Top of the big era

Chapter 2436 Synchronization of time and space

This Christmas season, two films have become the biggest attractions. One is MGM's flagship series, the latest one "007: Skyfall", and the other is Universal Pictures' restart of the classic series "Dwarfs". Luo Ji World".

The two films have become the biggest winners in the box office market.

Just like the newly launched Ziweixing Global, which is in the limelight.

Before the year-end holiday, the company's market value once exceeded US$140 billion.

At this time, Zhou Buqi had already gone to Australia to spend the holidays with his family. It's summer over there, unlike here in the northern hemisphere, where it's too cold even in cotton-padded clothes.

Soon, time turned to the new year.

After the New Year's Day holiday, he returned to the northern hemisphere and traveled between New York and London to participate in the early-year board meetings of Ziweixing Digital Media and Ziweixing Global, two companies that were listed last year.

In late January, Zhou Buqi finally got good news from Silicon Valley.

Steve Sinofsky, an executive who was fired by Microsoft, finally made up his mind to regain his original intention and start a career of his own!

It just so happened that there was also news on George Lucas' side.

He will be the executive director of Ziweixing Global, and will also participate in the company's daily management as "chief film technology consultant".

The first responsible thing is to separate the technical part of Lucasfilm and integrate it into the group's technical department for unified deployment and unified management.

If this part of the business is spun off from Lucasfilm, a semi-independent studio operating outside of Hollywood, it will be a smooth road for Ziweixing Global to monetize part of its core business.

It's perfect for George Lucas to run this thing himself.

Ziweixing Global has both interests and dreams.

It's really hard to say no.

Zhou Buqi is very happy. He is meeting with some New York investors with Masayoshi Son in New York to resell some of the shares of MSI held by SoftBank.

When I heard that Sinofsky had accepted the cooperative "entrepreneurship" plan, he was very happy and quickly took off from New York to Silicon Valley.

As soon as they met, they shook hands vigorously.

Zhou Buqi said: "In the current IT industry, cloud disks and cloud documents are very popular. Under this general trend, more and more tools will definitely become cloud-based."

Sinofsky has been conducting market research in this field in the past period to evaluate the feasibility of this project. He agrees with this, "Design tools are an important part of the Internet industry, and it is impossible to Stay away from this trend.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "However, the current cloud trend is more about cloud sharing, which really reduces the industry value of cloud computing. Online collaboration is the greatest significance of cloud-based tool products. Online collaboration through the cloud Class design tools will be the most mainstream direction in the future.”

Two people riding in a car.

Let's head towards Mountain View together.

There, there is an independently operated subsidiary of Ziweiyun called EverZoom, which specializes in cloud-based online multi-person conference video products.

This is also equivalent to a startup company.

From a conceptual point of view, it is basically similar to what Zhou Buqi wants to do with Sinofsky.

Go visit it and give him some insights.

He needs to understand that Boss Zhou can still get this done without him.

Sinofsky pondered and said: "The traditional software industry has been developing for decades. There are already very mature products in the market in various directions and different product lines, and several major software giants have emerged. They have their own spheres of influence. In the traditional software model, it is indeed difficult to compete with them. Cloudization is a new direction, one that can break the past pattern of several giants dividing the market."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It is not practical to overtake on a curve and it is easy to overturn. Changing lanes to overtake is the most feasible way."

Sinofsky smiled, "A good metaphor."

Zhou Buqi asked: “What are your thoughts on design tools for online collaboration?”

Sinofsky knew that this was not an interview and that he would not be a thoughtful employee. This was just a startup project and he would definitely appear as a partner.

So it’s much easier to deal with it.

Even if many ideas are not mature enough, it doesn't matter. His past resume is the best resume.

"I think it's about two o'clock," Sinofsky said.


"The first is real-time collaboration between designers and designers to complete the different parts they are responsible for in the same file. In the past, product design was done step by step or in groups."

"Either the time is staggered, or the space is staggered."

Zhou Buqi summed it up simply.

Sinofsky smiled and said: "Yes, this is a common trouble faced by all traditional software. It is difficult to unify in time and space. This not only reduces work efficiency in time, but also in space." It is difficult to synchronize, group or classify, and there will always be various incompatibilities during final integration.”

Just like the production of screws and screw heads.

If the time is staggered, screws are produced first, and screw caps are produced according to the screws, which wastes efficiency; if screws and screw caps are produced at the same time, there may be mismatches between screws and screw caps, which will cause losses It's even bigger.

The more complex the technology and process, the more important this spatial synchronization is.

Cloud collaboration can perfectly solve this problem.

Since we are unified in time and work on a project at the same time, we can also be unified in space and work on a project at the same time. When producing screw caps, always keep an eye on the production of screws. If there is a disagreement, stop the work immediately. Don't go further down the wrong path and make corrections quickly.

Solving things that traditional software cannot solve is the greatest significance of cloud tooling.

Sinofsky continued: "Not only is it real-time collaboration between designers, but designers can also collaborate with product teams and development teams in real time. For example, in remote review of products, not only can design drafts be viewed in real time on the computer And online comments can also be completed through the mobile app.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said nothing.

There is an illusion that Microsoft executives have not seen much of the world.

Online reviews and completion through mobile apps are common and popular concepts here at Ziweiyun. It seems that this is necessary for making cloud products. It requires cloud, computer and mobile terminals. "Trinity".

But in Sinofsky's eyes, this seems to be a highlight of the product.

The highlight is the highlight, but it’s just not that novel.

Sinofsky feels that this is a great product innovation. “For example, development and delivery, code annotation, cutting presets, unit switching, color positioning, etc., can all have good synchronization functions, and real-time updates do not need to be repeated. Uploading files can also provide maximum convenience in team work. This can minimize communication costs. Products that can reduce costs and increase efficiency are the most popular products among business owners!"

For technology companies, there are three most expensive costs - decision-making costs, trial and error costs and communication costs.

The so-called communication cost refers to the cost incurred by communication. The first is the direct time cost, the second is the unfavorable communication or losses, and the third is the value of communication for the healthy growth of the enterprise. Excessive communication costs are the internal consumption of the enterprise.

Good communication means good cost management.

This is the biggest attraction.

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