Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 186: The first realization of the law of flames, the foundation of the Tianzong Dao in the

  Chapter 186 The first realization of the law of fire, the foundation of the Tianzong Dao in the ancient domain shook!

   "Master, can't you imprint the seeds of the eight laws?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.

   "That's not true. Not to mention eight law seeds, even eighty law seeds can be branded."

   "However, the more seeds there are in branding laws, the more difficult it is to comprehend. How much energy and time will it take to comprehend all these laws?"

   "Once you don't realize it, you will never be able to condense supernatural powers, and you will be just Daoist for the rest of your life."

  Wang Feng let out a long sigh.

  Actually, Lu Changsheng should know these common senses of cultivation.

  However, Lu Changsheng still imprinted the eight seeds of law, which has proved Lu Changsheng's attitude and ideas.

  Lu Changsheng has great confidence to understand the eight laws!

   Facing Wang Feng, Lu Changsheng didn't speak any more.

  He has already imprinted eight laws, and it is useless to say anything now.

  It can only be proved by practice.

   "The matter has come to this point, no matter how much you regret it, it will not help."

   "What's more, if you can really comprehend all the eight laws, it is not 100% to condense the supernatural power, but basically it should not be a problem to condense the supernatural power."

   "Lu Changsheng, you must have been trying to comprehend the law during this period of time, right? How is your comprehension going?"

  Wang Feng asked.

  Lu Changsheng pondered for a while, and then said truthfully: "Hall Master, this disciple has no clue about the understanding of the law. It is so difficult to understand the law, is there really no way?"

  Hearing that Lu Changsheng was helpless against the law of perception, Wang Feng laughed.

  It seems that no matter how talented a warrior is, he has no way to comprehend the law.

   "Hahaha, now you know how difficult it is to comprehend the law, and you still imprint eight seeds of the law?"

  Paused, Wang Feng continued: "If you want to comprehend the law, it is useless to retreat and practice hard. Basically, Daoist fighters have to go to the third layer of the ancient domain to fight against monsters, so as to have the opportunity to comprehend the law."

  Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up: "You can comprehend the law by fighting monsters? Why is that?"

  After Lu Changsheng came to the ancient domain, he had seen many monsters.

  But can demons help comprehend the law?

   Lu Changsheng really didn't know about this.

   "Among the monsters, some monsters will awaken some natural abilities. Once the monsters with natural abilities are awakened, we call them sky demons."

   "The sky demon has nothing to do with strength, identity, or status. It is just a group of monsters who have awakened their natural abilities. Under normal circumstances, the strength of the sky demon is much stronger than that of the same level because of the awakened natural ability."

   "We call monsters comparable to Shenzang first-order monsters. By analogy, those comparable to Daoji are second-order monsters."

"First-order demons live in the second-tier area of ​​the ancient domain. Second-tier demons live in the third-tier area of ​​the ancient domain. However, sky demons are very special. , all live in the third layer area, or even the fourth layer area.”

   "Warrior obtains the blood of the sky demon by beheading the sky demon. Then, if he realizes the innate ability in the blood of the sky demon, and the law seed corresponding to his comprehension, it is possible to comprehend the law!"

"Thus, anyone who forges the Dao foundation will go to the third layer of the ancient domain. It doesn't matter whether it is hunting monsters or for the blood of the sky demon, anyway, basically the Dao foundation goes to the third layer area. Not only Dao foundation, but also The same is true of Daoist Monarch Establishing the Foundation, they also have a great demand for the blood essence, flesh body, etc. of demons."

   "Basically, the third-layer area of ​​the ancient domain has become a battlefield between monsters, dao-ji, and foundation-building powerhouses. If the dao-ji powerhouses want to understand the law, they basically have to go to the third-layer area of ​​the ancient domain."

  Lu Changsheng understood.

  It turns out that there is really a "shortcut" to the law of perception.

  Actually, the "shortcut" refers to the demon blood!

   "The blood of the heavenly goblin is certainly precious, but the monsters shouldn't be weak, right? To be able to compete with the great sects of martial arts and immortal sects in the ancient domain, the strength of the monsters is definitely not weak. The third layer of the ancient domain is probably very dangerous, right?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.

   "Yes, the third layer of the ancient domain is very dangerous."

   "The Daoist and Foundation-Building Daojun need monsters. Similarly, monsters also need Daoist and Foundation-builders. The flesh and blood of our strong human beings is the best treasure for advanced bloodlines for monsters."

   "Swallow a few Dao foundations and build foundations, maybe the monster will advance, or the bloodline will be further improved."

   "Therefore, demons and human Dao-based powerhouses and Dao-established Daojun have been fighting all year round in the third layer of the ancient domain. But they are basically equal, and neither can defeat the other."

  Lu Changsheng understood.

  Wang Feng said so much to him today.

  The purpose is self-evident.

   "Master, do you want me to go to the third layer of the ancient domain?"

  Lu Changsheng asked directly.

   "Yes, I know that with your innate understanding, it is basically impossible for you to stay in the ancient Tianzong Mountain Gate forever."

   "You must have greater pursuits, and you can't be satisfied with Dao Ji. If you want to understand the law, you can only go to the third floor of the ancient domain."

   "If you go to the third floor of the ancient domain, there is one thing I need to ask you."

  Wang Feng had a solemn expression and did not hide his purpose at all.

"What's up?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.

   "I need a drop of the blood essence of the Black Nether Sky Demon!"

   "In exchange, I can give you a drop of sky goblin blood right now, so that you can experience the magic of sky goblin blood in advance."

"how do you feel?"

  Wang Feng's words moved Lu Changsheng's heart very much.

   Obtain a drop of sky goblin blood in advance!

  For Lu Changsheng, this is indeed a good thing.

  Lu Changsheng did not hesitate for long, he nodded in agreement.

   "Hallmaster, what blood do you have?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.

   Not all goblin blood will do.

   It must correspond to its own law seed.

   Otherwise, it doesn't work.

"Hey, this seat has also been to the third floor of the ancient domain, fought with monsters, and obtained some blood of the sky demon. It's just that the blood of the black sky demon is too small, so it is difficult to exchange, so I ask you to go to the ancient Give it a try on the third floor of the domain, maybe you will be lucky enough to meet the Heiming Sky Demon."

   "Let's choose, these days goblin blood corresponds to different laws."

   After finishing speaking, Wang Feng directly took out porcelain bottles one by one.

   There are more than a dozen bottles.

  Each porcelain bottle is filled with different sky goblin blood.

  This is equivalent to more than a dozen kinds of sky goblin blood.

  Lu Changsheng glanced at Wang Feng meaningfully, no wonder he can be the head of the Tianzong Hall in the ancient domain, the head of the Zhenchuan Hall.

  Just by looking at the dozen or so kinds of blood of the sky demon, one can tell that Wang Feng must have been a ruthless person when he was on the third floor of the ancient domain, otherwise it would be impossible to obtain so much blood of the sky demon.

  However, it was cheaper for Lu Changsheng.

  He opened the porcelain bottles one by one to check the sky goblin blood in the porcelain bottle.

   Sky Goblin blood has various "attributes".

  Lu Changsheng checked several kinds one after another, but none of them conformed to his eight principles.

   "Huh? Is this the fire attribute sky goblin blood?"

  Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

  He finally saw a drop of fire-attribute sky goblin blood in the porcelain bottle.

   "Hallmaster, this disciple wants this drop of fire-attribute sky demon blood."

  Wang Feng nodded and said: "Okay, basically the fire attribute is the very common blood of sky demons. Many sky demons are fire attributes."

   "If you want to comprehend the law of fire, a drop of fire-attribute sky goblin blood is all you need."

"However, if you want to fully comprehend, you can actually mix various types of fire-attribute sky demon blood. Although they are all similar, there are some differences after all. It is these subtle differences that may allow you to have a deeper understanding of the law of fire, and thus Thoroughly comprehend the law of fire."

  Wang Feng exhorted.

  Actually, these are some tricks of the law of perception.

  Back then, Wang Feng was on the third floor of the Ancient Domain, and he knew all kinds of tricks.

   Now, he is temporarily unable to go to the third floor of the ancient domain to fight with monsters. Teaching these little skills to Lu Changsheng can also help Lu Changsheng.

   "Thank you, Palace Master, for your guidance."

   "Okay, take this drop of sky goblin blood and go."

   “Remember, you have a month to prepare.”

   "One month later, go to the third floor of the ancient domain."

  Lu Changsheng nodded, then got up and said, "Yes, Palace Master."

   Afterwards, Wang Feng left the cave.

  There was only Lu Changsheng left in the cave.

   "Sky goblin blood..."

  Lu Changsheng looked at the drop of sky demon blood in front of him.

  Afterwards, he began to study in detail.


  With this comprehension, Lu Changsheng seemed to "see" the flames that filled the sky.

  Fire exists between heaven and earth.

   Led by a terrifying monster, he opened his mouth and sprayed, the flames raged and burned the void.

   Even the void is twisting.

  The power of this flame is simply earth-shattering, and indeed contains a hint of law.

  From this drop of blood, Lu Changsheng understood what the law is.

  One day, three days, five days, ten days...

   In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.


  Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

   "Sky goblin blood, it's amazing..."

  There was a gleam of brilliance in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

  For a whole month, he spent a whole month comprehending the blood of the heavenly demon in the cave.

   It does work.

   Even works pretty well.

  Before, Lu Changsheng was at a loss about the law, and he had no direction at all.

  However, just this drop of sky demon blood gave Lu Changsheng a glimpse of the law of fire.

  Lu Changsheng immediately called up the attribute panel.

  Host: Lu Changsheng

   Comprehension: 8350 (praise from all directions)

  Fire Law Seed: 5% (progress)

  Heart Sword Mantra: 1% Progress (Golden Heart Sword)

  Lu Changsheng saw that on the attribute panel, the progress of his Law of Fire Seed had increased to 5%.

   That's not a small improvement.

  It has been improved to this level in a month, and the progress can be said to be quite large, and it can even be called lightning speed.

  However, basically one month is the limit.

  A drop of sky goblin blood, or this drop of sky goblin blood, can only bring 5% of the progress of Lu Changsheng's flame law seed.

  Theoretically speaking, if Lu Changsheng wants to achieve 100% progress and realize the law of fire, he needs at least twenty drops of similar blood of the sky goblin.

  Twenty drops is actually not outrageous.

   Even fairly normal.

   However, the sky demon is also different from the sky demon.

   There is a huge difference between essence blood and essence blood.

  Perhaps this drop of sky goblin blood can increase the progress of Lu Changsheng's flame law seed by 5%.

  And another drop of the blood of the sky goblin might increase the progress of Lu Changsheng's flame law seed by 10%.

  Each drop of Heavenly Fairy blood improves the progress of the law of fire is not the same.

  However, this finally gave Lu Changsheng the hope of comprehending the law.

   "Sure enough, the law of perception is useless just to practice hard in the cave."

   "Although my comprehension is very high, it is not to the point where I can comprehend the law out of thin air. I still have to rely on foreign objects, relying on the blood of the sky demon."

   "It seems that the third floor of the ancient domain must go..."

  Lu Changsheng raised his head and looked outside the cave.

   Afterwards, after a little preparation, he left the cave directly and came to the Hall of True Tradition.

   Logically speaking, Lu Changsheng is no longer a true disciple.

  However, he has only been promoted to Daoji for a month, so he is not in a hurry.

   Arrange his accommodation when he comes back later.

  Lu Changsheng had just stepped into the Zhenchuan Hall when he heard the voice of the Hall Master Wang Feng in his ears.

   "Are you here? Come to the inner hall."

  Lu Changsheng came to the inner hall and met Wang Feng.

  However, at this moment, in front of Wang Feng, there is actually an acquaintance, Zhong Yu, the master of the Hall of Law Enforcement.

   "I've seen Palace Master Zhong and Palace Master Wang."

  Lu Changsheng saluted respectfully.

   "No need to be polite."

   "Lu Changsheng, you have also forged Daoji now. You are no longer a true disciple, and belong to the same level as us. When you reach Daoji, you can pursue martial arts together, and you can be equal."

   Zhong Yu said with a smile.

  Lu Changsheng hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "I've seen Senior Brother Zhong and Senior Brother Wang."

  Both Zhong Yu and Wang Feng nodded, with smiles on their faces.

   "One month, Junior Brother Lu, it seems that you have gained a lot."

   "Now you should know the benefits of the blood of the sky goblin, right?"

  Wang Feng said with a smile.

  He knew very well that as long as he had experienced the benefits of the blood of the sky goblin, no Daoist strong man could resist the temptation.

  If you don’t comprehend the blood of the sky demon, where can you go to comprehend the law?

   I'm afraid I won't be able to comprehend the law for the rest of my life.

  Of course, the blood of the sky goblin is not the only way to comprehend the law.

  Some treasures of heaven and earth, and even some special wonders, can help warriors understand the law.

  Just, how many such natural treasures or wonders can there be?

   It's all about meeting but not seeking.

   Only the blood of the sky goblin, you can still get it if you work hard.

   After all, there are too many monsters. No matter how rare and precious the sky demon is, the overall number is definitely not small.

   Fight hard, there is still hope to get the blood of the sky demon.

   "Senior Brother Wang, the situation on the third floor of the ancient domain..."

  Wang Feng naturally understood the meaning of Lu Changsheng's words.

  He said directly: "The situation on the third layer of the ancient domain is very complicated, basically it is a melee situation. Generally speaking, human warriors and foundation building belong to the same camp, and they are constantly fighting with demons."

   "But in fact, in order to fight for the sky demon, there are many cases where warriors fight among themselves. Demons also fight among themselves."

   "So, going to the third floor of the ancient domain is basically based on the sect. The Taoist fighters in the sect are relatively trustworthy."

  Lu Changsheng understood.

   This point is actually similar to the first and second floors of the ancient domain.

  The only difference may be that the fighting is more intense and more frequent.

   Of course, it is also more dangerous.

   "Here is a map. You go to the third floor of the ancient domain, and go directly to the area in the map. That is the station of our ancient Tianzong Daoji powerhouse in the third layer of the ancient domain."

   "At that time, you will carefully understand the situation on the third floor of the ancient domain. After all, Master Zhong and I have left the third floor of the ancient domain for a long time. We don't know what the situation is like there now."

   "Going to the third floor of the ancient domain, everything is up to you! You haven't even comprehended a law now, go to the third floor of the ancient domain and keep a low profile for the time being, find out the situation, make a decision and then act!"

   Wang Feng exhorted carefully.

  Zhong Yu also talked about some of his experience in the third layer of the ancient domain.

  Both of them are very optimistic about Lu Changsheng, but the third layer of the ancient domain is different.

  No matter what kind of identity, status or reputation Lu Changsheng once had, it will be completely different if he goes to the third floor of the ancient domain.

   Those identities, positions, and reputations actually don't have much effect.

   After all, who can become a Daoist foundation or a strong foundation establishment, which one is not amazingly talented, who was once famous in the second layer of the ancient domain?

  But going to the third floor is just one of the foundations or foundations.

  The life span of Daojun who establishes the foundation is five hundred, and the life span of the strong Daoji is three hundred.

   There are many strong people who have practiced for a hundred years or even more than two hundred years.

  The longer the time, the more various means have been accumulated.

  Even, to some extent, the law of perception requires a little bit of time to accumulate.

  With time to accumulate, you will be stronger.

  It is completely different from the first and second layers.

  The third floor is full of two or three hundred year old monsters.

   Not to mention there are powerful monsters.

"I see."

  Lu Changsheng saluted the two of them.

  Although Lu Changsheng has all kinds of prestige, he naturally knows what to do when he reaches the third floor of the ancient domain.

  Everything in the past is not enough to be proud of.

   Only strong strength is the only one!

  Lu Changsheng returned to the cave.

   He also has nothing to clean up.


  Lu Changsheng knew that the third layer of the ancient domain was not easy.

   It is estimated that it will be very difficult to come back in the future.

  Before he leaves, he has to explain something.

  Especially the promises made once, must be fulfilled.

  Lu Changsheng has not forgotten the promise he once made to Sun Ming, the elder of the Hall of Law Enforcement.

  At the beginning, Lu Changsheng promised to try his best to find something to prolong Sun Ming's life within three years.

  Although it hasn't been three years yet, Sun Ming should know that he has been promoted to Dao Ji, but he still hasn't come to him. He is waiting for three years.

   But Lu Changsheng won't really wait until three years.

   "The thing that prolongs life can be found in the exchange hall."

  Lu Changsheng went directly to the exchange hall.

  He exchanged for a Ugo.

   Ugo can prolong life, and one Ugo can increase life by about 50 years.

  This is about the same.

  Sun Ming is a **** hidden warrior, and he can live another fifty years, which is already very good for him.

  The exchange price of this black fruit is also extremely expensive.

  However, Lu Changsheng has no shortage of contribution points now.

   As for those five-element spirit beasts, they haven't been used to redeem all contribution points yet.

  Once converted into contribution points, the number will be terrifying.

  However, Lu Changsheng must comprehend the law.

   Among them is the five-element rule.

  Maybe one day, these five-element spirit beasts will be useful again, so stay here first to be prepared.

  Then, Lu Changsheng went directly to the Hall of Law Enforcement.

   "I've seen Lu Zhenchuan."

  The elders of the Hall of Law Enforcement saluted Lu Changsheng respectfully.

  Are you kidding me, now Lu Changsheng is a Daoist powerhouse!

  Of course, now Lu Changsheng is not a true disciple either.

   However, he was not assigned any status, so the elders of the Hall of Law Enforcement naturally called Lu Changsheng his true biography.

  Lu Changsheng didn't explain, and asked directly: "I'm looking for Elder Sun Ming."

   "Elder Sun Ming? Please wait a moment, Lu Zhenchuan."

   Soon, Sun Ming came.

  Sun Ming still looked old-fashioned, his body was lifeless, and he seemed to be one step closer to the end than before.

  However, when Sun Ming saw Lu Changsheng, his expression was very excited.

   Obviously, he has been waiting for this day for a long time.

  Ever since Lu Changsheng became a **** and soared into the sky, Sun Ming has been waiting.

  Later, Lu Changsheng actually became a strong Daoist.

   Sun Ming never expected this.

   "I've seen Lu Zhenchuan!"

  Elder Sun Ming suppressed the excitement in his heart and saluted respectfully.

   "Elder Sun, you're welcome. This time Lu came here to fulfill the promise he made to Elder Sun."

   "This black fruit should prolong life by fifty years."

  Lu Changsheng directly took out the Wuguo.

   "It's really Ugo..."

  Sun Ming trembled with excitement.

  This is Ugo.

  The Ugo he dreamed of could add fifty years to his lifespan.

  Fifty years is equivalent to the lifetime of an ordinary mortal.

  Sun Ming took Wu Guo from Lu Changsheng's hand, and said in a trembling voice: "Thank you Lu Zhenchuan, I really didn't expect you to be able to forge a foundation in such a short period of time, it is really unimaginable..."

  Lu Changsheng smiled.

  He has heard similar words countless times.

   "Okay, the promise has been fulfilled, Elder Sun take care!"

   After speaking, Lu Changsheng left.

  Lu Changsheng did not return to the cave, but left the ancient Tianzong directly.


  Lu Changsheng thought about it.

   Walking directly in the air, the figure walks towards the void step by step i.

   Some disciples naturally saw Lu Changsheng.

   "Look, it's Brother Lu."

   "Brother Lu is walking through the air, this is leaving the ancient Tianzong, where are you going?"

   "It should be the third layer of the ancient domain. Basically, the true disciples who are promoted to Daoji will go to the third layer of the ancient domain, and rarely come back."

   "Yeah, after casting the Dao foundation, with a lifespan of three hundred, you can already pursue martial arts, and you are no longer a warrior at the same level as us..."

  Many disciples are very envious.

   Once the Dao foundation has been forged, it is time to pursue martial arts.

  It is completely different from Shenzang and Shengang.

  The ancient domain is vast.

  Even if Lu Changsheng could fly, it would take a long time to pass through the first and second layers of the ancient domain and reach the third layer.

   It took a whole month for Lu Changsheng to reach the third layer of the ancient domain.

   It takes a month to travel alone, which shows the vastness of the ancient domain.

  The third layer area is actually the core area of ​​the ancient domain.

   Along the way, Lu Changsheng occasionally encountered monsters. Although he has no rules, his brain can turn virtual into real.

   It only needs to change from virtual to real, and you can kill demons in an instant.

   What's more, Lu Changsheng also has a golden heart sword.

  The golden heart sword corresponds to the spiritual mysteries at the level of Daoji.

  Below Daoji, few people or monsters can resist.

   On the third floor of the ancient domain, basically no gods and immortal masters dare to approach.

  It's too dangerous here.

  As soon as Lu Changsheng entered the third floor of the ancient domain, he obviously felt different.

   "The smell of blood..."

   There seemed to be a faint smell of blood in the air.


   Soon, the entire mountain forest shook.

  Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked not far away.

   There are terrifying combat fluctuations there.

   There is also the roar of the demon, and the breath of the brain that Lu Changsheng is very familiar with.

   "It's Dao-based powerhouses and monsters!"

  Lu Changsheng thought about it.


   Almost without any hesitation, he withdrew immediately.

   Even circled the source of the battle, and forcibly circled a large circle before leaving.

  He didn't want to watch the excitement.

  When you come to the third layer of the ancient domain, you have to be careful.

  After all, Lu Changsheng has not realized any law yet.

  In the third layer of the ancient domain, it is actually considered a "weak" existence.

  Lu Changsheng was very cautious.

  His field of perception can still be used.

   Therefore, the field of perception can perceive the surrounding situation, and if there is any trouble, Lu Changsheng will leave immediately without hesitation.

   Just like that, Lu Changsheng even spent a few more days because of his caution, before he arrived at the residence of Tianzong in the ancient domain.

   "It's safe."

  Lu Changsheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

  The third layer of the ancient domain is indeed dangerous.

  From the time he stepped into the third layer of the ancient domain, he encountered no less than twenty battles, big or small, along the way.

   And this is only a few days.

  If it takes longer, how many battles will there be?

   If you don't pay attention, you may really die in the third layer of the ancient domain!

  Lu Changsheng is very confident, but not blindly arrogant.

  At this time, even if his strength is not at the bottom of the third floor area, he is definitely not strong, so he must keep a low profile.


  Lu Changsheng wanted to enter the garrison, but was stopped by someone.

   "I am Lu Changsheng, a true disciple of the Tianzong of the Ancient Domain who just forged the Dao Foundation."

  Lu Changsheng directly took out his identity token to show his identity.

   "Lu Changsheng?"

   "The name seems familiar."

"Wait, I just heard of this name a few days ago. Could it be that on the top of Yanshan Mountain, Yu Feixiao, who was number one on the foundation-building candidate list of Immortal Dao, killed Yu Feixiao with one move and became the number one on both lists?" Lu Changsheng?"

   "That's right, number one in the two rankings, overwhelming the generation of martial arts and immortals! It really gives us warriors great ambition!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Lu Changsheng to come so soon. Come in quickly, your reputation is not small in the third floor area. But you have to be careful, those foundation-building Taoist monarchs in the immortal way will treat you one by one But I don’t have a good impression. On the third floor of the ancient domain, anything can happen, and it’s quite common for people to play tricks on each other.”

  Suddenly, all Daoist powerhouses looked at Lu Changsheng.

   looked very curious.

  Lu Changsheng was a little surprised.

  Has his reputation spread to the third layer of the ancient domain?

   Moreover, judging from this posture, his reputation seems to be really not small!

   Too much fame has both advantages and disadvantages.

  The advantage, of course, is that you don't have to be too unknown and work hard alone. I believe that there will be many "kind" Daoist strongmen in the resident to help him, so that he can adapt to the third layer of the ancient domain as soon as possible.

   As for the disadvantage, it is natural that he may be targeted by Immortal Dao on the third floor of the ancient domain.

  The Daoist Lord Establishing the Foundation in Immortal Dao is probably very dissatisfied with Lu Changsheng.

  When did martial arts overwhelm immortals?

  Although it is only Shenzang and Immortal Master, it does not represent Martial Dao and Immortal Dao.

  However, it has always been the immortal master who suppressed the gods.

   As a result, a freak like Lu Changsheng appeared, breaking the immortal master's suppression of Shenzang.

   It even caused an uproar in the first and second layers of the ancient domain.

   It is no wonder that Daoist Lord Zhuji is happy with Lu Changsheng.

   I guess I have encountered it, as long as there is a chance, I will definitely do it.

   This is indeed a problem.

   However, these are not urgent.

  Lu Changsheng had to settle down first and understand the situation on the third floor of the ancient domain.

  However, Lu Changsheng settled down in the Tianzong's residence in the ancient domain.

   But he still underestimated his influence.

  After learning that Lu Changsheng had arrived, the entire Tianzong resident in the ancient domain was shaken.

   "Let's go, I'm going to see for myself this top genius of the immortal and martial arts generation!"

   "Even if you are a strong Daoist who can compete with the Daoist Lord Establishing the Foundation, there is no peerless figure who can overwhelm the generation of Immortal Dao. I didn't expect to appear in our ancient Tianzong? It's incredible!"

   "Wouldn't you know it if you went to see it in person?"

   Many Daoist strongmen from the Tianzong of the ancient domain came in an endless stream to inquire about Lu Changsheng's residence.

  For example, now, Lu Changsheng has a headache.

   In front of him was a Daoist strong man who was also a true disciple of the Tianzong of the Ancient Domain, Gu Nian!

  Gu Nian has been in the third floor area for a long time.

  But I haven't been able to comprehend any law.

  Actually, there are not a few such foundations.

  Compared with Lu Changsheng's imagination, almost everyone in the Dao Foundation of the third layer of the ancient domain has realized at least one law that is completely different.

  Here, many Daoists failed to comprehend any law.

   "Gu Nian, do you really want to compete with me?"

   "Even, is it still a discussion of spiritual mysteries?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.

"That's right, I know you have a terrifying spiritual mystic technique. If you can annihilate Yu Feixiao's spirit with one move, you must have reached the basic level! And I need to comprehend the spiritual law. It has been decades, but I haven't been able to comprehend the spiritual law. .”

   "Perhaps, colliding with your spiritual mysteries can give me some insight."

   "In return, I have a drop of fire attribute sky goblin blood, you should need it to comprehend the law of fire?"

   "How about it? Just once, just once, this drop of fire attribute sky goblin blood is yours."

  Gu Nian said full of "temptation".


  Lu Changsheng agreed immediately without any hesitation.

  Fire attribute sky goblin blood, Lu Changsheng really needs it.

   "So, do you want to compete now?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.

   "Yes, let's discuss now."

   "Let's go to the stage."

   "There is security there, even if there is an accident, there will be no casualties."

   Gu Nian got up.

  Lu Changsheng nodded, so he went to Yanwutai with Gu Nian.

  As soon as they arrived at Yanwutai, many Taoist experts recognized Lu Changsheng and Gu Nian.

   "Is that Gu Nian? Lu Changsheng is beside him?"

   "Yes, it is indeed Lu Changsheng. I knew that once Lu Changsheng came to the third layer of the ancient domain, Gu Nian would definitely go to Lu Changsheng to discuss it as soon as possible. After all, Lu Changsheng's spiritual magic is quite powerful."

   "Look, Gu Nian and Lu Changsheng are on the martial arts stage. This is really a duel!"

"Although Gu Nian failed to comprehend the spiritual laws, his spiritual mysteries are extremely terrifying. Lu Changsheng probably will lose. That's right, let Lu Changsheng see the power of the Daoist powerhouses in our third-level area. A generation of top geniuses really thinks that the Dao Foundation of the third layer of the ancient domain is very weak."

   "Gu Nian and Lu Changsheng fought, in fact, they were a bit of a bully. Gu Nian has been the Daoist foundation for decades..."

   Following Gu Nian and Lu Changsheng, they stood on the martial arts stage.

  Suddenly, the eyes of many Daoist powerhouses fell on the two people on Yanwutai.

  (end of this chapter)

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