The first wave of school recruitment every year is from October to January, and the second wave of school recruitment is from March to May.

Now, the first wave of school recruitment has ended.

Ziweixing sent out more than 900 offers.

This is a very huge workload.

Fortunately, Wang Haiyang has a strong working ability. After joining the company, he has been improving and expanding Ziweixing's personnel department. Currently, there are more than 160 HR personnel in reserve.

According to Wang Haiyang, a mature and excellent HR can take care of about 30 employees, including contract signing, salary negotiation, psychological counseling, performance appraisal, value guidance and many other tasks.

There may be only about 15 people in HR at the junior level.

On average, each HR can take care of about 20 employees.

Ziweixing has a domestic employee quota of 4,500 this year.

It is necessary to recruit and train more HR.

The expected goal is to create a HR team of 240-250 people.

As Ziweixing grows in size, the number of executives is also increasing. There are as many as 25 senior executives above M6 who are vice presidents of the group.

Among them, Tang Binchen, Fu Sheng, Huang Juncai, Xu Ming and others who may soon be promoted are not included.

As well as Du Bo and Kang Hongbo, the two vice presidents of Ziweixing Academy of Engineering who have been proposed to be promoted.

Dr. Du Bo returned from studying in the United States and worked at Amazon before. He is an expert in the distributed field; Dr. Kang Hongbo came from Oracle Research Institute and is a master in software development.

Both of them have passed the half-year probationary period and can be formally appointed.

Kang Hongbo is the executive vice president of Ziweixing Engineering Institute, M6 grade. Du Bo is also the Deputy Dean of the M6 ​​class. Together to assist the elder Cheng Binghao.

Zhou Buqi was very worried.

He only met Kang Hongbo three times and Du Bo once, but his impression was very vague.

It would be too embarrassing if you couldn't call out the other person's name when they met, and it would also hurt their self-esteem, thinking that they were not valued by the company and the boss.

Zhou Buqi set a rule for himself. He must be familiar enough with the executives above M6. He must be familiar with the other party's name, position and core projects of the supervisor. A certain understanding.

I don't know how Google does it either.

There are hundreds of executives above the vice president of Google. Many of them are high-level scientists, and there are branch presidents scattered around the world.

On February 1st, Kang Hongbo and Du Bo were officially promoted and became M6.

Zhou Buqi made a lot of preparations, and invited them to have a light meal in the cafeteria of Tsinghua Science and Technology Park in the evening, congratulating them on their integration into Ziweixing, and at the same time reaffirming Ziweixing's position on technology.

The next day, Shen Xiangyang came to see Boss Zhou.

He also submitted a list of personnel changes, requesting to promote Zhang Hongguang, the executive vice president of Ziweixing Research Institute, and Xu Ming, the vice president, to M6.

The configuration of the Academy of Engineering is so high, and the Academy cannot lag behind.

Zhang Hongguang was recruited from Google Research Institute, initially worked in Microsoft Research Institute, and later followed Li Kaifu to Google. After Shen Xiangyang joined Ziweixing to build a research institute, he left Google and followed the old leader.

Xu Ming's resume is more complicated, he used to work in 3721, Yahoo China and 360. Later, Ziweixing acquired 360, and he entered the search business group, which was at the M5 level at that time. He didn't cooperate well with Wang Xiaochuan's work, so he was transferred to the research institute.

Zhou Buqi put the list on the table, and said casually: "I have no problem here, as long as the personnel side passes it. Old Shen, you don't have to compare. The Engineering Institute mainly undertakes some middle-stage projects and outsourcing projects. , What the research institute does is technical research. Compared with the engineering academy, the research institute is only higher or lower."

Shen Xiangyang smiled and said, "We must balance everyone's minds."

Zhou Buqi nodded, and asked again: "This year, we plan to establish the Silicon Valley Research Institute and the Japan Research Institute. We need to be prepared. Well, there is no need to rush, and the Spring Festival is over first. I think the current economic situation is a bit complicated. .”

Mentioning this point, Shen Xiangyang became more and more impressed with Boss Zhou. Fortunately, Ziweixing completed the B round first and had sufficient funds. He said: "Yes, once the economic crisis is out of control, it will collapse. If you invest overseas at that time , to prepare for the establishment of a research institute, and the talent recruitment will be more convenient. The local government will also warmly welcome and give preferential policies.”

What did Zhou Buqi think of, "By the way, I heard that you and that vice president of Yahoo, Lu Qi, are brothers from the same school?"

Shen Xiangyang smiled, "Yes, we all followed Professor Roger Reddy to study for a Ph. There are mainly four. The oldest is Li Kaifu, and I am a year younger than him. After me are Lu Qi and Hong Xiaowen."

"Hong Xiaowen?" Zhou Buqi was taken aback for a moment, "The new director of Microsoft Research?"

Shen Xiangyang nodded, "Yes, that's him."

Zhou Buqi said: "You should bring him here too."

Shen Xiangyang shook his head, "Everyone has his own ambition."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Is it possible to dig Lu Qi over here? I met him twice and had a good chat. I think he is still very optimistic about Ziwei Star's development prospects."

Shen Xiangyang frowned, and said hesitantly: "It's a bit difficult. His wife and children are all in the United States, especially the children, who go to school there. Even if they want to return to China to develop, they have to wait a few years for the children to grow up."

Zhou Buqi said: "I didn't say to let him return to China, but he can be the dean of Ziweixing Silicon Valley Research Institute. He is not your junior, but he is also engaged in artificial intelligence, which is in line with the positioning of Silicon Valley Research Institute."

Shen Xiangyang said helplessly: "Lu Qi has done a good job at Yahoo! He has been promoted to senior vice president. According to Ziwei Star's level, it is M7, just like me. This is not the most important thing. The business volume is too low, he may not be able to see it."

In fact, the temple is too small to accommodate the Buddha.

Zhou Buqi pondered and said: "I've thought about what you said, and you can see if it can be like this... Liu Qing is pregnant and has to take maternity leave, and her job at Twitter will be temporarily resigned. Let Lu Qi come over and take over as Zi The senior vice president of MSI is fully responsible for the European and American markets, and at the same time joined the board of directors of Twitter to take over Liu Qing's work."

Shen Xiangyang is also a member of the decision-making committee. Knowing what the company is doing recently, he was surprised, "Let Luqi manage Twitter? If so, there is room for manipulation. Especially if Microsoft wants to acquire Yahoo, this will inevitably lead to management turmoil. The probability of resignation is high. But the problem is, if Lu Qi passes by, it will be even more powerful to Twitter."

Now, Ziweixing is also working on a Twitter-type website.

In China, it is called Weibo, and it went live on March 1. It is called YikYak in Japan, and it was launched on February 1st, that is, yesterday!

In other words, Ziweixing and Twitter have already competed in this field.

How can you support Twitter at this time?

Zhou Buqi said: "The outbreak of the economic crisis is unstoppable. Every time there is an economic crisis, there will be a lipstick effect. It means that when people lack money in their wallets, they have no money to go on vacation. They can only buy lipsticks. To meet their own happiness needs. Twitter and Facebook belong to this kind of gadgets. It is conceivable that in the next few years of economic turmoil, Twitter and Facebook, lightweight websites with entertainment and social attributes will rise rapidly.”

Shen Xiangyang nodded, "Indeed, for leading Internet companies, this is an opportunity. Now it is different from ten years ago. The Internet infrastructure is very sound and can meet people's daily life and entertainment needs."

Zhou Buqi said: "YikYak should not be limited to the Korean, Japanese or Asian markets, but also to enter the European and American markets. Twitter is a stumbling block. Our advantage is that we can have both sides. Make trouble for Twitter internally. Liu Qing and Twitter's management I have been working for several years, and I am a woman, so it is not convenient to operate. You can let Lu Qi pass by."

Shen Xiangyang was very puzzled, "Why do you want to do this? We are the major shareholders of Twitter, can't we just swallow it?"

Zhou Buqi said very seriously: "No, we must avoid the US market. The model of Twitter is likely to become an important medium in the future, and the more sensitive. YikYak's main base is Asia, and its secondary base is Europe. The North American market can make appropriate concessions and let Twitter grow bigger.”

Shen Xiangyang was very confused and didn't understand.

Zhou Buqi is not easy to say, I can't say that I can see into the future, can I?

After growing up, Twitter's media significance is too great, and even Twitter can govern the country.

Fortunately, Europe is an Internet desert.

Whether the website is from the United States or China, there is actually not much difference, as long as it abides by the laws and regulations of the European Union, it is almost the same. The United States can't do it, and it is very tight in terms of national security.

Zhou Buqi pondered for a while, and said: "Annexation is meaningless. If Twitter is annexed, there will be a second Twitter. This is not good for us. We are the major shareholder of Twitter, and we have important seats on the board of directors. By voting, you can properly control the battle. In the US market, you can let Twitter develop. In the overseas market, you have to hold them back and provide opportunities for YikYak.”

Shen Xiangyang understood what he meant.

This is to make Lu Qi become a "traitor" in the past.

On the one hand, it is necessary to promote YikYak to the European and American markets; on the other hand, it is necessary to use the equity relationship to constrain Twitter internally. There will definitely be a "Twitter". It is better to have a Twitter that can be constrained than one that has no constraints.

In this way, it is difficult for YikYak to fail.

Shen Xiangyang said: "If we do this, the conflict with the management will intensify. There will only be two results. One is that the founding team quits, and the other is that they introduce new investors to dilute or repurchase our shares."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "We choose the latter."


"Twitter's model will be an important media force in the future. It is impossible for YikYak to eat up the entire market. In this case, it is better to take the opportunity to enter the market first to build a commercial colony. When Twitter grows, I don’t want to accept colonization anymore, let’s exit with high income and make a lot of money to develop YikYak.”


Shen Xiangyang was silent.

This task is really arduous enough, and ordinary people really can't do it. If this challenge is used to attract land vehicles, the probability of success will be greatly improved.

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