Top of the big era

Chapter 2767 Advantages of Investment Banking

"The future of Microsoft..." Although Zhou Buqi has a good relationship with this guy, he may not tell him such a thing, "It's hard to say. It depends on whether Ballmer can find a CEO who is truly suitable for Microsoft's development. "

David Solomon smiled, "Not really?"

"How to say?"

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

David Solomon said: "As far as I know, the total value of the Microsoft stocks you hold has exceeded US$2.9 billion. Of which, US$1 billion was bought by you just a few months ago."

Zhou Buqi said: "I had some cooperation with Ballmer at that time, and I was giving him support."

David Solomon asked, "Would you sell this stock?"

Zhou Buqi frowned slightly, "David, if you have anything to say, just say it. I think it's not polite for you to do this."

David Solomon quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to ask you anything, I just... want to give you some investment help. If you agree, it will also be an encouragement to me, and it will also be an encouragement to Goldman Sachs in the future. The layout in the technology industry can also have a better direction."

"Oh?" Zhou Buqi became interested, "What help?"

David Solomon said: "According to what I know, although you personally hold stocks worth 2.9 billion US dollars, it is nothing. Excluding strategic investments such as Netflix and Tesla, purely financial investments, you The biggest target is Google.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "In the past few years, I have cooperated with Google many times. I have sold YouTube, Admob and Twitter to Google, and exchanged many Google stocks. In fact, in the past few years, I have Sold a lot of Google stock."

David Solomon said: "Yes, you have sold many times. But you still retained a lot. The value of the Google stocks you own has reached 9.2 billion US dollars!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "It seems you have found out everything."

David Solomon admitted: "You know, this is our advantage."

Why are the big investment banks on Wall Street the top influencers in the global financial field?

This has to do with the mechanism.

In the early stock exchanges, people could go directly to the exchange to trade. One person sells stocks, another person buys stocks, and the two parties connect, and the transaction is completed.

This resulted in too many people in the exchange and it was noisy.

Moreover, for on-site trading, if there are a few thousand people, it will be overwhelming, and if there are more people, it will be impossible to squeeze in, so the trading scale is destined to be small. In order to cope with this situation, the exchange launched a membership system.

Members can apply for seats on the exchange, and only members can trade on the exchange.

Here comes the problem.

How do non-member investors trade?

You can ask members to do transactions on your behalf.

In this way, the stock exchange suddenly became quiet and order was stable. The exchange no longer has to deal with countless investors. It only needs to manage its members well and let the members connect with those investors.

These members become institutions and investment banks (called investment banks abroad and securities companies domestically).

Gradually a system was formed.

All transactions must be completed by investment banks. This makes investment banks the gathering center for countless transaction data... For example, if Zhou Buqi wants to buy a stock, he can't go to Nasdaq to buy it. He has to ask investment banks like Goldman Sachs for help.

In this way, all information about Zhou Buqi's transactions, including what stocks he bought and how much he spent, will be disclosed to Goldman Sachs.

All financial transactions, including stocks, futures, bond markets, etc., need to be completed by investment banks such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan, and Citigroup... This means that these large investment banks have become the first line of contact with the global economy.

Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet!

Who bought what and what sold can be summarized.

Whichever industry has the most purchases will be a hot industry and you can focus on following up; whichever industry has the most sales will be in the cold and you should run away quickly.

The financial empire of the United States relies on these large investment banks to contact ordinary investors on the front line, so that they can take advantage of both sides. You can grasp the latest financial policies of the United States and sense the various reactions of market transactions as quickly as possible.

In the financial field, these large investment banks on Wall Street have the most financial intelligence. Of course, they can make "smart calculations" and can always issue various market predictions in advance. Their experts can also provide guidance on the global financial market.

Zhou Buqi’s main partner is Goldman Sachs.

Not just on a corporate level, but also on a personal level.

His financial transactions are generally completed through Goldman Sachs. This mechanism has a very clear benefit, that is, it can be operated more professionally.

For example, if Zhou Buqi wants to buy $10 billion worth of Microsoft stock, how should he buy it? Buying it as soon as it comes up will definitely cause Microsoft's stock price to skyrocket, which will require him to spend more money to buy these stocks.

It's different to ask Goldman Sachs for help, there is a more professional team.

Those professional traders can have better timing opportunities and can keep the stock price in a narrow fluctuation range and buy slowly.

There can even be some gray operations.

In order to please big customers like Zhou Buqi, it is reasonable to sacrifice some less important customers.

If Microsoft's stock price rises and exceeds the buying range, how can we help Boss Zhou buy the stock at a reasonable price? The answer is also very simple, just drop the stock price.

How to smash it down?

Goldman Sachs can call some clients who hold a lot of Microsoft stock and tell them that Microsoft's stock may fall in the near future and recommend selling.

Or write a research report saying that investors, please pay attention. Microsoft is at risk of being short in the near future. Be careful and run when you need to!

Customers were affected and sold their stocks...and Microsoft's stock price fell.

At this time, Goldman Sachs can take the opportunity to buy stocks for a big customer like Boss Zhou, and successfully complete this large order.

As for selling, it's even easier.

For example, if Zhou Buqi wants to sell $10 billion worth of Google stock, how should he sell it? Goldman Sachs can also publish a research report and keep calling some customers, saying that Google's stock has an upward trend and everyone should buy it quickly!

Everyone is buying Google stock, and Goldman Sachs can easily complete this big order. At that time, Bill Gates owned more than 40% of Microsoft's stocks and was the richest man in the world... But he was worried about the long-term instability of Microsoft's stock price, so he used similar methods to sell them all. In other companies, shipments by major shareholders will cause the stock price to plummet. Bill Gates sold Microsoft stock, and the stock price rose more and more.

Therefore, in financial market transactions, the more money you have, the easier it is to make a profit, and the less money you have, the easier it is to lose money. Because the recommendations and trading strategies of investment banks will definitely be biased towards big customers... Earn long-term and stable commissions from big customers, treat poor people like leeks, and cut them off as needed.

The disadvantage is that the financial transaction information of major customers is clearly grasped by investment banks.

But entrepreneurs like Zhou Buqi and Bill Gates are not worried.

Their money is money under the sun.

Unlike some people who have dirty money and money from unknown sources in their hands...the transaction information of these dirty money has been mastered by the big investment banks on Wall Street, which is a huge hidden danger.

Before Ziweixing was listed, many people suggested that it be listed on Hong Kong Island and underwritten and operated by domestic securities institutions, so that foreign investment banks would not have to get dirty information.

But the financial market on Hong Kong Island is too small to undertake such a large-scale IPO.

Zhou Buqi relied on sharing the "Friends and Relatives Stock Plan" to bring huge benefits to this group of people, and he passed this level. I heard from Boss Ma that Ali is also dealing with this matter now. Many people hope that Ali can go public on Hong Kong Island. This is too painful. He is dealing with it urgently and he probably has to peel off some skin.

Confucius said: A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain is always worried.

Zhou Buqi is a gentleman. He does business openly and according to the rules. He has nothing to hide. He smiled and said, "What? Do you have any objections to Google?"

David Solomon shook his head, "It's not me who has a problem with Google, it's you."


Zhou Buqi cursed in his heart.

This really cannot be concealed.

This is the advantage of investment banking!

David Solomon said: "For the past two or three years, you have been selling Google stock continuously..."

Zhou Buqi said: "My personal account is almost bankrupt, and my debt is more than 5 billion US dollars. Recently, I have been busy pledging stocks to borrow money!"

David Solomon smiled and said: "Zhou, this is not a reason. While you were selling Google's shares, you were also buying a small share of Microsoft's shares. Especially three months ago, you bought $1 billion of Microsoft's shares. Stocks. Our talented traders at Goldman Sachs did a great job."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "You already know, what else can I say?"

David Solomon said: "It can be seen from your trading strategy that you think Microsoft has more potential than Google. But the current situation in the IT industry, Google is the hottest technology company. Unless you are not optimistic about Google's current CEO Larry Page, and you think Microsoft's next CEO can do wonders."


Zhou Buqi smiled.

What can be said?

He guessed everything correctly!

David Solomon looked at him deeply and smiled slightly, "If that's the case, maybe Goldman Sachs can help."

He is not here to demonstrate.

On the contrary, he is here to help and provide the highest quality investment services.

After all, Goldman Sachs won the main underwriting rights for three top IPOs, Ziweixing, Ziweixing International and Asda, which is a huge success.

It is also David Solomon’s greatest achievement since he took office.

Zhou Buqi asked: "What can I help you with?"

David Solomon said: "Microsoft's market value is now $50 billion lower than Google's, and Microsoft is still under Ballmer's control. From this perspective, Microsoft's stock price is at a low level, and Google's stock price is at a high level. According to my opinion Understand that you own nearly $10 billion in Google stock, and your friend Jenny Zhen also holds Google stock worth a total of more than $3 billion."


"If you want to sell all these Google stocks and buy Microsoft stocks... Of course, I'm not giving investment advice. I don't think anyone in the world knows investing better than you. I'm just talking about trading. Strategy."

"Well, you say."

Zhou Buqi was moved.

David Solomon said: "If you come up with this strategy, it will be slow and costly, and it will easily leak information, which may also affect your friendship with Larry Page. If you authorize Goldman Sachs to do this, I will I believe that within three months at most, all the Google stocks in your and Jenny’s hands can be liquidated and then exchanged for Microsoft stocks!”

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