Top of the big era

Chapter 2527 Spiritual Support

Zhou Buqi really didn't expect it.

The action on the land vehicle side will be so fast.

But after hearing his explanation, I felt a bit dumbfounded.

That operator, Orange, really lacks understanding of the Internet.

In addition to the better terms that Ziweixing International can provide, there is also an additional clause, which is that the payment tool developed for Orange must be added to the Helo payment system.

That is to say, users can pay through Helo when making mobile payments. Behind Helo payment is not only Helo's payment tool, which is a platform, but also many other payment tools.

This is the difference with China.

Domestic WeChat Pay is just WeChat Pay.

There are too many foreign payment tools, especially in Europe, which are all kinds of and various. Each country has several domestic payment tools.

It is difficult for Helo payment to bring together users of different cultures, races, and beliefs from so many countries in Europe, so it adopted the idea of ​​​​a platform.

Other payment tools can be added to the Helo payment platform.

Which payment tool service the user has opened, he will connect that tool with Helo payment, and make quick payment through Helo product.

In this way, Helo's traffic has been greatly improved.

French operator Orange seems unable to understand this idea. They feel that such terms are so conscientious. Isn't this using Helo's resources to promote its own payment tools?

As for the product traffic, it all falls into Helo's pocket...

This is not an issue Orange considers at all.

What they care about is income, which is the transaction commission generated by users using their own payment tools, not the invisible and intangible traffic.

It just so happens that Ziweixing International is focused on traffic and doesn't care too much about paying commissions.

What's more, there is no commission.

The initial terms of cooperation with Orange given by Luqi are that the future profits of the jointly developed payment tool will be divided equally, each accounting for 50%.

Zhou Buqi sighed deeply.

Only in overseas markets can we truly feel the Internet industry's crushing advantages over the operator industry, not only in terms of industry resources, user selection and product innovation, but also in terms of IQ superiority among the management team.

It feels like there is no need to go to the Li family to intervene. Helo can grab Orange's order directly through market means. After all, in the payment industry, Helo started faster, the technology is more mature, and Helo payment has greater coverage and influence.

Next, Zhou Buqi met with Microsoft CEO Ballmer.

Microsoft is going to hold this year's shareholder meeting.

Ballmer's life is not easy, and there are a lot of controversies outside. Many people believe that he is no longer suitable to continue leading Microsoft and that he has fallen behind the times.

A very important example is tablet computers.

Microsoft has been planning to launch tablet computers for more than ten years. Even when Steve Jobs wanted to launch the iPad, it was an idea he stole from Microsoft during a chat with Bill Gates.

However, the much-anticipated Microsoft Surface received cold water from the market after its launch last year.

Although Microsoft was very cautious, worried that Surface would not be recognized by the market after its launch, and cut off many orders in the early stages, the sales gap still surprised everyone.

According to financial report statistics, in the past year, Microsoft suffered a write-down of US$900 million due to Surface inventory backlog.

Ballmer can't step down now.

Zhou Buqi had to help him both in public and private matters, and Senior Sister Zhen Yu also went to Seattle with him.

"For the public and for the private?" Zhen Yu was very surprised, "I understand the public, and it cannot affect the transaction between Microsoft and UC Group. What does it mean for the private?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Didn't I ask you to prepare 1 billion US dollars?"


"Buy Microsoft stock."


Zhen Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

There were no outsiders on the plane. Zhou Buqi said bluntly: "Ballmer's approach is indeed not good. The Microsoft he led barely kept up with the PC Internet era and completely fell behind in the mobile Internet era. It will be sooner or later for him to step down." matter."

Zhen Yu said tentatively: "So buying Microsoft's stock now is just buying the bottom?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "We have to buy the bottom. I guess Ballmer will soon. If he doesn't step down this year, he will step down next year. Now it should be the lowest point of Microsoft's stock price. When people are replaced, strategic transformation and business are clear, Microsoft will It should recover soon. So it is very cost-effective for Microsoft to acquire UC Group now."

Senior Sister Zhen Yu pursed her lips and said, "Microsoft's stock is at its lowest point right now, but UC Group's stock is at its highest point."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, sell high and buy low! Not only Ziweixing can profit from this transaction, we must help more this time and buy more Microsoft stocks to boost confidence in the market. In the future It will also be a long-term investment.”

Zhen Yu blinked, thought for a moment, and said softly: "Well, Microsoft is quite troublesome now. Its net profit exceeds 20 billion US dollars, its market value is only 250 billion US dollars, and its price-to-earnings ratio is only 12 times. Let alone compare with technology companies. , not even Coca-Cola can compare.”

Technology companies generally have high P/E ratios.

Amazon is nearly 200 times, Google is more than 80 times, Facebook is more than 50 times... Even Changyou's P/E ratio has reached 60 times.

In the past year, Changyou’s audited net profit was nearly US$1 billion, and its current market value has reached US$58 billion.

Microsoft is very pitiful, with only a price-to-earnings ratio of 12 times.

Zhou Buqi said: "Such data fully reflects Microsoft's business status. It has strong financial strength, so the bottom support is strong. However, the lack of new businesses and new concepts has resulted in the valuation multiple being unable to break through the range."

Zhen Yu chuckled and said, "Well, people in the industry say that Microsoft has good performance now, but no story; the business is worry-free in the short term, but no new growth points will be seen in the long term."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "So Ballmer really should step down. Look at Microsoft's major strategic decisions in recent years. The smartphone industry has been strangled by Apple and Google; the cloud computing business is Ziwei Cloud and Amazon Cloud." Dominate the world; Bing search continues to burn money, but the market share is less than 6%; Win8 is the most criticized system in Microsoft's history; global PC penetration is close to saturation, while the computer industry is declining, Windows systems and office software are also facing The growth rate is getting slower and slower; although the Xbox game console business is growing steadily, it still does not seem to be the leader in the gaming industry, nor can it grow into a giant in the gaming industry; Skype, which was acquired for US$8.5 billion, currently seems to be quite Okay, but there is a paradox in a single communication product with this kind of structure. The better it develops, the more cumbersome it becomes.”

"There's also UC Browser."

Zhen Yu blinked her eyes a few times.

"This..." Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Anyway, I don't have confidence. If I can do it well, I won't sell UC Group to Microsoft. Google Chrome spent nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars to build it. , no browser in the world has any chance of surviving in front of Google Chrome.”

The success of Google Chrome is natural.

In order to accomplish this, Google organized a team of top scientists, spent five or six years and invested nearly 10 billion US dollars in scientific research funds to get this thing done.

The amount of resources, talents, and funds invested even exceeds that of the Android project.

In terms of product design, there is actually no highlight.

This is Google's weakness.

But on a technical level, Google Chrome is already the ceiling for mankind.

Zhou Buqi said: "Another point is that the importance of browsers will become less and less in the mobile Internet era. Taking advantage of their lack of deep understanding of the industry, they can quickly get rid of the burden."

Zhen Yu laughed and said, "This has really screwed up Microsoft."

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, "It's just a few billion dollars. It won't have much impact on Microsoft. Even if it suffers a loss, it won't affect the overall situation. Their net profit alone is more than 20 billion US dollars a year, and their cash reserves exceed 60 billion U.S. dollars. Over the years that Ballmer has been in charge of Microsoft, he has failed at the strategic level, but he has not failed at all in terms of making money."

Zhen Yu said softly: "I have heard many people say that Ballmer is the soul of Microsoft and has nothing to do with Bill Gates."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Absolutely. Microsoft was founded by Ballmer. Bill Gates is a technical engineer and a scientist. He doesn't know anything about products, markets, management, and marketing."

When Bill Gates was in power at Microsoft, he was the chairman and CEO of Microsoft, but in fact he was only responsible for managing one department-the technology department.

All other Microsoft affairs, large and small, are managed by President Ballmer.

But the times are developing too fast, and Gates' old-school technology cannot keep up with the development of the new era. Various emerging Internet technologies emerge in endlessly.

Bill Gates recognized the reality, stopped interfering in the technology department, handed over power and retired.

Microsoft has completely entered the Ballmer era.

"Ballmer is the soul of Microsoft, it's true." Zhou Buqi paused, "However, Bill Gates is the god of Microsoft. He is the belief of Microsoft, the spiritual pillar of everyone, and the one who stands above all others. The god of worship.”

Zhen Yu nodded lightly, "That's right. Without Gates's fame and influence, Microsoft might have been annexed by Apple long ago. Because of Bill Gates, Microsoft has someone to compete with Steve Jobs. Bill Gates can stand up to the ghost of Steve Jobs, but Ballmer can’t.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, that's what it means. The greatest significance of an entrepreneur is the aspiration and spiritual pillar of a company."

Zhen Yu's eyes were filled with light as she stared at Zhou Buqi opposite her, with a hint of admiration in her eyes, "You are also the spiritual support of Ziweixing."

Zhou Buqi said without hesitation, "Absolutely."

Zhen Yu continued: "You are also the spiritual support of our family."


"Without this spiritual belief, there wouldn't be so many outstanding women happily surrounding you."


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