Top of the big era

Chapter 2524 Escape from the Sea of ​​Suffering

One thing that Silicon Valley is working hard to do now is to help operators overcome OTT phobia. Not to mention, Zuckerberg has a really good vision and found an excellent entry point.

It’s just too damaging.

These are the people who bully the operators because they don’t understand the Internet, so they are trying to trick them into death!

Facebook Messenger calling service can use the voice network of French operator Orange, which is equivalent to having a shared private network and dedicated line, which is a big advantage.

But what about the operators?

What benefits were gained?

As a condition of cooperation, Orange can ask Facebook to help them develop a mobile payment tool and enjoy 30% of the future profits of this mobile payment tool...

It’s simply off the mark!

In China, it is impossible for WeChat to share China Unicom's data network. Even so, WeChat must cooperate with China Unicom to help China Unicom develop their payment tool Wopay.

However, WoPay will be fully controlled by China Unicom, and all future profits will be 100% owned by China Unicom and has nothing to do with Ziweixing.

In comparison, you will find that what French operator Orange is facing is simply an unequal agreement, as if it is enslaved by Facebook.

Zhou Buqi is in the Internet industry. From a standpoint, he will definitely side with the Internet industry to fight against the operator industry.

But he really can't stand this wave of Facebook operations.

It's so bullying.

Make the operator a fool! (Writing a novel would not dare to make up such a ridiculous agreement, but it is true.)


This is probably related to the European Internet environment.

The Internet level there is really lagging behind compared to China and the United States. Although operators in China and the United States don't know much about the Internet, they can at least understand it a little bit. Europe is really blind.

As an American company, Facebook did not go to France to sign such an agreement with American operators in its home country. It probably wanted to create such an information gap.

Lu Qi said: "This is related to the general environment in Europe. Competition in the telecommunications industry is fierce. Countries such as Germany, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy, etc. all have their own operator giants. In the early days, they all had some background as state-owned enterprises. , they have been annexing and devouring each other in recent years, and the competitive environment is much more complicated than that between China, the United States, South Korea and Japan."

Zhou Buqi could understand, "Is Orange trying to get on top of Facebook?"

Lu Qi smiled and said: "Yes, that should be the meaning. Today's operators are in an increasingly embarrassing situation, and they are already facing crazy squeeze from Internet giants. Orange should want to change its thinking and promote cooperation through cooperation with Internet companies. Business transformation.”

"Seek the skin of a tiger!" Zhou Buqi shook his head, "It's not good to look for anyone, look for the Americans..."

Lu Qi said: "The impact of the Internet has been too great. In such a tense period, it is inevitable to make some deformed decisions. Fortunately, we are not reckless. We let the news out and see how the outside world reacts."

"Oh? How was your reaction?"

"Very positive."


Zhou Buqi was amused again.

Lu Qi couldn't help but laugh, "It's true. The feedback from France is very positive. They say that this kind of compromise and win-win policy has no disadvantages for operators whose position is becoming increasingly embarrassing. As a basic service Providers who work with third parties to gain a bigger slice of the pie have more prospects and are more likely to gain market recognition than holding on to their own one-third of an acre of land."

Zhou Buqi twitched his lips, "Make the cake bigger? Share the benefits?"

Lu Qi said: "It's just the mobile payment business."

Zhou Buqi hummed: "Even if they really make this cake, they can only share 30% of the profit. This appetite is really small. What's more, it is impossible for them to make this cake. France It is not a fringe country and must welcome the impact of international players."

Lu Qi glanced at him, "Aren't you optimistic? There are still great benefits in the payment business abroad, which is different from that in China. Domestic mobile payments are all free. There are commissions here abroad, especially It’s the lack of Internet competition in the European market.”

For domestic mobile payments, there is no commission on the user’s side.

Not now, not ever.

The profits from this business are all obtained from merchants.

A very important reason is that WeChat Pay and Alipay are in crazy competition. If anyone dares to charge payment commissions from users, it is tantamount to digging their own grave.

Under this fierce competition, domestic users have enjoyed tangible benefits.

But it’s different abroad.

Most payment tools eat both sides, taking commissions from users on one side and commissions from merchants on the other.

This profit margin is much greater.

The operator Orange is probably aware of this.

Zhou Buqi said: "Mobile payment business will definitely play an increasingly important role. This is not a question of money, but every consumption application scenario is inseparable from payment."

Lu Qi nodded, "Helo payment must be done well."

Zhou Buqi said: "Next, PayPal's board of directors will be reorganized. I will bring in Boss Ma, and then ask PayPal to learn from Alipay. The first thing is to reduce commissions."

"Less commission?"

Lu Qi now understood why the big boss thought the operator was so stupid. He was hitting a brick wall.

Orange is also thinking that through the help of Facebook, it can make a fortune in the payment business in the future... Unexpectedly, Boss Zhou has already set his sights on this industry and wants to change the shortcomings of the past in one fell swoop.

Commissions should be reduced across the board, or even commission-free!

This is the high-level gameplay of the Internet.

If an operator makes a payment tool, then the biggest significance of this payment tool is to make money. If you want to make money, you have to take commissions back and forth.

The biggest significance of Ziweixing as a payment tool is not to make money, but to obtain traffic.

The biggest significance of domestic WeChat payment and foreign Helo payment is to allow users to frequently open and use WeChat and Helo and become loyal users of the product.

Once you become a loyal user, the activity of the product will be greatly improved.

Then make money through other businesses of the product.

How much is the commission paid?

Zhou Buqi said: "Payment products have financial attributes and are financial products. Compared with other Internet products, financial Internet products have one of the biggest advantages, and that is trust."

Lu Qi said: "Yes, the longer the time, the higher the trust. PayPal is actually a terrible product. The reason why it is so popular in the market is not because this product is good, but because this product has been in operation for so many years. , and won the trust of the market.”

Most Internet products are born based on interests and needs.

Including Helo.

Even though Helo is doing so well now, it can be called the number one app in the world. But there is no guarantee that a more interesting product will appear in the future, and Helo will be replaced.

With financial attributes, this is different, there is a moat.

Users are accustomed to Helo payment, which creates a trust relationship.

It will be very difficult for a new product to break the trust relationship between Helo and users by relying on some low-level taste. In this way, Helo payment can strengthen Helo's vitality.

It’s almost like a traditional industry.

The most viable traditional industry is finance. There are banks everywhere that have existed for hundreds of years. There are very few companies in other industries that can survive for hundreds of years.

It will be very difficult for new banks to defeat old banks. A very important factor is that they cannot break through the trust relationship between old banks and users.

As long as money is involved, users tend to be very cautious.

The mobile payment business has long been targeted by Boss Zhou.

Whether it is the operator Orange or the Internet giant Facebook, it will be really difficult to make big money in the payment business in the future.

In this case, Zhou Buqi has to give full play to his good nature.

"Orange and Facebook haven't signed a contract yet?"

Zhou Buqi heard this meaning from Lu Qi's words.

Lu Qi smiled and said: "Yes, I just released some basic news, and I am probably waiting for other competitors to appear. Ordinary companies really don't dare to compete with Facebook for customers."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "This is not to steal customers, this is to help Orange get out of trouble."

Lu Qi laughed, "Yes, out of the sea of ​​suffering."

Zhou Buqi said: "Others are afraid of Facebook, but Ziweixing is not! Let's get involved and talk to Orange!"

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