Top of the big era

Chapter 2503 Equality

The development of the Internet industry is inseparable from the construction of communication infrastructure. Domestic 4G network licenses were issued at the end of 2013 and officially promoted at the beginning of 2014.

Although it started slower than in Europe and the United States, the promotion speed was extremely fast and it blossomed across the country. The world's largest 4G network infrastructure covering the entire country was quickly laid out.

The reason why the domestic mobile Internet industry has developed so well is closely related to the innovative spirit of Internet entrepreneurs and the hard work of Internet engineers. It also has the huge support and dedication of the operators behind it.

In this regard, the contribution made by domestic operators far exceeds that of foreign operators.

Traffic charges are also falling again and again.

However, some decision-making errors later occurred.

When 5G was not yet mature enough, under the crazy hype of the media and the exaggeration of some strange arguments, even many senior scientists jumped out and praised 5G as if it was omnipotent.

Operators are reluctant but have no choice but to promote 5G network infrastructure on a large scale in a hurry.

This puts a huge burden on them.

Not to mention the tens of billions or hundreds of billions of 5G base station procurement and construction costs every year, the electricity cost just to maintain the 5G network is an astronomical figure.

In order to reduce the cost burden, many operators have changed 4g magic to 5g. The 5g signals in most areas of the country are actually fake 5g. In the past, the serious 4g signals encountered speed limits. At the same time, at night or in remote places, Turn off the base station from time to time to save power.

This is not only a subtraction of services for consumers, but also insufficient services for the Internet industry.

Originally, cross-subsidies from operators were subsidized to the Internet industry. But after 5G comes out, it is not enough to pour everything into the 5G industry, let alone subsidize those Internet content suppliers.

For some giant companies, the impact will be minimal.

Their technology costs are high, their teams are strong, and they don’t need subsidies for traffic or broadband fees. However, many Internet small and medium-sized enterprises and start-up companies will not be able to do so, and will encounter great pressure, and this cost burden will be transferred to them.

The wave of mobile Internet entrepreneurship has begun to decline.

Once the momentum weakens, it is easy to trigger a chain reaction, and more and more IT engineers will find it difficult to find jobs.

In the next few years, 4G networks will bloom all over the country, which will be the peak period of the fastest development of the domestic mobile Internet industry. With the operators taking such an active role, Zhou Buqi doesn't want to have a stalemate with them from any point of view.

President Liu said: "Operators will support the development of WeChat, and the country has also recognized some of WeChat's OTT innovations based on the Internet. Alas, Mr. Zhou, this is not a long-term solution after all!"

Another Mr. Qin also said: "The operator is a reservoir. As long as the new inflow is greater than the outflow, the pond will not dry up and the conflict between the two parties will not become unmanageable. Now mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom have not reached the point where the water has dried up. But once it crosses the line... Mr. Zhou, you are a smart person. If you really get to that day, you will definitely give up the car to save the handsome man. Who is the car and who is the boss? Handsome, I believe you will make your own judgment."

Isn’t this judgmental?

They are state-owned enterprises.

At that time, once operators have huge expenses and cannot bear the cost pressure, if the one-pass policy is adjusted, the Internet industry will definitely be harmed.

Even if the market value of the Internet giant is US$1 trillion and the market value of the operator giant is US$100 billion, it must be the operators that need to be preserved.

This cannot be measured by the size of the economic plate.

Zhou Buqi said: "I can assure every leader on this point that the domestic Internet industry will definitely stand with the operators. If there are differences, we will resolve them. There will be no indescribable situation."

"Oh?" Director Wang was very curious, "An indescribable situation? Xiao Zhou, you are referring to something, what do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "If nothing else, let's talk about Ziweiyun. The operating strategies at home and abroad are different. Domestic Ziweiyun needs network facilities from operators such as China Telecom and China Unicom. For our lines, we purchase services from operators. However, when Ziweiyun is abroad, we use three routes together."

"Which three roads?"

"The first way is to purchase services from operators, just like in China; second, merge and acquire some idle communication infrastructure in society; third, build your own optical fiber network with private networks and dedicated lines."


Director Wang was stunned, and the CEOs of several other operators and leaders of the information department also took a breath.

This is the big killer!

This is much better than the voice calls and video calls made by WeChat!

Ziweiyun's strategy of "acquiring" and "building its own" communication networks abroad is actually doing business as a telecom operator.

This threat is too strong!

Didn’t the operators say that Internet companies took up too much of their traffic and caused a huge operational load for them? Okay, then I won’t go to the operator to buy services. I will pull the optical fiber, build the network myself, and I will pull the dedicated network and dedicated line to serve the users!

Later, after Netflix and YouTube were suppressed by operators for this reason, they all adopted this self-built strategy.

It would be okay if they come and go in small ways, but if these Internet giants are annoyed by the operators, they may transform from Internet content providers to Internet service operators... By then, the two sides will be life-and-death competitors. .

How can traditional operators be rivals of Internet giants?

Meng Houkun felt that Boss Zhou finally had a tough time. This entry point was found very accurately. He said with a smile: "Domestic operators are all state-owned enterprises and have to bear great social responsibilities to provide services for the Internet industry. From this perspective Generally speaking, Internet companies should indeed thank the operators. But at the same time, precisely because the operators are state-owned enterprises, this industry has a monopoly character, and Internet companies can only choose to cooperate with operators such as China Mobile, China Unicom, and Telecom instead of It is possible to satisfy the market demand by itself. With great power comes great responsibility. If operators monopolize this industry, they must bear some additional social responsibilities. This is fair and just. Don’t act like it is fair and just, operators have no Taking advantage is like suffering a loss.”

Director Wang laughed and said, "Are you from Lao Meng's family?"

Meng Houkun said "hmm" and said to himself: "It is impossible for the operator to suffer a loss. If Ziweiyun also has a telecommunications operator's license, then Ziweiyun can have a thousand and ten thousand kinds." This method allows Ziweiyun’s customers to choose Ziweiyun’s broadband network services and abandon traditional operators.”

"This boy!"

Director Wang pointed at him, as if an elder was lecturing a child.

Seeing that they were a little embarrassed, Zhou Buqi went back to make amends and said with a smile: "The situation at home and abroad is really different. Ziweiyun wants to build some basic network facilities abroad because their operators' facilities have laid It’s just that most of Ziweiyun’s data centers are in remote places. If operators can’t meet Ziweiyun’s needs, they can only build them themselves. It’s much better in China, where the infrastructure of the three major operators has covered the whole country. "

Meng Houkun said: "In the long run, it is definitely more economical to build it yourself. The key is to save a lot of trouble and solve your own problems by yourself, so as not to make irresponsible remarks from the operator. Just like many large factories, they are equipped with By having our own power plant, we avoid having to have disputes with the State Grid. I think this is good and self-sufficient."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Internet service operators and Internet service providers have a mutually beneficial relationship. Whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise, it is always about creating value. It is nothing more than who creates more and who creates less. Some."

Although the major policies have been set, the other party still has some criticisms about the WeChat product.

Zhou Buqi actually knew that WeChat had to make some compromises.

However, before discussing the relationship between WeChat and operators in detail, we must first clarify the positioning of both parties.

There is no one who helps whom.

There is no moral high or low.

Be equal to each other.

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