in Google Chrome.

One development, one version, for all operating systems.

How dreamy is this?

In any operating system, users can achieve this purpose through Google Chrome.

This is so convenient.

In fact, it is a more advanced cloud thinking.

Google Chrome has become a big platform that commands the world.

When choosing the route, Apple firmly followed the independent App route, and the Apple Store only served Apple systems; Google's ambitions were obviously greater, and they wanted to serve all operating systems through Google Chrome.

At this point, Zhou Buqi's foresight can come into play.

Although Google Chrome has unified the world of browsers, it has not unified the world of application products. The number of plug-ins in Google Chrome is far less than the number of independent apps.

Not to mention making money through commissions through Google Chrome plug-ins.

Not even Google, and certainly not Adobe.

Zhou Buqi now understood what Mattrick meant.

He did not approve of attacking Adobe.

It's not necessary!

What Adobe did was a big deal, and he was most likely going to kill himself. In this case, why did you jump out to offend Adobe?

different people have different ideas.

Especially at the level of Lu Qi and Don Mattrick, everyone's opinions must have sufficient reasons. Opposite each other, but whoever says is correct.

This requires Boss Zhou to make a decision.

That’s how hard it is to make decisions.

It is easier to choose between a correct choice and a wrong choice. You must choose the correct one.

What is difficult is that if both choices are correct, how can we choose the one that is more correct and maximize the company's interests? What is difficult is that if both choices are wrong, how can we choose the one with a lower error coefficient that maximizes the company's interests? The company's interests are minimally damaged.

Mattrick himself has a conservative tendency, and his attitude towards this matter is also conservative. "I think we can continue to cooperate with Flash. As far as the current situation is concerned, Flash technology is much ahead of HTML5. But in the long run, There’s no need to worry too much about Flash developing too well.”

"What's the reason?"

Zhou Buqi stayed calm.

Mattrick smiled and said: "Flash charges a fee, which is a good thing! The more you charge, the wider the coverage, the better!"


Zhou Buqi couldn't laugh or cry.

Mattrick pondered and said: "Whether it is Ziweixing or Changyou, from the perspective of their own interests, the way out is to support more HTML5 in the future. Only HTML5 is free and public. If Flash charges, it will Push many applications towards HTML5. Just like Android can defeat Microsoft, Facebook can defeat Myspace. So I think there is no need to worry about the future of Flash, we can cooperate with Adobe in a friendly and peaceful manner."

As Android apps become popular, Microsoft's mobile operating system has a huge market.

But soon Microsoft won't be able to.

The reason is that Microsoft's operating system costs money. Every mobile phone that uses Microsoft's mobile operating system has to pay Microsoft a licensing fee of about US$25.

Now mobile phone manufacturers are quitting one after another.

They all join the free Android camp.

This is how Android has taken the world by storm.

In order to make money, Flash seems to have followed the same old path. Following this logic, it is only a matter of time before it is replaced by free HTML5.

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