Top of the big era

Chapter 899 Overseas Model

UC has had two financings before.

Ziweixing invested 10 million in the A round and 10 million in the B round. A total of 20 million was invested, holding 48% of the shares.

The third round is gone.

The acquisition has been negotiated, and UC was merged into Ziweixing with a valuation of 120 million US dollars. In other words, Ziweixing will give a total of 62.4 million US dollars in chips.

Among them, half of the cash payment was given to Jean Lei Jun and other investors to let them withdraw. The remaining part is distributed to several executives to improve their lives.

The other half will be replaced with Ziwei Star's stock after the B round of Ziwei Star is over. Use restricted stocks to tie the management to Ziweixing's chariot.

On the last day of November, UC's chairman and CEO Yu Yongfu, product president He Xiaopeng, and technology president Liang Jie all went to Beijing and came to Zhou Buqi's office.

This acquisition has been completed.

Well, it's a verbal agreement.

Next, we will mainly talk about overseas strategies, that is, the development of the Japanese market.

Liang Jie was a little bit close. Both Yu Yongfu and He Xiaopeng were ambitious people. The reason why they agreed to merge so happily was because they were moved by Ziweixing's plan.

How fun is it to make money abroad?

Especially to earn money in the Japanese market, just think about it.

This is not only because the Japanese market is huge and rich, and if it is done well, it can make a lot of money, but also has a strong national sentiment in it. In peaceful times, economic invasion is enough to feel proud.

Zhou Buqi said: "Doing the Japanese market is very difficult if you say it is difficult. It is very simple if you say it is simple. The difficulty lies in the local culture, and products that conform to the local style must be produced. Silicon Valley giants have suffered in the Korean and Japanese markets in recent years. .Well, the domestic market is also a vivid example, and localization is the most important.”

Yu Yongfu said: "When it comes to overseas business, Lenovo is currently doing the best in China, followed by Huawei. These two are very representative, and they are two completely different models."

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, Lenovo's model is to trust the locals. The American branch uses Americans, and the French branch uses French. This model can develop local business in the fastest and most effective way... Well, in fact, it was the acquisition of IBM's computer division back then, and the sales channels that were bought together are the systems that IBM built before."

Then, he looked at He Yang.

He Yang coughed lightly, "This model has obvious advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that using local people can better integrate with the local market and gain a better brand reputation, which will not be different due to differences in countries and cultures. There are some unnecessary differences. The disadvantage is that it is easy to be overshadowed, and it is impossible to pay close attention to management. In terms of saving expenses and improving efficiency, it is often difficult to satisfy people, and the profit margin will be very low.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Talk about the Huawei model."

He Yangdao: "Lenovo's overseas business is mainly the acquisition of IBM's computer business unit, which has opened up the global market at once. Huawei is different. It sends people from China, one country at a time, and it is conquered bit by bit. It can also be seen from this that Lenovo has a stronger brand and Huawei has a more solid foundation."

After a pause, he went on to say: "Huawei's model is to send executives from China to a country or region, and then go to the local area to recruit people and build a local team. This local team is sent by Huawei's headquarters. The person responsible is the Huaxia people, not the locals."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "It's quite similar to our model."

He Yangdao: "The advantages and disadvantages of this model are also obvious. The advantage, because it is managed by people from our own country, we definitely don't want to see foreigners waste money lavishly, and the management will be very strict, which can improve work efficiency. Also That is to say, the expenses are low, the management is strict, the overhead is high, the efficiency is high, and the profit margin is also high. However, if this is done, there will be a lot of complaints. In addition, as a foreigner, I am not familiar with the local customs, and some unfamiliar Necessary misunderstanding."

Yu Yongfu said: "To put it simply, the management by the locals can reap the benefits, so Lenovo has a good reputation. Sending people from China will not benefit the locals, and they will complain. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of profit distribution. If you give money, you will praise you, if you don’t give money, you will scold you, it’s the same all over the world.”

Zhou Buqi was very serious, and gave Ning Yaxian a look, "Write this sentence down and make it the general idea of ​​overseas strategy."

As an expert in management, He Yang must look deeper into the problem, and said: "Behind the Lenovo model and the Huawei model, there is also a confidentiality issue. Lenovo mainly sells assembled computers, which are for personal business, and the degree of confidentiality of the business Not high. Huawei has many R\u0026D centers overseas, which involve technical secrets. Moreover, Huawei’s customers are governments and large enterprises, who need to bid for orders, and the requirements for confidentiality are very high. These two points require that Huawei can only send products from China. When people go out, they must be strictly managed.”

Zhou Buqi said repeatedly: "Yes, write it down! It's very important! Well...Ziweixing also has to do technology, there are personal business and enterprise-level business...There are both strong confidentiality business and weak confidentiality business... ...can properly differentiate businesses, and use the Huawei model and Lenovo model reasonably."

He Yang understood at a glance, the big boss is gone again.

Thoughts began to dance lightly again.

At the beginning, he also had a bit of a breakdown. He felt that he couldn't keep up with the big boss's thinking, and that he was too jumpy and leapfrogged. If you say 1, he can think of 100; if you say first love, he can think of all the names of the children for you.

Gradually I got used to it.

Because there are many such people in the company. Zhang Yiming, Xu Liangjie, Shi Jinglin, and Guo Pengfei are all similar, each more whimsical than the other.

He Yang stroked his mind, and continued following the words of Boss Zhou: "Huawei's model has another advantage. If all local teams are used, they may collude and kidnap the headquarters. Either get promoted and pay more money." Give benefits, or they will collectively drop the pick, or they may even jump to a competitor."

Yu Yongfu said: "It also depends on what kind of country it is. If it is the United States, Britain, Australia, South Korea, France, Spain, Italy and other countries, the probability of this kind of thing happening will be very high. Japan does not need to worry, then While advocating the lifelong employment system, whoever dares to betray the company, even threatens the employer... If the news gets out, there is no way to be a human being, and there is only one way to die. It is a country with the highest suicide rate, and the pressure of public opinion is much greater than in China. Things like Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and some Nordic countries don't have to worry about that."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "So, one size fits all, we have to take different measures according to different national cultures and national environments. Let's not talk about it, let's talk about our colleagues Microsoft and Google, they come to China to split up The companies are all run by Chinese, and they are actually the Lenovo model. The reputation is really good, and fresh graduates rush to go there, but the efficiency is extremely poor, the expenses are huge, and all kinds of superior welfare policies are not less for the headquarters. "

He Yangdao: "Reputation is still very important. If you have a good reputation, you can have a long life. If you have a bad reputation, you will have many competitors. If the local relationship is bad, the risk will be great."

Yu Yongfu is okay, he can keep up with the thoughts of Boss Zhou and Boss He this week.

He Xiaopeng and Liang Jie from UC were a little dazed.

What is this all about?

Where did it go?

Isn't it about the acquisition of UC?

It’s enough to talk about overseas strategy, why not study the Japanese market carefully? Why did you go to the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and France again? Also Lenovo mode Huawei mode...


Now there is not even a shadow of Ziweixing's overseas business!

Lenovo and Huawei are two of the most famous international companies in China, and they have done business all over the world. Compared with them, it is fantastic, right? Keep your feet on the ground, won't you?

Zhou Buqi originally wanted to draw a big cake for a few newcomers, show Ziweixing's ambitions for overseas business, and encourage them to work hard.

But the expressions of these two people... It seems that they have played too much and scared them.

Just shook his head secretly.

I feel that the helm of UC really has to be Yu Yongfu, neither of these two founders.

Zhou Buqi made a long story short: "Overseas business, you can choose to adopt the Lenovo model or the Huawei model. For example, the establishment of a Silicon Valley research center in the United States next year must be a Chinese at the helm. It involves technical secrets and cannot be handed over to foreigners. If you go to Britain and France If a branch company is set up in Western Italy to operate a website, it can be managed by the locals, earning a reputation and making friends with the European market. Well...don’t be afraid in Japan, the headquarters will send people there, and they can strictly manage and improve efficiency.”

Ning Yaxian nodded slightly, and said calmly: "Well, I have worked in Japan before, and I have seen it with my own eyes. Because the work was not up to standard, the employees stood in a row, and the leaders slapped them one by one. Expand Japan Business and market rules are simple, and there are not as many fancy tricks as in the UK and the United States, as long as you make products that users like."

Yu Yongfu said: "That's right, Japan's plasma screens have been ruined by the joint efforts of South Korea and Taiwan."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Old Yu, I will go to Japan in a few days, you will come with me? Go and investigate and try to find a way to promote our country's software there."

Yu Yongfu said lightly: "Don't dare to say anything else, UC Browser will be very easy."

"Oh? So confident?"

"Because UC is free."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

Yu Yongfu smiled and said: "In mobile browsers, IE can only be used in Microsoft's system, and it is destined to be unpopular. In overseas markets, the most popular mobile browser is Opera."

"Is it also available in China?"

"Yes, but it's not the same. Domestic Opera is free, because there is UC. If they charge, they don't even want to promote it. In fact, even if they are free, they don't promote it. It is far from UC."

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Is the Opera browser in the Japanese market a paid software?"

Yu Yongfu nodded with a smile, "The computer version of Opera is a free software. The mobile version of Opera is a paid software."

"Good! Good!"

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath. At this moment, his confidence in expanding the Japanese market doubled.

Ziweixing's successful experience in China can be replicated in the past.

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