Top of the big era

Chapter 2449 Invitation to Fame and Fortune

If you want to promote the strategic cooperation between PayPal and Alipay and promote the mutual learning of technology and form between the two products, you must establish an equity relationship.

Given the sensitivity of the domestic financial industry, it is too difficult for PayPal to invest in Alipay. Even if the investment is successful, it will cause many difficulties for Alipay's business development in the future.

If Alipay wants to introduce investment, the best choice is state-owned assets. Only by reaching a strategic cooperation relationship with the country through the background of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises can Boss Ma's business innovations be realized.

In comparison, it is much easier to let Alipay invest in PayPal.

This kind of operation will also be in line with Boss Ma's strategic ambitions and the support of domestic public opinion.

In simple folk understanding, when foreign capital buys domestic assets, it is a loss of assets; if domestic funds buy foreign assets, it is an asset transfer in the negative sense and industrial expansion in the positive sense.

Alibaba originally planned to go public in the United States. All the funds raised from the IPO were US dollars, which were originally kept overseas and had little to do with asset transfers.

That is industrial expansion.

This will present a positive trend in terms of social image, public impression and the response of the authorities.

However, Boss Ma was still very worried and asked repeatedly, "Can Alipay really invest in PayPal? Don't be just wishful thinking on your part."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "What's so difficult about this? eBay and PayPal decided to go through the listing process first. Once the process is approved, they will be split first, and IPO immediately after the split. They are both listed companies. Isn’t it normal to bring in other investors? It’s not like you are required to acquire or control PayPal.”

Boss Ma’s concern is actually right.

Financial regulation in the United States is not as strict as in China, but it is still very strict.

If the largest financial product on the mobile side is controlled by Alipay, this is impossible, and the transaction will definitely be denied at the administrative level.

If it is a general investment behavior, there will be no obstacles at all.

Most of PayPal's shares are in the hands of Americans. The general meeting of shareholders is the highest authority. As long as most of the shares are in the hands of Americans, there is nothing to worry about.

The so-called Zhou Buqi has control of PayPal, which is only a superficial phenomenon.

His shareholding is less than 5%.

His control rights actually come from the authorization from the shareholders' meeting. The shareholders recognize his ability and believe that he can lead PayPal to develop better and make money for shareholders.

Once it is discovered that he cannot bring substantial benefits to PayPal, or that he has done something that violates US laws, PayPal's shareholders meeting can easily remove him.

So does Alipay.

As long as the cooperation between Alipay and PayPal can bring substantial benefits to PayPal and does not violate the law during the operation, there will be no restrictions.

At least under the current situation between China and the United States, there will be no policy obstacles.

Zhou Buqi had already consulted.

Not just lawyers, but also MPs from the authorities.

Because there were no such administrative and legal obstacles, he made a special trip to Hangzhou to discuss this big plan with Boss Ma.

Zhou Buqi said: "Alipay is great. Even though it is very small now, it is much worse than foreign financial products. But I can see that Alipay is a financial product that has truly entered the forefront of the Internet era. PayPal’s innovation is so poor that you may not believe that PayPal’s biggest revenue point now is payment processing fees.”

Boss Ma was quite proud of this and said with a smile: "Alipay does not pay commissions...well, at least not yet. However, it is right to have commissions. For every Alipay transaction, we have to pay 10,000 yuan to the bank." One-third of the handling fee. The bank collects our money, but in the end it will be passed on to the user."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's much lower than the handling fees for inter-bank withdrawals and remote withdrawals."

Boss Ma was rather complacent, "If the bank doesn't change, I will change the bank. With the popularity of Alipay, the bank will also change, and fees for withdrawals from other places and inter-bank transfers will also be cancelled. Hmm... … This can be partly attributed to WeChat Pay.”

Although Zhou Buqi had experienced it in his previous life, he was still feeling a little nervous in his heart when he experienced it on the front line in this life.

Only when you participate can you know how difficult it is.

This is changing the system of the largest state-owned enterprise in the country!

It sounds heartwarming.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "The foreign banking system is even less friendly than at home, and the various handling fees are dazzling. If PayPal didn't charge payment handling fees, it wouldn't be able to survive at all. Since Alipay is doing so well, don't hide it. Tucked together, flowers bloom inside and outside the walls, this is the garden full of spring."

Boss Ma frowned, "There are domestic complexities at home, and there are various restrictions abroad, but they are actually the same. Alipay can operate in China because we are familiar enough with the domestic environment..."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "There are domestic teams at home and foreign teams abroad. Just promote the cooperation between Alipay and PayPal. You don't need to execute it. If you come up with an idea, someone will naturally do it."

Boss Ma certainly hopes that some of his business ideas can be exposed to a wider market.

This has nothing to do with money.

Just like Steve Jobs.

After he returned to Apple, he sold all his shares in order to show the public and the board of directors that he did not return to Apple for money.

When Apple became the world's number one at its peak, most of his wealth actually came from Disney stocks.

Countless people have made a lot of money from the sudden increase in Apple's stock price, but what Jobs earned was huge fame.

"It's an attractive proposition."

Boss Ma said with emotion.

Zhou Buqi said bluntly: "Lao Ma, you know that I am the most honest person. Let me tell you the truth, whether you agree to promote the cooperation between Alipay and PayPal or not, when PayPal goes public, the first thing I will do is Let PayPal learn from Alipay and even poach a few senior executives from Alipay.”

Boss Ma's face darkened, "You are so thick-skinned!"

Zhou Buqi said nonchalantly: "That's what it means anyway. I'm optimistic about Alipay's business innovation. Not to mention the future, even now, many of Alipay's product designs are far ahead of those foreign financial products. In a few years, there will be various models imitating Alipay in foreign countries. Lao Ma, I am complimenting you."

Boss Ma said helplessly: "This is the first time I've seen you praise someone so much."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "When it comes to business innovation, I am still optimistic about the domestic Internet industry. I don't understand Internet finance, so I can only trust you. Look at Ziweixing's WeChat payment, isn't it just learning from Alipay to do something It's a simple thing. Another very important point is that I believe Alipay's team can come up with many innovations, but it is difficult to apply them in the domestic financial market. How wasteful is this? If the cooperation between Alipay and PayPal is promoted , these amazing product innovations can be realized overseas."

"It really is."

Boss Ma nodded, his mood fluctuating.

Zhou Buqi hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice and said sincerely: "The things you do on Alipay are too risky. You are getting closer and closer to the border... Sooner or later, you will accidentally cross the border. You will be in trouble. Even if you are not arrested and imprisoned, your reputation will be ruined by then, and you will no longer be able to live in the country. "

Boss Ma twitched his lips.

Zhou Buqi pointed at himself and said with a smile: "My biggest advantage is that I am kind-hearted and treat my friends with sincerity and sincerity. If you really can't survive in China, go to PayPal and become a Chairman or CEO, you can still use your magic in the Internet field."

An ordinary young person might have been fooled by his rhetoric.

Boss Ma said angrily: "Get the hell out of here!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Anyway, I've said both good and bad things, it depends on what you mean. Regardless of cooperation or not, PayPal will definitely take over Alipay. With strategic cooperation, you can still take advantage of it and gain fame and fortune." If you don’t cooperate, you get nothing.”

Boss Ma gritted his teeth, "How many shares are there?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Definitely not too much. I am the largest shareholder and my shareholding is less than 5%. For you... just get 3%-4%."

Boss Ma was almost furious, "So much? Is this also called strategic cooperation?"

Zhou Buqi said: "After PayPal's spin-off and listing, the market value will be 50 billion US dollars at least. If I give you more shares, can you make that much money? If I give you more shares, it will exceed 5%. You Aren’t you afraid that the US authorities will come in for review? Just do it less! You will have peace of mind, safety and reliability!”

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