Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 193: Wang Yun offered a reward for five drops of the blood of the heavenly goblin! Lu Chang

  Chapter 193 Wang Yun Offers a Reward for Five Drops of Celestial Fairy Blood! Lu Changsheng defeated the top Daoist, shocking!

  One month, two months, three months...

   Time flies, and three months have passed.

  In the cave, Lu Changsheng sat cross-legged on the ground.

   "Fenghuo Purgatory is complete, increasing comprehension by 2000 points."

  A line of small characters appeared before Lu Changsheng's eyes.


  Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

   "Finally consummation, three months..."

  Lu Changsheng was a little emotional.

   Now he is practicing, and it has been a few months at every turn.

  When I arrived at Daoji, time really flies.

   Moreover, it is not a big deal for Lu Chang to be inactive for a few months, and it is not uncommon for those Daoist powerhouses to be inactive for a few years.

   After all, a lifespan of three hundred years is actually quite long.

  Lu Changsheng practiced Fenghuo Purgatory to perfection in three months. From this point, it can be seen that Fenghuo Purgatory is far more powerful than some other divine arts.

  For example, the divine art of burning air, one day to get started, one month to complete.

  Spiritual grinding disc, three days to get started, two months to complete.

   As for Fenghuo Purgatory, it takes ten days to get started, and it takes three months to complete.

  Under normal circumstances, with Lu Changsheng's current comprehension, the longer he practiced a kind of magic, the more difficult and complicated that kind of magic was.

  The more difficult and complex the magic technique, the more powerful it is.

  Lu Changsheng immediately called up the attribute panel to check his situation.

  Host: Lu Changsheng

   Comprehension: 23008 (dragon and phoenix among people)

  Spiritual law: 21% (progress)

  Law of Fire: 19% (progress)

  Law of Wind: 9% (progress)

  Fenghuo Purgatory: Consummation

  Lu Changsheng's comprehension has already exceeded 20,000 points.

  The spirit law, fire law, etc. have all been improved to a certain extent.

   "Three Laws, Composite Magic of Consummation Realm."

   "I am now, not to mention standing on the top of the third layer of the ancient domain, but I should be one of the top foundations."

  Lu Changsheng felt very calm.

  Top road base!

   This is the level that many warriors dream of all their lives.

  However, for Lu Changsheng, it only takes a few months.

  However, even among the top Dao bases, the perception is equally huge.

  The fighters of the Nine Laws are the top Dao bases, and the warriors of the two laws are also the top Dao bases.

   When it comes to Daoji, the division is not so careful.

   Not necessary at all.

   It is not easy for a warrior who can comprehend more than two laws.

  At least, there is hope to condense supernatural powers!

  Theoretically, even the Dao foundation of a law has the hope of condensing supernatural powers.

   "I currently have mastered three laws, but my law seeds are eight. Even if I have already comprehended the three laws, I still cannot try to gather supernatural powers."

   "What's more, each of my laws is still a long way from consummation."

   "Now, it's time to find other sky demons that correspond to my law seeds."

  Lu Changsheng got up and left the cave.

  He went directly to the trading hall.

  In the trading hall, not only can many precious things be traded, but also a lot of information can be obtained.

  As soon as he came to the trading hall, Lu Changsheng discovered that there were many people in the trading hall.

  Although there are many people in the trading hall every time, it has never been as large as it is today.

"What happened?"

  Lu Changsheng vaguely sensed that something should have happened.

   Otherwise, the trading hall would not be so lively.

  So, Lu Changsheng listened attentively.

  He didn't even need to ask Zhao Yuanshan.

  In the trading hall, almost everyone was discussing this matter.

  Recently, a major event indeed happened in Tianzong of the ancient domain.

  There is a pair of Taoist companions in the Tianzong of the ancient domain, both of whom are strong Taoists, and both men and women have mastered two laws.

   It can be called the top road base.

  The man's name is Lu Zhenkong, and the woman's name is Wang Yun.

  The two of them were originally Taoist couples, and both were top Taoist monarchs who had mastered the two laws. Everyone envied them.

  However, Lu Zhenkong died.

  Because of competing for a treasure, he was bombarded and killed by Daojun Shanhaidaojun, the magic weapon, Tianshan Seal.

  Wang Yun escaped by chance and returned to the ancient Tianzong.

  But Wang Yun hated Taoist Mountain and Sea very much.

  He did not hesitate to lose his family and property, and exhausted all means to get five different drops of sky demon blood.

   Then, use these five drops of the blood of the sky demon to invite the strong.

   Vow to kill the Taoist Lord of Mountains and Seas.

   As a result, the entire ancient Tianzong was a sensation.

   Many top Taoist monarchs are greedy for five drops of heavenly demon blood.

  However, some people are very afraid of Daojun Shanhai.

  Even Wang Yun and Lu Zhenkong joined hands with the two top Taoist monarchs, one was killed and the other was seriously injured by Shanhai Taoist.

  Many people know how powerful this Daoist of Mountains and Seas is.

   Such a powerful Taoist monarch, how can ordinary Daoist strongmen be able to kill him?

  But there are still Daoist powerhouses who decide to take the risk for five drops of Heavenly Fairy Blood and try it.

   "It's been half a month, doesn't it mean that Wang Yun still doesn't have a satisfied Daoist strongman?"

   "Yeah, in half a month, the top Dao Ji who should have received the news have basically received the news. Could it be that there is no Dao Ji in my Ancient Domain Tianzong who can catch Wang Yun's eyes?"

   "Or, the real top Daoist is actually very afraid of Daoist Shanhai. He feels that even if he takes action, he may not be able to defeat or kill Daoist Shanhai, so he dare not make a move. On the contrary, ordinary Daoist is willing to take risks."

"Shanhai Daojun is indeed extraordinary. I have only heard of his reputation before. But martial arts and immortality are actually two paths. I just know that Shanhaidao is very strong, but I don't know how strong it is. But now it is clear, Shanhai Daojun is a powerful Daojun that even Wang Yun and Lu Zhenkong can't deal with."

   "Five drops of heavenly demon blood, Wang Yun really spared no expense. She spent hundreds of years of accumulation, and even owed a lot of favors. This is to avenge Lu Zhenkong..."

  Many Daoist fighters are greedy for those five drops of blood.

   These are five drops of demon blood.

   If you get it, it is very likely to soar into the sky!

  However, five drops of heavenly goblin blood may not be so attractive to the top Taoist powerhouses.

  However, for Lu Changsheng, it was really a shock.

  Five drops of sky goblin blood, plus a drop of wind wing sky goblin blood on his body, that is six drops of sky goblin blood.

  With his comprehension, six drops of the blood of the Heavenly Fairy can almost comprehend the three laws.

   These are the three rules!

   Now Lu Changsheng has mastered the three laws.

  Once he masters three more laws, for Lu Changsheng, it will be six laws, and he will not be far away from eight laws.

  If it is Lu Changsheng who kills the sky demon by himself.

  If you are lucky, you can get five drops of Celestial Fairy blood in a year.

  If you are unlucky, it may take several years, or even ten years to obtain five drops of Celestial Fairy blood.

   "Five drops of heavenly goblin blood can save me years or even ten years of hard work..."

  Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

   He must fight for these five drops of blood from the Heavenly Fairy!

   As for beheading Lord Shanhai?

  Lu Changsheng is really fearless!

  Relying on his current three laws, plus three top-level divine arts of the Perfection Realm, and even a compound divine spell of the Perfection Realm.

  Looking at the entire third layer of the ancient domain, there may be some people who are stronger than Lu Changsheng.

   But Lu Changsheng is sure that there are not many such people.

   These five drops of blood of the sky goblin must be fought hard.

  Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng went directly to find Zhao Yuanshan.

  He knew very well that Zhao Yuanshan must know more about the details.

  Zhao Yuanshan is still in the trading hall.

  After seeing Lu Changsheng, Zhao Yuanshan said with a smile: "Lu Changsheng, you are finally out."

   "I guess, you came to me this time because you want to inquire about the five drops of the blood of the sky demon in Wang Yun's hand?"

  Lu Changsheng nodded and said, "That's right, I want to know about Wang Yun and the five drops of Heavenly Fairy Blood. Especially in Wang Yun's hand, do you really have five drops of Heavenly Fairy Blood?"

   Lu Changsheng's question is the key.

   A warrior who loses his Taoist companion will also go crazy.

  Who knew that Wang Yun really had five drops of demon blood in his hand from time to time?

   At that time, if they kill the Daoist Yunhai and avenge Wang Yun, but Wang Yun can't produce five drops of the blood of the demon spirit, that would be a big joke.

  Therefore, Lu Changsheng first had to confirm whether the news about the five drops of heavenly goblin blood was really accurate.

Zhao Yuanshan nodded and said: "You can rest assured that Wang Yun does have five drops of the blood of the sky goblin. She even bought two drops of the blood of the sky goblin. Blood."

   "Otherwise, it would not be enough to attract those top Taoist powerhouses who are capable of beheading the Taoist Lord of Mountains and Seas."

   "Why, are you interested in Wang Yun's five drops of demon blood?"

  Of course Zhao Yuanshan knew some "details" about Lu Changsheng.

   It's just that although Lu Changsheng is strong, Zhao Yuanshan still doesn't believe it if he says he can kill the Taoist Lord of Mountains and Seas.

   Therefore, he reminded: "Brother Lu, you and I have dealt with each other a few times. I have to remind you of something."

   "Shanhai Daojun is not weak. He was able to defeat Wang Yun and Lu Zhenkong together, and even beheaded Lu Zhenkong. How can his strength be mediocre?"

"As far as I know, the magic weapon of Taoist Mountain and Sea is the seal of Tianshan. It is rumored that it is refined from a sacred mountain. provoke."

"Even if Wang Yun can find some powerful Daoist fighters, I don't think he can kill Daoist Shanhai. Even, he may fail, and if he fails, he is destined to be smashed into meatloaf by the magic weapon of Daoist Shanhai .”

   "So, brother Lu, although the blood of the sky demon is tempting, you still have to be cautious and think twice before acting!"

   This is Zhao Yuanshan's kind reminder.

  Lu Changsheng naturally understood what Zhao Yuanshan meant.

  The blood of the sky goblin is exciting, but it also needs to have that strength.

   "Where is Wang Yun?"

  Lu Changsheng asked directly.

  Hearing Lu Changsheng's words, Zhao Yuanshan knew it and couldn't persuade him.

  Lu Changsheng still wants to give it a try.

   "Forget it, five drops of the blood of the sky demon is indeed enough to make people desperate."

   "I'll take you there personally, otherwise, you'll be too low-key, and Wang Yun might not even see you."

   Zhao Yuanshan is actually very optimistic about Lu Changsheng.

  Even now, they are willing to help a group of Lu Changsheng.

   Anyway, it was just to meet Wang Yun, and nothing was lost.

   "Then thank you Brother Zhao."

  Lu Changsheng also expressed his gratitude.

   Sometimes, reputation is actually quite important.

   Things like this, with Lu Changsheng's reputation now, Wang Yun is actually not seen.

  But with Zhao Yuanshan’s introduction, it’s different.

  Although Zhao Yuanshan's strength is not strong, his weight is very heavy among many Daoist warriors.

"a piece of cake."

  Yes, Zhao Yuanshan took Lu Changsheng out of the trading hall, and went directly to the outside of Wang Yun's cave.

   "Zhao Yuanshan is visiting."

   Zhao Yuanshan reported his family name.


  The gate of the cave opened.

  Zhao Yuanshan walked in with Lu Changsheng.

  As soon as he entered the cave, Lu Changsheng noticed several eyes falling on him.

  He followed the other party's gaze.

   It was discovered that they were several Taoist fighters.

   It's just that Lu Changsheng has never seen it.

  Among them was a woman with heroic looks, but now she seemed to be in a bad mood, with a sad look on her face, she should be Wang Yun.

  Zhao Yuanshan cupped his hands and said, "I've seen fellow Daoist Wang."

  Now Daoist powerhouses basically call each other "Fellow Daoists".

   After all, martial art is also Tao.

   "Brother Zhao, did you come to see me for something?"

  Wang Yun asked directly.

   "Of course, I know that Wang Daoyou is looking for some powerful Daoist experts. It just so happens that I have a friend who is quite strong, and I want to give it a try."


  Wang Yun's eyes lit up, he looked up and down at Lu Changsheng, and then asked, "What's the name of this fellow Taoist?"

   "Lu Changsheng."

  Wang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

   "Lu Changsheng... the name is somewhat familiar..."

  Wang Yun thought carefully.

  However, someone took the first step and said with a smile: "Could it be that Lu Changsheng who once beat the immortals in the Shenzang Realm, ranked first in the two rankings, and overwhelmed the immortal and martial arts generations?"

   "That's right, it's Lu."

  Lu Changsheng nodded.

   His name is not really nobody knows.

   On the contrary, Lu Changsheng is actually very famous.

   It's just that, that's the fame of Shenzangjing.

   As for Daoji, Lu Changsheng is actually not well-known.

   "First in the two rankings, overwhelming the generation of Immortal and Martial Arts..."

   "Dare to ask Fellow Daoist Lu, is it a short period of time to build a Dao Foundation, even less than a year?"

  Wang Yun asked.


  Lu Changsheng didn't hide anything either.

   This kind of thing can't be hidden at all.

  Hearing Lu Changsheng's admission, Wang Yun's face showed a hint of disappointment.

She looked at Zhao Yuanshan, sighed and said: "Brother Zhao, you should be very clear about my current situation. What I want to recruit is the top Taoist powerhouse, and what I have to deal with is the Taoist Lord of Mountains and Seas. Even the genius The characters have not yet grown up..."

  Wang Yun couldn't understand what she meant.

  She was obviously not satisfied with Lu Changsheng.

   After all, what can be accomplished in one year of building Daoji?

  Zhao Yuanshan smiled slightly and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, since I was able to bring Lu Changsheng here, there must be a reason. Dare I ask you who is your favorite candidate now, but these fellow Daoists?"

  Zhao Yuanshan looked at the other Daoist warriors in the cave.

   In fact, the number is not many, there are only three people in total.

  Wang Yun hesitated, but still nodded and said: "I haven't decided who to choose. I hope they will be together, but these three friends obviously want to act alone."

   Zhao Yuanshan understood.

  Wang Yun is definitely willing to join forces with the three of them.

  The more powerful there are, the greater the hope of beheading the Taoist Mountain and Sea.

   But the three of them are not willing.

   They came here for five drops of the blood of the Heavenly Fairy.

   If they join forces, how many drops of Heavenly Fairy Blood will each person get in the end?

   Not worth it!

   "This should be Zhang Changtian, Zhao Qiaoshan, and Ouyang Mo, three fellow Taoists, right? They are all one of the top Daoist foundations of the Tianzong in my ancient domain. They are indeed powerful, and there is hope for killing the Taoist Lord of Mountains and Seas."

   "However, I would like to ask Fellow Daoist Wang to give my friend a chance."

   "Lu Changsheng, I can only bring you here. Whether you can satisfy Fellow Daoist Wang is up to you."

  Lu Changsheng naturally understood Zhao Yuanshan's words.

  Wang Yun also stared blankly.

  She seemed to understand what Zhao Yuanshan meant.

   "Fellow Daoist Lu, you..."

  Wang Yun said hesitantly.

   "Fellow Daoist Wang, why not let Lu give it a try?"

   "Three fellow daoists, which one will compete with Lu Mou?"

  Lu Changsheng said calmly with a calm expression.

  The three Daoist powerhouses frowned slightly.

  Looking at Lu Changsheng like this, he is about to compete with them.

  The three of them looked at each other.

   Among them, Zhang Changtian stood up.

   "Lu Changsheng, you and Zhang must compete."

   "If you can beat me, the other two friends will basically give up, how?"

  What Zhang Changtian said, the other two also nodded in agreement.

   After all, the strength of the three of them is between equals.

  If Lu Changsheng can beat Zhang Changtian, he must be better than the two of them.

   "Right here or?"

   Lu Changsheng asked.

   "No need to mobilize the crowd, just here."

   "Besides, it's just a competition, and the level of strength is clear at a glance."

  Wang Yun said.

   This is not a fight to the death.

   Just look at the level of strength.

   Basically, you can know it by doing it.


  So, the two stood still.


   Without the slightest hesitation, the brains of the two descended instantly.

   Brain areas are colliding violently.

  If it was just a competition of brain domains, Lu Changsheng had never been afraid of anyone.

  The more rules, the stronger the brain domain.

   Moreover, Lu Changsheng's brain domain foundation itself is very strong, surpassing most Daoji warriors.

   Now there are three kinds of laws flooding his brain, and his brain is so strong that it is by no means easy.


  The two are purely brain competition.

  The brain domains are colliding, and from time to time, a part of the brain domain is collapsing.


   "My brain domain can't compete?"

  Zhang Changtian was a little stunned.

  This result, he never thought of it anyway.

  How long has he been casting Daoji?

  How long has it been since Lu Changsheng forged the Dao Foundation?

   There is absolutely no comparison between the two.

  However, the fact presented now is that when his brain domain collided with Lu Changsheng's brain domain, he was obviously at a disadvantage.

   Even the brain domain is still collapsing a little bit.

   If this continues, his brain will collapse in a short time.


  Zhang Changtian snorted coldly.

  After that, he stopped probing, but directly released the law.


  Suddenly, three brilliance flashed.

   Dazzling light filled the brain.


   There are three rules!

   Zhang Changtian in front of him actually comprehended the Three Laws.

  The Daoist warrior who possesses the three principles is indeed one of the top Daoists.

  Strength is beyond doubt!

  As soon as the three-way rule appeared, Zhang Changtian's brain power soared, crushing Lu Changsheng's brain in an instant.

   All the way is even more overwhelming, unstoppable.

   Seeing this scene, Wang Yun shook her head and said: "Obviously, Fellow Daoist Zhang is stronger. The rule of the three ways, even if I teamed up with the Taoist companion back then, I'm afraid I can't beat Fellow Daoist Zhang."

   "It's just that Zhang Daoyou went to deal with Shanhai Daojun..."

  Wang Yun was still a little worried.

  She and Lu Zhenkong fought against Shanhai Taoist in person.

   But the final result was that Lu Zhenkong was beheaded and Wang Yun was severely injured and fled back to the ancient Tianzong.

   Zhang Changtian is certainly strong, but he should be stronger than Wang Yun and Lu Zhenkong working together.

  With such strength, it may be difficult to kill Daojun Shanhai.

  However, in the past few days, the most powerful Taoist that Wang Yun has found is Zhang Changtian. What can she do?

  Just as Zhang Changtian was about to crush Lu Changsheng's brain in one fell swoop.


  The next moment, three rays of light also appeared in Lu Changsheng's brain.

  The three rays of light shine brightly.

  As soon as it appeared, Lu Changsheng's brain power surged.

  Law of Fire!

  The law of the wind!

  Spiritual law!

  As soon as these three rules appeared, they immediately stabilized the decline of the brain.

   Not only stabilized the decline, but even regained the upper hand, faintly rolling towards Zhang Changtian's brain.

   This turn of events shocked everyone.

   "What? The rule of three?"

   "It is true that Lu Changsheng has the Three Laws in his mind, but he has only forged the Dao Foundation for less than a year. How can he master the Three Laws?"

   "However, these are indeed three laws. Even one of the laws is a very rare spiritual law!"

   "It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable. I didn't know what it means to be magnificent before, but now I know..."

   Even Wang Yun stood up with a look of shock on her face.

  Lu Changsheng's name has long been spread throughout the third layer of the ancient domain.

  But they are basically known as "geniuses".

  Actually, many Daoist fighters don't care.


  The warriors in the third layer of the ancient domain are all geniuses.

   After all, who can forge the Dao foundation, who is not a genius?

   Only the so-called number one in the two rankings, even overwhelming the generation of Xiandao and Wudao, many Dao-based warriors don't care.

  Strength is the most important thing.


   Then you have to live to fulfill your potential.

   Now, seeing Lu Changsheng, many Daoist powerhouses really understand what is a real genius and what is a "peerless" figure who dominates a generation!

   "I actually mastered the Three Laws..."

   "It seems that I can only cast divine spells!"

  Zhang Changtian's face was a little dignified.

  Actually, he didn't want to perform magic.

  If dealing with a Lu Changsheng requires the release of magical powers, will Wang Yun feel relieved to let him deal with Shanhai Daojun?

   I'm afraid it will be difficult!

  However, now I don't care much.

   "Divine art, seal the heavens!"

  Zhang Changtian's eyes turned cold, and he released a magic spell.

   This is a compound magic.

   Moreover, there are still three terrifying compound magic spells.

  However, this divine art seems to be just getting started, and it hasn't even reached a small success.

   But even so, the power of the compound magic of the three laws is still earth-shattering.

  Lu Changsheng immediately felt great pressure.

  However, he was not afraid at all.

   "Divinity, mental grinding!"

  In Lu Changsheng's brain, a huge millstone lay in the void.

   And as Lu Changsheng's voice fell, he quickly rolled towards Zhang Changtian.

   This is a spiritual magic.

   is also aimed at the spirit.

  Even if other divine arts have an impact on spiritual divine arts, the impact is not very great.

  Zhang Changtian's expression became more dignified.

  Besides, as the spirit mill directly submerged into his body, Zhang Changtian felt that even his spirit was being torn apart, and some spirits were even being annihilated.


  Zhang Changtian let out a miserable scream.

  The divine art that had just been released was also on the verge of instability, and it collapsed instantly in the next moment.


   Taking advantage of this moment, Lu Changsheng released Fenghuo Purgatory.

  The wind and fire purgatory in the perfect realm, although it is just a compound magic of two laws.

  But the power is no worse than Zhang Changtian's Fengtian Jedi.

   After all, Feng Tian Jedi is just an introduction.

   But Lu Changsheng's Fenghuo Purgatory was complete!

   Now Lu Changsheng also used the mental grinding disc, which directly suppressed Zhang Changtian, so that Zhang Changtian didn't even have the spirit to release the heaven-sealing Jedi magic.

   All he could do was watch Lu Changsheng's fiery purgatory, which instantly tore his brain apart.


  The brain domain instantly shattered.

   It seems that Zhang Changtian's body can be swept away in the next moment, and Zhang Changtian will be crushed into powder and ashes.

  However, Lu Changsheng stopped.

   And retracted the brain domain.

   Just stood quietly in the cave, the expression on his face didn't even change.

   "Zhang Daoyou, let me go."

  Lu Changsheng's voice echoed in the cave.


  The entire cave seems to have fallen into a deathly silence.

   No one spoke.

  Everyone was shocked, and even set off a stormy sea.

  Lu Changsheng won?

   Defeated Zhang Changtian?

   But, how is this possible?

   But this scene is a fact, a fact that happened under the eyes of everyone!

  (end of this chapter)

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