Top of the big era

Chapter 940 The head effect under the economic crisis

Although I often send text messages, the time is not long each time.

Zhou Buqi chatted for dozens of minutes when he had no time to post, and sent a dozen or twenty at most. After confirming that Teacher Han Yan is not pregnant, she is relieved, and her attention is still on work.

He brought over the financial statements sent by Cheng Zhenping.

Last month, the revenue of SP business was 88 million, and the profit was nearly 80 million.

This is the department with the highest profit ratio of Ziwei Star.

There are two main reasons.

First, the SP business department of Ziwei Star belongs to the nature of porters. Summarize the content of the secret circle and post it on Monternet; summarize the news of today's headlines and post it on Monternet; sort out the content of embarrassing things and post it on Monternet...

There aren't many real operations.

The low technical content means that there is no need to hire some high-end talents with high salaries.

There are 200 people in the entire department, and the monthly salary and welfare expenses are less than 3 million. Counting many other expenses, the monthly cost is several million.

The second is tens of billions of subsidies.

In order to show the importance attached to the "10 billion subsidy" plan and the authenticity of its promise to the whole people, Ziwei Star specially set up a special fund of 10 billion subsidy.

Just exactly 10 billion yuan.

This fund is not allowed to be misappropriated without authorization under any circumstances, and can only be used for the expenditure of the "10 billion subsidy" plan.

The user uses gold coins to recharge the phone bill, and the money is deducted from the special fund and transferred to China Mobile; the user uses gold coins to shop on the Taobao channel, and the money is deducted from the special fund and transferred to Taobao; For value-added services, the special funds will transfer the money to, and then will share it with the page game according to the ratio...

The same goes for Helo's text messaging business.

Users need to consume gold coins to send text messages, and this money is deducted from the special fund and transferred to China Mobile; when users receive text messages through Helo, Helo will have Montnets share. This money is SP income and belongs to the SP business department.

That is to say, Helo needs to send text messages and spends special funds; Helo receives text messages, and the income belongs to the SP business group. As far as the SP business is concerned, it is a business that only makes money but does not make money, so of course the profit margin will be extremely high.

According to the financial report, relying on this business alone, the SP business group earned 60 million yuan last month!

Not just SP business, but others as well.

For example, on Toutiao, users will benefit from watching advertisements, and this part of the revenue comes from special funds; the advertising fees paid by advertisers to Toutiao belong to Toutiao.

Through the design of this tens of billions of special funds, Ziweixing has greatly activated the subjective initiative of various businesses.

This is a psychology of taking advantage.

The pool of special funds is only that big, 10 billion.

When it's over, it's gone.

Whoever grabs more will have a higher KPI, and whoever can get more rewards.

Therefore, a phenomenon has emerged.,, Helo,, including Mobai and the Toutiao Literature Department, which has just been merged into Ziweixing, are all actively participating.

Encourage users to actively use your own services and read advertisements on your own channels. The more gold coins the user earns on their own platform, the more income their own platform earns.

From an overall point of view, it has greatly improved the enthusiasm of the employees, which is equivalent to a disguised incentive activity.

It can be called a surprise.

Greatly improved the enthusiasm of the employees.

The only exception is Sohu.

Lao Zhang also took a fancy to the gold coin wallet system and wanted to join Users can also get gold coins by reading articles and watching advertisements on Sohu.

It is equivalent to Sohu also participating in grabbing the 10 billion pool.

Many people inside have had opinions.

Said that it does not want outsiders to participate.

Fortunately, the executive level is very calm.

Sohu participates in, that is to pay the service fee. If you grab 1 gold coin, you have to pay 2 gold coins to Ziweixing. In other words, Sohu grabbed 50 million from the special fund pool, and had to pay 100 million to Ziweixing's marketing department.

This February, Sohu officially connected to the gold coin wallet system and opened up the account.

Users can log in to Sohu directly through Helo.

For Ziweixing, this is an experiment.

Take Lao Zhang as a guinea pig.

Once it works well and has experience, it can expand to more Internet peers.

Although it was not discussed at the decision-making committee, Zhou Buqi had already communicated with He Yang, Xu Liangjie, and Zhang Yiming in private. The "10 billion subsidy" plan is far more successful than imagined.

This is not a subsidy at all, but an act of reluctance to let children not be tied to wolves.

Throw the child out first, let the wolf bite, and when the wolf is happy, trap the wolf.

Give away 10 billion, maybe you can earn back 20 billion.

It can completely become a normalized business plan, and the continuous promotion will make the "10 billion subsidy" a corporate symbol of Ziweixing.


In addition to the explosive revenue of the SP business group, other businesses also performed well, as if everyone wanted to present a gift to Boss Zhou before the Spring Festival.

Even the revenue from the search business has reached 45 million yuan.

Wang Xiaozhou has been struggling for several years, and finally has a feeling of seeing the sun behind the clouds.

The commercial operation of Weidian Search is finally on the right track, and it can make stable profits.

The most eye-catching financial report is

The newly promoted M6 and Liang Rubo, the president of the social business group, has become the most popular executive of Ziwei Star at the moment, and his momentum is comparable to that of Shi Jinglin who successfully ran the 91 Shopping Festival.

Last month,'s total revenue exceeded 420 million yuan!

Among them, there are 300 million in advertising revenue alone.

The revenue of the open platform also exceeded 65 million yuan.

"It's a pity that it's winter, and the revenue of Taobao Channel hasn't increased." Liang Rubo came to report, and even said something self-effacing, which to Zhou Buqi's ears was no different than pretending.

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly and asked, "Is the advertising revenue 300 million yuan? I just read the statistics of Wanrui Data. Last month, the total amount of Internet advertisements on the domestic Internet was about 1 billion. Counting Micropoint, Toutiao and Xiaonei, our total advertising revenue is nearly 450 million.”

"I don't think it's enough."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

Xin said that this kid has a really big heart. The advertising revenue of Ziweixing's family accounts for 45% of the total Internet advertising market. Is this not enough?

At the same time, Zhou Buqi was also secretly blaming himself, feeling that in the past period of time, too little attention had been paid to Liang Rubo, and he had neglected this great talent a bit. I feel that this kid is very likely to be Zhang Yiming's military adviser behind the scenes.

Liang Rubo said: "Ziweixing has grown into the number one traffic platform in China and the largest social giant. The core of social network revenue is the advertising business. In comparison, the other two traffic platforms have obvious weaknesses. Baidu's advertising The income is all dependent on the search business. Baidu space and Baidu blog have not been developed. It depends on whether the integration can be completed after the launch of Baidu Hi. The weakness of QQ is that the user base is not high, and there is no traffic, but it is not recognized by advertisers. , mainly relying on value-added income and game income. It depends on whether Penguin can exert its strength."

Zhou Buqi nodded, and said "hmm".

Liang Rubo continued: "The core of Internet advertising is traffic, and the two major traffic platforms have their own disadvantages. Only Ziweixing has built a relatively complete ecosystem that can maximize the advantages of traffic. 45% Market share is not enough to reflect this advantage.”

Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, "Is 45% not enough? How much do you think? Is it more than half?"

Liang Rubo gave his own judgment, "I think we can achieve 60% this year."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, and kindly reminded him, "I'm fine with talking about this kind of thing."

There are too many Internet companies that make money from advertising, such as Sina, Sohu, NetEase, Penguin, Xinhuanet,, Youku, Tudou, Maopu, Tianya, Ganji, Autohome, Zhaopin, Google, etc.

It would be a bit of an exaggeration to say that the total Internet advertising revenue of so many websites is not as good as Ziweixing.

Liang Rubo said: "It's hard to say about other time periods, but now is a special period, we can do it."

"special period?"

"The situation of the economic crisis is very serious, and global stock markets are falling."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

Liang Rubo said: "I did a survey and talked with Chen Guohuan. The advertising industry is highly cyclical, and every cyclical trough will bring about a contraction in advertisers' spending."

Zhou Buqi said: "Under the economic crisis, merchants' advertising budgets will decrease, which is inevitable. However, the Internet is in a good situation, and its role in society is getting bigger and bigger. The advertising budget of a single merchant is reduced, but the number of merchants will increase significantly. Therefore, even in an economic crisis, the overall Internet advertising output value will increase significantly compared to last year."

"I agree, but the economic crisis has another effect, which will lead to an increase in the concentration of the advertising supply side."


Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up.

Liang Rubo said: "Due to the reduced budget of advertisers, they will try their best to place their advertisements on the channels with the best expected results. It can be seen that under the economic crisis, many small and medium-sized websites that rely on Internet advertisements for a living cannot get When the money comes, the closed ones will close down, and the closed ones will close down. Even for companies like Sohu and Sina, their advertising revenue will fall short of expectations. Ziweixing, as the leading company in the Internet advertising channel, will be looted by the supply side.”

Zhou Buqi took it seriously and appreciated it very much.


He doesn't know much about the specific situation of the Internet in the 2008 financial crisis, and foresight is of little use. However, he knows all too well the economic crisis brought about by the epidemic more than ten years later.

The small media has no dry food and is dying.

Internet giants with explosive traffic have experienced explosive growth in advertising revenue, and the Matthew effect is very obvious.

It can be judged by simple logical analysis.

Under the economic crisis, if the advertising revenue of Sina and Sohu has shrunk, it is representative of the industry. Advertising revenue for the vast majority of sites will shrink.

However, the total output value of advertising is increasing.

Where did the growth go?

It must be the top head website, namely Baidu, Weidian, Toutiao, and Among the five top streaming websites, Ziweixing occupies the third place.

Just in line with the 60% share that Liang Rubo said.

Well, Qzone is also considered a top-ranking website, but it can’t handle advertisements. is a portal network. Its positioning is similar to that of Sohu, Netease, and Sina. With the traffic import of QQ, life will get better and better. It will surpass the traditional three major portals and become the largest portal network in China.

Zhou Buqi squinted his eyes and thought of something, "By the way, the KPI set for Youyou this year is a 100% increase in revenue. I thought it was set high. So it seems... this indicator is low?"

Liang Rubo smiled without saying a word.

"How much did you earn last year?"

"2.4 billion, of which advertising revenue is 1.8 billion."

"Then the target for this year is 4.8 billion in revenue..." Zhou Buqi couldn't help but smile, "According to your analysis, if you can't handle the advertising expenses of this year, it is possible to reach this amount."

Liang Rubo said: "I will fight for it."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "It is always a good thing. It is best that all businesses can complete the KPI and get full or even excess option rewards. However, some data should be kept secret. Don't lose motivation just because the targets are completed ahead of schedule."

The current Ziwei Star has introduced foreign capital.

The setting of employee salaries and stock options needs to be approved by the management, otherwise there will be suspicions that the management is colluding and embezzling the interests of the management.

At the end of last month, Ziwei Star held a meeting of the board of directors and set the KPI indicators and option rewards for each business this year.

The management's attitude is that the higher the better.

The attitude of the management is to lower it appropriately, and strive to let the departments in charge of them all complete the targets.

As the boss, Zhou Buqi must and can only stand with the employees.


"Yangtze River No. 7" was screened nationwide, with a mediocre reputation, but a very good box office.

Zhang Yuqi has completed the promotion throughout Asia and finally has a holiday.

Immediately received a call from the gold master.

"Mr. Zhou, long time no see, you look handsome again!"

Downstairs in Jieyu Media, Zhang Yuqi got into a black Bentley, saw a familiar face in the car, and threw herself on it with outstretched arms.

Spicy no no no no.

Zhou Buqi kissed her passionately for a while, and as soon as he got a little interested, he was interrupted by Zhang Yuqi's "Oops" and pulled his hand out of the undershirt, "No, Mr. Zhou, your hands are too When it gets cold, it will turn into frozen yogurt in a while."

"By the way, your contract has been terminated, do you know?" Zhou Buqi sat up straight and told the driver to go to the beauty salon.

Zhang Yuqi was very happy, and stuck to him again, "Mr. Zhou, you are so kind. How much is the liquidated damages?"

"1500 dollars."


Zhang Yuqi blinked, stuck out her tongue, and stopped talking.

So scary!

When will I be worth so much money!

Celebrities these days are not that valuable. At Fan Ye’s level, donations are only 50,000 yuan, and an episode of TV series is only 100,000 yuan.

For a newcomer like Zhang Yuqi, 15 million is definitely a huge amount of money.

Zhou Buqi frowned and said, "How did you sign the contract at the beginning, with a liquidated damages of 30 million? You dare to sign it, and it can eat you to death."

Zhang Yuqi grieved, sat back, and tidied up her underwear and base layer, "I was only 18 at the time, and I didn't understand anything."

Zhou Buqi said: "You can sign Huayi later. This time, Huayi paid half of the cost of buying out the contract, and I paid half. Huayi, you have to go and film for them."

Zhang Yuqi was very angry, and waved her hand, "No problem! It's only natural to pay back the debt, and I will go to work for Huayi!"

Zhou Buqi looked at her with a half-smile, "What about me?"

Zhang Yuqi came over and kissed him, and said with a smile: "What can I do? If I can't pay back the money, I can pay it with my body. It was agreed last time that for the next three years, I will be your horse, exclusively for you!"

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