Regarding this matter, Zhou Buqi had discussed it with Zhang Yiming before.

The solution given by Yiming was to temporarily let Cheng Binghao serve as CTO and dean of the engineering school. After Shen Xiangyang enters the job, let him be the dean of the two institutes.

In comparison, Xu Liangjie's method is better.

He acted as the chief technology officer for the time being, and was fully responsible for coordinating and sorting out the cooperative relationship between Ziweixing's technical department and the engineering institute in the early stage of business innovation.

He is a senior vice president who focuses on business, a senior technical expert, and the chief engineer of the company's "big R\u0026D, small skin" structural reform.

The operation of this matter really belongs to him.

The only trouble is how to communicate with Cheng Binghao?

A good CTO will be dismissed.

The next day, Zhou Buqi called He Yang, Wang Haoyang, Zhang Yiming, Wang Xing, and Han Leshui over and told them about it.

Everyone's opinion is basically positive.

If Ziweixing really wants to be a leader in the industry and boldly practice the organizational form of "big research and development, small skin", such an arrangement is undoubtedly the best.

"Since that's the case, then it's settled! Cheng Binghao will be the dean, and Xu Liangjie will also be the CTO!"

Seeing that everyone agreed, Zhou Buqi responded decisively.

Professor Han Leshui is an expert in management. He doesn't know much about technology and is a scholar-type theorist. He suddenly said: "I think we should have a more cautious name for this matter. The name 'big research and development, small skin' , Xu Liangjie thought of it when he patted his head. It may be easier for technicians to understand. For laymen, such a name is a bit nondescript."

Wang Xing was slightly surprised, "Change your name?"




Han Leshui became embarrassed.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "I have an idea, please refer to it. For Internet companies, it is mainly the front-end and back-end architecture. The front-end is the front-end, which is the application layer that directly interacts with end users. The back-end is the back-end , but end users are not aware of it, mainly storing and processing the core data of the enterprise."

Zhang Yiming said: "The web page of is the front desk. The database of is the background."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, that's what it means. The Internet is developing too fast, and it needs constant iteration and innovation to satisfy netizens' online fun. This change belongs to the foreground. The background is different. Therefore, stability is the most important thing to respond to changes. There are contradictions between the front desk and the back office. Front-end engineers and back-end engineers often have differences."


"Why not set up a buffer zone between the foreground and the backstage? For example, set up a middle stage!"

"Middle platform?"

For such a concept, everyone's eyes brightened.

Immediately think of the concept of "big research and development, small skin".

The front desk needs constant change and innovation to cope with the rapid development of the Internet. If you want to change quickly, you must be small and flexible.

The boat is small enough to turn around.

This is the concept of "small skin".

"Great R\u0026D" is to draw out many R\u0026D tasks in the front desk. Lose weight to the front desk, so that the front desk becomes a flexible and light athlete.

Judging from the results, this "big research and development" is part of Zhongtai.

Zhou Buqi said: "The management of an enterprise is the process of resolving conflicts. The contradiction between the front desk and the back office is very prominent. Some engineers from the front desk and the back office can be drawn out to form the middle desk. Through a large middle desk, the front and back office can be formed. The progressive relationship between middle and later.”

He Yangdao: "If this is the case, the middle office is not just the R\u0026D department. Many front-end business departments can be integrated into the middle office. For example, can the advertising departments of various business groups be integrated through the middle office? In terms of users, the middle office can integrate the data of various business groups, and then summarize and analyze the data to sum up a set of best models for attracting new customers. The front desk is responsible for finding directions, and the middle office provides firepower support.”

Professor Han Leshui clapped his hands, "That's a good analogy. I think it can be best explained through traditional warfare and modern warfare."


"Traditional warfare is a combination of land, sea and air, and running and tank coordination. For example, to find a target in a vast no-man's land, the traditional method is to advance with a large army equipped with artillery, tanks, and armored vehicles. When a large force attacks, you can't act separately, otherwise the coordination will not be good. If you want to find the enemy's target in the huge no-man's land, you need to keep looking for it. The process is very rough and frustrated. For example The Americans couldn’t fight the Vietnam War.”

Everyone nodded.

If the market is compared to a no man's land, then the correct direction of entrepreneurship is to find the enemy and discover the target. Once the enemy is wiped out, the business will be successful.

But the enemy can't find it, how can it be wiped out?

The company has a large team full of staff, R\u0026D department, marketing department, finance department, personnel department... everything, but after a long time of work, nothing was done, and it was an empty trip.

Under such circumstances, even the powerful US military cannot annihilate the Vietnamese army.

Han Leshui went on to say: "But when we look at the subsequent US military operations, the tactics have changed. Instead of forming a large force with full personnel, there are several special forces teams. Each team may only have a dozen people. Each person only carries Necessary guns and ammunition, go deep into no man's land, and act separately to find the target. After the target is found, there is no need to personally fire and go to the battlefield to desperately."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, you only need to send a signal to the aircraft carrier battle group in the rear. Then, the aircraft carrier battle group will take off bombers, and cruise missiles will roar. Under the dense artillery fire, the larger the enemy , the more there is nowhere to hide."

Han Leshui said: "That's right! The mainland of the United States is the backstage. The aircraft carrier battle group staying on the sea is the middle stage. It is the output point of the greatest firepower and the mainstay of the success or failure of the war. The small group of special forces that are exploring ahead are the frontstage." The front desk searches for targets, the middle desk provides artillery fire, and the back desk does logistics."

After saying these words, everyone was stunned.

Large companies have the benefits of large companies, and have resource advantages that are countless times stronger than startup companies.

This is artillery fire!

Big companies don't need to be like start-up companies, where all the people in the dark are going out hand in hand. You only need to send out a few elite teams to find the target.

Once you have found your target, you don’t need to rush wave after wave to seize positions like start-up companies.

Large companies only need to pass the news to the middle station through the front desk team, and the middle station will gather all the resources of the company to fire the artillery fire remotely. No tug of war needed.

With full coverage of firepower in a short period of time, all enemies in the position can be wiped out.

Then, the front-end team just went to take over the territory with their heads held high.

Large companies have successfully developed a new business.

Ten thousand times easier than starting a startup.

But in the traditional model, even big companies have to be like start-up companies, with full staff and coordinated attacks, and after finding the target, go to battle in person.

Even if you win, the speed is slow and the efficiency is low. It is far inferior to bombers taking off from an aircraft carrier, and far inferior to the precise strikes of Tomahawk missiles, with few casualties, fast speed, and surprise.

Micropoint Antivirus easily defeated 360 Antivirus, in fact, it has the flavor of China-Taiwan strategy.

Grasping the point of "Panda Burning Incense", Ziweixing's group resources are fully activated. In addition to its own resources, there are also firepower support from alliances such as Baidu, Tianya, Maopu, Sohu, and Taobao Forum.

The artillery fire was fully covered, and the panda burning incense was directly extinguished.

Coincidentally, 360 Antivirus was also attacking Panda Burning Incense at that time, and it was also on that site. Ziweixing's intensive artillery fire covered the Panda Burning Incense and 360 Antivirus without distinction.

Having a theory is equivalent to having faith, and we can boldly move forward under the framework of this theory. Without theory, no matter how fast you walk, you will still feel empty in your heart and feel unsafe.

After such communication, even if the new theory of corporate organizational structure is basically perfect, Zhou Buqi is very satisfied, and said with a smile: "Big middle stage, small front desk. Maybe this name is more Internet."

Han Leshui said: "In fact, there is also the model of 'big, medium and small front desk'. It is the core system of producers in Hollywood. What is the front desk? It is an idea of ​​the producer or the owner of the film company. You can find directors, screenwriters, actors, service providers and project funds to make this movie. Creativity comes first, processes are standardized, and technology is localized.”

"That's great! The big, medium and small front desks make people excited!" He Yang sighed, then changed the subject and said very cautiously: "However, this change is too big, so don't be rash. The development situation of Ziweixing is optimistic, and it can only be fine-tuned, but not greatly moved."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Of course, just like a football game, the winning team does not change. Even if the lineup needs to be updated and replaced, it must be changed position by position. Take your time. Only in the case of losing streak There will be a big change in the next game, players and coaches will be changed again."

He Yang couldn't laugh or cry, "You didn't kick this ball for nothing!"

"That's a must, I'm going to play football this weekend."

"Then what do you say about 'big, medium and small front desks'?"

"Arguing at the top, don't pass it down. First use the Academy of Engineering to make some high-end technologies Taiwanized."

"Well, start with high-end technology, and then slowly centralize some low-end and mid-end R\u0026D projects. Then, step by step, complete the centralization of the operation department. It is better to be slow than too hasty. This reform is decisive. Yes, take your time."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Okay! That's it! Professor Han, you should study the theory of Zhongtai in depth later. Theory is the soul, belief, and value. We can't be a vegetable person who can only do things but has no thoughts. .Ideas attract high-level talent more than bread."

"Then Cheng Binghao?"

"That's it, let him be the dean! Be the first practitioner for our strategy of 'big, medium and small front desks'!"

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