Top of the big era

Chapter 2669 Technology Marketing

After a while, Lao Zhang’s guests arrived.

Zhou Buqi laughed dumbly.

Turns out to be an acquaintance.

Wanda’s Pharaoh!

Zhou Buqi wondered whether he should laugh or cry: "What are you two doing?"

Boss Wang said with emotion: "I can't do business in the United States without your help. There is really some trouble at Paramount. The board of directors and management have agreed to the deal with Wanda, but what did Redstone say? None of them agree...the price we offered is sincere enough."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Old Wang, I've said it a long time ago. If I help, it must be to help people live a better life, not to help people go into the abyss."

"That's not true, is it?"

Boss Wang was obviously unwilling to give in.

Zhou Buqi said: "The water in Hollywood is too deep. It is really difficult for outsiders to enter the market. Panasonic came to Hollywood back then and exited the market with a loss of billions of dollars within a few years. Sony entered the market more than 30 years ago at a sky-high price." , almost met with disaster. It has been at the bottom of Hollywood for more than thirty years."

Boss Wang thinks he is a bit alarmist, "I have read the financial report, and Sony Entertainment is now Sony's most profitable business. Sony's biggest profit support comes from Sony Entertainment."

Zhou Buqi said: "Sony Entertainment's trump card is not Sony Pictures, but Sony Music. In comparison, the music industry is easier. Even if Sony Entertainment is now Sony's mainstay, it only shows that Sony is doing well now. It’s really too bad, and the core technology business has completely gone astray.”

Japanese technology giants all have strong capabilities. The reason why they have been "down" in recent years is mainly because their responses are too slow, their business ideas are too backward, and they continue to use the same old successful experience.

Japanese technology companies place the most emphasis on technological research and development.

This allowed them to dominate the world in the 1970s and 1980s, especially their strong strength in the semiconductor field, which allowed Japan's IT industry to dominate the world.

This is related to the general situation.

At that time, the global IT industry was just getting started, and there were blank markets everywhere. Just come up with some new technology, it is unique, and it can easily arouse the excitement of consumers around the world.

To put it bluntly, in that special period, with technology, there was a market, "technology = market."

However, with the development of the global technology industry, especially the United States has realized the core position of semiconductors in the technology industry and began a global layout with Silicon Valley as the core...

The general situation has changed.

The unique technological advantage no longer exists.

What you know, others will know.

Your technological level is very high, and you can develop products with 100-point performance; my level is slightly behind, and you can develop products with 90-point performance.

Consumers are ordinary people. How can they tell the difference between a performance of 100 points and a performance of 90 points?

We must let them feel it more intuitively!

The "Dell model" began to become popular.

That is "design + marketing".

Consumers have seen many interesting technology products, and the next step is to pursue a better experience. They will buy products with the most beautiful designs and products with the highest reputation.

Basically since the 1990s, the market rules in the IT field have changed. Except for some professional-level fields with strong requirements, for most consumer electronic products, "technology" is no longer the first competitiveness in the market. .

Who can design the product to be more beautiful and beautiful?

Who can make marketing more interesting and famous.

If the price is not too expensive and is at a level acceptable to the public, it can quickly establish its dominance in the industry!

Even if the price is sky-high, as long as you can play "design + marketing" well, you can still stand out.

For example, Pagani in the automotive industry is known as the most expensive supercar in the world... In fact, this company has only about 60 people in total and does not have any R\u0026D capabilities. The main job is design, designing the most beautiful shape, and then from the outside. Purchase materials and find a foundry for OEM production. Coupled with the marketing strategy of limited sales, Pagani soon became a more dazzling sports car than Ferrari and Lamborghini.

Another example is the 8848 in the mobile phone industry... Its performance is really poor, and it uses materials from previous generations. But they have figured out the design and marketing, so many rich people have it. People bought 8848 mobile phones one after another, as if it represented their identity.

Zhou Buqi really didn't want to participate in Wanda's plan to eye Hollywood, so he deliberately changed the topic and discussed the transformation difficulties of Japanese companies with Lao Zhang.

Zhang Chaoyang understood it immediately and said curiously: "But now there seems to be a strange phenomenon in the domestic mobile phone industry. When I watch iPhone conferences, the technical content is never the focus. In domestic mobile phone conferences, the technical theme seems to be The biggest theme.”

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Astar?"

Zhang Chaoyang nodded, "Aisda has taken the lead. I see that all major mobile phone manufacturers are following suit now, and they are all competing to see who has the highest technical content."

Zhou Buqi said: "Isn't that simple? If you don't have the skills, you can shout. Because the skills are poor, we have to show off the skills desperately. I have never heard Denmark, Norway, the United States, and Canada say how happy their lives are, but in Places like North Korea, Russia, Iran, and Syria are full of news like this in the media.”

Zhang Chaoyang said strangely: "Does Asda have no technology? I have seen your press conference and there are many good self-developed technologies."

"Far from it!" Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "For domestic mobile phone launches, the focus is around technology, not because technology is important, but because technology is an important means of marketing. In the final analysis, it is still marketing, with the iPhone The process arrangements for the press conference are the same, but the marketing strategies of both parties are different.”

"Well, it's true."

Zhang Chaoyang is also a person in the technology circle, so he understands it as soon as he hears it.

The IT market has changed a long time ago. It is no longer the environment of the 1970s and 1980s. Technology and market have long been separated. Who wants to occupy the market and become an industry giant? The level of technology is getting lower and lower. The most important thing is product design and brand marketing.

However, there is a certain gap between domestic and international.

Especially the guidance of mainstream media.

It will form a divided psychological state in society. On the one hand, it follows human self-selection. Consumers prefer well-designed and well-marketed products. On the other hand, they will also accept mainstream ideological indoctrination and believe that the higher the technological content, the better. The product is better.

It requires good design, good marketing, and good technology... How much does this cost? When such a product is released, the price is ridiculously high. Who can afford it? How can it still be competitive?

what to do?

It seems very complicated and difficult to handle this relationship well, but smart merchants have solved it very well, and have cleverly and silently embedded technical themes into marketing...

When Jobs did marketing, he put his cell phone in the small, useless pocket attached to his jeans pocket and took out his laptop in an envelope.

This is a traditional marketing idea. One thing is used to form public ideas and cause a sensation.

Domestic innovation is very strong.

Stop engaging in such nonsense and go straight to the hard stuff!

At the press conference, we directly talked about the technology that everyone is most concerned about, listed the various parameters, and talked about the rationale... Whether consumers can understand it is completely unimportant, as long as consumers can feel the product. The technical content is very high. Then compare it with our peers. Our technical indicators are higher than those of our peers.

If the running score is higher, doesn’t it mean our mobile phone is better?

In fact, this is not the case at all.

But it doesn't matter.

Through simple logical distortion, innovative and highly effective marketing effects that are no worse than those of Steve Jobs have been achieved, and consumers will rush to buy it enthusiastically.

It is said to be technology, but it is actually marketing. It is a higher-level marketing strategy demonstrated through technology.

Many companies are doing technology research and development...not because they think research and development is important, but a strategy to please consumers more subtly.

In the past, if a company wanted to build a brand, it had to spend huge sums of money on advertising... Now it's no longer necessary. It just needs to develop some far-leading technology that can beat Japan and South Korea, and kick Europe and the United States. As for whether it is really far ahead, it doesn't matter at all. Ordinary consumers don't understand anyway.

In fact, it means transferring the huge marketing fees that should have been paid in the past to research and development, and building a strong brand through scientific research.

Zhou Buqi and Lao Zhang were having a lively chat here, but Boss Wang was very embarrassed.

He really doesn't understand at all.

"Ahem..." Boss Wang couldn't stand listening anymore, "Xiao Zhou, this time Wanda enters the American entertainment industry, I really need your help."

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