Top: Spicy Tiansai, Let The World Feel The Pain

Chapter 75 World Government Interception! Scared Cp0!

"Water Style·Water Shock Wave!"

As the sound fell, a wave more than ten meters high swallowed the bullets, and swept towards the soldiers of Goya Kingdom by the sea!


All those soldiers of the Kingdom of Goa who attacked the civilians were washed away by the huge waves!

Under the grateful gazes of all the civilians in the Goa Kingdom, a ninja with a face mask and a machete descended from the sky and stood on the pier.

It is the leader of this Dawn Empire fleet, Tao Di will not be cut again!

In order to ensure the safety of these civilians preparing to join the Dawn Empire, a fleet, Luo Xiu dispatched at least one Jōnin as its leader!

"Thank you so much, Master of the Akatsuki Empire!"

"Long live His Majesty Luo Xiu!"

The oppressed laborers and civilians in the Kingdom of Goa saw Momochi Zaibu cut him to the rescue, and immediately let out excited cheers!


His Majesty Luo Xiu's declaration is true, and he will really send someone to protect us!

Ever since

More people jumped into the sea and swam to the fleet of the Akatsuki Empire. They couldn't wait to join this dream country and become a member of this empire!

"Everyone, don't panic!"

"Our Akatsuki Empire welcomes anyone who wants to join, and at the same time guarantees the Anji of every citizen of the Empire!

"Hey! Hurry up and pick up these people!"

Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan comforted the common people, and at the same time sent a message to the fleet to send small boats to receive these people.


"These are people from the Kingdom of Goa, you are robbers, what is the difference between you and pirates!"

The Goya Kingdom soldiers who climbed out of the big waves yelled at Momochi no more.

"Ha ha!"

"Our Empire of Dawn will never force anyone who is unwilling to join the Empire of Dawn to join!"

"At that time, you bastards, block the coast of the port and prevent these common people from going to the Empire of Akatsuki!"

"Corrupt rule can only rely on exploitation and oppression. You can't stop these people's desire for light!"

Momochi looked at these soldiers of the Goa Kingdom disdainfully, the beheading sword in his hand was carried on his shoulder, his eyes were cold and indifferent, as long as the soldiers of the Goa Kingdom dared to step forward to stop or kill these civilians, they would Immediately cut off their heads with the beheading sword in your hand!


In the face of the vicious Taodi, these ordinary soldiers of the Goa Kingdom did not dare to step forward after all!

after all!

The prestige of the Akatsuki Empire is too strong!

The fleet slowly docked.

More than a thousand soldiers came down, many of them were Genin and Chūnin, and most of Genin were ninja troops newly trained by major ninja villages, and Chūnin was the character summoned by Luo Xiu's sign-in reward.

Although the Ninja Force has not yet been fully established, it has an outline.

"You go to the town to pass the news, saying that the fleet of the Dawn Empire is docking here, and those who are willing to own the Dawn Empire, please come quickly!"

Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan gave instructions to the soldiers under his command.

"Yes! Momochi will never behead my lord again!"

The soldiers of the Akatsuki Empire immediately took orders to go.

"Quickly, go and inform His Majesty the King!"

The soldier captain of Goya Kingdom didn't dare to do anything to Taodi and others, so he had to send someone to inform the king of Goya Kingdom.

When the king of Goya Kingdom received the news, he was shocked and at a loss!

As a remote small kingdom in East Blue, how could he find such a giant as the Dawn Empire!

This is a powerful existence that dares to wrestle with the World government!

Although he doesn't care about the life and death of those common people, he can't just watch them leave!

If all these common people leave, wouldn’t the Kingdom of Goa be about to perish?!

Without these ordinary people, who will work? Who will produce? Who will exploit them?!


Absolutely not!

The Kingdom of Goa has perished and immediately called the World Government for help!

"Hey! Moses Moses!"

"This is the Kingdom of Goa, one of the member countries of the World Government. The fleet of the Akatsuki Empire is plundering those untouchables at the port of the Kingdom of Goa. Please support! Please support!"

The king of the Goa Kingdom shouted for help from the World government on the other side of the phone bug.

"Understood, the World government immediately dispatched strong people to support!"

The world government is worried about not being able to find a chance to attack the cruise fleet of the Akatsuki Empire, and the King of Goya's call for help is exactly in their arms.

After Five Elders heard the news, they immediately dispatched a CP0 strongman to lead a group of elite agents to East Blue, ready to intercept Taodi and then kill this cruise fleet!

Three days later.

The five large ships of Momoji Zabuza's fleet carried tens of thousands of common people of the Kingdom of Goa, er, no, it should be said that they were citizens of the Empire of Akatsuki, preparing to go to the nearest territory belonging to the Empire of Akatsuki, Rogge Town.

Since Smoker was conscripted, Rogge town was replaced by an ordinary Marine colonel. After the Naval Headquarters was destroyed, he was killed by pirates. He lost order and became a mess. Later, Luo Xiu sent people to occupy him and became Xiaozhi. territory of the empire.

"Everyone be alert!"

"The Kingdom of Goa belongs to one of the member countries of the World Government. We will definitely be notified by them to the World Government if we act with such fanfare, and maybe they will send a fleet to attack!"

Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan loudly told the soldiers under his command to be vigilant.

Luo Xiu had warned them before that the World government would never stand by and watch them grow stronger, and would definitely take measures to curb the development of the Dawn Empire [send strong men to snipe the cruise fleet.

The voice of Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan has not just fallen.

"Bang bang bang~!"

There were several ear-piercing roars of artillery fire in the distance, and dozens of black shells struck them from the air!

"Helmsman be careful to avoid shells!"

"Gunners return fire!"

"Ninja troops be careful not to let the shells hit the ships!"

Taodi gave orders to the soldiers under his command in a calm and unhurried manner, he had already expected this kind of situation in his heart!

"Boom boom boom!!"

Most of the shells landed on the sea, and a small number of shells that were about to hit the fleet were stopped by the ninjutsu of the ninja troops!

Several fleets with World government logos appeared in the distant mist!

It is the strong man sent by the World government to snipe the cruise fleet of the Akatsuki Empire!!

"All ninja troops follow me, prevent the World government fleet from approaching our fleet, and the rest of the soldiers protect the citizens of the empire!"

Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan carried the beheading sword on his back, jumped off the sea first, and ran towards the World Government Fleet from the sea.

Hundreds of Genin and Chūnin followed!

Treading water is the most basic compulsory course for ninjas, because the sea is a paradise for Water Style ninjas!

"Water Style·Water Dragon Bomb Technique!"

When it was about to approach the World Government ship, Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan quickly formed a seal, and a huge water dragon more than ten meters long jumped out of the sea, and went straight to the front warship of the World Government fleet!

"Tempest Kick!"

Just when the water dragon was about to hit the World Government warship, a blue air blade flew out of it, and the water dragon, which was never cut again, was split into two, turning into sea water and falling on the deck.

A man in a white robe and a red mask stood at the bow of the boat and slowly lowered his raised right leg.

0...seeking flowers 00


It was he who made the attack just now.

This scene made Taodi Zabuzhan's pupils shrink suddenly, and his eyes became serious involuntarily.

To destroy the Water Dragon Bomb so easily, the strength of this person is at least Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral!

Here comes a strong man!

However, if it's just Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral's, Taodi will not be afraid if he doesn't cut it.

Because this is the sea, it is completely the home of his Water Style ninja!

"Broken Knife, Beheading Sword!"

Momochi Zabuzhan jumped up from the sea, pulled out the beheading sword on his back, covered with a layer of light gray Armament Haki, and slashed at the CPO's head!

CP0 looked at Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan, the eyes revealed from the mask showed a look of disdain, and the body had no intention of dodging at all.

"Iron Body!"


Taodi's decapitating sword struck CPO's body like it was striking hard steel, making a clear and crisp sound!

"Iron Body‧Cannon Fist!"

CPO's right fist turned black in an instant, and he punched out with lightning speed, hitting Taodi's stomach, which instantly turned Taoji's body into a shrimp shape, his eyeballs protruded and were covered with bloodshot eyes, With a wow, a mouthful of blood spewed out!

The whole person flew upside down like a fired shell in an instant, and fell into the sea, causing a huge wave!

"Peach land will not behead my lord again!"

Those ninjas who followed Momochi and rushed to the place stopped immediately, exclaimed, and stared at the CPO in horror!

this person!

So strong!

"Cough cough cough!"

Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan swam up from the bottom of the sea, half knelt on the surface of the sea, clutching his stomach, coughing up bursts of blood.

He felt his abdominal cramping, as if his intestines were broken!

This person's strength is definitely more than Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral!

In the previous Summit War, Momochi Zabuza had fought against Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, and he had a clear understanding of their strength. Although they were lost, they would not lose instantly.

But the CPO in white robe in front of him beat him seriously in an instant, the punch was so fast that he couldn't react at all!

"no solution anymore!"

"We can only ask the leader for support!"

Momochi Zabuzhan is not the kind of brainless reckless guy who can't beat him, but he has to be tough. As a ninja, he must keep a clear mind at all times.

Judging from the strength of this white-robed CPO, he can easily kill himself and all the soldiers and citizens of the Imperial Cruise Fleet!

"Boo boo boo boo~"

Without further hesitation, Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan immediately took out his phone and contacted Luo Xiu.

The CPO watched Taodi take out the phone bug without any hesitation, there was no fluctuation in his eyes, and even a mocking look appeared!

Request support?

Just right!

When the supporters from the Akatsuki Empire came and saw the corpses all over the place, the expressions on their faces must be very exciting!

The CPO hides a cruel smile on his cheek under the mask!

Soon, Momochi Zabuzhan put down the phone bug, and the tense, worried, depressed expression on his face disappeared in an instant.

"Have you asked for help?"


"Ready to"

The originally murderous and powerful CPO instantly became trembling, his voice trembled, his pupils constricted, he raised his finger and pointed forward, unable to utter a complete sentence, zero!.

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