Top of the big era

Chapter 868 Revision of Friends Network

On November 1st, Ziwei Star was in action.

First of all, it is the revision of

Because of Tang Binchen's matter, Zhou Buqi was deliberately ignoring Liang Rubo, which further aroused his desire and desire to prove his strength.

He has not paid much attention to the revision.

Like an ordinary user, he didn't see the new's new look for the first time until the revision was completed.

Then, just be amazed!

I deeply felt Liang Rubo's ambition!

This is a big move as soon as you get started!

For the old and new versions of, the left sidebar remains unchanged, and the large built-in speech box on the upper sidebar has been canceled and replaced with a pop-up one. The real change, is the main page.

In the old version, the main page is a row of content columns, and the far left is "Friends News", which is the most important information flow recommendation of On the right side of the friend dynamics, there are several fringe sections such as diary, photo album, group, forwarded post, friend, and station letter.

The new version comes with a makeover.

Put all these functions in the drop-down box of the avatar, and only keep the dynamics of friends.

Moreover, the dynamic name of the friend was changed to the circle of friends.

On the right side of Moments, there are two other circles - Interest Circle and Secret Circle.

That is to say, the layout of the homepage of has been simplified, and some sections with relatively few application scenarios have been removed, and it has become a pattern of three circles juxtaposed.

The circle of friends is the dynamics of friends, and you can follow the updates of friends' moods, likes, logs, photo albums, reposts, etc.;

Circle of Interests, breaking the friend limit of, you can find topics you are interested in here, enter the corresponding circle, and then meet more like-minded people in it, and you can add them as friends.

The secret circle is the secret network of the past.

After the launch of this website, the popularity quickly surpassed that of the Encyclopedia of Embarrassments, and many eye-catching magic posts appeared, giving people a sense of wonder at the size of the world.

However, posts and messages in the secret circle are anonymous, and you cannot add friends.

These three important sections divide into three different directions.

Moments are only open to friends;

Interest circles can be open to all users, information and messages are public, and friends can be added;

The secret circle is private, and everyone's information will be hidden. Users can only speak anonymously here, and are not allowed to add friends, and refuse to disturb.

Although the three sections have obvious differences in positioning and content, they also have the same design, that is, they all use the recommendation method of information flow.

In the past, has added personalized advertisements through friends’ dynamic news feeds, which has achieved amazing results. In the past October, the monthly advertising fee reached 200 million yuan.

This is just a stream channel.

Now, after the revision, has created three social circles and changed the number of information flow channels to three!

If the circle of interests and the circle of secrets can also achieve the same advertising effect as the circle of friends, then the advertising revenue of will surpass Baidu!

Zhou Buqi turned on the computer, logged on to, and after just a few casual glances, he felt Liang Rubo's ambition to scold Fang Qiu and gallop like a thousand horses.

Very shocked!

I thought that after Liang Rubo squeezed out Tang Binchen, at most he would try his best to build up Tang Binchen's idle circle of interests and prove his own strength.

Unexpectedly, he has great ambitions!

A mere circle of interests cannot satisfy his appetite.

He not only wants to start a circle of interests, but also brings up a marginalized and neglected small website under Ziweixing,, and transforms it into a secret circle.

Regardless of whether it can be done, Zhou Buqi will applaud Liang Rubo for this idea and concept alone!

With this move alone, Boss Zhou has to admit that Liang Rubo is really more suitable than Tang Binchen to take over the business of


Sure enough, it was Zhang Yiming who knew the team and business of better, and the person he selected was indeed more suitable.

Sitting in front of the computer, Zhou Buqi browsed the new version of for a while, and felt that the operating habits and page design were similar to before, only the layout of the homepage had changed.

Another change is that the advertising density of Moments has become smaller.

The number of advertisements on a single information flow channel decreased, but the total amount of advertisements on the three information flow channels increased. It not only increases the user experience of each channel, but also increases advertising revenue.

The design is very thoughtful.


Zhou Buqi nodded and opened "Happy Farm" again, only to find that the farm store was not online yet. It seems that the process of selling virtual fruits and vegetables for gold coins and connecting with the gold coin wallet system is not easy.

At this time, assistant Wang Xing came over, holding a few documents.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said from a distance: "Have you read the new version of"

"I've seen it. I have great ambitions." Wang Xing walked to his desk and connected "Interest circles and secret networks into the information flow business of It is a very bold and courageous design."

Zhou Buqi nodded, and then moved his eyes away from the computer screen, "If he succeeds in this matter, he can really take over."

Wang Xing said with a smile: "Don't spread this word."

"Hmm... by the way, I heard you have some good data sheets here?"

"Three copies."

Wang Xing first handed over the first material, which was the rough statistics of domestic search share last month given by CNNIC, "Because Google rectified for half a month, it often failed to open, resulting in serious loss of users, and less A share of 7 points. Of these 7 percentage points, Weidian got 6."


Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, this is good news.

Wang Xing said with a smile: "Wang Xiaochuan also said that last month, Weidian's performance may break records, and its market share exceeded 40% for the first time. Facts have proved that your strategy is correct. Cooperate with Baidu to develop Google, Google Most of the lost users fell into the embrace of Weidian.”

"Good thing." Zhou Buqi was quite satisfied, "Google's road will only get worse and worse, and the number of times it will be blocked will only become more and more frequent. Especially after the Olympic Games next year, Google's network lines will inevitably be affected. hinder."

It is too easy for the state power to rectify a company.

By blocking Google's network, you can make Google...responsively slow. Using Baidu and Weidian, the search may be completed in a second or two, which is very fast. But with Google search, it takes five or six seconds, or even six or seven seconds to open the webpage. Over time, users lack patience and cannot bear such a poor user experience, and will inevitably lose it.

Coupled with the fact that the network signal is completely disconnected from time to time, Google will be completely unable to open...Google has invested a lot in China, and it is not easy for the authorities to block it directly. This violates the principles of the WTO and requires huge compensation. This is different from blocking websites such as Twitter and Facebook. They have not really entered the domestic market.

The authorities only need to set up some obstacles behind the scenes, making Google repeatedly frustrated and helpless, and finally unable to persist, they will take the initiative to withdraw from the domestic market.

Wang Xing shook his head and sighed, "This matter is quite controversial, and the industry is very sympathetic to Google."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "It's okay, the sky is falling and the big ones are going to stand up, just let Baidu get scolded. You can't have both. Google wants both principles and markets. This is impossible. of."

If you want a market, you have to learn from Microsoft and Apple. Apple, in particular, is willing to completely give up its own position, be obedient, and do what the authorities tell it to do, and it can make a lot of money.

Wang Xing couldn't laugh or cry.

I feel that this big boss is too shameless.

In the field of e-commerce, let Taobao stand in front of it, to withstand the pressure of the authorities and the anger of offline stores; when doing search, also throw Baidu out, let Baidu take the lead.

There are benefits to being young.

You can pretend to be a little brother, and put your big brother on the stage.

Only in the social field, boss Zhou's style... seems to be a little more conventional, and he hasn't played any amazing tricks. It may also be that something is secretly operating behind the scenes, and the top secret has not been leaked.

Next, Wang Xing gave another data result, and said with a smile: "This is the statistics given by Wan Rui, and it is the top ten domestic websites in October."

"Well, Wan Rui's strength is not small, how about it?"

"We have three sites on the list."


"Weidian, Jinri Toutiao and Youyou."

Wang Xing handed over the materials.

Zhou Buqi looked down, ho!

The ranking relies on the comprehensive consideration of the number of unique visitors and the dwell time of each user. I don't know how Wanrui conducts the survey and how accurate it is.

It still looks pleasing

Ranked first is Baidu, with 84 million unique visitors, and the stay time of each user is 1 hour, 29 minutes and 15 seconds.

The second one is Weidian, with 72 million visitors and a user stay time of 48 minutes and 24 seconds.

It can be seen that the users of Baidu and Weidian are not clearly distinguished.

Users may use Baidu to search for a while, and then use Weidian to search for a while, without too much purpose. However, it can be seen from the length of use that users prefer Baidu when they do some precise searches and repeated searches.

Microdot still has a long way to go.

Ranked third is Toutiao, with more than 52 million unique visitors and a user stay time of 3 hours and 20 minutes.

I don't know if I am hanging up or watching the news.

All in all good news.

The fourth is Penguin Portal, the fifth is, the sixth is Qzone, the seventh is Sohu, and then Sina, Netease and Taobao.

Wang Xingdao: "This list seems simple, but after Wanrui sends it out, it can mark a major change in the domestic social field. In the past, Penguin was the largest traffic transfer channel, and two websites were on the list. Now, Ziweixing We have completed the overtake, and we have three. Even the largest traffic distribution platform Baidu, the gap between Weidian and it is not too big. This is enough to show that Ziweixing is already the largest traffic wholesaler in China!"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Wan Rui is still very face-saving."

The daily traffic of Qzone is 1 billion PV, while only has 500 million PV. However, in the ranking given by Wanrui, is higher than Qzone.

This is very face-saving.

Recently, print media and TV stations are building up momentum, saying that the country should have its own third-party authoritative data platform. In fact, it is calling for domestic Internet companies to join the Wanrui platform.

With the official endorsement, Wan Rui's credibility has greatly increased, and the positive significance of this list has been revealed.

Ziweixing has become the largest traffic platform, so it can further increase its online advertising weight in the industry and attract more advertisers.

It just echoes the revision of

"The general trend is with me!"

Zhou Buqi suddenly burst into a strong self-confidence, thinking that the social software Helo, which was officially released at 12:00 noon today, might really be able to overthrow QQ with the momentum.

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