Top Star: Journey to Become a Global Star

Chapter 270 - 270. The original rock

Chapter 270. The original rock

"I can help you."

"Really!! Thank you so much."

Lily enthusiastically said as she jumped up from the sofa. Her earlier nervous attitude was changed with her eccentric attitude in just a minute. 

That's how Lily was! 

"Calm down! I said I have a way to help you but I don't know if it would be able to help you or not. Don't be too excited yet."

Professor Che Shu said as he calmed down Lily.

"I understand."

Lily also understood and sat down again. Then, Professor Che Shu began to ask her some questions.

"You said you don't know where to start composing the songs, but you must have tried to create something. Do you have a sample?"

"Yeah, I did make something was really bad."

Lily said as she frowned. 

She had made a small intro after wasting four hours but when she listened to it, she realised that it was really bad.

"Can you play the sample?"

"Professor, it is really bad and I don't think you would like it. I have just added some beats together with a guitar sound."

"No matter how bad it is, I have to hear it to understand exactly what is hindering you in composing the songs."

From what Professor Che Shu knows of Lily, she was a born composer. 

Even when she was in university, she would always make a tune or a beat. There were times that she would even show him a song she had made. 

Although most of them would be bad and he had to reprimand Lily to improve, some of them would be really good. 

Professor Che Shu was someone who had recognised Lily's talent from the start. 

"I can play it if I have a guitar."

"There is a guitar in the back. Take that and play the sample."

Lily swiftly went and picked up the guitar. Then, she started adjusting the chords to suit her and finally, she began playing. 

She slowly played the guitar and Professor Che Shu could not help frown.

Lily had earlier said that it was bad but he had thought that it would be at least of okay quality but this was beyond bad. 

It was like an amateur has made an intro without even having the basic knowledge of composing. 

Professor Che Shu didn't expect that from Lily but he still has to guide her on the correct path as she was her former student. 

"How was it?"

Lily soon stopped playing the guitar and asked.

"It was well bad or I should say it was beyond bad. Almost like an unprofessional person had just randomly made the tune."

Lily didn't frown when she heard that. She had already expected Professor Che Shu to say harsh words. 

But Professor Che Shu didn't stop there. 

"I didn't expect such a work from you. You are one of my best students and I thought that your work would not degrade beyond a point, but this time it was really bad."

Lily frowned this time.

Professor Che Shu's words were not helping her. It was just making her more worried and sad. 

How can she make good music when she was clueless on where to start from. It was like she was making something from nothing. 

You can't make anything if you don't know the starting point.

'I was too harsh this time. She was even worried when she came here.'

Professor Che Shu thought when he saw Lily's sad face. He had indeed overdid it this time. It was because he was disappointed. 

He hurriedly tried to console her. 

"Well, I'm sorry for being harsh but I was just disappointed because I hadn't expected that work from a talented person like you."

Lily's face brightened a little when she heard the word 'Talented'. Girls are always weak to compliments and praises. 

Lily was more simple minded than any other girl. 

Consoling her was very easy and Professor Che Shu knows how to console her. 

"Then, what should I do? I don't even know where to start from and no matter where I start from, I can't predict the result."

"Making music is all about taking chances."

Lily shook her head when she heard that and replied. 

"This time, the problem is that I don't even know where to start taking the chance."

Professor Che Shu smiled awkwardly and fell into thought. He wondered how he could help Lily with her problem.

Making music wasn't easy at all and a composer will face many problems while composing music. Lily's problem was rare. 

Professor Che Shu had to think about someone before he found a way to help Lily.

"You said that the theme of the mini album would be rock songs and Top star entertainment even wanted original rock songs."


Original rock songs refer to a specific rock type of a country. Like how westerners have their own type of rock songs.

Most of the countries have their own type of special and different rock. China also has their own rock type but it was practically buried due to the other upbeat genres getting more popularity. 

"I think I have something that can help you."

Professor Che Shu said as he walked to a cabinet in the studio. 

Professor Che Shu would often spend his nights in the underground studio. So, it was more like his second home and one can find many things unrelated to music here.

"What are you looking for?"

"It's just some old records. Oh! Yes, I found it."

Professor Che Shu soon came back with a record album in his hand. It was a very old and rusty looking vinyl record. 

Due to the emergence of the online sales of albums, seeing a hardcopy of an album was difficult in itself and what Professor Che Shu had brought out was an old vinyl record. 

"What's this?"

"It's the album of a person I really liked. You can say that I took interest in music after listening to his songs."

"Who was that person?"

Lily was really interested to know who that person was. Seeing the respect on Professor Che Shu's face, she can guess that the person was a great singer. 

"Have you heard of Guan Zhou?"

'Guan Zhou?!'

Lily felt that she had heard that name somewhere but she didn't know where she had heard the word from. 

Seeing that Lily was confused, Professor Che Shu began to explain who he was. 

"Guan Zhou was actually a famous singer during the late 80s and the start of the 90s. He was called the 'Rock king' all over China."

"Ah, he's that Guan Zhou."

Lily finally remembered where she had heard the name of Guan Zhou from.

Guan Zhou was a really famous singer during the time when rock music was in its prime and it was heard all over China. 

The youth of that time really liked Guan Zhou.

He was a legend but he was also famous for another reason, aside from his immense talent. 

'He was nicknamed the unfortunate star.'

That was the name given to Guan Zhou. It was because of a reason.

Guan Zhou was on his way to rule the entire music scene in the whole Asia, but at that moment, he was diagnosed with cancer.

Despite struggling with it for years, he ultimately died…

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