Top of the big era

Chapter 730 Instant Messaging Software

Zhou Buqi is not optimistic about this direction.

In the past six to seven years, dozens of instant messaging software have appeared in China, whether it is a Silicon Valley giant or a large domestic Internet company, they have all launched an impact on this field.

When the big waves washed the sand, they were all dead.

There is only one QQ left.

By this period, there has been a word in the industry - the instant messaging market is dead.

There is no suspense anymore.

QQ has more than 700 million registered users and 170 million active users.

Almost every netizen has a QQ account of their own, and has built a huge network of relationships.

It is not difficult to make a product that is better than QQ.

However, it is almost impossible to break the ecology of personal connections behind QQ.

When he was first reborn, Zhou Buqi felt that among the three giants of BAT, Baidu had the strongest moat, and Penguin had the worst moat. But now, QQ's moat is insurmountable.

Zhou Buqi didn't think it was a good idea to launch instant messaging products to compete with QQ in this period of time. The only possible opportunity is the mobile Internet era.

Ziweixing Electronics Co., Ltd. has been established and has started to make smart phones.

Zhang Yiming saw his hesitation, and said with a smile, "It's just a new product. It's not that complicated, right? has been so successful, and it's an inevitable trend to launch instant messaging products next."

Liang Rubo said: "Friends Network also has a built-in chat function, and friends can have simple communication on the web page. But the function is too simple, and it can only communicate one-on-one. But in many cases, it is necessary to send group messages. For example, players find If "Happy Farm" is fun, we should collectively recommend it to our friends and invite them to play."

Zhou Buqi was silent.

Zhang Yiming went on to say: "In fact, someone is already doing it, and the effect is good."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "Who did it?"

Zhang Yiming said: "Open platform! Some developers have already discovered the needs of users, and then developed a chat product based on It currently ranks 21st among all applications, and the number of users is close to 1 million. If we don’t do it, the market might be taken away by third-party developers.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, calmly, "It seems that it is quite necessary."

Zhang Yiming said: " has more than 50 million users. With the momentum of "Happy Farm", it may break through 70 million within two months. It was difficult to sink before, but "Happy Farm" The gameplay of farming and stealing food is simple and interesting. It is easy to help us complete the sinking and develop more low-end netizens into our users. We need a regular desktop software to increase stickiness. This kind of game The timeliness of the game is not long, and the daily active players of "Parking Space" launched last year have fallen below 500,000. We have reasons to seize this opportunity and we cannot miss it."

"Well, you're right."

Zhou Buqi let out a long sigh, and the atmosphere in his heart was full of haze.

Zhang Yiming and Liang Rubo looked at each other with puzzled faces, it was hard to understand his emotions.

Boss Zhou, what happened?

How high-spirited was it to be a distributed database at the beginning? With a wave of your hand, it's done! You must know that the database is a technological field blocked by imperialist technology in our country.

When it is done, it is a zero breakthrough.

Recently, he was full of ambition again, established Ziweixing Engineering Institute, and also hired Dr. Wang Jian from Microsoft to do cloud computing business. That's cloud computing! Dozens of billions of world-class projects that may not necessarily be seen!

Boss Zhou did what he said.

A small instant messaging software with no technical content actually made him so embarrassed?

Zhang Yiming tentatively said: "Boss Zhou, do you have any other ideas? This is just an instant messaging software. A random project team of 5 people can make it smoothly in ten days and half a month. This is just It’s a gadget, and the research and development cost will not exceed 50,000 yuan.”

Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, "50,000 yuan? Yiming, we've been discussing this for a long time, and you're talking to me about a 50,000 yuan project?"

"That is……"

"How much did it cost us to do the search?"


Zhang Yiming's complexion changed slightly.

Micro-click search, that can cost a lot of money!

The acquisition of Sogou cost US$80 million. Subsequently, seven or eight technical project teams were established, and 200 million yuan was invested. A large number of technical equipment was purchased, and another 100 million was spent. In addition, due to the need to expand the market and reduce advertising density, the operation is also in a state of continuous loss.

The total investment before and after is nearly 1 billion!

Boss Zhou, what are you doing here?

Compare this small software with Micropoint Search?

Micropoint's opponent is Baidu!

What is the opponent of the instant messaging software of Could it be...

"QQ?" Zhang Yiming's eyes widened in disbelief, "Boss Zhou, don't you think will launch this product to compete with QQ?"

Zhou Buqi looked at him strangely, "They are all the same type of products, can they not compete?"

Zhang Yiming almost fainted.

Liang Rubo also couldn't laugh or cry, "It's really not true. This instant messaging software is just a small product for, and its positioning is very low. It really doesn't mean to compete with QQ."

Neither of them are stupid.

Compete with QQ? This is not nonsense!

QQ is the core product of Goose Factory.

The communication software to be launched by is just a functional product of the website of Ziweixing's business group, and it is not equal at all!

Zhou Buqi shook his head again and again, "To be a business, you have to be one and the same. Either the market is the first or the market is the second, otherwise there is no need to do it. If you are just making a niche product, it is better to let this market For third-party developers of open platforms."

Zhang Yiming was a little stunned, feeling a huge mountain on his shoulders, "Do you really want to compete with QQ?"

He never thought about it!

He just wants to make an instant messaging product, which is convenient for more low-end users, who can directly enter the friend network through the client, and play the game of stealing vegetables more conveniently.

Most of the sinking users are third- and fourth-tier adults who steal food in their spare time, and they may not be able to understand too complicated operations.

In fact, the positioning of this product is a drainage tool. Attract middle and low-end users in the sinking market to the platform of At the same time, it also meets the simple communication functions of some white-collar workers, civil servants, and college students.

Zhou Buqi sat on the sofa, squinted his eyes into a line, and pondered: "I still say the same thing, it's not interesting to make small things. We must make communication products. I The original plan was to wait for another two or three years to find the right opportunity to attack the top of the Forbidden City with QQ. But now that "Happy Farm" has become popular, as you said, it is indeed an opportunity."

"A decisive battle with QQ?"

Zhang Yiming and Liang Rubo looked at each other frequently, and they both saw a little shock and the idea that it was so true in each other's eyes.

That's right!

Being submissive is not the character of Boss Zhou. Projects such as distributed database and cloud computing are ready to go. Are you afraid of a mere instant messaging software?

It turns out that people's thinking is different, thinking more, farther and grander!

They all want to go to the decisive battle with QQ.

But, will this work?

Two years ago, MSN teamed up with many peers to form an "anti-QQ alliance", which was once very powerful. But after a year of doing it, he became disgraced.

Zhou Buqi sighed, and said amusedly: "Student Yiming, I came to you this time because I actually wanted to tell you about today's Toutiao."

"Today's headlines? What's wrong?"

"I see that you have a deep understanding of this product, and I want you to share it."


"Yes, transfer the product line of Toutiao here and let Guo Pengfei report to you directly."


Zhang Yiming was a little embarrassed.

Zhou Buqi was very surprised, "Is there any difficulty?"

Zhang Yiming coughed lightly, "I don't dare to provoke the Great Demon King."

Shi Jinglin is definitely the only one in Ziwei Star, and she doesn't sell anyone's face. Moreover, her performance is too good, and she has made great contributions in leading Xiaonei. No one can say anything more.

She moved a key new project of the school's business group to the friend network, and she was blown out.

Zhou Buqi tried to say: "Either...or you will be wronged, today's headlines are still placed under the school's business group, let Guo Pengfei bypass Shi Jinglin, report directly to you, and hand over the relevant materials and documents to How about you? Today’s headlines have to rely on the promotion of college students, and it’s more convenient to put them on the school’s business group.”

Zhang Yiming said generously: "Yes, it's the same anywhere. Guo Pengfei and I work on the first floor. If you have any questions, you can come to me."

Zhou Buqi nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, then you can worry about this matter. The points you put forward on Toutiao are amazing. Whether this product can succeed depends entirely on you."

"What about the instant messaging software of Friends Network?"

"We'll have a meeting tomorrow morning to discuss!"


After get off work at night, Zhou Buqi didn't go to see the children anymore.

With Shi Jinglin in his arms, he must clarify the issue of the jurisdiction of Toutiao today.

To my surprise, Shi Jinglin agreed generously, and said without thinking, "Well, you are the boss, so you can arrange it."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help being surprised, "Aren't you angry?"

Shi Jinglin was really angry, she gritted her teeth and said, "Am I so stingy?"

Zhou Buqi felt relieved, "That's right."

Shi Jinglin snorted coquettishly, "That boring gourd obviously has a deeper understanding of Toutiao's project, better than me...and better than you. Isn't it right to let him take charge? Do you really think I'm messing around? "

"Well, I have made progress and become sensible."

"I was sensible."

"Then let me test it."

"Test what?"

"You kneel here?"

"Evil or not, you? Go find your little star and little secretary, and stop spoiling me."

Shi Jinglin was wearing a silk red nightdress, which was cool, thin and sexy, with white legs in the red skirt, slender waist and beautiful buttocks, and went upstairs with three steps.

Zhou Buqi snorted, and chased after him, "To be happy in life is to be happy, since the king will not go to court early, I will see where you are going!"

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