Top of the big era

Chapter 859 Yik Yak

In the past two days in New York, Zhou Buqi met some people and felt the turbulence of the current economic environment.

On the one hand, the world is releasing water and there is too much hot money.

In order to outperform inflation, the best choice is to invest and hand over the money to the big funds on Wall Street.

On the other hand, the subprime mortgage crisis has a great impact and risks.

Many high-quality investment products have become the objects of crazy pursuit by big funds, such as Nasdaq's technology stocks, such as Hollywood movie platter investment, such as crude oil futures... These industries seem to have nothing to do with the subprime mortgage crisis. not big.

Opportunities and risks coexist.

Ordinary people really can't grasp it.

If you want to make the most money in a big change, you can either be bullish or bearish.

To choose one of the two is to gamble.

Therefore, the scale of these private equity funds is relatively small, and once the bet fails, the family may go bankrupt. Those large funds with hundreds of billions of dollars have too much burden behind them, and their strategies will be relatively conservative, often hedging investments, diversifying investments, and controlling risks.

It stands to reason that the thinking of the big funds is correct.

It's a pity that they underestimated the dangers of the subprime mortgage crisis.

If it erupts completely, the harm will spread to all walks of life...

The subprime mortgage crisis looted the wealth of the American middle class for a lifetime, and it was a huge financial disaster. However, this has nothing to do with Zhou Buqi. Not to mention he is a foreigner, even in Wall Street, there are many people who are looking forward to the disaster that is coming soon, and take the opportunity to make a fortune.

The impact of this is too bad.

It is inconvenient for Zhou Buqi to stand on the front desk and act as a fool with a lot of money behind his back. He can find a private equity fund that is actively bearish and earn some pocket money.

After solving this matter, Zhou Buqi felt that the situation was urgent and imminent.

Back at the hotel at night, I had a new plan for Ziweixing’s B-round financing.

Zhou Buqi made a video call with He Yang and made a request, "Immediately prepare the relevant materials for due diligence, and start the round B negotiation immediately after Helo is officially launched."

He Yang was a little surprised, "In such a hurry?"

Zhou Buqi said: "We can't delay. The situation in the United States is very tense. There are more and more voices in the media. Many economists are pessimistic about the future economy. Taking advantage of the current global flood, Nasdaq Technology stocks are soaring all the way, let's complete the financing quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

He Yang heard what he meant, "You mean the global economy will weaken in the future?"

Zhou Buqi said: "This is another topic. The top priority is to immediately start the B-round financing plan."

He Yang was silent for a while.

I don't know, I thought it was disconnected.

After half a minute, he said slowly: "If the subprime mortgage crisis is really uncontrollable, the future economy will really go down all the way...It is also possible that technology companies will be affected."

Seeing that he was still analyzing the pros and cons, Zhou Buqi said angrily, "No need to analyze! Follow what I said, do it right away!"

He Yang was speechless, and said: "The role of the gold coin wallet system will take time to reflect. After Helo goes online, the strategy of tens of billions of subsidies will also take time to digest. If it is postponed for a month, we can come up with a more eye-catching one." Data is more convincing in front of capital."

Zhou Buqi said: "No need, the United States... Hehe, there is too much money and too few high-quality projects. Hot money is frantically pouring into Wall Street, but those big funds are worried about the subprime mortgage crisis, and they are all playing diversification." At this time, venture capital investment in the primary market is even less risky than going to the secondary market to chase high.”

In order to outperform inflation and prevent wealth from shrinking, many large funds are looking for good projects all over the world with red eyes.

They all went to Hollywood to invest in movies.

It can be seen how anxious this group of people is.

Seeing that the big boss's attitude was so firm, He Yang didn't say much, and asked the most core question, "How much is the valuation?"

Zhou Buqi asked, "What did Nie Caijun say?"

He Yangdao: "During the A round, Ziweixing's valuation was 12.5 billion US dollars. The current revenue is 2.6 times that of that time, and the profit is about 2.2 times. If you look at the profit and the constant price-earnings ratio, you can estimate $27.5 billion."

"Not high..."


He Yang was stunned, really angry and funny.

The valuation of this scale is definitely the first in China. Looking at the whole world, it can also be ranked number one. Among Internet companies, it will rank fourth in the world after Google, Amazon and Yahoo.

Especially Google, which has skyrocketed recently, with a stock price of more than 700 US dollars and a market value of 220 billion US dollars, which is almost the same as Microsoft.

At present, the investment banks on Wall Street are collectively optimistic about Google under the market of flooding, and believe that Google's stock price will continue to rise. It is only a matter of time before it exceeds 1,000 US dollars, and it is very likely to break through 2,000 US dollars!

The situation is really chaotic.

While shouting to be cautious and prevent the subprime mortgage crisis, they also called on everyone to buy technology stocks. It seems that only technology stocks can withstand the financial risks that may arise next.

Zhou Buqi didn't care about that, the higher the stock price of Google, the better, he quickly cashed out and said: "Ziweixing is in a stage of high growth, measured by profit and price-earnings ratio, it's too bad. Let's make a big deal. Hmm... I'll draw a red line for you, if it's lower than the valuation of 30 billion US dollars, don't talk about it!"

"Ah?" He Yang was a little surprised, "Don't talk about it?"

Zhou Buqi said very easily: "The current situation is that people have money and can't spend it. They are frantically buying technology stocks on Nasdaq to avoid risks. Investing in the secondary market, how can there be any return on investing in the primary market?" High rate?"

He Yang was a little worried, "This offer is too high."

Zhou Buqi said: "When negotiating, we can emphasize that we are a Huaxia enterprise. This is one of our major advantages. Once the subprime mortgage crisis really lands hard, the whole world will suffer. Our system determines that we can have Stronger defense. We are planning to build two headquarters parks, and we have received huge support and policy preferences from the government. Compared with technology companies in Silicon Valley, the risk of investing in Ziweixing is smaller.”

He Yang thought for a while, "Let Softbank take the lead in this matter."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "This is for sure. Not only should Softbank take the lead, but also let Softbank help to reach a cooperation with Yahoo Japan."

"Well, okay..." He Yang breathed a sigh of relief, "By the way, I heard that Tang Binchen is already recruiting a team, so do you want to act?"


"Isn't that sloppy? I thought he would spend months doing market research."

"The research is almost done, and the team is localized enough. Let's not interfere in this matter. Once it is done, everyone is happy. It is not surprising that it fails. We will look for other overseas routes in the future."

Having said that, Zhou Buqi was full of confidence in Tang Binchen.

If even he can't do it, then in the domestic Internet circle, it will be difficult to find another person who can make achievements in overseas markets. Moreover, with the help of Softbank, it can match up with Yahoo Japan.

Yahoo Japan is an amazing website.

It's a bit like a combination of "Baidu + hao123 + Taobao + 58 Tongcheng + Sohu + Youku + Ctrip" in China. As long as you reach a cooperation with Yahoo Japan and put your own products on it, you can get huge traffic support.

He Yang asked: "Is it a Twitter model website?"


"Has the name of the website been decided?"

"Not yet. In China, it's called Weibo. In Japan...the name needs to be changed."

Speaking of this, Zhou Buqi was also very helpless.

No change.

Domestic and foreign are two sets of Internet mechanisms, which cannot be accommodated. Different speech controls are destined to have different product characterizations.

After finishing the call with He Yang, the strategy for the B round of financing was determined.

Next, he checked his email, and unexpectedly saw Tang Binchen's email. He named some websites through some local people. The similar pronunciation and method of "Weibo" definitely won't work.

The Japanese admire cute, kawaii, and cartoon-like types.

At the same time, it must be in English and have the characteristics of an international standard.

There are ten names in total.

Zhou Buqi looked around and was deeply impressed by one of them, and almost subconsciously decided——this is it!

Yik Yak.

Names are fun.

Especially very important, it is very similar to TikTok, it belongs to a family.

With YikYak in his left hand and TikTok in his right hand, Zhou Buqi felt that he had grasped the two weapons of Ziweixing's overseas market at once.

Next, I communicated with Wang Xing about the 91 mobile assistant.

"I've seen Xiong Jun."

"Oh? How is it?"


"What about personnel?"

Wang Xingdao: "Wang Haiyang met in person and gave a very high evaluation. He thinks this person is suitable for leading a team."

Zhou Buqi said decisively: "Then act according to the plan and take it down!"

Wang Xing said with a smile: "I have already acted. I offered 50,000 yuan, and he countered with 100,000 yuan. I agreed."

"Oh? So smooth?"

"Well, the ERP software company he works for is from Baodao, and he doesn't like it very much. Besides, it's a small company, so of course people go to the top."

Zhou Buqi was quite satisfied, "Where's the team?"

Wang Xing said: "There is no team. I told him that if necessary, he can bring a few people from the previous company over, and Ziweixing can help him dig people. He didn't accept it. He said that if he joined Ziweixing, he would We should find better people to make this product.”

Zhou Buqi thought for a while, "Okay, let's do this! Arrange him to the Modu branch, grant him 500,000 yuan, and let him form a team by himself. In addition, at the headquarters, let the software business group do the same. The mobile assistant is called Weidian mobile assistant, and Fu Sheng can lead the team."

"Fu Sheng?"

"Yes, that's him. He was the one who led the team to build the 360 ​​security guards, and his ability is not bad. Although Helo didn't make it, these are two different directions. Mobile assistants and security guards have similar attributes, and he can do it. To. It can be regarded as a compensation for him."

"Okay, I'll deal with it."

"By the way, Tang Binchen's affairs are beginning to emerge. The name of the website is YikYak. On the domestic side, after the B round of financing is completed, it's time to start the Weibo project."

Wang Xing's heart moved, thoughtful.

Before joining Ziweixing, he told his boss Zhou that he wanted to continue to start a business, and the direction he was looking for was Twitter. Looking at it now, it seems that the opportunity has come.

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