Top Star: Journey to Become a Global Star

Chapter 272 - 272. The last part of the shooting (1)

Chapter 272. The last part of the shooting (1)

There was a line in the drama «Slayers»- Cao Xu and Xie Xian are like the fire and sea. Both of them look calm at the surface, but there were always volcanic waves erupting inside them.

It was one of the lines that will become really famous in the future.

Cao Xu and Xie Xian were like the two ends of the same line. These two characters were the main pillars of the drama.

While the character of Hou Qian, Xie Xian would become the fans favourite character from the very first episode, he would later clash with Cao Xu for the title of the best character.

If we look at it from a critical point of view then, Cao Xu obviously had more shades than Xie Xian and he was a more complex character. 

While Xie Xian was a heroic character, Cao Xu was the opposite of him. He was an inhumane character with practically no emotions. 

But Xie Xian's character was still liked more than Cao Xu's in Ren's previous life. 

One of the reasons was that the character of Cao Xu was rewritten and it was much less ferocious, but there was also another reason. 

It was due to the part of Xie Xian's revenge.

When he was still running away from the people, hiding his identity of being a djinn, Xie Xian was taken in by an old man.

He was one of those hidden masters in «Slayers» and he taught Xie Xian how to use his powers efficiently.

The old man practically changed the life of Xie Xian and Xie Xie referred to him as his master but a tragedy soon befall his master.

Xie Xian's master was killed by someone and it was even a ruthless death.

When Xie Xian saw the dead body of his master, he had found that someone had stabbed his master many times in his heart.

From that day, Xie Xian was filled with vengeance and his only wish was to take revenge.

Even the reason Xie Xian had come to the Liang empire was to kill his master's murderer. He had gotten a clue that the murderer was in the Liang empire.

This was revealed a lot later in the drama and the arc was known as the revenge arc. It was a 6 episodes arc in which viewers will get to see the childhood of Xie Xian.

It can also be called the flashback arc.

When the viewers had seen Xie Xian's childhood, they had become sad. It was because of his sorrowful childhood.

The viewers also felt a feeling of anger when they had seen Xie Xian master's dead body.

All of them wanted to know who the murderer was and in the climax of the story, the murderer was revealed to be Cao Xu!!

All the viewers were shocked when this news had reached their ears. They couldn't believe that Cao Xu had killed Xie Xian's master.

It was hard to digest.

There were also reasons behind this.

The main reason Cao Xu had become a fan favorite character was because all his actions were logical and he never did something out of impulse. 

He will think twice before doing anything and his past as an illegitimate prince made the viewers sympathize with him.

Moreover, Cao Xu was a badass character and girls loved this kind of character. They were treating Cao Xu more as an anti-hero than an antagonist.

But it all shattered when they heard that Cao Xu was the killer of Xie Xian's master.

It was an unexpected plot twist and it was not really well received by the viewers. It was because there was no motive behind Cao Xu's action.

Even if there was a motive, it was not revealed in the drama. 

Just to know the reason, millions of people had turned on their TV sets to watch the last episode of «Slayers».

The ratings of the drama had nearly crossed 10% ratings because of it.

The last episode of the drama was also magnificent with a final battle between Cao Xu and Xie Xian, in which Cao Xu had ultimately died.

Just because of his death, viewers were left with a bitter feeling inside their hearts.

Not only Cao Xu died, but the motive behind him killing Xie Xian's master was also not revealed. It left many readers angry.

It was not like Director Chen Pu had skipped over the motive.

He just wanted to end the drama with a mysterious ending.

He wanted to leave the viewers with a sense of wanting for more, but the viewers were just left with anger and dissatisfaction. 

There was even a major protest from the viewers to know the motive behind Cao Xu killing Xie Xian's master.

Due to the protest, the reason was revealed in a reality TV show but the viewers were not satisfied with it at the least.

In the end, «Slayers» had gotten a rating of 4.7 on various drama review sites. It could have gotten a much better review if not for its unsatisfying ending.

'I have to correct the ending!!'

Thinking of all that, Ren had decided to talk to Director Chen Pu about the ending.

He had wanted to talk about it for a long time, but he was building more familiarity with Director Chen Pu first.

If he had talked about it on the first day of shooting, then Director Chen Pu would have thought that Ren was testing his authority.

But now, Ren was really familiar with Director Chen Pu and the shooting of «Slayers» was also on its last phase.

If Ren didn't speak here, then he would surely miss out the chance and the ending would remain the same as his past life.

"Director Chen Pu."

That's why, Ren approached Director Chen Pu one day after the shoot.

* * *

In a spacious office, a woman who looked to be in her 40s was sitting. She was glancing at the photo on her desk.

There was also a song playing in the background.

The woman listened to the song while looking at the photo. If Lily was here, then she would have immediately recognized the song playing in the background.

It was the song 'Dark shadows'.

One of Guan Zhou's first songs when he was just starting his career. It was a classic song among his fans.

The woman silently listened to the song and there was a nostalgic expression on her old but pretty face.

"Guan Zhou, are you happy?"

The woman silently said as the song kept playing in the background.

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