Top of the big era

Chapter 2497 Unique Advantages

After comparing the development of the Chinese and American Internet industries, Zhou Buqi recognized Zheng Xiaoli's ideas and decided to lead Ziweixing under a data-led product framework.

A group of senior executives such as Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Liang Rubo, Zhou Feng, and Wang Xiaochuan all have technical backgrounds and are very recognized for the analysis and application of data.

But this kind of thinking is not very friendly to some non-technical people.

Especially in the traditional marketing industry.

In the past, advertising models were often based on impression flow and experience flow.

For example, if you want to promote a brand of liquor, how should you do it?

Starting from empiricism, it is natural to advertise on TV stations, especially CCTV. This strategy is the easiest to increase the popularity of the product.

But this is too expensive.

What if we use data flow?

First, go to the market to collect relevant data in the industry.

Some liquors advertise in newspapers and tally up relevant advertising fees, promotion fees, product positioning and pricing, as well as revenue, profit and other data; some liquors advertise on billboards in shopping malls and also tally relevant data. The data is compiled; there are also statistics on TV station advertisements, website advertisements, TV series promotions, variety show placements, etc.

Big data analysts design a statistical model, and then technicians develop the model based on algorithms.

In this way, it is very intuitive.

How much investment does each platform produce? What value will the input-output ratio be the highest? After which peak value, no matter how much advertising investment is spent, it will be a waste, etc.

Everything is based on data.

Please take a detour from empiricism.

This is quite cruel.

Especially for He Yang.

He is a market expert, and all his abilities are based on his industry experience in the past few years... In fact, his work results at Ziweixing are also very good and have been recognized by everyone.

Now, Ziweixing’s strategy is about to change.

It’s time to comprehensively transform to data.

Doesn't this mean that he will soon be unemployed?

His position will be replaced by young people who understand the data market better.

The Internet is changing so fast.

Such is the cruelty of this industry.

Even if a meritorious executive or industry expert like He Yang seems to be doing well, he may be eliminated overnight.

So after the executive meeting, He Yang followed Zhou Buqi to his office.

Zhou Buqi understood his worries and said slowly: "The most valuable asset in the information age is not technology, but data. Whoever can apply data well can stand out in this era. Lao He, this is the era. The choice is the general trend. What we produce is not full of personalized works of art, what we want to produce is products that users like."

He Yang nodded, "But if you are too paranoid about data, will you go to the other extreme? Sometimes, data can also deceive people. If you don't judge it, survivor bias can easily occur."

In the past few years, many veterans of Ziweixing have left.

Some have retired, some have changed careers, and some have gone to slightly inferior Internet companies to continue to use their remaining energy.

But He Yang can't.

His maturity and poise are the Dinghai Shenzhen of Ziweixing.

There are too many young people at Ziweixing, especially the senior management of M5 and above. The average age is only 33 years old. It can be called the company that trusts young people the most in China.

Young people have many advantages, but also obvious shortcomings.

He just lacks experience, and he has too much energy and lack of stability.

Such shortcomings must be made up for by He Yang!

Therefore, over the past many years, He Yang has always been the top executive of Ziweixing, and his company status is second only to Zhou Buqi and Zhang Yiming. At this stage, Zhou Buqi didn't want to let He Yang leave.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "So, you still have to be at the helm in the general direction. Just let the young people do the small things. You can be more relaxed here, right?"

He Yang shook his head, "Whether I go or stay, it doesn't actually matter..."

"Why is it not important?" Zhou Buqi interrupted him, "Lao He, having an old man in the family is like having a treasure. These young men in Ziweixing still rely on you to lead them. Don't think about quitting."

He Yang felt at ease and said with a smile: "I don't want to quit, I'm just a little worried. The empiricism of the past is really not advisable. In fact, many traditional companies today will fully use it when doing marketing. Reference industry data.”

"That's different." When Zhou Buqi saw Sun Wanran bringing the coffee, he stood up and took it, specially delivering it to He Yang. "I specifically asked Yuanwei Group about their reference for market data when doing marketing planning projects. , how should I put it...the lines are too broad, and the data lacks accuracy. Many planning companies even falsify data in order to win the bid. What Ziweixing wants to do is to conduct refined data analysis. While being meticulous, it must also have its own A data analysis system. This kind of cutting-edge industry must accumulate data through experiments, and external data is unreliable."

"What's the meaning?"

"Just like building rockets, Musk always failed to launch when he started building rockets, because some data parameters were wrong. After a few more experiments, through constant experiments and constant adjustments, he finally got the most accurate data, and the rocket became The launch was successful."


He Yang was shocked immediately.

Parameters and data are of course very important to rocket manufacturing. However, should we use this model and this standard to use data to develop and promote apps?

Zhou Buqi said: "We are originally a rising star. If we want to compete with Silicon Valley giants in the long term, we must develop our unique strengths. Just like Made in Japan. Back then, Japanese Made was all learned from the United States. , but by the 1980s, Japan's manufacturing industry had completely surpassed that of the United States. The main reason was that the quality of Japan's products was so good, and its pursuit of excellence surpassed the United States in quality. It is Japan's cultural tradition to constantly polish the details. It is a kind of craftsmanship that exists in all walks of life. Compared with American manufacturing, this forms a unique advantage. If the domestic Internet wants to surpass the Silicon Valley giants, what should we do? We must do something that Americans cannot do. But there’s something we can do!”

He Yang took a deep breath, "What are the advantages of the country?"

Zhou Buqi said: "There are so many people. China has the most outstanding engineers in the world. We have enough people, and they are all very active and hardworking in their work. This kind of social resources is enough for Ziweixing to apply data in the world." We are meticulous down to every strand of hair, relying on powerful refined product design and product marketing to win more users.”

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