Top of the big era

Chapter 2648 Return

The case of strategic investment in Ubisoft was completed smoothly.

A very important reason is that Ubisoft is in a very difficult situation right now. They need to prevent Vivendi's invasion and be wary of vicious acquisitions.

The cooperation between the two parties is a strategic offense for Ziweixing International to develop its streaming game business; for Ubisoft, it is a strategic defense to prevent a hostile takeover by Vivendi.

I've been on a business trip to Europe for two days, and New York has already exploded.

Everyone is looking for Zhou Buqi.

PayPal has just gone public, Ziweixing is about to go public, HBO is waiting for news from him, Black Rock Capital is waiting for news from him, and Rockefeller is also waiting for news from him.

However, there was one person who was more anxious than them all.

I heard that Boss Zhou had gone to London, so I took a private plane to London.

It was none other than Elon Musk, the boss of Tesla.

Zhou Buqi returned to the UK from France and met Musk who was visiting Changyou's UK headquarters. There was an Iron Man game model among them, which interested him very much.

Musk asked if he could give him a model.

The staff was in trouble.

Fortunately, Zhou Buqi showed up in time and said he couldn't deliver it!

These are game models, all hand-made by designers. They are used to make the mobile game "Avengers". How can you just give them away?

Musk was also unambiguous, saying in front of these game designers: "It doesn't matter if I don't give it, I have no interest in games anyway."

Zhou Buqi hummed: "Isn't the first money you made because you developed a game software?"

Musk said: "That was when I was in junior high school, and I was still a child. As I grew up, I understood that it was difficult for games to create much substantial value to the world."

Here are all Changyou employees.

This person's words are a bit damaging.

Zhou Buqi showed no sign of weakness and sneered: "That's because you are ignorant. You only know artificial intelligence, but not the metaverse. The game and the metaverse are the same end point under different strategies."

Musk shrugged, "I hope what you said is true."

Only then did Zhou Buqi pull him, find an empty vice president's office, and get in. Musk said impatiently: "There is something wrong with Tesla. Have you watched the video..."

"Tesla is in no hurry!" Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "PayPal is on the market, do you know?"

Musk nodded, with a smile on his face, "Congratulations! You can escape from eBay's shadow. PayPal's future is still saved."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What do you think of PayPal?"

Musk said calmly: "It should be okay. You work on the Internet. No one should know better than you."

Zhou Buqi was a little funny, "Do you want to come back?"


Musk was slightly startled.

Zhou Buqi said: "I would like to invite you to join PayPal's board of directors, at least as an independent director. How about that?"

"Not interested in!"

Musk refused immediately without hesitation.

For him, the PayPal experience was a nightmare. The only good thing was that he cashed out enough money from this project and then used the money to start SpaceX and Tesla.

Initially, the company founded by Musk was called, and then merged with PayPal. After the merger, Musk became the largest boss of the new company, serving as chairman and CEO. The company's name was also called

In the new company, Musk wants to do his "financial supermarket" project. However, the mobile payment product PayPal is becoming more and more powerful and its brand is becoming more and more famous.

This made Musk very dissatisfied.

Then, he decided internally to completely abandon the PayPal brand and switch to the "X" brand. This person has been obsessed with "X" all his life. For example, the rocket project is called SpaceX, and a Tesla model is called ModelX. After acquiring Twitter, even the world's top brand "Twitter" was abandoned and renamed X.

However, when he was at PayPal, he didn't make it.

Because PayPal was to be abolished, it caused huge controversy within the company.

Because the "X" letter is relatively unusual in English, and is usually related to "emotional" things, it can easily cause disagreements, and many people are not willing to do so. Then, the management rioted. Several vice presidents joined forces and called on a group of veterans of the entrepreneurial team to challenge the board of directors.

Ask the board of directors to "choose one of the two"!

Or, Musk steps down!

Or, they resign en masse!

The board of directors removed Musk after weighing the matter. This allowed PayPal to get through the darkest period and get back on track. With "PayPal" as its brand and core product, Musk's "financial supermarket" plan was shelved in the warehouse.

After eBay acquired PayPal, it was a bloodbath for PayPal.

Almost all the entrepreneurial veterans of PayPal have resigned. When these people left, they became the famous "PayPal gang" group, and they all became giants in Silicon Valley.

As a subsidiary of eBay, PayPal resolutely implements businesses that are consistent with eBay's strategy, and there is no need for other messy businesses.

it's good now.

PayPal was spun off and listed independently.

The dream of Internet finance that everyone jointly created in the early days can come back...especially the "financial supermarket" plan, which can finally be launched without restrictions.

Zhou Buqi said: "Now, PayPal has been successfully listed. However, there are still many hidden dangers that need to be resolved internally. If these hidden dangers are not resolved, PayPal will still encounter great internal resistance if it wants to comprehensively develop a 'financial supermarket' ."

Musk shook his head, "It's not my business."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "You are the early founder of PayPal and the person who proposed the financial supermarket plan. If you can stand up and invite back one or two of PayPal's core team members, PayPal will soon be able to regain its original form. The creativity and vitality of PayPal. As a subsidiary of eBay over the years, PayPal has been completely penetrated by PayPal's corporate culture, which is as bloated as it is bloated and as bureaucratic as it is."

Only then did Musk understand what he meant and suddenly said, "You want me to go over and help?"

Zhou Buqi said speechlessly: "What do you think?"

Musk laughed and said: "I thought you wanted me to go back and share the honor. If that's the case, I'm really not interested. I'm not interested in honors that don't belong to me."

Zhou Buqi said: "PayPal must change, and must abandon all eBay's practices. eBay is still an Internet company, and the execution efficiency must be as low as possible. All decisions need to be decided in meetings. And also Instead of holding a meeting right away, you need to reserve an office and choose a time when everyone is free... If a director or senior leader temporarily requisitions that office, the meeting will be delayed again and again, resulting in delays in making product decisions. After I heard about it, I couldn’t believe my ears. eBay is actually a company like this. No wonder it’s getting worse over the years.”

"Should I return to PayPal as a director?"


"What do you want me to do?"

Musk doesn't want to share the glory that doesn't belong to him, but now he needs to return to PayPal for help, and he is more willing, especially now that he needs the help of Boss Zhou because of Tesla.

"Supporting me is enough." Zhou Buqi has made up his mind, "Ebay's people, strategy, corporate culture, values ​​and related businesses must be cleared out of PayPal. The sooner the better! Your return will Our firm belief in the general direction of the financial supermarket is also a reshaping of PayPal’s strategy, business and corporate culture!”

Musk nodded, "Okay."

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