Top of the big era

Chapter 2694 What technology should look like

Although many original shareholders will take away a large amount of the wealth created by Ziweixing's IPO, Ziweixing itself will still make huge profits, and the financing scale will not be less than 10 billion US dollars.

With so much money, how will you spend it?

The capital market is a myth of wealth creation, and many people in China are not aware of it yet. However, in the next ten years, such myths of benefit appeared again and again, and they became more and more popular.

Many companies rely on the capital market to make money that they would not have been able to make in decades or hundreds of years.

It's hard to avoid being tempted by spending so much money.

However, there is still a process to go through here.

You can't be as ridiculous as Choi Tae-won, the chairman of South Korea's SK Group, who directly transferred the company's money to his personal account. It's hard to imagine that a mistake that even a primary school student would not make would happen to such a chaebol owner.

The most important domestic strategy is dividend distribution.

Emergency dividends before going public.

Divide all the money on the account.

It's listed, raised money, and the company has money on its books... Once it has money, it can continue to pay dividends. As for the funds needed for business expansion and product development, you can raise funds through bond issuance and loans.

What's more, some companies issue high-interest bonds and borrow loan sharks, and after receiving the money, they pay dividends to shareholders. Ultimately, the shareholders are rich and the company is heavily in debt.

However, such an operation is not illegal.

I learned it from the United States.

Dividends are an effective way to increase a company's stock price.

What should I do if I have no money to distribute dividends? Then it can only borrow money to distribute dividends to shareholders. Anyway, as long as dividends are paid, the stock will be attractive and the stock price can rise sharply.

Many listed companies in the United States also do this, such as the famous Starbucks.

When many emerging coffee brands emerged, and Starbucks' social attributes became less and less recognized by young people, Starbucks' stock price began to plummet. In order to save Starbucks' stock price, Starbucks adopted the method of issuing bonds to borrow money and then paying dividends to shareholders to increase the stock price.

Shareholders are all there to make money.

The more money you have, the happier you are.

The final result is that Starbucks has more and more debts, and it is now insolvent, but its stock price is getting higher and higher... If there are risks, there definitely are. This kind of capital operation is walking on a tightrope. However, many world-class giants have developed by relying on this strategy.

It’s not just capital gains that drive up stock prices.

There are also brand presentation, marketing value, advantages in talent competition, threats to competitors, and improvement in credit rating... When credibility is improved, there will be more room for debt issuance.

As long as the stock price continues to rise, the credibility is getting higher and higher, and the ability to issue debt is getting stronger, then this model can be implemented until it achieves ultimate success.

Ziweixing definitely can't do this.

This is a technology company.

Tech companies can pay dividends, but they tend to be smaller. Technology companies generally value growth and do not pay so much attention to dividends. When technology companies have money, they should develop new technologies, expand new technology industries, and contribute to all mankind. Otherwise, why would the P/E ratio of technology stocks be much higher than that of traditional companies?

Seeing that Ziweixing is about to go on the market, and having money... the technical committee submitted a list of the top ten scientific research directions that Ziweixing will need to invest heavily in research and development next.

Very expensive.

Nie Caijun brought the list over and said worriedly: "Every direction here may take ten to twenty years and spend tens of billions of R\u0026D funds."

"have a look."

Zhou Buqi took over the list and said "oh". Shen Xiangyang showed him this list, but at that time it was in the name of Ziweixing International's scientific research.

1. Research algorithms and theories that allow computers and servers to save power.

Now Ziweiyun has millions of servers all over the world, and its annual electricity bill is US$2 billion. Data centers and servers need to be constantly updated, and more power-saving methods need to be found.

A relatively simple and crude method is to place the data center on the seabed or at the bottom of a lake and rely on natural water to cool it. Or put it in the Arctic, or somewhere with relatively strong northwest winds.

But this is not a long-term solution.

Extremely cold and humid places will also cause great damage to the machine. It is best to start from the "calculation" and change the calculation logic or structural logic of the computer to make the "calculation" more energy-saving and energy-saving. , the heat release is less.

2. Artificial intelligence and machine learning.

There is no doubt that this is the most core and most powerful scientific research direction of Ziweixing.

3. Data management.

The amount of data obtained by Ziwei this year can exceed the total amount of data generated in human history; the amount of data obtained next year will also exceed the amount of all data created by humans before this year.

In order for Ziweixing to record and possess this data, it must also be able to access this data and allocate correct information according to user needs. This is just like artificial intelligence, which requires continuous investment, continuous research and development, and continuous follow-up to solve increasingly large data. ability.

4. Data mining.

The amount of data is getting larger and larger, and it is becoming more and more difficult to mine valuable data from the larger and larger amounts of data. This is also an area that requires continuous investment in research and development.

5. Distributed systems and parallel computing.

The larger the scale, the more difficult the technical requirements.

Ziweiyun has thousands of servers that are constantly turned on and off. It is a very complex problem to let a process run on multiple servers.

Ziweixing is now doing very well in this area, and can be said to be among the top five or even top three in the world. But we can’t slack off, because the scale will become larger and larger, requiring greater investment to continuously improve.

Sixth, self-talk language processing.

Currently, most mobile devices are moving towards controlling the operating system through voice, which is achieved through a technology called natural language processing.

This is a very difficult problem. Intonation, speaking speed and voice quality must be used to determine what the user wants to say. Frequency must be converted into semantics. The Rokid voice assistant is just a gadget and still has a long way to go.

7. Operating system.

This mainly refers to the cloud operating system based on Ziweiyun.

In the past year, Ziweixing's scientific research investment in this field reached 2.2 billion yuan, and Ziweixing International invested 240 million US dollars... Without a powerful operating system, it is impossible to smoothly integrate the huge Ziwei Cloud The system was activated.

8. Hardware and structure.

Mainly means that Ziweixing will develop new and better hardware products, such as AI chips that are being developed in-house, and processor chips dedicated to Ziwei cloud servers.

This is a long road, and I don’t know if it will pay off in the year of the monkey.

But you must persist.

This is not only about saving money, but also about strategic survival.

For example, after the rise of large AI models, technology giants around the world did not have enough AI computing power and had to buy Nvidia's AI chips.

It directly put Nvidia's stock price on the altar.

A chip costing US$1,000 was directly sold for US$30,000!

But even so, demand exceeds supply.

Domestic technology giant BAT rushed forward waving banknotes and spent more than one billion dollars to buy a mere 50,000 yuan, which was not enough at all.

Facebook is on the verge of success, spending tens of billions of dollars to swallow up 600,000 yuan in one go!

With just one operation, Facebook quickly completed its transformation and transformed into an AI technology giant. Its stock price soared and its market value exceeded US$1 trillion.

Domestic AI levels are lagging behind. It’s not necessarily because the Internet companies are not good enough. It’s because they can’t buy enough resources to provide powerful enough performance for their AI models.

Compared with general-purpose processor chips, AI chips are easier to build. Ziweixing has been in the game for many years and must stick to this path.

9. Machine translation.

It can make the translation of different languages ​​​​more smooth.

With Rokid-go's human-machine war, artificial intelligence can provide a new idea for translation. In the past, machine translation was based on learning from humans, seeing how humans translated, and then following up.

If you adopt Rokid-go's AI thinking, the logic of translation can be completely changed. Instead of learning from humans to translate, you can understand human language and translate by yourself.

10. Security, passwords and privacy.

The bigger the data, the more important it is that data security is a top priority.

In addition to these ten major categories, there are dozens of subcategories. It can be said that as long as you embark on the road of scientific research, it will be a bottomless pit. But if Ziweixing wants to gain a long-term foothold in the technology industry, this is an unavoidable link.

As early as when Shen Xiangyang mentioned this matter, Zhou Buqi agreed.

It's just that Ziweixing International has not yet been listed on the market, and there is little money, so investment must be cautious.

It's different here at Ziweixing.

There will be big money soon.

Even the operating profit of the business will be close to 40 billion yuan this year... Since it is so rich and the board of directors has no plan to distribute dividends, it will definitely invest in scientific research on an unprecedented scale.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said, "Scientific research is the only way to go!"

Nie Caijun said: "I am not against scientific research. On the contrary, I very much support de-technological research and development. This is a reflection of the long-term vitality of a technology company. But now I have some doubts."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "What suspicion?"

Nie Caijun said: "Do we really need to invest more in R\u0026D than Silicon Valley giants like Apple and Amazon?"


Zhou Buqi has read the relevant data and it seems that it has not exceeded.

In the past year, Microsoft has invested the most in R\u0026D, reaching US$10 billion.

Ziweixing is still far away!

In the past year, Ziweixing did not earn 10 billion US dollars without eating or drinking.

Nie Caijun said: "In the past year, Ziweixing invested 8.2 billion yuan in R\u0026D, which is about 1.5 billion U.S. dollars. However, Apple's R\u0026D investment was 3 billion U.S. dollars."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "This is only half of Apple, let alone compared with Microsoft."

Nie Caijun said: "However, we have two parts. Ziweixing's R\u0026D investment is US$1.5 billion, and Ziweixing International's R\u0026D investment is US$1.8 billion. Added together, our total investment exceeds Apple. And The scientific research projects of Ziweixing and Ziweixing International are all the same and they are all coordinated.”

In other words, Ziweixing actually invests more in research and development than Apple.

Such standards seem too high.

Zhou Buqi doesn't think so, "That's different. Today's Apple has not yet emerged from the shadow of Steve Jobs. In a few years, Jobs' influence will become weaker and weaker, and Apple's R\u0026D investment ratio will become smaller and smaller." High. It’s not as good as Microsoft or Google, but it must be on the front line.”

The temperament of a company is often related to its founder.

The founders of Microsoft and Google are both scientists, and the investment in scientific research is very scary.

Steve Jobs was a design genius.

This has resulted in Apple never making any contributions to mankind in terms of computing research, but it has actually developed several products that have changed the world.

Nie Caijun wanted to say more, but Zhou Buqi waved his hand and interrupted him, "Ziweixing's R\u0026D investment ratio is not high. Ziweixing cannot compare with its domestic counterparts. It must always compete with international peers." The domestic Internet market is a semi-closed and semi-open market. If Ziweixing does not serve as the mainstay, the prosperous and prosperous Internet situation in China will sooner or later end due to self-isolation. Ziweixing's scientific research , not only for our company, we also have the Academy of Engineering, Ziweixing has the responsibility to serve the entire domestic Internet industry."

Nie Caijun said with a smile: "I just think that when calculating scientific research investment, we should add up the two parts of Ziweixing and Ziweixing International."

"No." Zhou Buqi disagreed, "They have been split up and there are two companies. Don't cause misunderstandings."

Nie Caijun said: "By the way, there is another scientific research project, and I have different opinions."


"Hot air balloon project."

"Oh." Zhou Buqi then remembered and said with a smile, "Is it that hot ball router? I heard that it has been made, and I want to visit it when I come back this time!"

In many remote places, without signal, it is impossible to make phone calls or access the Internet.

It would cost too much to build a signal tower there.

what to do?

Inexpensive balloons can be used instead.

Google, Microsoft, and Facebook all have such projects. Ziweixing has also followed suit and landed the project in China, and its results are much better than those of Silicon Valley giants.

Last year, a drone model was developed, which immediately took the world by storm.

Ziweixing cooperated with Bajixing to produce a drone router called "Apollo", which has been used in many large-scale football matches in Europe with very good results.

For example, Manchester United's Old Trafford Stadium.

It was filled with 70,000 to 80,000 people.

Tens of thousands of people crowded together, all using mobile phones to access the Internet, would definitely block the surrounding network channels, making it impossible for anyone to access the Internet.

what to do?

The Apollo drone appeared.

During every home game, 15 "Apollo" drones will be deployed in the Old Trafford Stadium to divide the fans into zones and provide more network channels and free Wi-Fi signals. Better service to the fans.

This time, the domestic team has achieved results again.

I made a hot air balloon router!

This thing is actually not technically difficult.

The biggest difficulty is cost, how to make the best quality products at the lowest cost. In this regard, China has huge advantages.

For example, the thousands of miles of uninhabited land in the northwest is very dangerous.

Some geological teams, expedition teams, or tour groups went there, but there was no signal exchange at all. You can buy such a balloon router. When necessary, blow up the balloon, lift it into the sky, connect to the satellite, and have a signal.

Whether this team is working, exploring, exploring or traveling, they can keep in touch with the outside world, which is equivalent to a portable mobile signal tower.

What the Americans failed to accomplish, the domestic scientific research team easily accomplished.

This is a project that makes Zhou Buqi happy to see.

This is what technology should be like.

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