Top of the big era

Chapter 2814 Talent is the backbone

If all the people present are industry peers, the meeting will be more efficient and a lot of things can be said in one fell swoop.

But not here.

Lao Zhang could only continue: "Sohu uses a lot of open source solutions, but there are some people in the world who stare at these open source solutions every day to find loopholes and then launch attacks. The attack we suffered three months ago, It comes from the database level. Our database was invaded by them using the loopholes of the open source solution... It is equivalent to creating a tunnel underground and drilling directly into the center of our database. They threaten us that if we don't pay, they will kill us. All data is deleted."

Secretary-General Meng asked: "If we don't open source, there won't be such risks?"

"There will be, but the risk is much smaller." Lao Zhang smiled and made a joke, "It's like robbing banks in Hollywood movies. If you attack from the front, you may not be able to get in. It's best to dig from the ground. One way, you can directly enter the vault and steal it without anyone noticing. The open source solution is equivalent to sharing all the bank's structural diagrams with the world. Once the bad guys get it, they can target it. Without open source, all the internal structure and layout of the bank will be confidential, making it difficult for outsiders to dig in. "

This metaphor is too vivid.

In one fell swoop, every layman present understood what open source was all about.

Zhou Buqi added another point, "In fact, in the face of such network attacks, we now have a set of very mature response mechanisms. For example, if a database is attacked, it threatens to delete all data. The response is also simple, just do With good backup, it’s good to be technically prepared for real-time response. Even if a database is attacked and faces the risk of data being destroyed, the backup database can be quickly replaced, so there is no need to worry about this threat. "

Lao Zhang laughed.

I feel like this guy doesn’t have back pain while standing and talking.

But not every company has the strength of Ziweixing. It has strong frontal defense and strong rear defense. Even if the defense is really lost and hackers get in, a backup system can be quickly used to replace it without affecting the normal operation of the company and products.

Sohu does not have this strength.

It requires a lot of investment in economy and technology.

For most IT companies, it is good to be able to do frontal defense.

Therefore, for many small and medium-sized enterprises, using cloud services has become a general trend. Using Ziweiyun is equivalent to putting your treasury in Ziweixing's bank. If others want to steal your things, they have to attack Ziweixing.

This way you can spend money to buy peace.

At this time, Zhou Shaoning raised his hand, indicating that he wanted to speak, and said slowly: "Just now, Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Li all talked about the advantages of the open source solution. In fact, in my opinion, there is another hidden advantage. , is the talent advantage. Aisda is a mobile phone company that attaches great importance to technology and has hired many technical experts from Silicon Valley. However, most of these technical experts come from Google because of their different technical directions and schools. There are too many technical fields. It is difficult to have technical talents who can master all directions. Apple does not cater to open source. They are a self-contained technology island. Even if we poach Apple engineers, they may not be good at love. Star's system. But Google is different. We are all supporters of open source solutions. Google is making Android systems, and Star is also making Android systems. If you hire people from Google, you can plug and play. In my opinion, this is the most important idea that the domestic IT industry should unswervingly support the open source strategy. Open source is not Western, open source is global. Only open source can better promote the flow of global talents. "

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of those who presided over the meeting.

In addition to Secretary-General Meng, there were seven or eight senior ministerial officials present.

All of a sudden, he realized the significance of Zhou Shaoning's words.

This symposium was attended by people from the IT industry who wanted to clarify the meaning of open source.

But the real purpose is to give the country a clearer and more comprehensive understanding, in order to promote the development of the domestic electric vehicle industry, an All_in-like grand strategy about the national destiny!

Now we get to the root of it.

The domestic automobile industry has never been able to develop. There are many reasons. One of the key points is the lack of talents. At that time, the world's top engineers in the automotive field did not come back because the technical schools of automobiles were also different and they also had their own specializations.

An engineer who can serve Toyota cars well may not necessarily be suitable for Volkswagen cars.

Every car company is like an island.

Talent mobility is weak.

This is different if an open source solution is adopted. The basic framework you use is the same as the basic framework I use, which is equivalent to connecting every isolated island, which can promote the flow of talents.

The domestic Internet can develop rapidly, forming the current "sitting on two sides and looking at one" pattern. The most important thing is to reap the dividends of open source.

The technological blockade has been broken.

Costs are reduced.

Global technology has synchronized.

More importantly, the flow of talent has also accelerated. The biggest career direction for senior talents who have returned from overseas in the past few years is the Internet, because only in the Internet field can there be no technical obstacles to their career choices.

The projects you worked on at Google can also be done at Ziweixing; the positions you held at Microsoft can also be provided by Alibaba and Baidu.

"A large number of technologies in the world".

This is of course a break from the traditional patent system that has existed for two to three hundred years, but it is truly people-oriented and considers practitioners. Every Internet company is no longer an isolated island like a prison. If employees are unhappy in this company, they can move to another company without any obstacles.

Anyway, everyone uses open source products and does the same thing.

It will not constitute a barrier to career choice.

The reason why the chip field has never been successful is because the chip giants all play their own games, and the circulation of talents is very difficult.

NVIDIA's technical talents who want to change jobs to AMD will feel like peeling off a layer of skin. Many things have to be started from scratch. It is very difficult to change jobs. It would be even more difficult for Nvidia's technical talents to change jobs and join a domestic chip company.

If the chip industry becomes open source like the Internet, and various technical blockades and patent restrictions are lifted, the domestic chip industry can truly gain opportunities.

Talent is the most decisive factor in determining the ultimate direction of all walks of life.

The same goes for the automotive industry.

The best company making electric vehicles now is Tesla, which is leading the industry trend.

If Tesla were open source...

Beautiful ideas emerged.

Barriers to the flow of talent have been lifted.

If some domestic car companies want to transform into electric vehicles, or some newly established electric vehicle companies want to develop, it will be more convenient to poach people from Tesla. A skilled woman cannot make a meal without rice. With talents, there is the backbone of a company.

Zhou Shaoning's point of view immediately reached Zhou Buqi's heart.

Indeed it is!

In the future, those domestic car companies and brands that can make electric vehicles well will, without exception, poach people from Tesla. The more people you recruit, the faster you can gain market recognition, the faster you can succeed, and the faster you can turn losses into profits.

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