Top Star: Journey to Become a Global Star

Chapter 278 - 278. Finishing the shooting (1)

Chapter 278. Finishing the shooting (1)

"You are currently trying to analyse Guan Zhou's songs and make notes about it, which is a good thing as it would help you understand your own songs better. Moreover, you can grasp details and make it your own."

Professor Che Shu said as he sipped on his coffee. Lily was listening to him with a bright expression, nodding at his each sentence. 

He continued after glancing at her once.

"But you are trying to even copy the uniqueness of his songs and that is impossible."


Lily murmured with a downcast expression hearing it. The mini-album with Ren was her most important project and she was getting inspiration from Guan Zhou's songs. 

But she was too willful and wanted to copy the whole uniqueness of his songs too. 

"If you look at someone like Beethoven or Elvis Presley or even John Lennon, then you would notice that there is something unique in their music, something that you can't recreate."

The one thing that every top musician in the world has is the uniqueness in their music. One way or other, their music have a different charm that is unlike anything. 

The Beatles, Mozart, Beethoven, AR Rahman...

They were some artist that ruled the world with their music. There was no way anyone can recreate their songs or the uniqueness of it.

If someone tried to do it, then there would be only one ending.

"If you really try to copy their inspiration, then rather than making your song sound better, it would ruin it instead."

Professor Che Shu completed his words with a serious expression. He wondered if Lily would realise her mistake or still try to do what she was doing.

"I, I understand..."

Lily said with a sigh.

Guess, she was trying too hard to grasp something that was impossible to recreate, but the main question was still the same. 

"What do you think I should do?"

Lily asked with a concerned expression on her face. She was completely clueless here and Professor Che Shu was the only person who can help her.


Professor Che Shu thought about what she can do here. Lily was his disciple and he can't just not help her or he won't be a good teacher.

But honestly, it was a tricky situation. 

It was not like the samples Lily was making were bad. They were actually good, but what Lily was trying to achieve what something even beyond that.

Scratching his cheek, Professor Che Shu thought of a good response and opened his mouth. 

"You need to find your own unique quality and incorporate it into your songs. That's the only thing you can do if you want to make songs on the level of Guan Zhou's."

"How should I find it?"

Lily asked as she tilted his head. To her, Professor Che Shu's words were confusing.

"I don't know. It's something you need to find yourself."

Professor Che Shu said as he shook his head and Lily became dispirited. Her small and simple minded brain was not able to comprehend his vague words. 

Seeing that, Professor Che Shu also scratched his head. 

"Actually, I personally think you would be able to make good songs that would impress both the executives of Top star entertainment and the common people."

He suddenly said and Lily looked back in wonder.

"Ah... Why do you think that? I know it's all a lie to make me-"

"I am not lying. Think about it, if you didn't have any unique quality, why would Top star entertainment give you and your band such a big contract?."

"It was because of Ren!"

Lily answered instantly. 

She knew that Ren had helped her out greatly in all this. He was the reason Top star entertainment have even considered them.

"I know that Ren helped you out, but that was not the only reason. A big company like that won't take such a big risk just because of one of their celebrity. They saw your potential!!"

Professor Che Shu wasn't lying here.

He and Director Zhao were friends, and he had asked him about Lily and Starlights when they had met two days ago in a restaurant. 

Director Zhao had told him that he only agreed because he felt that Lily had the potential to become big and her talent was something that was not easy to come. 

Ren had also played a big part, but Starlights has gotten the deal because of their talent, especially Lily's. 

"I, I have potential?"

"Yeah, you have a lot of potential. You just need to bring it out. You still have more than a month before the deadline, so you can slowly think about it."

The deadline Professor Che Shu was talking about was given by Top star entertainment. Lily had to submit the songs before that and it was also written in the contract. 

"I will do my best...!"

Lily was only able to force out those words after hearing all that. 

* * *

"This armour is really heavy..."

Ren muttered as he felt the weight of the armour he was wearing. He was feeling like his weight has suddenly doubled, no tripled.

As he was trying to adjust his body, he suddenly heard a familiar voice from the side.

"Well, you can't help it. I heard that the armours would look even weightier and bigger after the editing and VFX."

Ren turned his head to look at White bear who was walking towards him with a bright and cheerful smile on his face.

"Still, I don't know how I will even properly move in it, not to the mention the fight scenes."

It was really hard to even run in the armour. It would take a lot of time to enact the fighting scenes properly.

Ren was worried because of that, but White bear just laughed from the side.

"Now you know I feel like everyday."

White bear patted his big stomach with a grin on his face. Ren also laughed seeing that and both of them talked like that for a while.

After some time, White bear suddenly asked about the special episode which war currently in talks.

"How are you feeling about the special episode that would be based on Cao Xu's backstory?"

The reason White bear knew about it was because Wheel works production has already started talking with Top star entertainment about a new contract for the special episode. 

Jiang Wan had called White bear and talked about it yesterday.

"I think it would be great to show the viewers about Cao Xu's past."

"Yeah, but Wheel works production are in a bind because of it."


Ren tilted his head and asked with eyes filled with curiosity. 

"They are losing more money on this as it was a sudden decision, but they have already initiated it. Moreover, they need to sign a different contract for all the actors and actresses that would appear in the special episode. There's also the cost of hiring new actors and actresses."

White bear said without a pause. 

If «Slayers» didn't become a massive hit, then CEO Pan would probably get a heart attack. He had already invested too much on it and they needed good returns. 

"I wonder if they would just go with newbie actors for the special episode."

While scratching his cheek, Ren wondered and White bear raised his eyebrow. 

"You haven't heard of it?"

"Heard of what?"

"For one of the major roles in the special episode, Wheel works production is actually thinking of..."

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