Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 179: Daoji candidate list announced, ranked first, Guyu

  Chapter 179 Daoji candidate list announced, ranked first, Lu Changsheng, Tianzong of the Ancient Domain!


  The dignified Huang Tianzong's first true biography, ranked ninth on the Daoji candidate list, Lei Tiandu, who had a brain of a hundred miles and had already stepped into Daoji with one foot, died unexpectedly.

   And under the watchful eyes of everyone, he was forcibly beheaded by Lu Changsheng.

   This scene caught everyone off guard.


  The entire Tianlong Mountain became quiet all of a sudden, even a needle could be heard.



  The terrifying momentum erupted instantly.

   Not one, but three auras, covering the sky and covering the sun, making all warriors and immortal masters in Tianlong Mountain feel trembling from the bottom of their hearts.


   This is definitely a strong Daoist!

   There was even an overwhelming killing intent, sweeping towards Lu Changsheng.

   "Zhong Yu, you intervene without authorization and kill my true biography of Huang Tianzong. I, Huang Tianzong, will not give up!"

   "Lu Changsheng, die!"

  The roar was like thunder, rolling in.

   At the same time, a brain that covered the sky and the sun instantly became solid.

   It was Huang Jiufeng who did it.

   At the moment Lei Tiandu was killed by Lu Changsheng, Huang Jiufeng was astonished, but at the same time he was ecstatic.

   Therefore, Huang Jiufeng made a move immediately.

   Even if there is Zhong Yu, he is not afraid.

   After all, he wasn't alone this time.

   And two other Daoist powerhouses from Huang Tianzong came together.

  Now Zhong Yu, the head of the Tianzong Law Enforcement Hall in the ancient domain, intervenes in the battle between Lu Changsheng and Lei Tiandu.

  With conclusive evidence, Huang Jiufeng has nothing to worry about.

  He must kill Lu Changsheng!

   This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Huang Jiufeng will go all out if he doesn't make a move.

   "Huang Jiufeng, is it up to you?"

  Zhong Yu took a step forward.

  The terrifying brain region defeated Huang Jiufeng in an instant.

  Although both of them are Taoist.

  However, there is still a difference between Daoji and Daoji.

  Especially Zhong Yu and Huang Jiufeng.

  Zhong Yu is the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Ancient Tianzong, with a high position and authority, and his strength can be regarded as very powerful in the entire ancient Tianzong.

   Huang Jiufeng is just an ordinary Daoji elder.

  There is a big gap between the two sides.

However, Huang Jiufeng was not afraid. With a gloomy face, he said to the two companions next to him: "Elder, you should have seen that the Tianzong of the Ancient Domain is too deceitful. Zhong Yu, as Daoji, personally took action against me Huang Tianzong's true biography, this undoubtedly breaks the rules."

   "If I, Huang Tianzong, don't respond, how can I gain a foothold in the ancient domain?"

  An old man beside Huang Jiufeng looked at Zhong Yu calmly, and said lightly, "Zhong Yu, you have crossed the line!"

  Zhong Yu's expression was a little dignified, the Great Elder of Huang Tianzong, that's not a name for nothing, a top powerhouse among Daoist foundations.

  Even Zhong Yu had to work hard.

   "Great Elder, I believe you can see the scene just now very clearly."

   "Lu Changsheng and Lei Tiandu fought, Zhong didn't directly intervene, but just descended on the brain area and imprisoned this area. It's like creating a ring for both sides."

   "Does this also break the rules?"

  The Great Elder Huang Tianzong stopped talking.

  He saw the scene just now very clearly.

   Indeed, Zhong Yu only confined this area.

   Didn't even shoot Lei Tian.

  Even the brain region didn't suppress Lei Tian in any way.

   The only blame is that Lei Tiandu's skills are not as good as others, and Zhong Yu obviously doesn't want Lei Tiandu to use the teleportation talisman to escape.

  However, this is just a battle.

   Casualties are inevitable.

   "Sophistry, Great Elder, Zhong Yu is just sophistry! Zhong Yu's actions undoubtedly caused Lei Tiandu's death, otherwise, Lei Tiandu could have escaped completely..."

"shut up!"

  The great elder shouted loudly.

   Suddenly, Huang Jiufeng was a little confused.

  The expression of the Great Elder looked quite annoyed.

  However, it didn't look like he was going to attack Zhong Yu.

   "Huang Jiufeng, as an elder, you have an unshirkable responsibility for instigating the true disciples to fight and causing the death of the true disciples!"

   "The whole story, the old man will find out."


  The Great Elder's eyes were cold, he took a deep look at Zhong Yu, and finally at Lu Changsheng.

  Afterwards, the Great Elder took Huang Jiufeng and others to leave, and disappeared without a trace.

  Lu Changsheng saw Zhong Yu in the void.

  So, he bowed his hands and saluted: "Thank you, Palace Master!"

  Lu Changsheng is very clear.

  If Zhong Yu hadn't made a move today, he could have defeated Lei Tiandu, but it was absolutely impossible to kill Lei Tiandu.

  What's more, Zhong Yu's shot is actually not that easy, and he also takes a huge risk.

  The great elders of Huang Tianzong were all watching.

  Zhong Yu is actually quite adventurous.

  He caught a "loophole".

  Although the great elder Huang Tianzong was very dissatisfied with Zhong Yu, he couldn't directly attack Zhong Yu.

   After all, the Great Elder represents Huang Tianzong.

   There is no absolute reason to directly take action against the Tianzong law enforcement palace in the ancient domain, and the consequences will be terrible.

   "It's okay, if you cut the weeds, you won't get rid of the roots, and the spring breeze will blow and regenerate."

   "Since we have made an appointment with Lei Tian, ​​we must do our best to kill each other to avoid future troubles."

   "You did a good job in this regard, you seized the only opportunity!"

  Zhong Yu is indeed very satisfied.

  He also admired Lu Changsheng very much.

  If it weren't for Lu Changsheng's rapid rise, Lei Tiandu has been killed now, and he is hopeful Daoji, he really wants to accept Lu Changsheng as his personal disciple.

   "Huang Jiufeng..."

  Lu Changsheng frowned slightly.

   "Why, you still want to kill Huang Jiufeng?"

   "Daoji is different from Shenzang. You may be able to rebel against Shenzang when you are in Shengang, but it is almost impossible for Shenzang to rebel against Daoji."

   "The transformation of the brain domain is a qualitative change!"

   "However, Huang Jiufeng is just an ordinary daoist. When you forge a daoist, you can kill him with a reason."

   "As for now, Huang Jiufeng can't take care of himself. It is estimated that he will not be able to leave Huang Tianzong for a long time. You don't have to worry about him making trouble again."

  These words were all voice transmission between Zhong Yu and Lu Changsheng.

  Lu Changsheng felt relieved.

   Zhong Yu doesn't look pedantic at all.

   Kill when you need to kill.

   Killed decisively, but without any hesitation.

   Even facing Huang Tianzong is the same.

   "However, you have been too popular during this time, and you need to calm down and keep a low profile."

   "This trip back to the mountain gate, let's take a good retreat for a while. The Taoist candidate list will be re-ranked soon, and strive to reach 90 miles as soon as possible, and rush to the Taoist candidate list!"

  Lu Changsheng nodded: "Follow the order of the Palace Master!"

  Actually, Lu Changsheng himself knew it very well.

  He was really in the limelight during this time.

   Now, Lei Tiandu, the first true biography of Huang Tianzong, has been beheaded.

   There is no doubt that this will definitely cause a sensation in the entire ancient domain.

  The more this is the case, the more low-key Lu Changsheng has to be.

   "A child can be taught."

  Zhong Yu nodded secretly.

  He is really satisfied with Lu Changsheng.

  He believes that it won't be long before Tianzong of the Ancient Domain will have an extra Daoist, or even a top Daoist!

  Zhong Yu left.

  Lu Changsheng glanced at the ground where Lei Tiandu was, and there were still some things that hadn't been turned into powder. He rolled his hands, put them away, and left quickly.

  However, Tianlong Mountain is not deserted, but more lively.

  Countless people seemed to be immersed in the battle where Lu Changsheng killed Lei Tiandu just now.

   Until now, I still haven’t come back to my senses.

   "Lei Tiandu, is he really dead?"

   "This is simply unbelievable... Lu Changsheng, counting the time, he is a new god, how can he kill Lei Tiandu? That is the undisputed number one true biography of Huang Tianzong!"

   "With Lu Changsheng's current strength, he is almost the first true biography of Tianzong in the ancient domain, right?"

   "I haven't even reached the brain region of ninety miles, but I can kill Lei Tiandu who has stepped into the foundation with one foot. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would never believe it."

"Eleven kinds of fusion fields, it's incredible to think about it. Lei Tian died too unjustly, and he has already stepped into the Dao Foundation with one foot, and the Dao Foundation is basically stable. Why did you come to challenge Lu Changsheng? ? Now even my own life is on the line.”

   "Huang Tianzong also suffered heavy losses. Once Lei Tiandu died, Huang Tianzong almost lost a Daoist powerhouse."

   "Lu Changsheng, Tianzong of the Ancient Domain, this name must be remembered. When you meet him in the second layer of the Ancient Domain, you must not provoke him, no matter how far you run."

   "The Daoji candidate list will be rearranged soon. Lu Changsheng's brain area has not reached ninety miles. I wonder if he can be on the Daoji candidate list?"

"This... really has no precedent. Theoretically, Lu Changsheng should not be on the Daoji candidate list, but Lu Changsheng is so good that he even killed Lei Tiandu. What authority does the base candidate list have?"

   "If Lu Changsheng were to be included in the Daoji candidate list, where would he be ranked?"

   "Should it replace Lei Tiandu, or directly hit the top three? Even, number one?"

  For a while, many warriors in Tianlong Mountain were even discussing the ranking of Lu Changsheng Daoji candidate list.

   As for Lei Tiandu?

  No matter how amazing and talented Lei Tian was during his lifetime.

  But now that Lei Tian is dead, everything is over!

   Nobody cares about a dead person.

  In the Tianzong of the ancient domain, in Lu Changsheng's cave.

  Lu Changsheng was checking some things he got from Lei Tiandu.

   Among them, the most interesting one is obviously a special stone.

   "This is... the Magic Heart Stone!"

  Lu Changsheng saw small characters engraved on the stone.

  Lu Changsheng has never heard of the Illusory Heart Stone, but it is not difficult. He went directly to the exchange hall and took out the magic heart stone.

  The elders of the exchange hall immediately brightened their eyes, and talked about the various functions of the magic heart stone.

  After returning to the cave, Lu Changsheng looked at the Magic Heart Stone and was very satisfied.

   This magic heart stone is a rare treasure of spiritual assistance.

  In the ancient domain, any secret treasure about the soul is very precious.

  The bronze bell obtained by Lu Changsheng before is a spiritual treasure, very precious.

   Now I have obtained the Magic Heart Stone.

  Lu Changsheng also learned about the effect of the Magic Heart Stone from the elders of the exchange hall.

   It was actually able to build a complete illusion.

  Thus exercising your mind in the illusion again and again.

   Or make up for the regrets in your mind, and then make your mind complete.

   It is rumored that Lei Tian has a brain of hundreds of miles, but his heart is lacking, and he may not be able to survive the catastrophe of his mind.

   But with this magic heart stone, it is estimated that Lei Tian can make up for the defects in his mind and thus survive the catastrophe of his mind.

   Unfortunately, Lei Tian is already dead.

  Even if one hundred percent of the Dao foundation could be forged, Lu Changsheng cut off the way and disappeared in ashes.

   "Next, go all out to understand the field!"

   "Strive to expand the brain domain to a hundred miles as soon as possible."

   "As for the soul, my previous soul didn't have any flaws, not to mention the addition of a magic heart stone. Everything in the past can be experienced in the environment to make up for regrets."

  Lu Changsheng is now ready for everything and only owes Dongfeng.

  The road to Daoji has basically been presented in front of him, it is extremely clear, and there are no obstacles.

   "Fusion field... This time Lei Tiandu has six fusion fields. One is four-in-one, two are three-in-one, and three are two-in-one. The fusion field alone is comparable to the hundred-layer field."

   "It's no wonder that Lei Tian is swearing and full of self-confidence. Hundred-layer domains, plus some ordinary domains, such strength can really run amok in Shenzang..."

  Lu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

  However, Lu Changsheng is now cheaper.

  Although Lu Changsheng's comprehension has never reached 10,000, he has transformed.

  However, savvy has been increasing.

  Although the increase is slow, the increased perception also has an effect.

   Now Lu Changsheng's comprehension is more than six thousand and close to seven thousand.

  Naturally, the comprehension is different from that of the previous three thousand.

  Lu Changsheng just had a big fight with Lei Tiandu.

  However, he can firmly remember the various fields that Lei Tiandu used.

  At this moment, Lu Changsheng closed his eyes.

  In his mind, a total of six fusion domains that Lei Tiandu once exhibited came to life.

   In his mind, Lu Changsheng was caught in the comprehension again and again.

  Yes, it is to perceive the memory.

  With his savvy, it is also easy to understand.

  Just a few hours.


  A strange artistic conception suddenly appeared on Lu Changsheng.

   "It's done!"

  Lu Changsheng opened his eyes, with a smile on his face.

  The rest is to split and then evolve one by one.

   This has to rely on the role of Wudao Pill.

   And Lu Changsheng now has enough contribution points, and the Enlightenment Pill can be eaten as a meal.

   Time flies, and more than five months have passed.


  Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

   There was a flash of light in his eyes.

  However, there is also a trace of fatigue.

   "It's finally done, the last kind of domain has been nurtured to perfection."

  For more than five months, Lu Changsheng has been trying his best to comprehend the field.

  To this day, Lei Tiandu's one four-in-one domain, two three-in-one domains, and three two-in-one domains have finally been comprehended and even nurtured to perfection.

  A total of six fields, divided into artistic conceptions, can evolve into a total of sixteen fields, which is equivalent to expanding the brain domain of sixteen miles!

  Lu Changsheng immediately called up the attribute panel to check his current situation.

  Host: Lu Changsheng

  Brain domain: seventy-one miles

   Comprehension: 7570 (praise from all directions)

  Heart Sword Mantra: 61% progress (Jade Heart Sword)

  Lu Changsheng's brain domain has expanded to seventy-one miles.

   Moreover, Lu Changsheng applied for three more Boundary Stones, which were integrated into his brain.

  Now, it only takes seven days for Lu Changsheng to warm up a domain to perfection.

  Yes, from ten days to seven days.

  The further back the town boundary stone is, the slower the efficiency of brain warming will actually improve.

   "With seven town boundary stones, the time to warm and nourish the domain is only seven days!"

   "At present, the brain domain is seventy-one miles away, that is to say, there are still twenty-nine kinds of domains, and the brain domain can be expanded to a hundred miles."

   "From this point of view, it only takes a few months for the brain to reach a hundred miles. It's a pity that the comprehension pill has almost no effect..."

  Lu Changsheng originally planned to expand his brain to a hundred miles in one go.

  Unfortunately, the Enlightenment Pill is useless.

  Even if Lu Changsheng went to other true biography to "discuss" and "steal the teacher" to merge the field, it would be useless.

  The Dao Enlightenment Pill has no effect, so it is difficult for Lu Changsheng to fall into the epiphany.

   Without an epiphany, although Lu Changsheng's understanding is terrifying, it is far from being able to evolve an artistic conception into a domain within a day.

  Actually, Lu Changsheng thought about this possibility before.

  He had expected it a long time ago.

  Use more than a hundred pills of enlightenment, and the pill of enlightenment will fail.

   The specific number of more than one hundred, which varies from person to person.

  Some people still have effects after taking two hundred pills of enlightenment.

  Some people may have no effect after more than 90 Dao Enlightenment Pills.

  Lu Changsheng did some calculations. Counting from the time he took the first Enlightenment Pill, the total number of Enlightenment Pills he has taken has exceeded one hundred.

   It didn't lose its effect until now, which is not bad, and it belongs to the normal range.

   "Without Enlightenment Pill, you can't fall into epiphany. If you want to evolve the field again, you can't say no, it just takes a long time..."

  Lu Changsheng felt it was not worth it.

   Going to comprehend the field again, it takes too long.

   It's better to find some strange things that can expand the brain.

   As for strength.

  Actually, Lu Changsheng's current field is enough.

  He now has a five-in-one domain, a four-in-one domain, two three-in-one domains, fourteen two-in-one domains, a total of eighteen fusion domains, and the explosive power exceeds two hundred and fifty layers of domains!

   What kind of terrifying power is this?

  In the Divine Hidden Realm, Lu Changsheng really can't think of anyone else who can match his strength?

  God is invincible!

   This is not a lie!

   "Well, it's time to get out."

   "Staying in the cave, I can't find any news about the brain-expanding wonders."

  Lu Changsheng got up and left the cave.

  He thought for a while, and went directly to the mission hall.

  In the mission hall, many disciples will exchange some news.

  Some of the news, there may be some news about brain-expanding wonders.

  However, when Lu Changsheng arrived at the mission hall, he found that the mission hall was almost crowded with countless disciples, and entered the mission hall.

   "What is it, so lively?"

  Lu Changsheng frowned slightly, feeling a little puzzled.

   The mission hall has always been very popular, and it is usually very lively.

  However, it was the first time that there was a sea of ​​people crowded like today.

  What happened?

  However, Lu Changsheng didn't even need to use the induction field to hear some disciples' comments.

   "The annual Daoji candidate list has been updated today. I wonder how many people are on the list this time?"

   "It's not clear how many people are on the list. However, the few true brothers who were originally on the Daoji candidate list will definitely be on the list. There is no problem with that."

   "The key now is to see if Brother Lu Changsheng will be on the list? If he is on the list, where will he be ranked?"

   "I feel that it shouldn't be on the list. Brother Lu Changsheng is certainly powerful, but his brain area is not ninety miles away. He probably won't let the Daoji candidate list change the rules, and rearrange the Daoji candidate list specifically for Senior Brother Lu."

"Hey, that's not necessarily the case. What is the purpose of the Daoji candidate list? Isn't it just that the major factions want to stimulate the gods and warriors to go forward bravely and forge Daoji? Brother Lu Changsheng is so amazing and brilliant, how many Daoji candidates have he beheaded?" The strong ones on the list. If you are still obsessed with the so-called rules, then the Daoji alternate list will lose its meaning."

   "After all, do you dare to say that Senior Brother Lu is only powerful in combat and can't become Daoist?"

   "Yes, Senior Brother Lu will most likely be on the Daoji candidate list, but I don't know where he can be ranked?"

  As time drew near, more and more disciples were having heated discussions.

  They are all members of the Ancient Heavenly Sect.

  Even if it is Shengang and Shenzang, it is far from the point where the heart is as still as water.

  They are also curious and competitive.

   This Daoji candidate list is an annual event.

   Even, it can be called the biggest event in the entire ancient domain.

   They naturally pay attention.

  Especially this time it is also related to a "legendary" true disciple of the ancient Tianzong, which has attracted countless disciples of the ancient Tianzong.

   "It turns out that the Daoji candidate list was announced today..."

  Lu Changsheng suddenly realized.

   This is really a coincidence.

  He has been practicing in seclusion all the time, and he has never paid attention to the Daoji candidate list at all.

  If he hadn't taken the Enlightenment Pill this time and it didn't work, he would definitely continue to retreat.

  However, Lu Changsheng actually knew about Daoji's candidate list.

  The influence is really huge.

   And also very authoritative.

   Basically rarely go wrong.

  Announcing the candidate list of Daoji once a year will attract the attention of the entire ancient domain.

   One Dao Foundation candidate list and one Foundation Establishment candidate list.

  Basically includes the two major systems of martial arts and immortality.

  Lu Changsheng also became interested.

  He also wanted to see if he would be on the Dougie alternate list.

   After all, according to the rules, Lu Changsheng's brain is not a hundred miles away, so he is not eligible to be included in the Taoist candidate list.

  However, Lu Changsheng beheaded the strong ones on the Daoji candidate list one after another.

  Especially beheading Lei Tiandu, the first true biography of Huang Tianzong, shocked the entire ancient domain.

   You know, Lei Tiandu is not only the number one true biography of Huang Tianzong, but also the ninth place on the candidate list of Daoji!

   It can be said to be famous!

  In the past hundreds of years, almost none of the top ten gods on the Daoji candidate list have fallen.

   Only the attack on Daoji failed, and no one was beheaded.

   Now, Lei Tian was beheaded by Lu Changsheng.

   Still in plain sight.

  This has a great impact on the entire ancient domain.

   Dougie's waiting list is sure to be a headache.

  Time passed bit by bit.

   Finally it was noon, and this was the time for the announcement of the Daoji candidate list.

  The mission hall is the most well-informed.

   There is even a "Scoreboard of Daoji Candidate List" that can be presented in real time.


  In the mission hall, on the huge list of Daoist candidates, all the names were instantly blurred.

   Immediately afterwards, in a burst of dazzling golden light, names began to reappear one by one.

  The golden light is gone, and the annual Daoji candidate list has been announced.

  At a glance, everyone saw the name on the top of Daoji's candidate list and the name with the largest font.

   In the past, this name was basically the same person, and there would be no change.

  However, it has changed now.

   The first place on the Daoji candidate list, Lu Changsheng of the Tianzong of the Ancient Domain!

  (end of this chapter)

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